Wave of Migration to Europe

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I am finding more and more that white men are living in a delusion of sorts, they want their wives to fuck Black men but still think they're top dog. They want their comforts but need immigrants to do all the labor and then say 'deport them!!'. Almost like a mass delusion for their whole population... LOL!
You are an idiot full of self servicing rhetoric.
No one is hiding behind ******* is a rapidly exploding lifestyle. White men are by default cucks aka choosing black men to fuck their wives. Sex is ab an act of reproduction so white men and women are choosing African genes over their own.
I disagree that we are choosing African genes over our own but we are definitely cucks who want black men to fuck our wives.
You have a good point! What is so crazy to me is: They have so much bigotry, yet have the nerve to want to have sex with Black men and then they would use code words too hide their bigotry! ...
I hear you, but it takes two to tango. As long as big-dicked thick-skulled dumb black men continue to come to places like this and fuck the wives of these gammon faces like muscular b.ru_tes, so these same gammon can get-off on the taboo of "they used to be our sl.aves, now they our fucking our wives with their big black cocks!!", then this sorry state of affairs will continue.
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That was one of them. There were several other m.assacres of black communities like this in the past. What usually happens is the town gets prosperous, the neighboring whites get resentful and angry that those blacks are doing well and having nice things. Then all of a sudden, a white woman gets “assaulted” by a black man, next thing you know a mob assembles and razes the black town to the ground. I read where a reporter in the early 1980s spoke a to one of the surviving whites was around during the Tusa riots. The reporter asked him what it was really about and he said “We just had to keep the n***** in their place”. But truth be told, a lot of these people even now hate it when they see blacks with nice things. E.g. you never see whites behave with resentment and anger to a latino, or Asian or indian (or whatever ethnicity) driving a nice care. Yet when it is a black person, that makes a lot of them resentful about that.

Which is why I find this whole LS weird. These people treated your ancestors on plantations like they wouldn’t treat farm a_nima.ls or pets. Treated your more recent ancestors like they were sub-human, they still habor a lot of hate for “the blacks” , yet some of these same blacks want to act like big-dicked fuck an I ma ls for their wives? Crazy.
That was one of them. There were several other m.assacres of black communities like this in the past. What usually happens is the town gets prosperous, the neighboring whites get resentful and angry that those blacks are doing well and having nice things. Then all of a sudden, a white woman gets “assaulted” by a black man, next thing you know a mob assembles and razes the black town to the ground. I read where a reporter in the early 1980s spoke a to one of the surviving whites was around during the Tusa riots. The reporter asked him what it was really about and he said “We just had to keep the n***** in their place”. But truth be told, a lot of these people even now hate it when they see blacks with nice things. E.g. you never see whites behave with resentment and anger to a latino, or Asian or indian (or whatever ethnicity) driving a nice care. Yet when it is a black person, that makes a lot of them resentful about that.

Which is why I find this whole LS weird. These people treated your ancestors on plantations like they wouldn’t treat farm a_nima.ls or pets. Treated your more recent ancestors like they were sub-human, they still habor a lot of hate for “the blacks” , yet some of these same blacks want to act like big-dicked fuck an I ma ls for their wives? Crazy.
Things were different back then.
That was one of them. There were several other m.assacres of black communities like this in the past. What usually happens is the town gets prosperous, the neighboring whites get resentful and angry that those blacks are doing well and having nice things. Then all of a sudden, a white woman gets “assaulted” by a black man, next thing you know a mob assembles and razes the black town to the ground. I read where a reporter in the early 1980s spoke a to one of the surviving whites was around during the Tusa riots. The reporter asked him what it was really about and he said “We just had to keep the n***** in their place”. But truth be told, a lot of these people even now hate it when they see blacks with nice things. E.g. you never see whites behave with resentment and anger to a latino, or Asian or indian (or whatever ethnicity) driving a nice care. Yet when it is a black person, that makes a lot of them resentful about that.

Which is why I find this whole LS weird. These people treated your ancestors on plantations like they wouldn’t treat farm a_nima.ls or pets. Treated your more recent ancestors like they were sub-human, they still habor a lot of hate for “the blacks” , yet some of these same blacks want to act like big-dicked fuck an I ma ls for their wives? Crazy.
No argument here...😉
That's purely down to white proletariat being massacred by Millions in 2 World Wars. If my forebears had been free loading cowards and all ran away to the Americas, the Antipodes or anywhere else with flushing toilets where would all Rapeugees be heading today? Able bodied and of combat age , you're a coward and a deserter, not a refugee. Why send your blind grandmother, or or all the sick children? I think you know the answer to that even better than me James. # Nuke Mecca. 🖕
First generation immigrants may have some difficulty adapting. But this is a fact of the world. Europe's population continuity is only possible with immigrants
Well said, nothing costs more than Freedom, it can only be paid for in *******. Find the names "Sunak" or "Kwateng' on a War Memorial anywhere in the British Isles ! Idi Amin had the right idea about you know who.
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