MAGA chick for black men❤️🖤

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Stop Lying, your life hasn’t gotten any better in the past 4 years. You’re just drinking the Democratic Koolaid to numb the pain.

Whose life has gotten better ???

High energy costs - high inflation - a border that is now non-existent letting in millions of illegal aliens that are flooding our education system with non-English speaking children - flooding and overwhelming our healthcare system - exacerbating the already overburdened housing market - not to mention the huge percentage increase in the capture of peeps on the terror watchlist - dontcha wonder how many of the million and a half got aways are terrorists - I do. Debacle Joe is the worst president in my lifetime and I NEVER thought anyone would beat Jimmy Carter for that title. It’s distressing to me that even at a dismal approval rating of 37% there are still people who would vote for him after witnessing what he has done to this country :{
🥱 lol been done grew up my guy. As a grown up I don’t take what anybody says that doesn’t make any logical sense as gospel. As a grown up I go to check the facts. Facts over feelings and I don’t have any feelings involved. I just state facts whether I like it or not. I defend people and what’s right morally and accept people for who they are. At the end of the day, we all need each other to make things work. Unfortunately we have a government who doesn’t look after its citizens best interest. Some do but a majority could give a damn whether you, me, him, her, them or they die in these streets. But we do the best we can in a time of uncertainty. Very unfortunate that half lets one man, one unintelligent ego driven impetuous impotent man has to compensate his short comings…😏🙂↕️😌by being fear and kindergarten insults and blatant lies that can be easily proven. I appreciate one thing about trump though. He showed people for who they are and gave them the comfortability embrace they’re true nature. The informed and the misinformed, compassion and the hateful, the truth and the lies. Hate to say it but win or lose America is gonna engage in a civil war. Because of my compassion I don’t want anyone hurt or worse. But I’ll always stand for what’s right, in my heart. Not for trump not for Biden not for republicans not for democrats. For me and mines I’ll do what’s necessary. This is a sad truth. I’d give my own life to make sure people could come together as one but that’s not on the table. But I truly hope with all my heart you and trumps followers see the truth that he can’t indulge in. Think for yourselves, question authority as Maynard of Tool says. Hear the rhetoric, gather your own information come to your own conclusions. Turn to your morals. Right and wrongs. That’s all I’m gonna say about all this though. I got work to do and more work to do after work. Great debate whether insults were flown. We both got our points across and good luck to you November 5th. You all have a good day and enjoy your weekend. You may still comment but I will not respond if it’s about this issue. There is no convincing either stance. ☺️👍🏿👋🏿👋🏿✊🏿💪🏿🫡✌🏿🙏🏿 get back to trying to get some pussy and some dick! 😆

You sound like a really good guy - I respect a lot of what you laid down - however I do believe you rely WAY too much on the mainstream media for your sources and they have absolutely no credibility anymore - after 2 and a half years of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA - I don’t believe anything they say - look at the country and what’s going on - there’s a reason Biden’s approval rating is at a historic low of 37% and Trump gains strength as the Dems pour on the LAWFARE.
The real danger to Democracy is Biden using the DOJ to take out his political rival - it’s straight from Putin’s handbook and totally in the realm of banana republics around the world.
Purge - typical commie lexicon. As is taking the man and finding or in this case constructing the crime - contorting the law - finding the perfect venue - handpicking the judge and having a bought and paid for DA. Hell most legal experts in this country STILL don’t know what they convicted him for. America sees what’s going on - the Marxists will surely lose.
See this is a classic example of not snorting what you’re dealing
Were the republicans who testified against trump commies also.
On count 1 how do you find the defendant - Guilty!
On count 2- guilty
Pure TDS - better to vote for a DOOFUS that’s running the good ole USA into the ground and embarrassing us on the world stage while the world heads towards war because of his incompetence and weakness.
lol stop watching Fox News!
Trump oversaw an increase in the debt of almost $2 trillion per year, what do you think that does to the economy.
Biden’s economy is humming along this is
after global inflation hit 65 countries . Why? Because he talks less 💩 than trump - Mr “the room is too cold “😂
Purge - typical commie lexicon. As is taking the man and finding or in this case constructing the crime - contorting the law - finding the perfect venue - handpicking the judge and having a bought and paid for DA. Hell most legal experts in this country STILL don’t know what they convicted him for. America sees what’s going on - the Marxists will surely lose.
I re read this garbage you wrote
lol “constructing the crime” - did Biden make trump pay a porn star to keep quiet about sex then pay enquirer to buy n bury negative stories about him?
“Finding the perfect venue” - that where the crime occurred!
“Hand picking the judge?” - what!? If this was true this is more about the penalty to be received so what happened in the case that you think the judge is biased?
Bought and paid for DA- 🙄.?
In the case trump’s defence team also had the opportunity to remove jurors
Trump also bragged he was going to testify and his own legal team told him ‘shut the fk up’
☝️ Evidence that the brainwashing by the mainstream media has taken hold in some :|
lol ☝️evidence, this individual only watches newsmax . They’ll be hand cuffing trump and you’ll be crying “rigged”
What ever !
You and your trumptards have zero evidence of everything.
You should go on YouTube and search trump inside the courtroom vs trump outside the courtroom.
Whose life has gotten better ???

High energy costs - high inflation - a border that is now non-existent letting in millions of illegal aliens that are flooding our education system with non-English speaking children - flooding and overwhelming our healthcare system - exacerbating the already overburdened housing market - not to mention the huge percentage increase in the capture of peeps on the terror watchlist - dontcha wonder how many of the million and a half got aways are terrorists - I do. Debacle Joe is the worst president in my lifetime and I NEVER thought anyone would beat Jimmy Carter for that title. It’s distressing to me that even at a dismal approval rating of 37% there are still people who would vote for him after witnessing what he has done to this country :{
And yet trump wins worst president time n time.
Polls prior to an election are never seen as true indicators.
months out from an election when asked person A vs person B , the interviewee thinks about whether their life is better under the current president and invariably life could always be better. It’s when we are inthe fortnight to an election the country compares candidates.
A convicted sexual predator or Biden
You sound like a really good guy - I respect a lot of what you laid down - however I do believe you rely WAY too much on the mainstream media for your sources and they have absolutely no credibility anymore - after 2 and a half years of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA - I don’t believe anything they say - look at the country and what’s going on - there’s a reason Biden’s approval rating is at a historic low of 37% and Trump gains strength as the Dems pour on the LAWFARE.
The real danger to Democracy is Biden using the DOJ to take out his political rival - it’s straight from Putin’s handbook and totally in the realm of banana republics around the world.
You do know the trump team did
In 2014-2016

Spring 2014: A Kremlin-linked company that engages in influence operations, known as the Internet Research Agency, devised a strategy to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Its goal was to spread distrust toward candidates and the American political system.

June 16, 2015: Donald Trump announced candidacy for president.

July 2015: Hackers supported by the Russian government penetrated the Democratic National Committee’s network, stealing large volumes of data and maintaining access for about a year.

Mid 2015: Thousands of Kremlin-backed social media accounts began to spread propaganda and disinformation, establishing a clear preference for Trump.

Oct. 28, 2015: Trump signed a letter of intent to negotiate the construction of a Trump Tower in Russia, as first reported by CNN.

January 2016: Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime lawyer, emailed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov about plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Later, Cohen would falsely testify to Congress that the deal ended this month. In fact, discussions about the project lasted as late as June 2016.

March 19, 2016: The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, John Podesta, fell victim to an email phishingscam. It is believed this is how a group of Russian hackers gained access to his email account.

Early March 2016: George Papadopoulos joined the Trump campaign as an adviser. While traveling in Italy in mid March, Papadopoulos met a London-based professor whom Papadopoulos understoodto have "substantial connections to Russian government officials."

March 21, 2016: Trump named Papadopoulos and Carter Page as members of his foreign policy team, in an interviewwith the Washington Post.

March 24, 2016: Papadopoulos met in London with the professor who introduced him to a female Russian national who Papadopoulos believed to be a relative of Putin with links to other senior Russian officials.

March 29, 2016: Trump tapped Paul Manafort to manage the Republican National Convention.

March 31, 2016: Papadopoulos told Trump, Jeff Sessions and other campaign members that he can use his Russian connections to arrange a meeting between Trump and Putin.

April 2016: Papadopoulos’ professor source told the Trump adviser about a meeting with high-ranking Russian government officials in Moscow who have "dirt" on Hillary Clinton in the form of "thousands of emails."

April 2016: Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak attended Trump’s foreign policy speech in Washington, where he met Trump’s *******-in-law and campaign adviser Jared Kushner.

May 2016: Donald Trump, Jr. met with Alexander Torshin at National Rifle Association convention in Louisville. Torshin is a former senator and deputy head of Russia's central bank.

Mid 2016: The Kremlin-linked Internet Research Agency established a strategy of supporting Donald Trump’s candidacy and disparaging Hillary Clinton.

June 3, 2016: Trump, Jr. received an emailfrom Rob Goldstone, a business associate. Goldstone told the younger Trump that Moscow supported his *******’s candidacy, and said he has a connection to a Russian government official with incriminating evidence against Hillary Clinton.

Goldstone told Trump Jr.: "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump."

The younger Trump replied that same day: "If it’s what you say I love it."

June 7, 2016: Trump announced he would soon make a "major speech" on Clinton.

June 8, 2016: Russian intelligence officers launched DC Leaks, a website used to release stolen emails.

June 9, 2016: Trump, Jr., Manafort and Kushner met with a Russian national and several others at Trump Tower, based on Goldstone’s promise to Trump Jr. that a "Russian government attorney" would deliver damaging information about Clinton. Several shifting accounts of the meeting were later offered.

June 14, 2016: The DNC announced, through cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, that it had been hacked by Russian government actors.

June-July 2016: WikiLeaks and DCLeaks released thousands of documents about Clinton and internal DNC deliberations.

Early July 2016: Trump campaign adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow, where he met with Russia’s deputy prime minister and a high-ranking Russian oil official. Page emailed campaign staffers that the deputy prime minister had "expressed strong support for Mr. Trump," and that he had gleaned "incredible insights and outreach" in Russia.

Mid July 2016: Trump campaign associate J.D. Gordon successfully lobbied for the GOP platform to be changed to benefit Russia. Language was inserted vowing not to provide lethal aid to Ukrainians in their fight against Russian-backed separatists.

July 18, 2016: Sessions talked with Kislyak after Sessions’ speech at the Republican National Convention.

July 20, 2016: Sessions talked with Kislyak after a speech. Separately, Trump campaign associates Page and Gordon metwith Kislyak.

July 22, 2016: WikiLeaks began releasingDNC emails ahead of the Democratic National Convention. The first tranche — nearly 20,000 emails — revealed an embarrassing glimpse at internal DNC deliberations.

Late July 2016: A senior Trump campaign official was directed to contact Trump’s longtime friend and associate Roger Stoneabout any additional WikiLeaks releases, and what additional damaging information the group possessed on the Clinton campaign.

July 25, 2016: The FBI publicly confirmed its investigation into the DNC hack.

July 2016: The FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation into links between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee later confirmed that information from Papadopoulos triggered the investigation.

July 27, 2016: During a press conference, Trump said of Clinton’s emails: "Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you can find the 33,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."

July 27, 2016: Russians for the first time began to target Clinton’s emails.

August 27, 2016: Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., sent a letter to FBI Director James Comey asking the bureau to investigate alleged Russian interference in the election. Reid also raised concerns about contacts Trump campaign members reportedly made with WikiLeaks and Russian nationals under U.S. sanction.

September 2016: Kushner received an email concerning WikiLeaks, which he then forwarded to another campaign official, according to the leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee. (Read Kushner’s lawyer’s response.)

September 2016: Sessions met with Kislyak in his Senate office.

Oct. 7, 2016: The U.S. intelligence community released a statement saying the release of emails on DC Leaks and WikiLeaks "are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts."

"The U.S. Intelligence Community is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations," the statement reads.

Oct. 7, 2016: An Access Hollywood tape was released in which Trump can be heard in a 2005 interview bragging about groping women.

Oct. 7, 2016: Less than an hour after the Access Hollywood surfaces, WikiLeaks published more than 2,000 emails of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. Between this date and the election, WikiLeaks released more than 50,000 documents stolen from Podesta’s personal email account.

Mid October 2016: Trump Jr. corresponded with WikiLeaks through Twitter’s private message service. WikiLeaks asked the younger Trump to direct his Twitter followers to its trove of documents. Fifteen minutes later, candidate Trump tweeted about WikiLeaks. Two days later, Trump Jr. tweeted a link to WikiLeaks’ archive.

Oct. 21, 2016: The FBI and Justice Department obtained a warrant to monitor Page based on probable cause that Page is Russian agent. Page stepped down from the Trump campaign the previous month.

Nov. 8, 2016: Trump was elected president.

Dec. 1, 2016: Kushner and campaign adviser Michael Flynn met with Kislyak at Trump Tower.

Dec. 13, 2016: Kushner met with Russian banker Sergey Gorkov, the CEO of a state-run Russian bank under U.S. sanction. Gorkov was described to Kushner as "someone with a direct line to the Russian president who could give insight into how Putin was viewing the new administration and best ways to work together."

Dec. 29, 2016: In the waning days of his presidency, Barack Obama responded to Russia’s interference in the election by expelling 35 Russian diplomats and issuing new sanctions.

Late December 2016: Following Obama’s move against Russia, Flynn asked Kislyak to "refrain from escalating the situation." Kislyak later told Flynn that Russia "had chosen to moderate its response to those sanctions as a result of his request."

Dec. 30, 2016: Putin declined to retaliate against the Obama administration’s sanctions.
🥱 lol been done grew up my guy. As a grown up I don’t take what anybody says that doesn’t make any logical sense as gospel. As a grown up I go to check the facts. Facts over feelings and I don’t have any feelings involved. I just state facts whether I like it or not. I defend people and what’s right morally and accept people for who they are. At the end of the day, we all need each other to make things work. Unfortunately we have a government who doesn’t look after its citizens best interest. Some do but a majority could give a damn whether you, me, him, her, them or they die in these streets. But we do the best we can in a time of uncertainty. Very unfortunate that half lets one man, one unintelligent ego driven impetuous impotent man has to compensate his short comings…😏🙂↕️😌by being fear and kindergarten insults and blatant lies that can be easily proven. I appreciate one thing about trump though. He showed people for who they are and gave them the comfortability embrace their true nature. The informed and the misinformed, compassion and the hateful, the truth and the lies. Hate to say it but win or lose America is gonna engage in a civil war. Because of my compassion I don’t want anyone hurt or worse. But I’ll always stand for what’s right, in my heart. Not for trump not for Biden not for republicans not for democrats. For me and mines I’ll do what’s necessary. This is a sad truth. I’d give my own life to make sure people could come together as one but that’s not on the table. But I truly hope with all my heart you and trumps followers see the truth that he can’t indulge in. Think for yourselves, question authority as Maynard of Tool says. Hear the rhetoric, gather your own information come to your own conclusions. Turn to your morals. Right and wrongs. That’s all I’m gonna say about all this though. I got work to do and more work to do after work. Great debate whether insults were flown. We both got our points across and good luck to you November 5th. You all have a good day and enjoy your weekend. You may still comment but I will not respond if it’s about this issue. There is no convincing either stance. ☺️👍🏿👋🏿👋🏿✊🏿💪🏿🫡✌🏿🙏🏿 get back to trying to get some pussy and some dick! 😆
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣you’re still a baby.
You sound like a really good guy - I respect a lot of what you laid down - however I do believe you rely WAY too much on the mainstream media for your sources and they have absolutely no credibility anymore - after 2 and a half years of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA - I don’t believe anything they say - look at the country and what’s going on - there’s a reason Biden’s approval rating is at a historic low of 37% and Trump gains strength as the Dems pour on the LAWFARE.
The real danger to Democracy is Biden using the DOJ to take out his political rival - it’s straight from Putin’s handbook and totally in the realm of banana republics around the world.
lol stop watching Fox News
These idiots had to pay 778 million dollars for lying on voting machines
How has Biden used the DOJ to take out trump?
TRUMPis committing the crime!!!!
1. The stormy Daniel’s case is state not federal
2. He keeps telling you “stolen election” republicans told him “no stolen election”
He goes to Capitol to rally with coffee Rudy . Both trump and Rudy tells you to fight for democracy 🤦‍♀️
You dumb fks storm the Capitol creating how much damage ? Someone gets a bullet
Who should be held liable?
Everyone, so the storm trooper and their enablers
3. Classified Documents. Biden self reported having classified documents. Handed it over.
Trump took boxes and boxes and boxes of documents . He was asked three times to hand it over. Then a judge ordered him to. He ignored .
Then the fbi raided . They found originals missing (still today) , empty sleeves .
Then he was asked if there was more said no but later his lawyer said “yes”
then it was revealed he asked the gardener to move specific boxes into the shed and delete the camera footage.

Fk me! Yea this guy should be president again 🤦‍♀️ dumb fks
lol stop watching Fox News
These idiots had to pay 778 million dollars for lying on voting machines
How has Biden used the DOJ to take out trump?
TRUMPis committing the crime!!!!
1. The stormy Daniel’s case is state not federal
2. He keeps telling you “stolen election” republicans told him “no stolen election”
He goes to Capitol to rally with coffee Rudy . Both trump and Rudy tells you to fight for democracy 🤦‍♀️
You dumb fks storm the Capitol creating how much damage ? Someone gets a bullet
Who should be held liable?
Everyone, so the storm trooper and their enablers
3. Classified Documents. Biden self reported having classified documents. Handed it over.
Trump took boxes and boxes and boxes of documents . He was asked three times to hand it over. Then a judge ordered him to. He ignored .
Then the fbi raided . They found originals missing (still today) , empty sleeves .
Then he was asked if there was more said no but later his lawyer said “yes”
then it was revealed he asked the gardener to move specific boxes into the shed and delete the camera footage.

Fk me! Yea this guy should be president again 🤦‍♀️ dumb fks

Yea but does he cry as much as the republican presidential candidate
TRUMP 2024 Thank Me Later
TRUMP 2024 Thank Me Later
we'd rather thank you nowgif_Yellowball-Peeing.gif

Watch "Hitler & the Nazis" on Netflix to see where it'll go with Trump in office ... nice 6-part documentary along with Hitler's "Mein Kampf", a book Trump kept by his bedside for nightly readings. He's following that book "play by play" ... you really need to see the documentary. It'll be hard for Holocaust disbelievers to watch ... whole part on the concentration camps and very much detailed. One thing the Nazis did especially well was keep good records of all their war activities.

Authoritarianism & Nazism ... we need to be paying very much attention or history is going to repeat itself. 26 different chapters of Nazi groups operate in the USA even as we speak and very much involved in current day politics.
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we'd rather thank you nowView attachment 7246159

Watch "Hitler & the Nazis" on Netflix to see where it'll go with Trump in office ... nice 6-part documentary along with Hitler's "Mein Kampf", a book Trump kept by his bedside for nightly readings. He's following that book "play by play" ... you really need to see the documentary. It'll be hard for Holocaust disbelievers to watch ... whole part on the concentration camps and very much detailed. One thing the Nazis did especially well was keep good records of all their war activities.

Authoritarianism & Nazism ... we need to be paying very much attention or history is going to repeat itself. 26 different chapters of Nazi groups operate in the USA even as we speak and very much involved in current day politics.
Are you serious ??!🤣🤣 Trump isn’t the Nazi. The democrats are LMAOOOO. You guys are so scared of the Blonde Haired Blue Eyed white man that it’s pathetic.

Here is the Rub. Everything that the Democratic Party is doing to Trump is right now has been done to other people by the Nazis, Marxists and Communists.

Liberty in this once great Nation is dying and all I hear is Raucous Applause.
lol stop watching Fox News!
Trump oversaw an increase in the debt of almost $2 trillion per year, what do you think that does to the economy.
Biden’s economy is humming along this is
after global inflation hit 65 countries . Why? Because he talks less 💩 than trump - Mr “the room is too cold “😂

Yeah granted he talks less but blathers more ;}
I re read this garbage you wrote
lol “constructing the crime” - did Biden make trump pay a porn star to keep quiet about sex then pay enquirer to buy n bury negative stories about him?
“Finding the perfect venue” - that where the crime occurred!
“Hand picking the judge?” - what!? If this was true this is more about the penalty to be received so what happened in the case that you think the judge is biased?
Bought and paid for DA- 🙄.?
In the case trump’s defence team also had the opportunity to remove jurors
Trump also bragged he was going to testify and his own legal team told him ‘shut the fk up’

None of that is illegal - neither is paying a lawyer and labeling it a legal expense. The supposed crime was past the statute of limitations but Brag, a Soros bought and paid for DA, contorted the law and tried to attach a Federal crime to it to somehow extend it. Every legal scholar says there are multiple grounds for appeal and this supposed conviction will never stand up. Hell the Judge that is supposed to be picked at random through a lottery was the same Judge that tried Steve Bannon - Trump’s CFO and got the Trump trial - wonder what the odds of that are. Also the assistant DA that prosecuted the case was the 3rd highest person in the corrupt DOJ but resigned and took a huge pay cut to prosecute that case. 90% of the population where the trial was held voted against Trump - talk about a stacked deck - all so you Dems can call him a convicted felon. Well it all backfired as he’s raised in excess of 300 Million dollars had thousands volunteer for his campaign and his poll numbers actually went up - so much for your LAWFARE - fair minded Americans see right through it - it’s myopics like you that can’t see beyond your TDS that believe the nonsense the corrupt media feeds ya.
lol stop watching Fox News!
Trump oversaw an increase in the debt of almost $2 trillion per year, what do you think that does to the economy.
Biden’s economy is humming along this is
after global inflation hit 65 countries . Why? Because he talks less 💩 than trump - Mr “the room is too cold “😂
Under Trump, the federal debt went from $19.947 trillion to $27.752 trillion. That's an increase of $7.805 trillion...which works out to $1.951 trillion a year over his 4 year term.

Under Biden, the federal debt has gone from $27.752 trillion to $34.683 trillion. Biden has been in almost 3.5 years, which makes his rate of increasing the debt as $1.980 trillion per year. Higher than Trump's rate. So yes, Biden's debt increase is humming right along!
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