I canceled the appointment because they didn't pay for the room

Ok, thank you for clarifying, It was "you" in general and not "you" specific.

Much appreciated - and I agree with 99% of what you said. Obviously, you will have a slightly different perspective from a woman's point of view. But I just like to know that the couple appreciates my time and effort.

If im talking to a single woman - then I dont have the same perspective. If that makes sense.
I totally understand. Some men, especially if married for a million years loses sight of the single females perspective, due to the clouding of the chain connected to his ankle.
I'm going to say it once again.

99% of all disputes over who is paying what can be put down to a lack of communication. Everyone here has their own experiences in having hotels, rooms payed for, or were paid by themselves. Have had people bail for flaky reasons and losing cash on it. But. And there is a but. If you, they, or whoever you are trying to connect to don't talk details you will and are going to end up in situations described here in this thread and be p*ssed about it.

If you have taken the time to find, like and want to meet a 'female-couple'; your next logical step once you say we meet at such and such hotel, has to be okay, who pays and why. Leaving this important part of the whole meeting situation out kills the whole trust and vib when the other party finds they are paying a 2,3,400 dollar bill ( or what ever currency) that was never mentioned.

Every single one of us should. Never assume. Always ask. Discuss. And no. We are never going to get rid of the bottom feeders who deliberately mislead, down right lie, bail on meetings. ( there are some who bail and have a good reason) People will be people. But we can do our best to minimise that risk, then maybe, just maybe threads like this will become less of the norm, and more of the rare.

Everyone wants the lifestyle fun. With it comes risks. Lets all start thinking with our brains and not just with our sexual organs. Oh and people.....Let's be careful out there'. :ROFLMAO:
Disagree. Maybe on a first encounter, but after that with some mutual respect, there should be some type of mutual cooperation.
I give more than I receive spiritually. And during the dating process, it is often her husband who insists on meeting. So he has to pay for the room
I prefer for a couple to get the room, even if I intend on paying, I will reimburse them when I meet them at the room! This way any time a couple has canceled, which was rare, I was never out any money! So if I said that I was going to pay I would just give them cash 💸 once I showed up to meet them!

I only get the room and pay for it and everything when it's a single unicorn or a hotwife by herself that I am going to meet, but if it's a couple they have to get the room and if they want me to reimburse them when I get there I will!
I would love to know why you think it's weird.

But then again, I dont do one night flings. So maybe thats why Im not understanding your perspective.
From my perspective it was mostly one night stands. Only my bull ever came to our house
Idk man i just feel if as a couple you can’t afford to rent a hotel room to yourselves maybe you shouldn't even be getting into situations like that. I’ve had at least 4 occasions where I rented a hotel with the expectations of the guy showing up and they just didn’t. I’d hate to be in a bind because I expected this guy to pay half. Also just seems rude to even ask. I expected some privacy afterwords and like to enjoy the rest of the night with my ex, shower, maybe get food or something but if I ask this guy to contribute then I feel required to let him stay the night and I don’t want to be in that position. I prefer the idea that this guy is coming over to do us a favor, stop by our hotel and have a good time, then head on home. I don’t want there to be any hangups on money at all as it just makes the whole process seem like a transaction. But by all means if you want to throw in on a hotel with someone be my guest. I just think it’s rude to ask 🤷‍♀️
I dont understand why you're so upset?

But I want to hear you out - you have a lot of experience, so your perspective would be helpful for a lot of people.

Personally, I can pay for a room. So for me, it is the principle of the matter. There is more work, more effort, and more stress on me to get involved with a couple. I have to not only deal with the wife's wants and needs and emotional health, but I also have to be concerned about the husband's emotional needs.

Isnt' that worth paying for the hotel room?

Just so we are clear - I do house calls, so its not like I'm demanding a hotel room. But I know a lot of couples do not want any play inside their own home. And in those situations, its a real show of good faith to book the room and then tell me where to meet them, rather than put all of that responsibility on my shoulders.

Now, you are a traveling bull, so it might be easier for you to arrange encounters at the hotels you have already booked. But as someone who doesnt travel that much - Id prefer the couple take care of it for me.
Emotional wants and needs and stress involved? Husbands emotional needs? It’s stressful for you? Are you like a sexual Dr Phil in having to provide emotional support that drains you mentally? House calls are ok which has no emotional support requirements but hotel visits do? I’m both amused and confused at this. As adults looking for some sexual spark this whole emotional support aspect and how draining it is to take “responsibility “ is shall I dare so a new avenue of exscuses for me. Two consulting adult parties married or not should be able to come to some consensual arraignment and JDingo actually offers a very good one. I’ve actually done this with my husband. This explanation sounds very much like a hire to play scheme with a social worker rather than a play for fun which it should be. In my circumstances either I or my husband pay for dinner or drinks prior and if things go well an invite to “my room” is given. I don’t play at home so I have my own room. I’m certainly not paying or expect my husband to pay for yours if I’m traveling to meet unless our meet is in your town and you are staying at your own apartment or home. If it’s a meeting mid way- you’re on your own as an adult. You may decide the vibe isn’t cool and you don’t want to meet. In that case I’m not providing a room for you. If that’s an issue that’s cool too. I’m not down with this drama of a paid date anyway..
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I recently arranged to meet with a married couple from Long Island. They were going to come to Brooklyn and we were going to do our job in a hotel room. One day before the appointment, her husband offered to pay me half the price of the room? Fuck you, what nonsense are you talking about! It's not about money, luckily I have a good job and I always have money. But this is against my principles. Her husband has to pay for the room. And I said the meeting would not happen
There must be no discussion. Cuck has to pay the full amount!
If his wife is super hot, I’d make amends. Find a way to split costs until you’ve developed a relationship, don’t demand anything.
You can act this way. If I were to host the couple in my own home, I would definitely host them in a wonderful way. But if the meeting place is going to be a hotel, I won't pay because of the status I see myself in in the lifestyle
It should be agreed upon when you decide to meet both parties pay half that is fifty percent.if you can not pay for the room and your drinks then you don't play.
Emotional wants and needs and stress involved? Husbands emotional needs? It’s stressful for you? Are you like a sexual Dr Phil in having to provide emotional support that drains you mentally? House calls are ok which has no emotional support requirements but hotel visits do? I’m both amused and confused at this. As adults looking for some sexual spark this whole emotional support aspect and how draining it is to take “responsibility “ is shall I dare so a new avenue of exscuses for me. Two consulting adult parties married or not should be able to come to some consensual arraignment and JDingo actually offers a very good one. I’ve a tuLly done this with my husband. This explanation sounds very much like a hire to play scheme with a social worker rather than a play for fun which it should be. In my circumstances either I or my husband pay for dinner or drinks prior and if things go well an invite to “my room” is given. I don’t play at home so I have my own room. I’m certainly not paying or expect my husband to pay for yours if I’m traveling to meet unless our meet is in your town and you are staying at your own apartment or home. If it’s a meeting mid way- you’re on your own as an adult. You may de use the vibe isn’t cool and you don’t want to meet. In that case I’m not providing a room for you. If that’s an issue that’s cool too. I’m not down with this drama of a paid date anyway..
Ty for explaining where you are coming from - it is very much appreciated.

I wish you could see someone else's perspective, but that would explain the disconnect. I hear you and understand your needs. We could be friends, but we would never connect on a sexual level. I hope that resonates with you and you can take that - not all people are compatible with every other person.

The way you do things is personal to you. I would hope that you could accept that the way you do things isn't the same for everyone else on this planet. That there are 100 different ways to get to the same place - and your way isnt the only way.

Thats all I have to say. But thank you for communicating and expressing yourself - I thank you for your perspective.