I canceled the appointment because they didn't pay for the room

@James227 ima keep it buck with you, in all the encounters I’ve had husband/bf/stag/cuckold what ever tf u wanna called it or identify ALWAYS PAYS🤷🏾‍♂️ that’s the first part you fucked up on.

Second I always talk to both the husband and wife there is NO 2ways communication that way everyone is on bored and on the same page👏🏾
Right my brother. If I constantly have to talk to the hubby. I'm not interested.
I have always paid for the hotel room, when it is my wife and I that are out on the town for her pleasure. However, if a previous lover of hers contacts me and asks to take my wife to bed again, then we split the costs of the room.

On top of that, ...... her lover will often pay for our drinks, since he is the one to invite us out for the evening. I don't ask him to do this, but the lovers my wife has had do not need to be asked, .... they have offered to pay for drinks.
I have always paid for the hotel room, when it is my wife and I that are out on the town for her pleasure. However, if a previous lover of hers contacts me and asks to take my wife to bed again, then we split the costs of the room.

On top of that, ...... her lover will often pay for our drinks, since he is the one to invite us out for the evening. I don't ask him to do this, but the lovers my wife has had do not need to be asked, .... they have offered to pay for drinks.
If they're the ones offering to pay, that's fine. But I appreciated your mentality
I don't understand why you're so upset?

But I want to hear you out - you have a lot of experience, so your perspective would be helpful for a lot of people.

Personally, I can pay for a room. So for me, it is the principle of the matter. There is more work, more effort, and more stress on me to get involved with a couple. I have to not only deal with the wife's wants and needs and emotional health, but I also have to be concerned about the husband's emotional needs.

Isnt' that worth paying for the hotel room?

Just so we are clear - I do house calls, so its not like I'm demanding a hotel room. But I know a lot of couples do not want any play inside their own home. And in those situations, its a real show of good faith to book the room and then tell me where to meet them, rather than put all of that responsibility on my shoulders.

Now, you are a traveling bull, so it might be easier for you to arrange encounters at the hotels you have already booked. But as someone who doesnt travel that much - Id prefer the couple take care of it for me.
Who said I was upset?

I like to be in control in whatever situation I put myself for one. They can come play if it gets to that point and if not I have my own space to do what I want with. I'm not the type to ask a couple for things that I rather be in control of unless they feel like its something they want to do. If not, cool whatever I got it. Normally my relationships happen with a lot of communication so I run into surprises. In the case that something does happen - whatever, life is weird that way.

To feel entitled to things is weird vibes. You communicate as much as you can with a couple/girl so that you can iron out things. What I've noticed on these message boards is a growing sense of entitlement that somehow have grown to become “rules” and must do procedures lmao

None of this is that deep to me. We are here to vibe and hopefully fuck, or just fuck (whatever floats your boat). But to say you HAVE to do this or that is wild. Every situation is different. You can always tell who the broke people are by the way they need/require others to come out of pocket for things under the disguise of this is the “way it's always been done”. If spending money to be a part of this lifestyle is a thing you have to stress about then maybe you should worry about making more before taking part in it.

Also, this is about the experience. The anticipation, courting, passion… its a lot of things and yes, logistics matter, but to let that be something that takes away from potentially meeting people that could lead to something wildly fun and exciting is crazy.
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Who said I was upset?

I like to be in control in whatever situation I put myself for one. They can come play if it gets to that point and if not I have my own space to do what I want with. I'm not the type to ask a couple for things that I rather be in control of unless they feel like its something they want to do. If not, cool whatever I got it. Normally my relationships happen with a lot of communication so I run into surprises. In the case that something does happen - whatever, life is weird that way.

To feel entitled to things is weird vibes. You communicate as much as you can with a couple/girl so that you can iron out things. What I've noticed on these message boards is a growing sense of entitlement that somehow have grown to become “rules” and must do procedures lmao

None of this is that deep to me. We are here to vibe and hopefully fuck, or just fuck (whatever floats your boat). But to say you HAVE to do this or that is wild. Every situation is different. You can always tell who the broke people are by the way they need/require others to come out of pocket for things under the disguise of this is the “way it's always been done”. If spending money to be a part of this lifestyle is a thing you have to stress about then maybe you should worry about making more before taking part in it.

Also, this is about the experience. The anticipation, courting, passion… its a lot of things and yes, logistics matter, but to let that be something that takes away from potentially meeting people that could lead to something wildly fun and exciting is crazy.
Amen to your reply. I agree wholeheartedly.
I recently arranged to meet with a married couple from Long Island. They were going to come to Brooklyn and we were going to do our job in a hotel room. One day before the appointment, her husband offered to pay me half the price of the room? Fuck you, what nonsense are you talking about! It's not about money, luckily I have a good job and I always have money. But this is against my principles. Her husband has to pay for the room. And I said the meeting would not happen
lol and they say bulls are not getting paid!
bulls are definitely prosti tutes, no pay = no sex :)
Desde mi punto de vista, la mayoría de las veces eran aventuras de una noche. Solo mi macho venía a nuestra casa.
No sé, siento que si como pareja no pueden darse el lujo de alquilar una habitación de hotel, tal vez ni siquiera deberían meterse en situaciones como esa. He tenido al menos 4 ocasiones en las que alquilé un hotel con las expectativas de que el chico apareciera y simplemente no lo hizo. Odiaría estar en un aprieto porque esperaba que este tipo pagara la mitad. También parece de mala educación incluso preguntar. Esperaba algo de privacidad después y me gustaría disfrutar el resto de la noche con mi ex, ducharme, tal vez conseguir comida o algo así, pero si le pido a este chico que contribuya entonces me siento obligado a dejarlo pasar la noche y no quiero hacerlo. estar en esa posición. Prefiero la idea de que este tipo venga a hacernos un favor, pase por nuestro hotel y pase un buen rato y luego se vaya a casa. No quiero que haya ningún problema con el dinero, ya que hace que todo el proceso parezca una transacción. Pero por supuesto, si quieres alojarte en un hotel con alguien, sé mi invitado. Simplemente creo que es de mala educación preguntar🤷‍♀️
Yo Pago el hotel
But now he is your ex and will pay no longer
naive ex wifey hopes her bulls to pay xDD

coz she is so desired and what else they say... bulls convey so much passion and intimacy
I'd want to see bulls' face expression, like wtf, you pay us, not we to you!
LOL. He's got "principles", yet is happy to be used by husbands as a "bbc black" to pound their wives, like a breeding a.n.i.mal. Strange, what principles look like sometimes.
You are a damn cuck clown. Discover the real reason why you are on this site. Are you happy to get used?
I'm sure the number of husbands who pay to have their wives fucked is higher 🙂
you think so? Marriage number has been decreasing for years, everyone is super independent nowadays, and rarely want to tie one's life via marriage. Even official partnership is not that common today
While many will disagree with me which is fine, I think we need to accept the fact that the opportunity to fuck a man's wife or gf is a privilege, not a right. Now that is out the way, who pays or don't pay can be agreed upon and if there are no meeting of the minds then there is no deal or contract. I'm not knocking anyone's beliefs or principles, but at the end of the day, it's all about communication and expectations. Keep the smoke and mirrors for David Copperfield and the other illusionists. While I've never paid, doesn't mean I would not, but it all depends on the situation. If the wife is meeting me solo for a dr1nk or so, then I don't mind since it's like a date and she is the dessert. But if it's the couple, and they initiated the transaction then it's up to them to provide the accommodations as it best suits them. Again, it has to be agreed upon. No one is being f0rced to accept anything they aren't OK with. It's just as easy to politely decline and walk away, go home watch some p0rn and have a 3 sum with lefty and righty lol.
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While many will disagree with me which is fine, I think we need to accept the fact that the opportunity to fuck a man's wife or gf is a privilege, not a right. Now that is out the way, who pays or don't pay can be agreed upon and if there are no meeting of the minds then there is no deal or contract. I'm not knocking anyone's beliefs or principles, but at the end of the day, it's all about communication and expectations. Keep the smoke and mirrors for David Copperfield and the other illusionists. While I've never paid, doesn't mean I would not, but it all depends on the situation. If the wife is meeting me solo for a dr1nk or so, then I don't mind since it's like a date and she is the dessert. But if it's the couple, and they initiated the transaction then it's up to them to provide the accommodations as it best suits them. Again, it has to be agreed upon. No one is being f0rced to accept anything they aren't OK with. It's just as easy to politely decline and walk away, go home watch some p0rn and have a 3 sum with lefty and righty lol.
I agree with your take on this, and the key words that you said "But if it's the couple, and they initiated the transaction then it's up to them to provide the accommodations as it best suits them."
My wife and I have followed this rule all along, as I mentioned in a previous response to this question of who pays.
When we were playing with white men, they payed for the room. Now with black men, hubby pays for the room unless they already have a room. If I met a guy solo in a hotel room, he pays
I recently arranged to meet with a married couple from Long Island. They were going to come to Brooklyn and we were going to do our job in a hotel room. One day before the appointment, her husband offered to pay me half the price of the room? Fuck you, what nonsense are you talking about! It's not about money, luckily I have a good job and I always have money. But this is against my principles. Her husband has to pay for the room. And I said the meeting would not happen
Agreed. Fuck paying for anything. If anything they should pay you to fuck the slut