How much Would a Bull Pay to Fuck Your Wife?

We had a few different people (couples and single men… both black and white) make very real offers to fly us out to places and even pay cash for a night or a weekend. We’ve flown to places paid for by couples for fun. My husband always gets to have fun in those situations as well and I usually get to play with another hot woman…this was more common back when we ran a “lifestyle” blog with pics and video. Never accepted cash because that always felt a bit degrading. But it’s always interesting to hear what someone offered. It was often in the thousands. Most of these are from those adventures or just before. Not suggesting bulls should pay or not pay. But always entertaining to hear a price value. Ha View attachment 7205684View attachment 7205685View attachment 7205686View attachment 7205687View attachment 7205688
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I like you a lot ;-)
I've always wondered in reverse. What would a husband pay the bull to have his wife blacked
A rich older dude in NYC flew me out to fuck his hot young sugar baby. He paid for my flights, hotel, and testing. It all totaled out to about $1400. And a local husband pays me $250 every time I fuck his wife
Not a dime. I do well in my own right as her Dom. I share her as I see fit and with whom WE choose to allow to use her. She is my wife, my best friend and I respect her and love her. If either of us say no, it’s a no.

My wife is also my sub who enjoys a good spit-roast, DP with a gentlemen with a BBC who can be discreet. Conversation is a must, we treat those with respect as we also demand respect. We have a good time, and are laid back. That’s what works for us.

Very well put. Also quite enticing, and now I'm wondering how well I would fit in your dynamic...
I had a cuck husband that let me move in during college. Went to the games with the family, fuck said wife at said games also. Pretty much paid for all my living was expenses. But to pay to fuck a sluts is a huge NO.
I think the husbands should always pay the wife's boyfriends tabs that involve him taking the wife out on dates. The boyfriend should always be treated like the King that he is and her the Queen she is. Even if they wanted to go on a vacation together the husband should pay.
Bull paying money to husband? What nonsense are you talking about? I have not yet received cash from any couple just for fucking the woman, but if a payment is to be made, the bull, who is the key player here, should get the money