Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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They are conspiracy theories.

From your medias, your pravda :

that says a lot!.....goes right along with all the protests.....the killings....the guy is NOT loved.....cruel dictators usually get a violent end....and his is coming...….that is why he is so determined to get trump back in...…..he knows trump will do nothing to him...….Biden will sanction the ******* out of him and a few of his rich buddies....hurting the country and maybe pushing the people into getting rid of him
Russian trolls are relying on Trump quotes and tweets for disinformation campaigns, saving them from making up the content themselves like they did in the 2016 elections

  • Russia's attempts to influence the election are mostly just amplifying President Donald Trump's misleading statements, according to a new report from The New York Times.
  • Foreign Policy Research Institute fellow and former FBI special agent Clint Watts told the Times: "The Russians in 2016 had to make false news stories or manipulated truths to power their narratives. This time they’re not writing anything that’s not already said in US space, often by Mr. Trump himself."
Last week, FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress that Russia’s campaign was focused on sowing "divisiveness and discord" and hurting Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden’s chances at getting elected, The Times reported.

Russia is once again interfering in the US election, but this time, The New York Times reported, instead of having to make up its propaganda, it is relying on misleading statements made by President Donald Trump in speeches and tweets.

kind of like what allfor posts daily just showing we have our own Russian troll right here

Along with criticizing the US's pandemic response, Russia has mostly been interfering in the US by amplifying Trump's comments about the dangers of mail-in ballots, and spreading lies about Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, The Times reported on Tuesday, based on interviews with analysts and a number of officials.

Foreign Policy Research Institute fellow and former FBI agent Clint Watts, who did a disinformation review, told The Times in 2016 Russian trolls had to "make false news stories or manipulated truths to power their narratives. This time they're not writing anything that's not already said in US space, often by Mr. Trump himself."

The USSR no longer exists, but you want the resources of Russia. You missed your shot by betting on the depraved Yeltsin. We have our own political system and Poutin's re-election maybe was a failure because it means that our democratic institutions are not yet mature but this remains the expression of a majority. It is better to play it safe than to see Russia collapse. Sooner or later, Poutin will leave and Russia will have a stable state, essential conditions for a democratic transition of power, without corruption.

About russophobia and russophobic speeches I have heard in France and read here. I totally agree with this commentator from London, and others in general.

About Navalny, as your accusations seems concern Navalny, we have access to the information. Some of your websites are translated into Russian and very well referenced on Yandex. We also have media other than RT, which regularly picks up information from western newspapers and is much more nuanced than RT. Type on Yandex Алексе́й Анато́льевич Нава́льный, and you will see. We know who he is. Everyone knows him in Russia and elsewhere.
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I do not care about your judgments, I take a different look. As American, you can insult each other during your election as the Italians swing clementines at the carnival of Ivrea, but stop stigmatizing Russia. Stop using us for your political gimicks. Is not Trump's economic record bad enough? Do not Americans love Joe Biden enough to wave Russia's redflag ? We already have enough internal problems to add penalties. It is enough to see my childhood village to understand it.
The conspiracy of the man-orchestral... The more I read comments like yours, the more I pride myself on not being like you.
You know white liberal democrats are brainwashed when they are protesting white people for being white people. The Brainwashing of all democrats is confirmed when you hear both white and black democrats calling for segregation, again.

Mr. & Mrs. Biden voter, ask yourself if he Koch Brothers were doing this in NY or CA how would you feel? Yep Bloomberg is trying to buy votes for Democrats, again.

Why are the Dems trying so hard to change the voting process? Get rid of the Electoral College, install all mail in ballots, illegal "immigrants" getting to vote all during a "pandemic" with a 99.8% survival rate and an over stated positive tests by as much as 90% (NY Times).

Mr. & Mrs. Biden voter are you just fodder for their power grab? You know Marxist always shoot those who put them in power first?
And - - - they call us sheep :LOL:
I do not agree with all your candidate say especially about social justice and global warming and I do not think they are all wrong, but good luck with them... There are not open minded to the word except west (and western liberals like them). I am quite centrist in Russia but when I see that I am outraged... no criticism is allowed outside of their cultural codes, of their western liberal point of view.
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I do not agree with all your candidate say especially about social justice and global warming and I do not think they are all wrong, but good luck with them... There are not open minded to the word except west. I am quite centrist in Russia but when I see that I am outraged...
you can not really expect much sympathy from democrats in the us ……..you will get some from the p.utins gop not sure how much though
I do not hold Poutin responsible for all the country's words like you do. We are in a federal state with a lot of lust, in a multiline world. You blame Donald Trump but you have a lot of responsibility in the management of your country. If everyone made an effort to understand the opposing camp society, we would have a more respectful world. I am just asking to stop citing Russia as a land and a administration of criminals by default. You use the same rhetoric than Trump with mexicans. Period.
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I saw this quote and thought, “yeah, share it with them”

Hunter Biden spent exponentially more bribe money on ****** and coke, supplied to him by the wife of the Mayor of Moscow, than the Russians spent on facebook ads, ever. And his was actually proven. Damn
Speaking of Russia, I read the comments and wonder where the hell some get the crap they spread. I've been to Russia three times. Before and after the wall came down. The people i found to be mostly polite, friendly and eager to meet a American that was not a politician or military member. My trip before the walls came down was with a Movie production filming The Ice Runner. We covered a lot of ground in the months we were there. I had such a good time with people I've been back twice. Never met anyone except higher level military who acted at times with suspicion and dislike. The lower ranks were very friendly if the officers weren't around. They are just people like us, families who want to live and raise there children in peace. The things they have been told about us by their government are very similar to what we have been told my whole life about Russians. You might think the same person wrote the propaganda for both nations. I was really impressed by the politeness of most, theirs rude people everywhere. We have our share. We went to the circus outstanding performers and we saw everything. Not a single person left their seat when the acts were on. Imagine no one walking in front of you stepping on your feet as they went to the restroom or snack stop. I noticed that the walkways to the arena were filled with people waiting to return to their seats during the change of acts. It wasn't a law just good manners. Communication was good because English has been a required course for over forty years. No trouble finding a translator when speaking to anyone older. I learned a lot during my travels, Our leaders frequently color, shade even lie about people of other nations. Even heard some facts on TCM when the commentator told how our government paid movie makers millions to make films depicting Russians in a bad light. Then paying again to make them appear jovial and friendly when they became allies in WWII. I have no illusions that there are not some who hate Americans, We have our share of people who hate not because they personally experienced anything. Just something said or read Too often by people who are just compelled to trash others. I did meet more than one who dislikes the leader they have. But understand there it's not safe to be open or loud about it. People disappear, but that's a different subject.

#Russia's state TV:
Military and political experts argue that the situation between #Ukraine & Russia will inevitably escalate into an open military confrontation, predicting it will happen sometime after the elections. No one seems concerned with Trump's potential reaction.

Some of Russia'shundreds of Ukraine lies from state media

This photograph from Saudi Arabia was falsely represented as a picture from Slavyansk, Ukraine.


Photoshopped photograph, falsely claiming that Donetsk was burned down by the Ukrainian military.

Photograph from China, which was falsely represented to be a picture from Donbass, Ukraine.


Photograph from Bosnia, falsely represented to show Ukrainian military abusing/murdering civilians in Donbass, Ukraine.


This and HUNDREDS more are freely available showing Russian state media lying.. And guess which media were at the forefront of it al?l..I'll give you a clue..RT and Sputnik, Pravda media news outlets.
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