Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Trump tells reporter to take mask off, suggests he was being 'politically correct'
His idiocy knows no bounds.
I saw this exchange and it was ridiculous. Even Sean Hannity said wear a fucking mask, it's not for you, it's for the people around you at home.

And then you read this:
GOP leaders stall Trump push for prison, sentencing reform
Aug 24, 2018 · GOP leaders stall Trump push for prison, sentencing reform WASHINGTON — The Trump administration’s push to deliver long-promised criminal justice and prison sentencing reform will have to wait...

GOP hides truth about private prisons
Jul 09, 2015 · GOP lawmakers have a philosophical fondness for privatization. But pushing private prisons while assuring their true costs are unknown is a deceptive strategy that …

New PR Group Formed to Push Private Prison Industry ...
Mar 09, 2020 · This article was first published at Eyes on the Ties, a news site by LittleSis.org In late 2019, the three largest private prison operators joined forces to establish a new group to push pro-industry talking points to the press and on social media: the Day 1 Alliance.

Minn. GOP lawmakers look to reopen, lease private prison ...
Minn. GOP lawmakers look to reopen, lease private prison Resurrecting the effort to use a privately owned 1,600-bed prison in Swift County is a way to ease chronic overcrowding in 10 state prisons .

Democratic candidates vow to ban private prisons and ...
Jun 21, 2019 · The push to phase out private prisons and detention centers is popular with many liberal Democrats, but also may appeal to swing voters. Criminal justice reform
he can promote any lie he wants....but you are restricted in what you say>

Trump expected to sign executive order that could threaten punishment against Facebook, Google and Twitter over allegations of political bias

President Trump is preparing to sign an executive order Thursday that could open the door for federal officials to try to penalize Facebook, Google and Twitter for the way they moderate content on their sites, according to two people familiar with the matter, opening a major rift between Washington and Silicon Valley with potentially dramatic free-speech implications.

The wide-ranging order comes two days after Twitter took the rare step of labeling one of the president’s tweets and linking viewers to news articles that fact-checked his claims. The move infuriated Trump and his supporters, who quickly blasted Twitter and its peers in Silicon Valley for engaging in censorship and exhibiting political bias, charges the companies have long denied.

And from the Republican deafening silence did I hear someone whimper: "Trump's action against Facebook, Google, Twitter, et al, smacks of Dictatorship and DEFINATELY defies anything relative to any civil authority operating as a Democracy!"
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Private prisons place politics and profits over people

The decision by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to rescind the Obama Administration's plan to phase out the use of for-profit private prisons is a signal that this administration cares more about companies' profits than people.

Since its inception in the 1980s the private prison industry has been at the forefront of claiming to be a better, lower cost, and more efficient alternative for governments to manage prisons and jails across the country.

However, over three decades private prison contracts have shown the opposite. The for-profit private prison industry has been fraught with numerous allegations and lawsuits detailing abuse and neglect, poor working conditions for their employees, and inconclusive reports on their ability to save money for the government

The mounting evidence of the overall ineffectiveness of for-profit private prisons is the reason the Obama Administration made the decision to phase out their use by the federal government.

But as the Justice Policy Institute chronicled in the report Gaming the System, for-profit private prison companies have been successful for over the last 30 years by being willing to play the game of “pay for play” politics.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, political action committee contributions to federal candidates from for-profit private prison companies CoreCivic (formerly CCA), GEO Group, and Management and Training Corp. totaled over $476,000 in the 2016 federal election cycle, with just over $406,000 going to Republican candidates. In addition, the GEO Group’s PAC gave $215,000 to the Trump Victory PAC.

We shouldn’t be surprised that on the day after Trump’s victory, CoreCivic’s stock price increased 43 percent and GEO’s went up 21 percent. Since November, both companies stock prices have gone up more than 100 percent since Election Day.

Not only have GEO and CoreCivic focused on winning favor among policy makers by helping to get them elected, but combined they spent over $2 million dollars in 2016 to lobby Congress to promote their interests.

Specifically targeting their lobbying efforts towards issues around homeland security, immigration, law enforcement and crime, and federal appropriations.

Over the last decade in the midst of a louder call for criminal justice reforms, CoreCivic and GEO, have been strategically enhancing their business interests through diversification.

Not only have they spent significant time and resources becoming the go to for constructing and managing immigration detention centers for the federal government, but they have focused on expanding into such areas as electronic monitoring, prison transportation, and reentry and rehabilitation services.

Instead of investing in for-profit private prisons and increasing revenue for their companies and shareholders, President Trump, his administration and all elected representatives should ensure our tax dollars are used to make the right investments in communities and people. That means not wasting tax dollars on a reactionary approach to public safety that negatively impacts families and communities.

Instead, we should be investing resources in communities to enhance overall wellbeing and reduce the likelihood of justice system involvement. This means devoting resources to supporting education, workforce development, and access to mental health and substance abuse treatment, particularly in areas hit hardest by violent crime.

These are the types of investments that we already know will help reduce the number of people ending up in prison in the first place and help create safer communities. And for the declining number of people who will be incarcerated moving forward, we should be ensuring that government do its job and provide safe, humane and rehabilitative treatment, instead of turning this responsibility over to companies whose primary motivation is profit.

While for-profit private prisons are a relatively small piece of the pie of mass incarceration, their presence and use creates a countervailing interest to public safety and justice that must be addressed in order to see lasting and sustained reductions in our justice system.

Because one thing is for certain, in this political game, for-profit private prison companies will look out for their own interests above that of public safety and community wellbeing.

Marc Schindler is the executive director of the Justice Policy Institute. Paul Ashton, is the author of “Gaming the System” and serves as development and finance manager at the Justice Policy Institute in Washington, D.C.

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The Incoming Privatization Assault

Get ready for everything from private infrastructure and private prisons to voucherized schools and Medicaid.

Historically, government has often contracted out some tasks, such as highway construction and production of military materiel. There have been reasonable debates over what services, such as electricity, should be provided by government as opposed to regulated public utilities. But not until the late 1970s was there a movement to privatize basic public functions.

With the Trump presidency and Republican control of Congress, privatization will drastically accelerate-from privatized infrastructure and private prisons to voucherized schools and Medicaid or Medicare. Despite claims of greater efficiency, the reality is usually higher fees and costs, reduced services, lower wages, and loss of public control. The essence of a public service is cross-subsidy. Free or low-cost provision of water and sewer service, public transit, public education, and public parks tends to help lower-income people, based on the premise that these are basic public goods. Market principles, by contrast, abhor cross-subsidies.

And from the Republican deafening silence did I hear someone whimper: "Trump's action against Facebook, Google, Twitter, et al, smacks of Dictatorship and DEFINATELY defies anything relative to an operating as a Democracy!"
Can you imagine if Trump and his ilk are ****** to stop lying on Twitter and Facebook?
He knows he will be fucked because his entire political career is based on lies and division.
This will however play into their victim mentality of everyone is against them. :rolleyes:
GOP leaders stall Trump push for prison, sentencing reform
Aug 24, 2018 · GOP leaders stall Trump push for prison, sentencing reform WASHINGTON — The Trump administration’s push to deliver long-promised criminal justice and prison sentencing reform will have to wait...

GOP hides truth about private prisons
Jul 09, 2015 · GOP lawmakers have a philosophical fondness for privatization. But pushing private prisons while assuring their true costs are unknown is a deceptive strategy that …

New PR Group Formed to Push Private Prison Industry ...
Mar 09, 2020 · This article was first published at Eyes on the Ties, a news site by LittleSis.org In late 2019, the three largest private prison operators joined forces to establish a new group to push pro-industry talking points to the press and on social media: the Day 1 Alliance.

Minn. GOP lawmakers look to reopen, lease private prison ...
Minn. GOP lawmakers look to reopen, lease private prison Resurrecting the effort to use a privately owned 1,600-bed prison in Swift County is a way to ease chronic overcrowding in 10 state prisons .

Democratic candidates vow to ban private prisons and ...
Jun 21, 2019 · The push to phase out private prisons and detention centers is popular with many liberal Democrats, but also may appeal to swing voters. Criminal justice reform

Dems own crime bill

Dems own crime bill

can't read English or having trouble translating over to russian
GOP leader stall TRUMPS push for prison reform

can't read English or having trouble translating over to russian
GOP leader stall TRUMPS push for prison reform


you are as bad as your master at not being able to understand...I am not going to answer it a third time!

the GOP has always ran as the party of law and order...even under trump....as they break about any law they want!

Democratic candidates vow to ban private prisons and ...
Jun 21, 2019 · The push to phase out private prisons and detention centers is popular with many liberal Democrats, but also may appeal to swing voters. Criminal justice reform
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A take on Bitcom.

Bitcoin, The concept of bitcoin is one in which currency was first started. As simply as I can, The value of money is based on what backs the dollar amount, When Nixon removed U.S. Currency from the Gold Standard, WE entered the promissory note, and the Mark to Market Standard. Meaning the dollar is worth whatever the market says it is and accepts as payment. The more currency in print the less the value.That is why I get concerned as we print more money, we are at 23 trillion in debt and fast approaching owing more than we take in. If and when we default on payments the Dollar becomes worthless. Bitcoin is valued at whatever others think it is worth, and who accepts it for payment of goods. As of now very few accept Bitcoin for payment. No Corporation or Business I am aware off accepts Bitcoin. There for in realty it is worthless on the world market. I strongly feel a variety store or a Walmart would not accept bitcoin as payment for goods. As of now it is no more secure than investing in a startup company.
A take on Bitcom.
Bitcoin, The concept of bitcoin is one in which currency was first started. As simply as I can, The value of money is based on what backs the dollar amount, When Nixon removed U.S. Currency from the Gold Standard, WE entered the promissory note, and the Mark to Market Standard. Meaning the dollar is worth whatever the market says it is and accepts as payment. The more currency in print the less the value.That is why I get concerned as we print more money, we are at 23 trillion in debt and fast approaching owing more than we take in. If and when we default on payments the Dollar becomes worthless. Bitcoin is valued at whatever others think it is worth, and who accepts it for payment of goods. As of now very few accept Bitcoin for payment. No Corporation or Business I am aware off accepts Bitcoin. There for in realty it is worthless on the world market. I strongly feel a variety store or a Walmart would not accept bitcoin as payment for goods. As of now it is no more secure than investing in a startup company.
You? You are trying to talk bitcoin? I'll let someone else stroke out trying to explain blockchain based stablecoins to you. Your boy AllFour is invested.

Nixon did a few good things: he created the EPA, Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, Desegregation of schools, civil rights enforcement, concluded Vietnam, NASA programs, getting us off the awful gold standard and resigning with dignity before dragging the country through an impeachment trial (and took down the republican majorities across the nation).

The fiat managed monetary system we have today has proven to be superior to the gold standard.
The price of gold fluctuates too much. causing economic instability, It creates deflations, and financial industry panics, and bank failures, thus limiting the Feds ability to help the economy out of recessions and depressions.
Technically we are not printing more money, we're borrowing from future economies.
The US Dollar is the safest, most stable and most sought after monetary investment in the world. So strong that other countries invest in our dollar (through T-bills) to keep their countries economies stabilized.

Feel free to counter any of the above.
Oh, WalMart does not accept bitcoin, but 300 other retailers do. WaMart is doing what they do, it's such a good idea, they are trying to create their own blockchain based stablecoin.
You? You are trying to talk bitcoin? I'll let someone else stroke out trying to explain blockchain based stablecoins to you. Your boy AllFour is invested.

Nixon did a few good things: he created the EPA, Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, Desegregation of schools, civil rights enforcement, concluded Vietnam, NASA programs, getting us off the awful gold standard and resigning with dignity before dragging the country through an impeachment trial (and took down the republican majorities across the nation).

The fiat managed monetary system we have today has proven to be superior to the gold standard.
The price of gold fluctuates too much. causing economic instability, It creates deflations, and financial industry panics, and bank failures, thus limiting the Feds ability to help the economy out of recessions and depressions.
Technically we are not printing more money, we're borrowing from future economies.
The US Dollar is the safest, most stable and most sought after monetary investment in the world. So strong that other countries invest in our dollar (through T-bills) to keep their countries economies stabilized.

Feel free to counter any of the above.
Oh, WalMart does not accept bitcoin, but 300 other retailers do. WaMart is doing what they do, it's such a good idea, they are trying to create their own blockchain based stablecoin.
Peeked my interest for small amount when it went low not sold on it though

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