MAGA chick for black men❤️🖤

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we'd rather thank you nowView attachment 7246159

Watch "Hitler & the Nazis" on Netflix to see where it'll go with Trump in office ... nice 6-part documentary along with Hitler's "Mein Kampf", a book Trump kept by his bedside for nightly readings. He's following that book "play by play" ... you really need to see the documentary. It'll be hard for Holocaust disbelievers to watch ... whole part on the concentration camps and very much detailed. One thing the Nazis did especially well was keep good records of all their war activities.

Authoritarianism & Nazism ... we need to be paying very much attention or history is going to repeat itself. 26 different chapters of Nazi groups operate in the USA even as we speak and very much involved in current day politics.
Of course...Godwin's Law...
Are you serious ??!🤣🤣 Trump isn’t the Nazi. The democrats are LMAOOOO. You guys are so scared of the Blonde Haired Blue Eyed white man that it’s pathetic.

Here is the Rub. Everything that the Democratic Party is doing to Trump is right now has been done to other people by the Nazis, Marxists and Communists.

Liberty in this once great Nation is dying and all I hear is Raucous Applause.

Ya see it’s like this - whatever the Dems are accusing you of being - it’s exactly what they ARE !!!!
Speak for yourself. Intelligence is sexy and makes sex better for me. I have respect for women and their minds. I was jus raised, taught and molded myself to respect women. I have a *******, mom, sisters and a niece. I'd expect them all to be given a damn about when it comes to they're minds. But that's jus me. I can't speak for anyone else.
Ur A pathetic joke bro A chick doesnt need to be smart in order to cook clean give up her kitty and STHU and im not gonna take U seriously if U care about her feelings and thoughts
I think voting makes you stupid. Clearly yall all took the bait ..yall noticed the topic is maga chick for blk men ..and not a singles one said a dam thing besides some goofy is about who voting for who .

I quite sure this was started by a unverified account and yall all took the bait...

The only truth that is here is a bunch of white people trying to tell everyone who is the bigger crook BUT AINT NOBODY GOING TO JAIL ....BOTH SIDES because they are rich and white but they want you to think they are fighting for you ..

Moral of the story...let whitey fight his own battles because as a black man it really don't matter who the president is
Here is the Rub. Everything that the Democratic Party is doing to Trump is right now has been done to other people by the Nazis, Marxists and Communists.
no, the real RUB is to try and explain how ONE can be both a communist AND a Nazi in the very same sentence. Please explain that 'cause there's no such way that can happen. Are you sure you know how to apply those two words? Do you even know the difference in those two words? Please elaborate on that! Which are we, Communists or Nazis, 'cause the opposite would be who you are, right?
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no worry, Satanic, Clarence Thomas just helped out your bruthas this week by getting those bumper stocks put back on guns again. That'll soon help out mortuary related businesses very soon. Put the street violence in "high gear again". Think I might just go out and buy a couple, myself, now.
I think voting makes you stupid.
You would say that, wouldn't ya? LOL
None of that is illegal - neither is paying a lawyer and labeling it a legal expense. The supposed crime was past the statute of limitations but Brag, a Soros bought and paid for DA, contorted the law and tried to attach a Federal crime to it to somehow extend it. Every legal scholar says there are multiple grounds for appeal and this supposed conviction will never stand up. Hell the Judge that is supposed to be picked at random through a lottery was the same Judge that tried Steve Bannon - Trump’s CFO and got the Trump trial - wonder what the odds of that are. Also the assistant DA that prosecuted the case was the 3rd highest person in the corrupt DOJ but resigned and took a huge pay cut to prosecute that case. 90% of the population where the trial was held voted against Trump - talk about a stacked deck - all so you Dems can call him a convicted felon. Well it all backfired as he’s raised in excess of 300 Million dollars had thousands volunteer for his campaign and his poll numbers actually went up - so much for your LAWFARE - fair minded Americans see right through it - it’s myopics like you that can’t see beyond your TDS that believe the nonsense the corrupt media feeds ya.
Just so I understand in MAGA world …
Paying to bury negative stories prior to an election campaign is not illegal ? 🙄
Inciting insurrection/ storming the Capitol not illegal? 🙄
Holding on to classified information after you left office is not illegal 🙄

Come on buddy! More people would respect you if you stop talking 💩
Paying to bury negative stories prior to an election campaign is not illegal ? 🙄
Trump wasn't prosecuted for "paying to bury negative stories. He used his own money to pay Stormy hush money which isn't illegal in and of itself. He was prosecuted for false business records he used to hide the payments.

John Edwards on the other hand took almost a million dollars in campaign donations (not his own money like Trump) and used that money to payoff his mistress who he had secretly had a c.hild with. Don't forget while he's having a with this mistress and stealing campaign money to hide the fact...his wife was dying of breast cancer. Real class act! Like Trump, Edwards falsified records to try to hide the money.

The difference is Edwards was a Democrat so he got off scot-free.
no, the real RUB is to try and explain how ONE can be both a communist AND a Nazi in the very same sentence. Please explain that 'cause there's no such way that can happen. Are you sure you know how to apply those two words? Do you even know the difference in those two words? Please elaborate on that! Which are we, Communists or Nazis, 'cause the opposite would be who you are, right?
You've never heard of a Beefsteak Nazi...seriously? The bulk of Hitler's brownshirt nazi stormtroopers were communists. Brown on the outside & red on the inside...hence beefsteak nazi. The head of the Gestapo, put the percentage of communists in the storm troopers at 70% at one point.

So take heart Mac, YOU can be both a nazi and a communist...
Just so I understand in MAGA world …
Paying to bury negative stories prior to an election campaign is not illegal ? 🙄
Inciting insurrection/ storming the Capitol not illegal? 🙄
Holding on to classified information after you left office is not illegal 🙄

Come on buddy! More people would respect you if you stop talking 💩
No it’s NOT illegal and is done all the time by politicians and even celebrities to hide dirt.

Trump did not incite insurrection - “march peacefully and patriotically to the capital” is NOT inciting insurrection - course most lefties aren’t even aware he said that because it was cut from ALL video during that shame inquisition they had.

Well I guess NOT as ole Debacle Joe had more classified documents and taken illegally as he wasn’t even a president when he scoffed most of them up. Trump however WAS President and was trying to work out with the powers that be what he could keep when they raided him - funny they NEVER raided ole Joe and even called him and gave him a heads up.

More people would respect you if you knew WTF you were talking about 😆
Remind me was it Dems that were chanting “Jews will not replace us”
Trump “good people on both sides”
Just log off .
Go for a walk .

NO seriously you still believe the Charlottesville Ruse ??????!!!

The completely out of context line the Dems capitalized so successfully on though it’s HORSESHITE - REALLY Jane you are a victim of Dem brainwashing - proof positive.
I guess you do too Mac but totally expected.
You should watch the entire clip - not just the line the Dems promote that was taken out of context. Maybe you’d start to see what the Dems and mainstream media are doing.
You've never heard of a Beefsteak Nazi...seriously? The bulk of Hitler's brownshirt nazi stormtroopers were communists. Brown on the outside & red on the inside...hence beefsteak nazi. The head of the Gestapo, put the percentage of communists in the storm troopers at 70% at one point.

So take heart Mac, YOU can be both a nazi and a communist...

I thought we were talkiing about WW2, not WW1, at least that was what I was referencing when I brought up 'Mein Kampf'. Brown Shirt Nazis were a holdover from WW1, their uniforms the same as Mussolini Brown. The majority of the Brown Shirts were people unemployed by the Great Depression and joined to have jobs (prior to) WW2. Brown Shirts were hated by the SS Nazis because of their slaughtering of Jewish children, particularly the young children. Some of the Brown shirt party members WERE communists, but then needed jobs as "bouncers" to keep the unruly crowds in order.
Ever hear of the Night of the Long Knives? The day most the Brown Shirt Communists who had joined the party were purged from the army before the start of WW2. Brown shirts had no significant impact in WW2. For a while even Hitler wore the brown shirt uniforms to win over the party in the '30s.

Here, why NOT READ about the Brown Shirts, OR you could just watch the Netflix video 'Hitler & the Nazis' which explained it all and the details of Hitler's rise to power in WW2 which Trump is using as his platform to become dictator in the US.

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I thought we were talkiing about WW2, not WW1.
Nothing was said here of WWI or WWII. YOU claimed there was "no such way" a person could be a nazi and a communist. This claim is complete bullshit. Per the head of the Gestapo, 70% of their recruits were prevalent they made a name for it, Beefsteak Nazi.

Why don't you pull up your big boi panties for once and just admit you were wrong?
Nothing was said here of WWI or WWII. YOU claimed there was "no such way" a person could be a nazi and a communist. This claim is complete bullshit. Per the head of the Gestapo, 70% of their recruits were prevalent they made a name for it, Beefsteak Nazi.

Why don't you pull up your big boi panties for once and just admit you were wrong?
Obviously you refuse to understand WHY some communist members were members of the Nazi army. The SS got rid of them because they weren't actually with the Nazi party. Its like voting Democrat when you're a registered Republican.
I'm NOT going to go back and forth with you on this as all you'll do is start issues that'll close down the thread YET AGAIN as you always do.
Obviously you refuse to understand WHY some communist members were members of the Nazi army. The SS got rid of them because they weren't actually with the Nazi party. Its like voting Democrat when you're a registered Republican.
I'm NOT going to go back and forth with you on this as all you'll do is start issues that'll close down the thread YET AGAIN as you always do.
Obviously you refuse to admit you claim was complete bullshit despite proof.

It was YOU who got the political threads shutdown with your incessant name calling, threats of violence and whining to mommy when others dared to not like your posts.
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