Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Hey Dems

“Can you imagine voting for someone who promises to raise the hell out of your taxes, mandate you wear a mask, lockdown your businesses, give amnesty and free medical to millions of criminal illegals etc- etc- ect?

How Democrats get a single vote is beyond me”

Silent Majority

That is exactly what I was saying !
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Cause the Dems OWN the media !!!!!!!
Maybe but that does not mean they are always right or wrong. Like the Russian media, they can deceive or defend interests, but you have to confront the newspapers if you have time. There is only an different ideological prism and a different arrogance. It is a shame that there are no other newspapers than RT or Sputnik in English, or even in French.
Cause the Dems OWN the media !!!!!!!

I thought Fox News was the biggest cable news channel and Sinclair media was the biggest local news conglomerate.

What's even the point. Ur-fascism dictates you have to be the perpetual underdog fighting against an enemy who is somehow simultaneously nefarious and dangerous, but also incompetent.

Ur-fascism dictates you must believe that we must return to a past. Not a specific past, not a past that ever really existed, but some ephemeral idea of the past, the "way things used to be", the way things were before the corruption.

Ur-fascism dictates that all truth and knowledge was handed down to us from our brilliant ancestors, and has just been degraded and perverted in modern times. If we can just return to the pure and true path, we can find enlightenment. Science cannot help us. Logic cannot help us. We cannot help ourselves. Only by following a single charismatic leader who can return us to the one right path, the path of our ancestors, can we be saved.

Reactionary thought takes many forms: Constitutional Originalism, Religious Fundamentalism, New Age Thought, Neoreactionary Monarchism, Paleo Diets, and so on

It's all the same thing. Abject fear of a complex modern life that seems incomprehensible. And instead of trying to understand the power structures that fuck over 99.9% of humanity, we look for the simple answer: return to the past. When things were better. We don't know when that past was, or what it entailed, but we have to get back there.

Maybe this is the apex of humanity's ability to self-organize. Maybe at this point too many people find the world too complex to be able to handle it, and just want to tear it down.
trump just doesn't understand.....the trumpvirus isn't killing people to make him look bad......it is killing because of his inability to handle it and it is hurting him in the polls...…………..while he sticks his head in the sand...the trumpvirus just keeps on killing

As Trump exudes pandemic optimism, Democrats still see worry — and an advantage

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. — Standing in front of thousands of unmasked supporters packed together on an airport tarmac here Saturday night, President Trump gave his regularly rosy assessment of the coronavirus pandemic.

those fucking trumptards….who uses mail in ballots without sealing the envelope....and there is a place on there just wjo it was mailed to....nothing on a bunch of these and all for trump...what is the odds in that

FBI investigating mail-in ballots found in trash outside board of elections

As mail-in voting begins in many states, and President Donald Trump continues to question its validity, one of battleground Pennsylvania's three pivotal counties has been thrust into the national spotlight after a small number of mail-in ballots were found in a trash dumpster outside a board of elections office.

The U.S. Attorney's Office of the Middle District of Pennsylvania and the FBI's Scranton Office earlier this week said they "began an inquiry into reports of potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections."

At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot," the U.S. attorney's office said in a statement.

The U.S. Attorney's Office in the Middle District of Pennsylvania first announced in an initial press release that all nine ballots were cast for Trump, but later corrected that number to seven and said two were resealed inside the envelope. Pennsylvania utilizes "secrecy envelopes" that cover cast ballots in addition to the larger, mailing envelope.

Progressives pledge to keep pushing Biden to expand Supreme Court

WASHINGTON — Since Joe Biden ran away with the Democratic presidential nomination in March, leading progressives have accepted him — sometimes grudgingly — as their party's leader. But, in the final weeks of the campaign, the Supreme Court vacancy is threatening to inflame old divides.

Some activists on the left are pressing Biden to endorse expanding the number of high court justices should he win the White House and Democrats take control of the Senate. But Biden, who ran a relatively centrist primary campaign, hasn't embraced those calls, worried they may intensify the nation's partisan split.

Naturally....he is running 2 countries Russia and the US all at one time

Vladimir Putin nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
20 hours ago · Russian President Vladimir Putin has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, his spokesman said Thursday. A group of Russian writers led by …

Vladimir Putin nominated for Nobel Peace Prize - CBS News
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11 hours ago · Russian President Vladimir Putin has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, the Russian state news agency TASS reported Thursday. Russian presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told ...
  • Author: Christopher Brito
I thought Fox News was the biggest cable news channel and Sinclair media was the biggest local news conglomerate.

What's even the point. Ur-fascism dictates you have to be the perpetual underdog fighting against an enemy who is somehow simultaneously nefarious and dangerous, but also incompetent.

Ur-fascism dictates you must believe that we must return to a past. Not a specific past, not a past that ever really existed, but some ephemeral idea of the past, the "way things used to be", the way things were before the corruption.

Ur-fascism dictates that all truth and knowledge was handed down to us from our brilliant ancestors, and has just been degraded and perverted in modern times. If we can just return to the pure and true path, we can find enlightenment. Science cannot help us. Logic cannot help us. We cannot help ourselves. Only by following a single charismatic leader who can return us to the one right path, the path of our ancestors, can we be saved.

Reactionary thought takes many forms: Constitutional Originalism, Religious Fundamentalism, New Age Thought, Neoreactionary Monarchism, Paleo Diets, and so on

It's all the same thing. Abject fear of a complex modern life that seems incomprehensible. And instead of trying to understand the power structures that fuck over 99.9% of humanity, we look for the simple answer: return to the past. When things were better. We don't know when that past was, or what it entailed, but we have to get back there.

Maybe this is the apex of humanity's ability to self-organize. Maybe at this point too many people find the world too complex to be able to handle it, and just want to tear it down.

YOU are the fascists - you are the ones promoting tearing things down and trying to stop free speech - but YOU people perpetually accuse your opposition of that which YOU do.
Progressives pledge to keep pushing Biden to expand Supreme Court

WASHINGTON — Since Joe Biden ran away with the Democratic presidential nomination in March, leading progressives have accepted him — sometimes grudgingly — as their party's leader. But, in the final weeks of the campaign, the Supreme Court vacancy is threatening to inflame old divides.

Some activists on the left are pressing Biden to endorse expanding the number of high court justices should he win the White House and Democrats take control of the Senate. But Biden, who ran a relatively centrist primary campaign, hasn't embraced those calls, worried they may intensify the nation's partisan split.

Sure same ole same ole Dem horseshite - if ya can’t win by the rules - CHANGE the rules - you people SUCK. Bunch of sore LOSERS.
Sure same ole same ole Dem horseshite - if ya can’t win by the rules - CHANGE the rules - you people SUCK. Bunch of sore LOSERS.

you really are fucking hilarious...…...wasn't it graham...and grassly…..and even mcconnel that originally set the rules.....and then changed them to what ever suits them....kind of like your thinking/memory...very selective

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