Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Speaking of Russia, I read the comments and wonder where the hell some get the crap they spread. I've been to Russia three times. Before and after the wall came down. The people i found to be mostly polite, friendly and eager to meet a American that was not a politician or military member. My trip before the walls came down was with a Movie production filming The Ice Runner. We covered a lot of ground in the months we were there. I had such a good time with people I've been back twice. Never met anyone except higher level military who acted at times with suspicion and dislike. The lower ranks were very friendly if the officers weren't around. They are just people like us, families who want to live and raise there children in peace. The things they have been told about us by their government are very similar to what we have been told my whole life about Russians. You might think the same person wrote the propaganda for both nations. I was really impressed by the politeness of most, theirs rude people everywhere. We have our share. We went to the circus outstanding performers and we saw everything. Not a single person left their seat when the acts were on. Imagine no one walking in front of you stepping on your feet as they went to the restroom or snack stop. I noticed that the walkways to the arena were filled with people waiting to return to their seats during the change of acts. It wasn't a law just good manners. Communication was good because English has been a required course for over forty years. No trouble finding a translator when speaking to anyone older. I learned a lot during my travels, Our leaders frequently color, shade even lie about people of other nations. Even heard some facts on TCM when the commentator told how our government paid movie makers millions to make films depicting Russians in a bad light. Then paying again to make them appear jovial and friendly when they became allies in WWII. I have no illusions that there are not some who hate Americans, We have our share of people who hate not because they personally experienced anything. Just something said or read Too often by people who are just compelled to trash others. I did meet more than one who dislikes the leader they have. But understand there it's not safe to be open or loud about it. People disappear, but that's a different subject.

Can you add spacing to your paragraghs please. It hell trying to read them Thanks
This started to be humor, But after Mr. Barr's recent comments and actions maybe it's not. If you bother to read local news in those protest cities Trump rants about you know the burning and window smashing has in most cases been near but not at the protest sight. Three places have store surveillance tapes that show men breaking glass. All of them White one doing it with a umbrella. The other two in camouflage wear very similar to those anti protesters and more than one of those detained were found to be white power group affiliated. All three appeared to know the locations of cameras as they were very careful not to revile their faces.
They have like good law enforcement today taped the entire protest and not one of those men could be found in those tapes. Who were those men breaking glass and possibly starting fires but no one has reported a tape so far of any of the fire starting places. With the entire protest on tape it's interesting that no protestor has been arrested or questioned for leaving the protest near those fire or window breaking locations. Are they White power trying to get riots going to shoot blacks. One has already done that. Drove over four hundred miles to protect a business that was what that group claimed. Odd thing the owner didn't know any of them and had not ask for armed people to guard anything. He expected police to do that. Barr traveled there with Trump and that shooter was suddenly released and both commended his killing as justified. Did they pay the bail or get it waved and why if you really want to stop escalation of violence would you do that. Common intelligence would tell most it's like throwing gas on a fire.
A Russian premier said years ago they would take the united states without firing a shot. Are they behind the group intent on riots and even civil war. That's how they got Cuba. Encouraged and backed a revolt, took it without a single Russian firing a shot. All Americans regardless of party might need to as this thread says Wake Up. Am i wrong, i hope so but am i the only one who would like to know what's being said in all those calls back and forth between Trump and Putin . Often several in a single week and not brief as most other recorded calls were. Calls that have always before been recorded and transcribed . They are not now, it's always been policy for every previous president. That's how Nixon got caught. I think those video cameras in the oval office were removed, for security reasons of course. But all other transmissions into and out of continued to be monitored. If there's nothing to hide why did the policy get changed or ignored by Trump.
I read a lot and the reports of Russian planes and subs by our intelligence and military are disturbing. Ten times more than any previous year one report stated. Like a puzzle the pieces don't amount to much, putting them together could cause serious heartburn. I like many Russian people but i don't want it to be our official language. Plot.jpg
The leader of the 'free world' has just announced that he doesn't want to step down in the event of losing the election.

If your alarm bells aren't ringing now, then there is no hope for you.

You're on the verge of a civil war. Education education education.
The leader of the 'free world' has just announced that he doesn't want to step down in the event of losing the election.

If your alarm bells aren't ringing now, then there is no hope for you.

You're on the verge of a civil war. Education education education.
It was my fear before yesterday but it was not taken seriously. And afterwards, we dare to call Poutin a dictator. Your democracy is very funny.

In France, a candidate (conservative) has just proposed a single 6-year-old candidate, my husband tells me. Like what, there is no single model. In Russia, when Poutin wanted to stay in power, he asked the Russian people to follow Medvedev and was appointed Prime Minister, in respect of the laws and traditions of my country.
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The leader of the 'free world' has just announced that he doesn't want to step down in the event of losing the election.

If your alarm bells aren't ringing now, then there is no hope for you.

You're on the verge of a civil war. Education education education.

yes...he has no plan on stepping down...he thinks that is he didn't win it was a rigged election and won't be leaving.....

Trump’s ‘there won’t be a transfer’ comments

As the 2016 election approached, then-candidate Donald Trump’s rhetoric escalated. He would lose only if there was fraud committed against him, he said at multiple points, and he regularly derided the process as “rigged.” During the third presidential debate, Trump was asked whether he would recognize the results of the election.

“I will look at it at the time,” Trump replied. “I’m not looking at anything now. I’ll look at it at the time. What I’ve seen, what I’ve seen, is so bad.” He went on to disparage the media and elevate false claims about the risk posed by outdated voter rolls.

When he won the election anyway, this idea that he had somehow been cheated persisted. After all, he had lost the popular vote, so he has repeatedly as president asserted that somehow millions of illegal votes were cast without being detected, enough to suggest that it was he, not Hillary Clinton, who was actually the choice of the overall electorate four years ago.

This refrain is consistent with President Trump’s approach to his job: Actually, he’s very popular, but it’s not captured in polls conducted by reputable pollsters or in, say, the results of the 2018 congressional elections. It’s this smokescreen that Trump throws up to assure his followers or perhaps himself that he is what he claims to be — the voice of the people.

It’s an instinct that served him particularly poorly Wednesday evening.
Over the past few weeks, there has been a growing rumble of the sort that was manifested in 2016: What if Trump declines to concede? The threat is more dangerous now, because Trump has the power of the presidency itself at his disposal. What if the scenarios outlined by journalist Barton Gellman for the Atlantic play out, and Trump pulls every available lever to subvert popular will should it become apparent that he might lose? How close is this country to seeing its experiment collapse?

During a news briefing, Trump was asked to assuage those concerns.
“Mr. President, real quickly, win, lose or draw in this election, will you commit here today for a peaceful transfer of power after the election?” a reporter asked. He noted various incidents of violence that have occurred in recent weeks, apparently to demonstrate the elevated national temperature. “Will you commit to making sure that there is a peaceful transferral of power after the election?”

Trump’s answer was not reassuring.

“Well,” he began, “we’re going to have to see what happens.”
It’s a sharply atypical response for a president, certainly. George W. Bush or Barack Obama, for example, would probably have said something like, while I’m confident I’ll win, of course I will cede my position should that be what voters want. But they weren’t asked similar questions, to my knowledge, because they didn’t need to articulate those obvious answers.

Given his rhetoric in 2016, this was not an atypical response for Trump. To some extent he likes to accentuate this tension, to see cable news pundits gasp and to watch reporters scribble in their notepads. And, of course, he is heavily invested in suggesting that there might be some reason not to accept the results, a position that will allow him, if needed, to rail against the counting of mail-in ballots after Election Day, ballots that will almost certainly favor his opponent.
He transitioned to again bashing those mail-in ballots, as he has so often before.

Note: 75% of mail in ballots are estimated to be democratic

GOP senators see political, principle gain in court fight

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump marveled at a rally this week about how important Supreme Court nominations are to voters.

But Senate Republicans are with the voters on that. Despite Democratic cries of hypocrisy, they're hoping the battle over replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg will help them keep their Senate majority as well as Trump's job in the White House.
Beyond the Nov. 3 elections, some feel the generational goal of a solidly conservative court is worth the potential blowback.

“Most of us came to the Senate, ran for the Senate, in a lot of ways for big moments like this — for an opportunity to fill seats on the Supreme Court,” said Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., the GOP whip who is not up for reelection this year.

And whatever their personal views of Trump and his presidency, Republicans also see a political payoff in sticking with him and plunging ahead to confirm his pick to fill the court vacancy before the election.

they want to intimidate voters from voting...and they are at every polling station

Fact check: Trump Jr. touts baseless rigged-election claims to recruit 'army' for his dad

Donald Trump Jr. is touting baseless election-rigging claims in videos posted to Facebook and Twitter asking "able-bodied" people to join an election security "army" for his *******.

Facebook and Twitter affixed labels to the video pointing to accurate information about voting, but neither company said the video violated its election integrity rules in a way that would result in it being removed.

Now he can go ahead and deny the election take it to court and the supreme court will side with him....they owe him for their job

Trump says he wants to fill Supreme Court seat quickly in case justices need to settle election dispute

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Wednesday he wants a nine-member Supreme Court as soon as possible in case the justices have to decide cases challenging the results of his own presidential election.

"I think this will end up in the Supreme Court, and I think it's very important that we have nine Justices," Trump told reporters after discussing election issues with a group of Republican state attorneys general.

Having a ninth justice avoids the prospect of a tie vote in an election case, Trump said: “I think having a 4-4 situation is not a good situation."

Report: Trump Campaign Actively Discussing Radical ...
1 day ago · The Atlantic report claims that sources in the Republican Party at the local and national levels confirm that “the Trump campaign is discussing contingency plans to bypass election results and ...

The Trump campaign is reportedly 'discussing contingency ...
17 hours ago · President Trump's campaign is discussing "contingency plans" that would involve bypassing the result of November's election, reports The Atlantic.. The report delves into possible scenarios if Trump apparently loses the 2020 presidential election but doesn't concede, noting that although we're used to electors being selected based on the popular vote, "nothing in the Constitution …
No matter how much you prove how corrupt trump and company is......this dictator will not be phased and his loyal brain dead supporters will buy whatever trump says instead of the court

Eric Trump must testify in fraud inquiry before election ...
1 day ago · Eric Trump must testify in fraud inquiry before election, judge rules New York state investigating whether Trump Organization lied about value of its assets to receive loans or tax benefits.

Eric Trump must testify in New York AG probe before ...
11 hours ago · Eric Trump must testify in New York AG probe before election, judge rules Eric Trump, the president’s middle ******* and a top executive at his organization, has until Oct. 7 to testify.
This started to be humor, But after Mr. Barr's recent comments and actions maybe it's not. If you bother to read local news in those protest cities Trump rants about you know the burning and window smashing has in most cases been near but not at the protest sight. Three places have store surveillance tapes that show men breaking glass. All of them White one doing it with a umbrella. The other two in camouflage wear very similar to those anti protesters and more than one of those detained were found to be white power group affiliated. All three appeared to know the locations of cameras as they were very careful not to revile their faces.
They have like good law enforcement today taped the entire protest and not one of those men could be found in those tapes. Who were those men breaking glass and possibly starting fires but no one has reported a tape so far of any of the fire starting places. With the entire protest on tape it's interesting that no protestor has been arrested or questioned for leaving the protest near those fire or window breaking locations. Are they White power trying to get riots going to shoot blacks. One has already done that. Drove over four hundred miles to protect a business that was what that group claimed. Odd thing the owner didn't know any of them and had not ask for armed people to guard anything. He expected police to do that. Barr traveled there with Trump and that shooter was suddenly released and both commended his killing as justified. Did they pay the bail or get it waved and why if you really want to stop escalation of violence would you do that. Common intelligence would tell most it's like throwing gas on a fire.
A Russian premier said years ago they would take the united states without firing a shot. Are they behind the group intent on riots and even civil war. That's how they got Cuba. Encouraged and backed a revolt, took it without a single Russian firing a shot. All Americans regardless of party might need to as this thread says Wake Up. Am i wrong, i hope so but am i the only one who would like to know what's being said in all those calls back and forth between Trump and Poroshenko . Often several in a single week and not brief as most other recorded calls were. Calls that have always before been recorded and transcribed . They are not now, it's always been policy for every previous president. That's how Nixon got caught. I think those video cameras in the oval office were removed, for security reasons of course. But all other transmissions into and out of continued to be monitored. If there's nothing to hide why did the policy get changed or ignored by Trump.
I read a lot and the reports of Russian planes and subs by our intelligence and military are disturbing. Ten times more than any previous year one report stated. Like a puzzle the pieces don't amount to much, putting them together could cause serious heartburn. I like many Russian people but i don't want it to be our official language. View attachment 3626560
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It was my fear before yesterday but it was not taken seriously. And afterwards, we dare to call Poutin a dictator. Your democracy is very funny.

In France, a candidate (conservative) has just proposed a single 6-year-old candidate, my husband tells me. Like what, there is no single model. In Russia, when Poroshenko wanted to stay in power, he asked the Russian people to follow Medvedev and was appointed Prime Minister, in respect of the laws and traditions of my country.
Trump is no better than P. Utin. He's been well drilled and his acolytes well brainwashed.
That Dems are demented - illustrated above
But I'm not a Democrat , I'm a life long until only a few months ago Republican Now I'm independent. Free to think, choose and pick who i believe is best. Not the party choice. Both major parties have too often in recent years had very poor candidates. We too often have to pick the least or most offensive depending on our own personality. You know if you hate constantly and are unhappy you in most cases pick the most offensive. A kindred spirit.
Ive read your posts they have no substance merely insults and sarcastic remarks. Considering all the things Trumps done that you seem to believe are honest and intelligent imagine him as a Democrat. Would you still believe those things are proper or the correct action to solve the problem. I suspect if Obama had done any one of them you would be screaming foul at the top of your lungs.
But I'm not a Democrat , I'm a life long until only a few months ago Republican Now I'm independent. Free to think, choose and pick who i believe is best. Not the party choice. Both major parties have too often in recent years had very poor candidates. We too often have to pick the least or most offensive depending on our own personality. You know if you hate constantly and are unhappy you in most cases pick the most offensive. A kindred spirit.
Ive read your posts they have no substance merely insults and sarcastic remarks. Considering all the things Trumps done that you seem to believe are honest and intelligent imagine him as a Democrat. Would you still believe those things are proper or the correct action to solve the problem. I suspect if Obama had done any one of them you would be screaming foul at the top of your lungs.

I think it is a good skeptical mind.
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