Wave of Migration to Europe

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I have talked with actual Turkish people 🤡 The majority of "refugees" Turkey took in are disrespectful asshole muslim immigrants who pretend to be refugees and are just using Turkey as transition point to get into Europe. And those fake muslim "refugees" act up even in Turkey, making even the Turks despise them.

But do go on with your idiotic, fake ultraleftie news clown 🤡 instead of trying for once to communicate with actual people who live in those countries
This is so dishonest that I am convinced you must have some humiliation complex and are just acting up to be put down, so I'm not going to keep entertaining you after this.

But for everyone else, first of all notice that he has nothing concrete to back up his opinions, all he's able to do is claim anecdotes and repeat blatantly false talking points filled with emotionally charged language that directly contradicts all of the hard data that we have.

Second of all, notice how the goals shifted, first it was about how if "muslim countries" took as many people in as "white countries", the conversation would be different, but when I pointed out that they in fact take far more than those "white countries" he has to shift the conversation. and now its "well actually they don't like this", which is subjective and therefore much more difficult to prove. This is once again because he has nothing concrete to stand on and therefore has no single position he can hold.

Third of all, notice how he has to resort to trying to discredit me by portraying me as someone who came to this conclusion by watching "fake ultraleftie news" and not talking to "actual people who live in those countries" as if I haven't spent the vast majority of my life as a person living in "those countries". And yeah sure of course 3 million entering a country of 84 million is going to add a lot of stress to infrastructure and yeah some people are not going to be happy about that, but at the same time a lot of people understand that what those people are fleeing is a civil war caused by a religious extremist group that was funded and armed by "white countries" to destabilise the region, if anything the countries involved in that should be taking more.
This is so dishonest that I am convinced you must have some humiliation complex and are just acting up to be put down, so I'm not going to keep entertaining you after this.

But for everyone else, first of all notice that he has nothing concrete to back up his opinions, all he's able to do is claim anecdotes and repeat blatantly false talking points filled with emotionally charged language that directly contradicts all of the hard data that we have.

Second of all, notice how the goals shifted, first it was about how if "muslim countries" took as many people in as "white countries", the conversation would be different, but when I pointed out that they in fact take far more than those "white countries" he has to shift the conversation. and now its "well actually they don't like this", which is subjective and therefore much more difficult to prove. This is once again because he has nothing concrete to stand on and therefore has no single position he can hold.

Third of all, notice how he has to resort to trying to discredit me by portraying me as someone who came to this conclusion by watching "fake ultraleftie news" and not talking to "actual people who live in those countries" as if I haven't spent the vast majority of my life as a person living in "those countries". And yeah sure of course 3 million entering a country of 84 million is going to add a lot of stress to infrastructure and yeah some people are not going to be happy about that, but at the same time a lot of people understand that what those people are fleeing is a civil war caused by a religious extremist group that was funded and armed by "white countries" to destabilise the region, if anything the countries involved in that should be taking more.
Humiliation complex? Spewing out utter nonsense that's so typical for woke ultralefties who can't argue using facts 🤡

1. I'll counter your idiotic ultraleftie claim "white countries haven't done anything" with fact that there's almost 26 million Muslim immigrants in Europe (total of 28 countries). While you using "counter argument" saying Turkey has done whole lot more when in fact Erdogan weaponized the unregulated Muslim migrants passage from Turkey to Europe 🤡 And the fact that you're too much of a pussy to have a convo with real Turks regarding the disrespectful muslims invasion in Turkey goes to show how much ultralefties are scared like little pussy from hearing facts from people who live in any specific area that's touched by "plague" 🤡

2. The fact is simple - Europe has now population of almost 26 million muslim migrants. So idk what your stupid ultraleftie mouth is yapping about 🤡

3. Concrete evidence? Just Google your concrete evidence about raise of grape statistics in all Europe countries that have major influx of illegal muslim and African migrants. But you're too much of a leftie pussy to Google any facts 🤡

4. Which white countries have funded by how large sums what civil wars in what countries? Be more specific mister woke stupidass ultraleftie. Otherwise you're spewing out nonsense mumbo jumbo 🤡
I can tell you that "traditional" muslims themselves are violent people who hate peaceful existence in less islamic environment. Hence muslim "radicals" (more like traditional old-school muslims) constantly commiting acts of terrorism against fellow ethnicity people in their countries. If you're not too much of a pussy than google it up leftie clown 🤡

As for "refugees" seeking "shelter" in Europe, strange how they seek "shelter" in wealthy benefits handing out white countries. Instead of settling in nearest peaceful islamic country where there's no wars. What you gonna say about that leftie woke clown 🤡
Why are European countries which didn’t do colonialism or have anything to do with the recent wars in the Middle East, expected to accept these foreigners? And expected to accept their cultural values?

There used to be way more nude beaches and bathhouses and now they’re closing because of men from these places
You ignore 3 things.
1. the white colonialists introduced benefits of modern civilization in Africa. Only thanks to this fact, population of Africans "boomed" out of proportions.
So maybe you're right. Maybe you're right - maybe white colonialists should have ignored Africa to leave black population on massively down on the low 🤷‍♂️
2. Where white people leave African countries, Africans themselves resort to their "destruction instincts" - South Africa, Haiti.
3. On the average the African politicians themselves are being way worse than white colonialists. Just read about all the genocides going on in Africa, genocides being done by powerdrunk African military leaders.
So we are just going to ignore the fact that colonialists exploited both resources and people for years and years, and the fact that even nowadays most companies there are owned by white people and so called western investmet funds?
I also find it hypocritical then when europe has to also accept immigration :/ If black people can have africa and be against "colonialism" then we can also be against immigration because that is like colonialism from foreigners
You ignore 3 things.
1. the white colonialists introduced benefits of modern civilization in Africa. Only thanks to this fact, population of Africans "boomed" out of proportions.
So maybe you're right. Maybe you're right - maybe white colonialists should have ignored Africa to leave black population on massively down on the low 🤷‍♂️
2. Where white people leave African countries, Africans themselves resort to their "destruction instincts" - South Africa, Haiti.
3. On the average the African politicians themselves are being way worse than white colonialists. Just read about all the genocides going on in Africa, genocides being done by powerdrunk African military leaders.
There they go.

The policeman s ta bbed to death in anti-I.slam rally last month was k.illed by a refugee from Afghanistan. The s hootings and b ombings in Sweden are carried out by gangs of Middle eastern, Mediterranean and Balkan nationals. The new year’s eve celebrations of a few years ago in Berlin where women were attacked by groups of north-african/arab men. Not to mention numerous other terror-related attacks.

Yet they focus on blacks. Not surprising. That’s how many/most of these people think…”blacks”, “blacks”, “blacks”, “blacks”.

If they are sooooo triggered by these people, then why do they come running to these places, so they can get off on viewing these men as big-cocked fuck a n I mals having an imalisti.c intercourse with white women????
Well you have to understand that colonialism is the major factor why those countries are the way they are today and why some people are looking a way for a better life.

There they go.

The policeman s ta bbed to death in anti-I.slam rally last month was k.illed by a refugee from Afghanistan. The s hootings and b ombings in Sweden are carried out by gangs of Middle eastern, Mediterranean and Balkan nationals. The new year’s eve celebrations of a few years ago in Berlin where women were attacked by groups of north-african/arab men. Not to mention numerous other terror-related attacks.

Yet they focus on blacks. Not surprising. That’s how many/most of these people think…”blacks”, “blacks”, “blacks”, “blacks”.

If they are sooooo triggered by these people, then why do they come running to these places, so they can get off on viewing these men as big-cocked fuck a n I mals having an imalisti.c intercourse with white women????
I agree but I say that colonialism made their countries better so I feel like they should be grateful to us

Muslims and black people are both foreigners and have the same issues :/ Just because I specify black doesn't mean I am okay with what muslims do too
Why are European countries which didn’t do colonialism or have anything to do with the recent wars in the Middle East, expected to accept these foreigners? And expected to accept their cultural values?

There used to be way more nude beaches and bathhouses and now they’re closing because of men from these places

Man attacked with hatchets and HARPOONS after taking pictures of women in burkinis...Corsica! ;) đź‘Ś

I agree but I say that colonialism made their countries better so I feel like they should be grateful to us

Muslims and black people are both foreigners and have the same issues :/ Just because I specify black doesn't mean I am okay with what muslims do too

Yeah they should definitely be grateful for all the exploiting that colonizers did... I honestly can't believe how someone can write something like this :rolleyes:
I agree but I say that colonialism made their countries better so I feel like they should be grateful to us

Muslims and black people are both foreigners and have the same issues :/ Just because I specify black doesn't mean I am okay with what muslims do too
Did they really though, look at what the Belgians did in the Congo, or how the British created arbitrary country borders that has guaranteed instability across the middle east, or how the Australians tried to breed out the aboriginal people or how the Dutch committed atrocities in Indonesia.

For a lot of people their countries weren't better, their governments were destroyed, their family killed by an invading ******* or by infighting orchestrated by the invaders, and then their resources stripped with little to no compensation. Yes they were given roads, but those were built to get resources out of the country, not to make their lives easier, so they don't really do a good job of making people's lives any better. And even the countries that didn't take part directly still benefited from it, a lot of that wealth was distributed to neighbours through local trades in a way they weren't in the colonies
Yeah they should definitely be grateful for all the exploiting that colonizers did... I honestly can't believe how someone can write something like this :rolleyes:
You dont know what you are talking about. Colonization was not all bad, it did many good things. I honestly cant believe how someone can write something like this.. educate yourself darling. Be better
AI Overview
Learn more
Colonialism has had many negative impacts on colonized populations, including:
Human rights violations
Colonizers often used unjust policies to maintain their wealth and privilege, which could include slavery, apartheid, mass mĂşrder, and land and resource theft. These policies could also lead to the loss of cultural or religious identities, and sometimes even lives.
Cultural loss
Colonization can lead to the loss of cultural and religious identities. For example, indigenous people may lose knowledge and traditions when older generations die.
Colonization spread disease, which could lead to sickness and starvation. Some indigenous people believed disease was a weapon used by hostile spiritual forces, and went to war to try to exorcise it.
Environmental degradation
Colonization can lead to environmental degradation, such as land displacement and land degradation.
Economic underdevelopment
Colonization can lead to economic instability and unequal access to health care, education, and social justice. For example, European colonization of Africa may have arrested the natural development of the African economic system.
Social and political structures
Colonization can destroy indigenous social, political, and economic structures. It can also lead to poor treatment of indigenous populations, income and wealth inequality, and weak governmental infrastructure. For example, in eastern North America, indigenous people may have gone to war to try to exorcise disease from their communities.
Colonization can lead to ethnic rivalries and religious conflicts. For example, parts of Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Balkans are currently experiencing conflicts over resource distribution, human rights, and governance.
Racism and intolerance
Colonialism can lead to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and intolerance, which can continue today.
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Yeah they should definitely be grateful for all the exploiting that colonizers did... I honestly can't believe how someone can write something like this :rolleyes:
They should because the countries without colonialism were worse. We also gave them things like technology and medicine too. The reason why Africa has such a high population is because we help them :/

Did they really though, look at what the Belgians did in the Congo, or how the British created arbitrary country borders that has guaranteed instability across the middle east, or how the Australians tried to breed out the aboriginal people or how the Dutch committed atrocities in Indonesia.

For a lot of people their countries weren't better, their governments were destroyed, their family killed by an invading ******* or by infighting orchestrated by the invaders, and then their resources stripped with little to no compensation. Yes they were given roads, but those were built to get resources out of the country, not to make their lives easier, so they don't really do a good job of making people's lives any better. And even the countries that didn't take part directly still benefited from it, a lot of that wealth was distributed to neighbours through local trades in a way they weren't in the colonies
Well :/ I don't disagree that destroying homes and ******* is wrong. But I also think that's just part of history! It's like saying the black people that murdered white south africans are wrong but the will justify it was fighting against colonization. Also they still benefit from colonialism today because they still use the things we built for them

You dont know what you are talking about. Colonization was not all bad, it did many good things. I honestly cant believe how someone can write something like this.. educate yourself darling. Be better
Yay thanks! Too many people blame white people and will make any excuse for it
They should because the countries without colonialism were worse. We also gave them things like technology and medicine too. The reason why Africa has such a high population is because we help them :/

Well :/ I don't disagree that destroying homes and ******* is wrong. But I also think that's just part of history! It's like saying the black people that murdered white south africans are wrong but the will justify it was fighting against colonization. Also they still benefit from colonialism today because they still use the things we built for them

Yay thanks! Too many people blame white people and will make any excuse for it
I'm taking a ride with my best friend... Malmö
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he's taking me
Taking me where I want to be
I'm taking a ride with my best friend...;) đź‘Ś

There they go.

The policeman s ta bbed to death in anti-I.slam rally last month was k.illed by a refugee from Afghanistan. The s hootings and b ombings in Sweden are carried out by gangs of Middle eastern, Mediterranean and Balkan nationals. The new year’s eve celebrations of a few years ago in Berlin where women were attacked by groups of north-african/arab men. Not to mention numerous other terror-related attacks.

Yet they focus on blacks. Not surprising. That’s how many/most of these people think…”blacks”, “blacks”, “blacks”, “blacks”.

If they are sooooo triggered by these people, then why do they come running to these places, so they can get off on viewing these men as big-cocked fuck a n I mals having an imalisti.c intercourse with white women????
You have a good point! What is so crazy to me is: They have so much bigotry, yet have the nerve to want to have sex with Black men and then they would use code words too hide their bigotry! It has been so damn long since I have been with a white woman, but as I started seeing the REAL BEAUTY of Black women, that changed me completely! I am glad that I saw the real jewels of Black women though it did take me a long time to figure that out about Black women. which it should not have!!
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