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  1. A

    Going alone without hubby for the first time to meet a Blackman

    you are a bit too focused on women's side. Ofc she can go fuck anyone anywhere, even start cheating, why not. It's her freedom. But without equality it doesn't go far.
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    I canceled the appointment because they didn't pay for the room

    naive ex wifey hopes her bulls to pay xDD coz she is so desired and what else they say... bulls convey so much passion and intimacy I'd want to see bulls' face expression, like wtf, you pay us, not we to you! xDD
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    Only black bulls?

    reading of all those comments ... black, black, black .. I'm just happy that there are guys for whom it's not disgusting to fuck old, ugly women :) btw per google trends, the cuckolding searches has lowered for 20% for the last 2 years. Perhaps the things in reality are a bit different than on...
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    To cuckolding women, do you love and respect your husband?

    Just curious how your relationship with husbands got altered after cuckold experience. Also the question is not only love but in respect to him. From one side it requires courage to go for it, from the other,- disrespect. From my understanding humiliation can bring mostly disdain and contempt...
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    How to tell my white bf i wanna have a sex with a black man?

    yes but according to her post, there is a big problem with it. so it's up to her what she wants more: sex with bcc or marriage
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    What is your Ultimate fantasy?

    apparently someone needs a good gangbang ^_^
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    why wouldn't you divorce first and then as a free bird go sleep with whoever you want?
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    Possible to only do it once?

    tell him the same: once he get his first bbc he will want it again :) don't push yourself to do anything because of your brainless bf. who is he to fo rce you to sleep with a stranger? what if you get sexually transmitted viruses etc?
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    My woman met a man on the internet

    no doubt he got a crush on her
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    How to tell my white bf i wanna have a sex with a black man?

    why don't you leave your white bf and go find yourself a black one?
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    Anyone have experience with a live in bulll?

    well this definitely overstepping the boundaries. Have you had a chance to think about the following: The bull is for occasional sex or relationship? (living together develops relationships, do you need it? ) Is he going to live free for the cost of sex? (May impact on his performance) is he...
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    I canceled the appointment because they didn't pay for the room

    lol and they say bulls are not getting paid! bulls are definitely prosti tutes, no pay = no sex :)
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    Hey beautiful, show me your face while you take it from behind.

    so 99% of pictures here are from professional porn :)
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    Going alone without hubby for the first time to meet a Blackman

    think about why bully doesn't want your husband in the room? there is nothing about intimacy, bully doesn't care about such staff. it looks suspicious, so be careful, I would encourage you to go with your husband, he can defend you and stop it, if it goes somewhat wrong. Unless you really well...
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    Black Men, How many white wives have you fucked?

    xDDD why only 50%, go more, 90%! whenever I read this forum I get a strong impression that the most of the posts were written by *******. You know life is not only sex. I tell you more, sex is small part of it. Women want a normal family life, they want love, they want someone who would care...
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    I love cheating women.

    well that means that neither them nor you will ever find a strong relationship with your partner. This is just sex, nothing more
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    What does the future look like for you in this lifestyle?

    from what I see the most women who take the bulls services are a little aged, fat and ugly.. you really surprised me with "hot ladies". Hot ladies do not need to p a y for s e x ;) but going back to your topic question, as you justly noticed, it would be hard to become a family guy with a good...
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    What does the term bull fully represent?

    for me it is a black guy who is hired to have sex, in other words a male prosti tute
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    I would like to travel to Africa for a while in the future. Can someone recommend me a place? :)

    if you want to be gang-banged, no need to go to Africa, it's not really safe there.
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    Why so many couples or wife choose black man as sexual partners?

    do you have any facts or statistics about "so many"? :) Most of this stuff (99%) is a paid content. Due to raising interest of white males => therefore it's in trends. Another question why do You want? well see above, media is a huge influencer, but the good point that you can afford all your...