Why wont you verify your profile?

Respectfully, your argument doesn’t hold water.

You have to post nothing more than you already have in your avatar and media. Staff can remove verification at any point with a simple message to one of us.

Once again, don’t verify if you don’t want to - that’s perfectly fine. But don’t make lame arguments for a reason not to.

People who don’t verify fall into one of three categories that I can think of. They don’t know about verification (or think it costs money), they aren’t here to meet anyone (just browse), or they are FAKE. Unfortunately the last reason is by far the most
Respectfully, your argument doesn’t hold water.

You have to post nothing more than you already have in your avatar and media. Staff can remove verification at any point with a simple message to one of us.

Once again, don’t verify if you don’t want to - that’s perfectly fine. But don’t make lame arguments for a reason not to.

People who don’t verify fall into one of three categories that I can think of. They don’t know about verification (or think it costs money), they aren’t here to meet anyone (just browse), or they are FAKE. Unfortunately the last reason is by far the most prevalent.
It’s simple as some have excuses for verifying and some have excuses to not verify. Don’t really feel either is “lame” or missing out. Kinda ridiculous though to push it like if you verify 15 magical bulls will pop up
In your area and you’ll never have to deal with the unverified peoples games again.
Incorrect Dash gold membership, and the real status are two entirely different things. After checking your account, it also appears you never submitted media for verification. If you did, then you removed it and real status is revoked in those situations.
It’s simple as some have excuses for verifying and some have excuses to not verify. Don’t really feel either is “lame” or missing out. Kinda ridiculous though to push it like if you verify 15 magical bulls will pop up
In your area and you’ll never have to deal with the unverified peoples games again.
Did you research it, under my Miami name had had a hook up group of guys from Miami to West Palm Beach to Sarasota. I don't lie about anything on here because I have a large couples contact list. MiamiBlackSnake
Did you research it, under my Miami name had had a hook up group of guys from Miami to West Palm Beach to Sarasota. I don't lie about anything on here because I have a large couples contact list. MiamiBlackSnake
We’ve met and spoken with some very nice people on here and also some just chatting awhile then ghosting. I think it’s a great community and lots of great advice and info. We met another cuck couple close to us. We are just in one of those dry areas. It’s growing like crazy though and more opportunities will come.
We’ve met and spoken with some very nice people on here and also some just chatting awhile then ghosting. I think it’s a great community and lots of great advice and info. We met another cuck couple close to us. We are just in one of those dry areas. It’s growing like crazy though and more opportunities will come.
I have met with plenty of couples while living in Miami and setting up meet and greet for individuals on this site before moving to Ga. I'm on here now for entertainment and not to much for hookup. Ga is 1000 times and ways different from Miami. I have learned over the years that the vast majority of individuals on this site and other are mostly fantasy or dreaming of meeting. These sites are mainly interested in money first over anything else. So don't get caught up in the BS advertising. I meet more couples at the Bar and Grill than on this site.
It’s simple as some have excuses for verifying and some have excuses to not verify. Don’t really feel either is “lame” or missing out. Kinda ridiculous though to push it like if you verify 15 magical bulls will pop up
In your area and you’ll never have to deal with the unverified peoples games again.
Why are you even arguing the point? Your profile says you are a male yet you got a pic of a female as your avatar. And you wasted all this time making an argument why you dont verify. People like you are the reason many of us have taken our pics and videos down.
Why are you even arguing the point? Your profile says you are a male yet you got a pic of a female as your avatar. And you wasted all this time making an argument why you dont verify. People like you are the reason many of us have taken our pics and videos down.
The profile says male because there was no couple option. People like me who are here weeding out fakes and seeking a real bull we can trust on a website for bulls are the reason you take pictures down? Ok
Well then I apologize. I missed it.
No apology needed. What appears is what we see most of the time. You sign up as a male -realize that people aren’t here for a white male and start to post your wife/girlfriend when she has absolutely no idea. Then when asked for her to verify every excuse in the book comes up - all while trying to collect dick pics from black males here….

This is what verified members here see consistently on a daily basis. I’m not saying you are doing this, but when the wife has no idea, verification is impossible. Therefore, it is most people’s assumption that you are the same as the rest.
No apology needed. What appears is what we see most of the time. You sign up as a male -realize that people aren’t here for a white male and start to post your wife/girlfriend when she has absolutely no idea. Then when asked for her to verify every excuse in the book comes up - all while trying to collect dick pics from black males here….

This is what verified members here see consistently on a daily basis. I’m not saying you are doing this, but when the wife has no idea, verification is impossible. Therefore, it is most people’s assumption that you are the same as the rest.
Thank you. That’s a good thing they aren’t here for a white male. I have no interest in a black male either. I clearly say in the profile we are a couple. Plus I’ve never had any reservations in telling them they are talking to the male in the relationship.
personally I’m not worried if they assume what they will about me. If they are deterred that easy they probably aren’t in it for the long haul regardless.
No apology needed. What appears is what we see most of the time. You sign up as a male -realize that people aren’t here for a white male and start to post your wife/girlfriend when she has absolutely no idea. Then when asked for her to verify every excuse in the book comes up - all while trying to collect dick pics from black males here….

This is what verified members here see consistently on a daily basis. I’m not saying you are doing this, but when the wife has no idea, verification is impossible. Therefore, it is most people’s assumption that you are the same as the rest.
You’re exactly correct. They are collectors
Thank you. That’s a good thing they aren’t here for a white male. I have no interest in a black male either. I clearly say in the profile we are a couple. Plus I’ve never had any reservations in telling them they are talking to the male in the relationship.
personally I’m not worried if they assume what they will about me. If they are deterred that easy they probably aren’t in it for the long haul regardless.
You are male with limited media of your “wife” in a forum where typically in a white male account the female (if there is one) is clueless!?!?

Apparently you didn’t listen to anything I wrote. I feel sorry for any man who tries to communicate with you. I’ve said all I will to you in this thread because you only hear what you want to hear.

Unverified. Male account. Refuses to verify. When it walks like a duck..
They are very irritating. I dealt with one just the other day that got a few pics then quit communicating all together. If they just want pics I’m not sure why they can’t just search the internet. It’s not like there’s a shortage of free pics out there.
Because they prefer to jerk off to “someone” they are communicating with - like virtual phone sex - disgusting really.