Do you fear your wife leaving you?

I think you have to realize that sex means different things to different people. Some view it (specially religious people) as some unique and intimate bond that should ONLY happen between husband and wife, no one else. Other more liberal people may view it no different than watching your favorite movie, book, video game, or sports game, it's entertainment. Nothing more, nothing less. I think people in the QoS lifestyle see it as both, with the former being seen as "making love" with your significant other, while sex with a bull falls more in line with the entertainment view of it. There is definitely a cultural aspect to it too. You would kiss your spouse but not your friend right? Likewise, for some kissing or having sex is a positive aspect that can also be shared with others. At least that's my view on it. The QoS lifestyle is most definitely NOT for everybody and is enjoyed by a small minority of people like you and I that view things differently from the norm.
The biggest risks that I faced of her leaving me always came from men on my social circle. Like the time a "good" friend found time to chat with her alone at a BBQ and suggested to her that he would like to meet for coffee one day and "talk." There was the time we went to a wedding of a friend, and a friend of a friend kept finding opportunities to chat with her, or compliment her dress, or bump into her circle of friends on the dance floor. And then there are always guys at her work who ask if she's going to happy hour, or if they can get together to discuss a work issue, or if she would likes a certain kind of cuisine because a new restaurant opened up and he is going to run out there at lunchtime.

These guys are opportunistic bulls, or guys who just want to get laid. They have an attraction, and maybe even sense that she may not be getting all her needs met at home. These guys are more likely to "fall in love" with her if she gives them attention. She is also more likely to "fall in love" with one of these guys because they are all in the vanilla world of pairing up and becoming couples and being life partners. These kinds of situations are your biggest threat for convincing her to change her life and leave you.
The biggest risks that I faced of her leaving me always came from men on my social circle. Like the time a "good" friend found time to chat with her alone at a BBQ and suggested to her that he would like to meet for coffee one day and "talk." There was the time we went to a wedding of a friend, and a friend of a friend kept finding opportunities to chat with her, or compliment her dress, or bump into her circle of friends on the dance floor. And then there are always guys at her work who ask if she's going to happy hour, or if they can get together to discuss a work issue, or if she would likes a certain kind of cuisine because a new restaurant opened up and he is going to run out there at lunchtime.

These guys are opportunistic bulls, or guys who just want to get laid. They have an attraction, and maybe even sense that she may not be getting all her needs met at home. These guys are more likely to "fall in love" with her if she gives them attention. She is also more likely to "fall in love" with one of these guys because they are all in the vanilla world of pairing up and becoming couples and being life partners. These kinds of situations are your biggest threat for convincing her to change her life and leave you.
Any relationship takes communication, understanding, acceptance, and a whole lotta work. This applies to all couples, no matter if they're vanilla or into LS. In that sense, the risk of loosing your wife over an attractive black dude is equally great, regardless how open you're with your sexuality.

It seems that sometimes in our effort to celebrate the cuckold relationships and how rewarding they are for all parties involved (wife, bull & cuck), we tent to forget mentioning -at least enough- that the constant battle with emotions is real, and it takes a lot of effort, resilience, trust and respect to finally work on our favour. I know a lot of non-monogamous relationships that failed miserably after just a couple of years, because they'd lost their balance and mutual respect. Equally there is a great percentage of vanilla relationships failing, but realistically, it's rarely the opportunistic douchebag who tempts a wife, but a dysfunctional, unhealthy relationship that's a matter of time to be compromised and succumbs to temptation.

Some might say that loosing your wife over another man is a typical "weakness" of a beta man who lacks confidence and the alluring "bad boy" aura. Those guys who're struggling being firm with their boundaries, smart but no competitive, trustworthy and loving but without big egos. Men who know how to treat a woman as a princess but don't have a clue that occasionally they ought to also treat her like a whore to earn her true respect and admiration.

In a degree, that's a valid assumption. There are various reasons a woman might reject or replace you, including your poor economic or social status. However, if you are aligning with the persona above, chances are you've been considered as "highly cheatable" material and the risk of loosing her over a dominant "alpha" male is imminent.

On the contrary, when it comes to cuckold relationships, even though that such a possibility is still there, your male "weakness" becomes your ultimate virtue. A woman inside an FLR is conscious of her man's inadequacies and limitations, therefore her expectations (even those beyond sex) are based on your submissive nature, not your dominance. In theory of course this sounds incredibly intriguing and hot, but believe it or not, it only takes a few bad decisions in the heat of the moment to fuck this up and loose her for good!
Husbands do you sometimes have the fear of your wife leaving you for a black man? If so.. how do you cope with it?

Ladies how do you assure your man that you won’t leave him but you do want to act on your desires?
I am now a widower so not much worry on this count.

However since both her lovers one black and one Arab were great to her and us as a couple I have arranged new pussy for them to play with.
I never worried that she would leave me. We been together seven years before we introduced a black friend into our sex lives. I have never felt he was a threat to our marriage. He was very laid back guy that knew it was just sex. She loved the sex had some feelings for him but not the true deep hearted love she has for me. We talk about everything openly, we know what each other is thinking before we even talk about it. The only time we had a tough decision is when she turned up pregnant, She knew I was ok with whatever she wanted to do. Everything turned out perfect for everyone, we are very happy.
We had a long talk before we ever got into Bobbie having a lover. We agreed that, while it turned us both on greatly, if she started developing feelings, it was time to move on from that person. Her current lover (of 3 years now) Rich is happily married, and we had all talked about it before hand. Destroying two families was not a good idea for anyone, so we all agreed that was NOT an option.

We still go out as a threesome, with me as the hapless cuck, they share intimacy in public and it is still thrilling. He comes over occasionally on nights I work. and they send a tantalizing few pictures (which makes my night ...tense)

Occasionally he is still there when I get in. To predictable results!
It can happen No doubt but I think a strong marriage would hold up.
Especially if he's a mature cuck and they have a good team mindset.
Best to be positive and submissive.
Husbands do you sometimes have the fear of your wife leaving you for a black man? If so.. how do you cope with it?

Ladies how do you assure your man that you won’t leave him but you do want to act on your desires?
My husband has nothing to worry about. My studs are stunt cocks. It's my husband who is pleasuring me, he's just using another man's body to do it
when you have a very attractive woman, men will always be after them and pursue them. if you have trust and communication usually not much to worry about but there is always a threat of them wanting what they dont have or knowing they have the power to get what they want. some women cant resist when a attractive man hits on her so there is always a threat with a beautiful woman.
when you have a very attractive woman, men will always be after them and pursue them. if you have trust and communication usually not much to worry about but there is always a threat of them wanting what they dont have or knowing they have the power to get what they want. some women cant resist when a attractive man hits on her so there is always a threat with a beautiful woman.
This is so true
We do this together. I wouldn't be OK with her seeing our friend or any guy without me.
This is something extra we enjoy.
I guess there's a chance we might split up someday but it wouldn't be because of another guy.
Again, I’m not leaving my husband for anyone. Period.
There isn’t a man on this earth that can replace my husband in any way. We have built a life and family that I will not sacrifice for anyone. We mutually decided to live this life and start swinging. We love watching each other with other people. I know how much fun the women are having with him and what the are feeling because I know how amazing he is. He loves watching me with other men. He knows every part of my body and what makes me tick. He always says I’m his personal private pornstar.
This is just play for us and can be stopped at a moments notice. If someone crosses one of our boundaries they are gone. Yes it has happened but it is actually rare. Most men are adults in this lifestyle.
If you feel you have any risk to your marriage then you shouldn’t be in this lifestyle and you are not secure in your marriage. Period.
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Yes when I had one.
Yes to the future when i'll find my dream :)

I think the most important things are:

Honesty. Always, even when it hurts.
Genuine love and friendship with each others.
That she's into this as much as you...
Again, I’m not leaving my husband for anyone. Period.
There isn’t a man on this earth that can replace my husband in any way. We have built a life and family that I will not sacrifice due anyone. We mutually decided to live this life and start swinging. We love watching each other with other people. I know how much fun the women are having with him and what the are feeling because I know how amazing he is. He loves watching me with other men. He knows every part of my body and what makes me tick. He always says I’m his personal private pornstar.
This is just play for us and can be stopped at a moments notice. If someone crosses one of our boundaries they are gone. Yes it has happened but it is actually rare. Most men are adults in this lifestyle.
If you feel you have any risk to your marriage then you shouldn’t be in this lifestyle and you are not secure in your marriage. Period.
Great response!!