What does the future look like for you in this lifestyle?


Real Person
Being a bull from age 18 and being almost 8 years in the lifestyle gives unique perspective to this question. I at first always saw it as an opportunity to have sex with hot ladies and gain sexual experience. Had a lot of fun times, but also a lot of shitty ones. Felt like a superior sexual specimen for a while because of me being called in to lay it down like a pro athlete of some sort. It’s been so ingrained in my lifestyle I forget it’s taboo in Society. I’ve dated women thru out the entire time but nothing serious. Feel sometimes this lifestyle is why, like my brain has been reprogrammed to avoid serious relationships to make time for my more exciting pastime. I always wanted to get married and still can I guess only 26, but do other guys in the still enjoy being a bull getting in your 40’s , 50’s? When it’s the right lady it’s always fire so I’m overthinking and should just chill? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
Being a bull from age 18 and being almost 8 years in the lifestyle gives unique perspective to this question. I at first always saw it as an opportunity to have sex with hot ladies and gain sexual experience. Had a lot of fun times, but also a lot of shitty ones. Felt like a superior sexual specimen for a while because of me being called in to lay it down like a pro athlete of some sort. It’s been so ingrained in my lifestyle I forget it’s taboo in Society. I’ve dated women thru out the entire time but nothing serious. Feel sometimes this lifestyle is why, like my brain has been reprogrammed to avoid serious relationships to make time for my more exciting pastime. I always wanted to get married and still can I guess only 26, but do other guys in the still enjoy being a bull getting in your 40’s , 50’s? When it’s the right lady it’s always fire so I’m overthinking and should just chill? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
This is a great question! I look forward too seeing some replies from older bulls!
Being a bull from age 18 and being almost 8 years in the lifestyle gives unique perspective to this question. I at first always saw it as an opportunity to have sex with hot ladies and gain sexual experience. Had a lot of fun times, but also a lot of shitty ones. Felt like a superior sexual specimen for a while because of me being called in to lay it down like a pro athlete of some sort. It’s been so ingrained in my lifestyle I forget it’s taboo in Society. I’ve dated women thru out the entire time but nothing serious. Feel sometimes this lifestyle is why, like my brain has been reprogrammed to avoid serious relationships to make time for my more exciting pastime. I always wanted to get married and still can I guess only 26, but do other guys in the still enjoy being a bull getting in your 40’s , 50’s? When it’s the right lady it’s always fire so I’m overthinking and should just chill? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
My wife's 1st Bull was a divorcee. We found him on a regular interracial dating site and he was not looking for a serious relationship. After a few coffee dates they had a hook-up date and enjoyed the "friends with benefits" relationship for about 2 years. He eventually met someone who he got serious with. He left the lifestyle, got married and living a "normal" life. His wife is unaware of his prior involvement in the lifestyle.
So I guess it is possible for a Bull to leave the lifestyle, if he wanted and is ready.
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Being a bull from age 18 and being almost 8 years in the lifestyle gives unique perspective to this question. I at first always saw it as an opportunity to have sex with hot ladies and gain sexual experience. Had a lot of fun times, but also a lot of shitty ones. Felt like a superior sexual specimen for a while because of me being called in to lay it down like a pro athlete of some sort. It’s been so ingrained in my lifestyle I forget it’s taboo in Society. I’ve dated women thru out the entire time but nothing serious. Feel sometimes this lifestyle is why, like my brain has been reprogrammed to avoid serious relationships to make time for my more exciting pastime. I always wanted to get married and still can I guess only 26, but do other guys in the still enjoy being a bull getting in your 40’s , 50’s? When it’s the right lady it’s always fire so I’m overthinking and should just chill? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
It's a great question and something I continue to ponder...I started as a swinger with my wife (married 16 yrs) in the late 80s/early 90s. I became a widower in 97 and made a conscious decision to only interact with lifestyle people while raising the *******. I also decided not to be involved with affairs (I did make a couple of exceptions). At some point I realized I couldn't (wouldn't?) be in a serious relationship if I couldn't express that part of my life with someone.

Over the course of what's almost 30 years I've been in two serious relationships; the first seven years, and I stopped all activity. I wanted to marry her, but she was right assessing me as not yet ready. The other is no longer sexual due to her health but we've been a deep connection (long distance) now going on 19 years.

With all of that said, the greatest wisdom I ever got came from my mom in law the first time I met her. The greatest gift you can recieve from another requires you to give it to them as well and that is companionship. And the older you get the more valuable it becomes.
Being a bull from age 18 and being almost 8 years in the lifestyle gives unique perspective to this question. I at first always saw it as an opportunity to have sex with hot ladies and gain sexual experience. Had a lot of fun times, but also a lot of shitty ones. Felt like a superior sexual specimen for a while because of me being called in to lay it down like a pro athlete of some sort. It’s been so ingrained in my lifestyle I forget it’s taboo in Society. I’ve dated women thru out the entire time but nothing serious. Feel sometimes this lifestyle is why, like my brain has been reprogrammed to avoid serious relationships to make time for my more exciting pastime. I always wanted to get married and still can I guess only 26, but do other guys in the still enjoy being a bull getting in your 40’s , 50’s? When it’s the right lady it’s always fire so I’m overthinking and should just chill? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
Let me give you the best advice you are going to get here. I have lots of worldly experience in life, relationships, and sex. I can also see the future of where relationships are going in the western world. At 26 you have at least a good 8 years before you should think about marriage and 14 years before thinking about *******. There are many people today doing this by accident anyway but you will be much more successful at it since you have experience being a bull. Get yourself out there and pleasure as many married women as you can while also dating single women. Your goal is to eventually find a younger girl to be your wife and bare children but also understands you are a bull and will be needed once in a while to pleasure other women who are married. A bull is a bull for life. It’s possible this could work with a black woman as your wife since I have seen it personally but your chances will be much higher if you marry a white woman. There will be less jealousy. By the time you are mid thirties you are looking for the one and by forty you are producing offspring with a woman who is at least 15 years younger. This will give you time to produce enough children and you may also be producing children with young married white women as long as the husband agrees to full financial support from them. By that time this will be more common. All in all you have more than enough time to sow more wild oats. Trust me on that.
I at first always saw it as an opportunity to have sex with hot ladies and gain sexual experience.
from what I see the most women who take the bulls services are a little aged, fat and ugly..
you really surprised me with "hot ladies". Hot ladies do not need to p a y for s e x ;)

but going back to your topic question, as you justly noticed, it would be hard to become a family guy with a good wife, happy family and right decisions, if you do sex for a living. I'd advise you to learn something to do, get real skills and focus on family. - (well if this is your point and I got you right).
Actually you may be a lone wolf for entire life if you like this life style
It all depends on what you decide is most important to you. I'm in my early 50s and have been doing this for a really long time. It's a choice I've made that allows me the excitement of choice and a level of freedom that I prefer. I have met great friends and I satisfy my needs for stimulation while not carrying the extra baggage that can come with a committed relationship. I accept that some day that my drive will come to an end and my life is going to change, but I've also come to realize that that happens to everyone. I surround myself with friends and family outside of this lifestyle that will sustain me when this part of my life is over. If I happen to connect with a cool lady to be close friends with in my later years then that'll be great, but I'm going to let life happen and enjoy it while I'm here.
