Would You Leave Your Husband if Your Bull Asked You To?


Actually no, it's quite valid.

I speak with many caucasian women, who are tired of being with their white husbands, and are divorcing them, so they can be finally be with a black man, that they desire.

And do so proudly!

I mean let's not forget, it's 2021, evolution, liberation is a hell of a *******.

You certainly have no idea of what a marriage and commitment is. Shallow comes to mind.
So what exactly was exaggerated? Median household income by race in 2019 was: White $76,000, Hispanic $56,000, Black $46,000. Average net worth in 2019 was White, $188,000, Hispanic $36,000, Black $24,000.

Pretty much inline with what I posted. It really highlights the racial inequalities that exist.

Everyone can make what I make IF THEY PUT THE EFFORT INTO DOUNG IT. No one hands you more money due to race. But if you want everything and are not willing to put the work it takes then I guess you can play race card.
Funny how race is used when our former president was black and now at least this year our VP identifies as black.
Also hilarious how you pick and choose races. Asians which are a total lower "minority" make well above whites. But I guess by excluding them fits your agenda and bs argument.
Everyone can make what I make IF THEY PUT THE EFFORT INTO DOUNG IT. No one hands you more money due to race. But if you want everything and are not willing to put the work it takes then I guess you can play race card.
Funny how race is used when our former president was black and now at least this year our VP identifies as black.
Also hilarious how you pick and choose races. Asians which are a total lower "minority" make well above whites. But I guess by excluding them fits your agenda and bs argument.

Not really sure what you argument or point is? My original post was in reply to a racist post regarding superiority. In that post I mentioned there are many facets to a relationship, stability being one of those facets. In the original post I only mentioned white and black earnings/wealth, not Asians, which incidentally strengthens my point. If you check the Fed link I posted they don't do include Asians in the breakout so there was absolutely zero attempt of distortion on my part.

If you think everyone is born equal in America you are delusional. ******* in inner city areas are often born into poverty and are disadvantaged from day one. That doesn't mean they can't work your way out of poverty and make a better future for themselves but its a hell of a lot easier with the financial stability and good family support. Like it or not racial and social inequalities are a major issue in the US.
Not really sure what you argument or point is? My original post was in reply to a racist post regarding superiority. In that post I mentioned there are many facets to a relationship, stability being one of those facets. In the original post I only mentioned white and black earnings/wealth, not Asians, which incidentally strengthens my point. If you check the Fed link I posted they don't do include Asians in the breakout so there was absolutely zero attempt of distortion on my part.

If you think everyone is born equal in America you are delusional. ******* in inner city areas are often born into poverty and are disadvantaged from day one. That doesn't mean they can't work your way out of poverty and make a better future for themselves but its a hell of a lot easier with the financial stability and good family support. Like it or not racial and social inequalities are a major issue in the US.
Yes and ALL races come from the inner city like me. To think that because someone is white they had it easier is wrong. I went to same inner city schools and we definitely were no better off financially than anyone else. So when I hear anyone implying that being white is an automatic foot forward I will speak out. Nothing against you.
And if anyone talks of being discriminated against while growing up try being the white kid in the projects. Yes white ******* get singled out for being white.
Yes and ALL races come from the inner city like me. To think that because someone is white they had it easier is wrong. I went to same inner city schools and we definitely were no better off financially than anyone else. So when I hear anyone implying that being white is an automatic foot forward I will speak out. Nothing against you.

Of course white, Asian and Hispanic ******* grow up in poor areas. Some carve out very good life's for themselves just like some under privileged black *******. The statistics are based on the entire population and that points to a very significant racial and social economic divide in the US.

The bigger picture should really be focussed on racial and social equality and not a specific race. In my opinion all ******* should be born equal. Social needs like education and healthcare should not be based on where you are born or how wealthy your parents are. Social services and education should be free and available for everyone until 22/23. If we achieve that simple goal society would be better for everyone.
So is reversed racism, what your espousing here.

What i am conveying, is not racist.

What i am conveying, is factual.

I speak with many caucasian women, who are divorcing their white husbands, so they can be with a black man that they desire.

It's called evolution, liberation.

And remember, it's 2021, not 1921 in the United States.

I'm sorry that you can't come to terms with the fact, that forward thinking caucasian women are leaving you caucasian men, to be free to be with a black man that they desire, and want to live with, under the same roof, and build a life with.😊

What i am conveying, is not racist.

What i am conveying, is factual.

I speak with many caucasian women, who are divorcing their white husbands, so they can be with a black man that they desire.

It's called evolution, liberation.

And remember, it's 2021, not 1921 in the United States.

I'm sorry that you can't come to terms with the fact, that forward thinking caucasian women are leaving you caucasian men, to be free to be with a black man that they desire, and want to live with, under the same roof, and build a life with.

Your constant use of bold text and using @ on every post is annoying enough but what you type is utter garbage.

FYI - Objective people using intellect never use anecdotals in arguments. It really is the sign of a weak ignorant argument.
Despite the nonsense peddled by some on this site interracial marriage is impacted by education more than physical superiority. People that have been to college have a far higher incidence of marrying outside their race.

Of course white, Asian and Hispanic ******* grow up in poor areas. Some carve out very good life's for themselves just like some under privileged black *******. The statistics are based on the entire population and that points to a very significant racial and social economic divide in the US.

The bigger picture should really be focussed on racial and social equality and not a specific race. In my opinion all ******* should be born equal. Social needs like education and healthcare should not be based on where you are born or how wealthy your parents are. Social services and education should be free and available for everyone until 22/23. If we achieve that simple goal society would be better for everyone.
I do not believe that. People's culture needs to change. Schools can only do so much if ******* do not either show up or care when there. Society does not need to cater to anyone either rich, poor. People need to take accountability for themselves and take care of the babies they make and be a role model. If you want to talk stats look at the percentage of fatherless ******* in the black community. That is a culture issue not a society's problem.
Problem is that certain people do not want to take responsibility for their actions and choose to blame everyone but themselves. And that makes the people that actually did the right thing upset over their peers.

What i am conveying, is not racist.

What i am conveying, is factual.

I speak with many caucasian women, who are divorcing their white husbands, so they can be with a black man that they desire.

It's called evolution, liberation.

And remember, it's 2021, not 1921 in the United States.

I'm sorry that you can't come to terms with the fact, that forward thinking caucasian women are leaving you caucasian men, to be free to be with a black man that they desire, and want to live with, under the same roof, and build a life with.
White women are free to divorce whoever ever the please, and marry whoever. I don't argue that. I disagree with statements like:

Upgrading is far from being racist."

And constant quips insinuating that to be with a black man is better than white man, or superior. The heart loves who it loves, skin color regardless. White is not superior to black, and black is not superior to white.