How Much Would You Pay a Bull to Fuck Your Wife?

You can feel this way, but the only men you're going to find are the desperate kind.

If I have to pay for a date or a hotel - I would much rather go after a young single woman. Why should I put in effort with a married woman, when the husband has your attitude.

I know you think your wife is a "prize" but you need to live in reality. your wife is married. Therefore, she's not looking to fall in love with me.
So why am I "courting" her?

I think your logic is backwards.
You should never play with a married couple ever again. This isn’t about finding soul mates. This is about finding high class educated people to mutually pleasure each other with no strings attached. It’s about making friends with benefits.
I think you're missing the point, but I get it.

In the age of social media - most people come to threads with ASSUMPTIONS galore and never give anyone the benefit of the doubt
Its judgement and prejudice first and then after you've been proven wrong - do people slink away and never apologize for being on a high horse.

Frankly, Im surprised thats how you guys took this.

You're OGs for this site. Ive seen you post a lot! I would have thought you've seen my posts before. The fact that you think so little of me, based on everything Ive written on this site says a lot about your overall prejudice.

Maybe you will reconsider the point of the post.

I was not advocating for pay to play. But apparently, you guys simply overlooked the fact that there are a number of couples on this site, or I should say "couples" when the truth is its just the husband, who are going around and demanding that hung men (or bulls) depending on the terminology you prefer PAY to sleep with their wives. In other words, their wives are not humans, but pieces of meat.

Offering your opinion on pay to play is welcome, but judging me when you don't even know where I stand is frankly childish and uncalled for.

And if you're confused, you are older enough to know- CLARIFY the question. Gee Whiz, its like talking to 5 year olds on this site sometimes.
You literally said that men that pay their own way are desperate. That’s not true. It’s the opposite
You can feel this way, but the only men you're going to find are the desperate kind.

If I have to pay for a date or a hotel - I would much rather go after a young single woman. Why should I put in effort with a married woman, when the husband has your attitude.

I know you think your wife is a "prize" but you need to live in reality. your wife is married. Therefore, she's not looking to fall in love with me.
So why am I "courting" her?

I think your logic is backwards.
This is exactly what you said.
Tells us what responses will make you happy @hungteacher and I will post that so you can be happy.

If you ask for thoughts on a matter, don't get mad when you get responses that you weren't necessarily expecting. Attacking @Rene Mills isn't making you look good and I want to believe you are a good person. So...stop, please.

Both of you go to neutral corners and let it be. Your penance is to pay for a bulls d-r-i-n-k next time you are on a date.

As for "paying", we don't hand anybody money. If we invited a guy out for drinks, we are expecting to pay for all the drinks. If we are planning on staying in a hotel, we expect to pay for the hotel room. If the gentleman would like to pay some costs to help out, that's great. But it's not expected.

If there is a situation that is unusual, like he wants to meet at a place with a cover charge, as an example, we would discuss ahead of time going 'Dutch' since his choice of venue requires a payment before we've gotten to meet or know him. Once in and we meet, if we like him, we will likely cover the cost of his drinks. If he turns out to be an ass, he's on his own as we won't be staying.
Tells us what responses will make you happy @hungteacher and I will post that so you can be happy.

If you ask for thoughts on a matter, don't get mad when you get responses that you weren't necessarily expecting. Attacking @Rene Mills isn't making you look good and I want to believe you are a good person. So...stop, please.

Both of you go to neutral corners and let it be. Your penance is to pay for a bulls d-r-i-n-k next time you are on a date.

As for "paying", we don't hand anybody money. If we invited a guy out for drinks, we are expecting to pay for all the drinks. If we are planning on staying in a hotel, we expect to pay for the hotel room. If the gentleman would like to pay some costs to help out, that's great. But it's not expected.

If there is a situation that is unusual, like he wants to meet at a place with a cover charge, as an example, we would discuss ahead of time going 'Dutch' since his choice of venue requires a payment before we've gotten to meet or know him. Once in and we meet, if we like him, we will likely cover the cost of his drinks. If he turns out to be an ass, he's on his own as we won't be staying.
Apparently you like to give ppl a pass.

A lot of ppl commented, the problem with @renemills is that she made a personal attack against me.

She said, "you should never meet a couple ever again!"

So thats a value judgement based on her bias and prejudice. And then she doubled down because I embarrassed her online. Maybe I shouldn't have done that, and maybe I could have said it differently. But the truth is - the question is valid but Rene Mills took offense to the question and then decided to attack me personally.

That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

And if she doesnt post again - I am dropping it. Its not a big deal, but too many ppl seem to think you can make personal attacks and you can get away with it.

hope that clarifies the situation for you :)
Personal attacks are never going to be constructive in moving a conversation forward. I agree with you.

I read "you should never meet a couple ever again!" and just saw it as a hyperbolic comment by someone who is certain they are right and you are wrong. To a small degree I guess you could take it as a personal attack. I didn't read it that way at first glance. She was telling you what you should or should not do. She wasn't attacking you or your character. I guess it was implied, as far as you could tell?

Again - what opinion do you want us to have and support? If you start a post and ask for comments and then take a side, you are going to get push back. You're going to need to get some thicker skin if you want to play the "What do you all think about (fill in the blank)?" game as a post initiator. Especially if you have it predestined in your head where you want the conversation to go.

I'm not saying @Rene Mills is right to tell you not to meet any couples again, but it didn't feel like an "attack" to me either. But sure, let's say you were personally attacked and she owes you an apology. I guess I don't see that as fixing the disagreement you two are having. Hence the 'go to your corners and leave it alone' comment.

Otherwise you are going to k-i-l-l your own thread with the bickering and one-upmanship going on which is boring and off-topic. (That was not a personal attack & it wasn't directed @ either one of you.) I think the topic is GOOD and was curious to hear other couples thoughts on it.
Personal attacks are never going to be constructive in moving a conversation forward. I agree with you.

I read "you should never meet a couple ever again!" and just saw it as a hyperbolic comment by someone who is certain they are right and you are wrong. To a small degree I guess you could take it as a personal attack. I didn't read it that way at first glance. She was telling you what you should or should not do. She wasn't attacking you or your character. I guess it was implied, as far as you could tell?

Again - what opinion do you want us to have and support? If you start a post and ask for comments and then take a side, you are going to get push back. You're going to need to get some thicker skin if you want to play the "What do you all think about (fill in the blank)?" game as a post initiator. Especially if you have it predestined in your head where you want the conversation to go.

I'm not saying @Rene Mills is right to tell you not to meet any couples again, but it didn't feel like an "attack" to me either. But sure, let's say you were personally attacked and she owes you an apology. I guess I don't see that as fixing the disagreement you two are having. Hence the 'go to your corners and leave it alone' comment.

Otherwise you are going to k-i-l-l your own thread with the bickering and one-upmanship going on which is boring and off-topic. (That was not a personal attack & it wasn't directed @ either one of you.) I think the topic is GOOD and was curious to hear other couples thoughts on it.
Im glad that you read the same thing and I hear that, it could have been interpreted in a couple ways.

Im not telling people they cant have an opinion. If someone says takes a hard line approach that all men who dont pay are losers - then Im going to push back on that. If someone writes that all men should be grateful to have sex - im going to push back on that as well.

Those types of comments are not "realistic" and not from people who have a lot of experience.

There have been some great comments, on both sides. I think some couples have explained their reasons why they want a man to contribute. And I appreciate the thoughtful discussion.

Maybe Rene woke up on the right side of the bed.
Michael Jackson Popcorn GIF
@hungteacher: Of course everybody has their own opinions. Still i wonder a few things...

You say you won't pay your share of the room when you're playing with a couple but would pay a room (or half of it) when you go on a date with a single Woman. i get the difference in a case where you intend to have a relationship with the Woman. But if it's "just" a sex date (ONS/NSA) then where's the big difference? Just like another man's wife the single Lady has no intention to stay with you if it's a purely sexual arrangement. So why pay a room or half of it in one case but not pay your third in the other? - Seems to me to be a double standard. 🤷‍♂️

Also you said, instead of taking a room alternatively the couple could invite you to their home. That's also true. But then there is a third option: Why not invite them over to your place? ;) There are reasons for somebody not wanting to play in their own home. A couple may have theirs and you may have yours, if that's not what they or you want. A lack of trust with a complete stranger would be one, not wanting to deal with the neighbors another. But also having somebody over to watch for the k!ds is yet another good reason for not playing at home. 🏠

But i think we are diverting away from the topic. As far as i understand it the OP was talking about direct payments for a sexual service (*******, that is). Paying for a dr!nk, dinner or a room is quite a different thing - a very different thing in my opinion.
You should never play with a married couple ever again. This isn’t about finding soul mates. This is about finding high class educated people to mutually pleasure each other with no strings attached. It’s about making friends with benefits.
There are some standards and traditions that have been established when conducting ourselves.

The rules are the husband/stag/cuckold pays the expenses. He ensures his wife is dressed appropriately, and helps and assists her in getting ready for her date.

The Alpha Dominant Bull is expected to show up on time. Be respectful to the wife. Take her out and show her a good time. We are there taking the place of the husband who has established with his wife that he is not enough for his wife. She needs more than he can provide. We are not talking about money.

The Alpha Male is acting in the husband stead. A replacement for him. Depending on what was agreed upon in the begining. At a minimum the relationship the husband and alpha have are equals. However, it traditionally has been that the husband or Beta needs to be submissive to the Alpha.

In any case. The Alpha is replacing the role of the husband—the beta male. He should be given the appropriate respect. The wife is not to be looked at as the prize.

The Law of Supply & Demand applies. There are very few True Alpha Males. A Beta Male that is unable to provide the type of masculine physical/sexual relationship—they are a dime a dozen.That should be considered before the Beta Husband opens his mouth and loses his wife's favorite Alpha. That kind of behaviours is exactly how a Beta Male acts.
I have paid a hundred to 2 hundred depending on how far they are having to drive and how attracted my wife is to her bull. I would pay up to 1000
Beta Submissive Males, please don't fuck up the customs and scared traditions of the Cuckold, Hotwife, and Alpha Dominant Male relationships. It's Beta Males that have fucked up the whole damn gratuity system in America. Stop it please.

Read my little article below that talks about the responsibilities. If you don't agree, then don't participate. Don't call your wife a Hotwife or a Vixen. You don't get to change the rules. There are books written about this. Before you just go and "Whore Out" your wife. That's how you are treating her. Do your research and read.

If not because it's the right thing to do. Think of legally what you are doing by paying a man to have sex with your wife. You are making her a *******, and better yet for you. You are participating in sex trafficking. You are her pimp. In some jurisdictions that punishable by a life sentence in State Prison.

Think before you do stupid things.
There are some standards and traditions that have been established when conducting ourselves.

The rules are the husband/stag/cuckold pays the expenses. He ensures his wife is dressed appropriately, and helps and assists her in getting ready for her date.

The Alpha Dominant Bull is expected to show up on time. Be respectful to the wife. Take her out and show her a good time. We are there taking the place of the husband who has established with his wife that he is not enough for his wife. She needs more than he can provide. We are not talking about money.

The Alpha Male is acting in the husband stead. A replacement for him. Depending on what was agreed upon in the begining. At a minimum the relationship the husband and alpha have are equals. However, it traditionally has been that the husband or Beta needs to be submissive to the Alpha.

In any case. The Alpha is replacing the role of the husband—the beta male. He should be given the appropriate respect. The wife is not to be looked at as the prize.

The Law of Supply & Demand applies. There are very few True Alpha Males. A Beta Male that is unable to provide the type of masculine physical/sexual relationship—they are a dime a dozen.That should be considered before the Beta Husband opens his mouth and loses his wife's favorite Alpha. That kind of behaviours is exactly how a Beta Male acts.
You’re describing an individual dynamic. Not the rules for everyone. No one has the right to decide for others what they are going to do. More or less you’re describing a fetish act not a lifestyle.