The paying fetish.

I’m obviously talking about this lifestyle. The only comparison to the population is the fact that the number of people that do this is a very minor percentage of the population. Is like comparing the sexes with porn. Do women watch porn? Some do. But the overwhelming majority of people that watch porn are men. There is a reason the term sausage fest exists.
Your initial statement was: '....single men are everywhere.'
They might be more conspicuous , but they (cannot be) more numerous.

As previously stated, I do agree that there are disproportionally more men than women on this site, probably on any adult site and even possibly on any dating site on the internet.

Where are the missing single women?
One simple answer is that women do not seem to need sex as much as men, generally speaking.
Less demand on the female part, less supply of single female around, more competition for the men on the market.

Having being around for a while, I know from experience that women's apparent lack of interest in sex is also the result of men's uninhibited pursuits. In simpler terms, stop chasing them, wait....and they will come to you.
We all want it.

If you have the time, take a look at 'Lysistrata', a comedy written about 2500 years ago.
The women of the Greek city states are fed up with the ongoing wars among cities and decide to convince the men to stop the wars by withholding sex from them.
It seems like a good first.....

I agree with you. I think the pleasure is with all parties involved. From the wife, the bull and even the cuckold himself since he will see our action.

Everyone deserves respect and their space is respected. If I find that a couple is 100% real and serious in the lifestyle and all parties agree to a meeting, I would propose listening to their conditions/expectations and I will say mine but, in conclusion, I would have no problem paying something from the meeting but also that the couple pays to cover most of the expenses.

Your initial statement was: '....single men are everywhere.'
They might be more conspicuous , but they (cannot be) more numerous.

As previously stated, I do agree that there are disproportionally more men than women on this site, probably on any adult site and even possibly on any dating site on the internet.

Where are the missing single women?
One simple answer is that women do not seem to need sex as much as men, generally speaking.
Less demand on the female part, less supply of single female around, more competition for the men on the market.

Having being around for a while, I know from experience that women's apparent lack of interest in sex is also the result of men's uninhibited pursuits. In simpler terms, stop chasing them, wait....and they will come to you.
We all want it.

If you have the time, take a look at 'Lysistrata', a comedy written about 2500 years ago.
The women of the Greek city states are fed up with the ongoing wars among cities and decide to convince the men to stop the wars by withholding sex from them.
It seems like a good first.....

Single men are everywhere in this lifestyle. The lifestyle is assumed. Go argue with someone else
“My advice for men looking to play in this lifestyle is to live in reality. Single men are everywhere. They aren’t hard to find.“

I hate when someone cherry picks what you say just to create an argument when clearly I even say “this lifestyle”. Holy fuck how obtuse can people be?
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