Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Maybe so - I think Collins is stuck cause mostly Dems in Maine.

Murkowski always seems to go against her party - don’t know why there.
Maybe so - I think Collins is stuck cause mostly Dems in Maine.

Murkowski always seems to go against her party - don’t know why there.

they were lucky to get in being republicans in dem areas...….like the Dem from Carolina….or Va ...can't remember...can't even think of his damned name now.....but he votes with the republicans most of the time

trump appointing someone is the best gift he could give the Dems...…..donations up in millions since she died...Va....looong lines to vote...people want their vote counted when they vote...so he gets another pick...…..biden can just raise the number of justices to 11 and appoint 2...no law saying it has to be 9...…..make DC and Puerto Rico states...ensuring 4 more democratic senators since the right has fucked them over forever

all kinds of payback ******* that can take place....and trump is pushing those voters to the polls
Yeah I heard you Dems gonna raise the Supreme Court to 15 - gotta get yer way - trying to take the country over - already trying to steal this next election and or delegitimize it - I hope the people see the way you people think - I do and it’s SCARY!!!!!!
... already trying to steal this next election and or delegitimize it
I believe you have your parties mixed up again. Who's inviting the Russians to help? Who's trying to negatively impact voting participation? Who's the one who is actually trying to delegitimize the election IF Trump loses?

That's just the first page of my SEARCH .... what YOU HAVE to support your claim?
Your faith in media prolly dwarfs your religious beliefs.

If Dems didn’t own the media your party would prolly cease to exist.
If Dems didn’t own the media your party would prolly cease to exist.
Ah, so you are saying Trump did not vocally mention delaying the Election?
Or, vocally complain and stroke fear about the use of absentee voting?
Or, make no effort in securing the voting against Russian voting interference?
Or, proclaim the voting may be rigged AGAINST HIM?

Because all this is ON VIDEOS and RECORDINGS during his campaign tour.
Yeah I heard you Dems gonna raise the Supreme Court to 15 - gotta get yer way - trying to take the country over - already trying to steal this next election and or delegitimize it - I hope the people see the way you people think - I do and it’s SCARY!!!!!!

get our way....is that anything like pushing for a new Justice.....while some states are voting right now....talk about one sided and blind
I think going for a justice right now is a mistake - I agree with you on that - however - the law is on President Trump’s side if he wants to go in that direction.

I support the LAW - Dems only supports laws that benefit them - if the situation was reversed you guys would be gloating as you moved along - I wish you could see how disgusting your party looks - I’ll NEVER vote Dem again.
The Soviet Union is evil and openly kills political adversary’s.
Who does not regret the dissolution of the Soviet Union has no heart; Whoever wants to resuscitate the Soviet Union has no brain, as we say

We remember the Great patriotic war that you modestly call WWII. Where was Western leaders, the United States, during the 70th victory day's parade ? Disgraceful

(shortest version)

For your culture👆🏻👍🏻
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