Having a bull take your wife’s ass

It was different. She tried with on guy privately. Then another. So she had done it a few times before I saw it. And she made it clear I was not going there. lol
Did you have feelings of humiliation/emasculation? If so were they stronger than when a bull used your wife’s vagina for the first time? It must have been somewhat intense knowing that she was allowing another man access to a hole her husband was completely denied
Ahh I see, that’s where we differ. It took me a very long time for her to let me have her anally and I put in a lot of work for it because I wanted it so badly. She does not let me cum in any of her holes or let me have her butt often at all so the thought of watching a big black man take her anally and cum inside a hole that I barely get in the first place let alone cum inside sounds extraordinarily humiliating, I didn’t know if others shared the same sentiment
Ahh I see, that’s where we differ. It took me a very long time for her to let me have her anally and I put in a lot of work for it because I wanted it so badly. She does not let me cum in any of her holes or let me have her butt often at all so the thought of watching a big black man take her anally and cum inside a hole that I barely get in the first place let alone cum inside sounds extraordinarily humiliating, I didn’t know if others shared the same sentiment
Humiliation, like sex, is largely between the ears
Humiliation, like sex, is largely between the ears
I agree but there still seems to be moments in life of pure unprecedented humiliation that we all have different thresholds for. Kind of like spilling a ******* on your crotch at work or a friend seeing a dick pic on your phone, etc.
There’s nothing you can do to make it any less embarrassing and you just have to live through it while having that buzzing sinking feeling in your stomach and that feeling of helplessness that you can’t do anything about it now because it’s already happening
Husbands, how did/does it feel to watch a bull take your wife anally? Does it feel different than the first time he had her pussy? Does it feel any more “humiliating” letting another man take her that way?
I don't recall that it felt different, perhaps a bit more of a realisation moment than anything else. Anal isn't wife's favourite but realising she was willing to do it with someone else was a bit of a wakeup moment.
I don't recall that it felt different, perhaps a bit more of a realisation moment than anything else. Anal isn't wife's favourite but realising she was willing to do it with someone else was a bit of a wakeup moment.
I can imagine it certainly was a wake up. We all obviously want our wives to share their vaginas (hence why we’re on this site) but most of us know our wives sexual past and know others have already had sex with her so it seems easier to wrap your head around it whereas anal is so personal and typically held “sacredly”.
It was really humiliating
I remember the first time, without informing her that he was going to fuck her ass, I noticed that she started moaning and whimpering and trying to get up from under him and he after her continues to push and tries to position himself and put his cock in her ass
In the end he overpowered her and she surrendered to him
Seeing this I felt his masculinity and immediately finished without touching myself
It was really humiliating
I remember the first time, without informing her that he was going to fuck her ass, I noticed that she started moaning and whimpering and trying to get up from under him and he after her continues to push and tries to position himself and put his cock in her ass
In the end he overpowered her and she surrendered to him
Seeing this I felt his masculinity and immediately finished without touching myself
That sounds very aggressive, did she enjoy it?