Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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sounds fair to me....all these senior judges just leave so trump can replace them with right wing conservatives....nothing partial about that....all republicans stack the deck in their favor

Lindsey Graham Tells Eligible Judges to Take Senior Status ...
3 hours ago · Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) made a public plea to senior citizens on the federal judiciary, encouraging eligible federal judges to take senior status and allow President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans to install more young, conservative-minded jurists on the bench for a lifetime. Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, made the comments during a Thursday …

Lindsey Graham Tells Older Judges To Step Aside Before ...
May 28, 2020 · Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Thursday called on older judges to take senior status to allow Republicans in Congress to confirm younger conservative judges as ...
Graham needs to worry about Graham......he thinks he can get back in on trumps coattails....that is not a sure thing.....and trump isn't looking real good

‘Lindsey Graham epitomizes why people hate politics ...
But now that he's in the U.S. Senate, Graham is facing a tough 2020 re-election challenge from Jaime Harrison.

SC Sen. Graham in toughest re-election of career
Sep 23, 2013 · SC Sen. Graham in toughest re-election of career. JEFFREY COLLINS, ... S.C. Graham is facing three challengers in the 2014 Republican primary for his seat. (AP Photo/Bruce Smith) AIKEN, S.C. (AP) — Sen. Lindsey Graham is showing no signs of changing how he operates as he faces the biggest challenge of his political career. ... "As a woman in ...

Do the Democrats have a shot at beating Senator Lindsey ...
May 31, 2019 · But I have heard some media outlets talk about what a precarious situation Graham is facing in his reelection. Even that Graham has made a sudden switch to Pro-Trump so he has a shot at a job in the administration as he expects to fail at reelection. So my own uninformed opinion is :(AKA wild assed guess.)

The Duplicity of Lindsey Graham - RedState
Nov 12, 2013 · Lindsey Graham is facing a tough primary battle. To help his chances he's reusing a familiar tactic, lying to conservatives back home about how …
thanks Trump....we were already short and you go and ******* a few more

CDC Reports A Spike In COVID-19 Deaths Among Health Care ...
1 day ago · Nearly 300 health care workers in the U.S. have died so far from COVID-19, and more than 60,000 have been infected. That is a drastic increase since the CDC first released these numbers six …

Characteristics of Health Care Personnel with COVID-19 ...
As of April 9, 2020, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic had resulted in 1,521,252 cases and 92,798 deaths worldwide, including 459,165 cases and 16,570 deaths in the United States (1,2).Health care personnel (HCP) are essential workers defined as paid and unpaid persons serving in health care settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or ...
Peeked my interest for small amount when it went low not sold on it though
I have a couple of hesitations on bitcoin, however, crypto-currency is the future. However, GS has a direct interest in not seeing bitoin become common. They are pro Federal Reserve.
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well ….would seem that there is more to the story about facebook……..either Zuckenberg told them to leave trump along......trump put the fear in them....not sure but now they have the wratch of AOC...…..

AOC Says Mark Zuckerberg Is 'Protecting' White ...
7 hours ago · AOC Says Mark Zuckerberg Is 'Protecting' White Supremacists on Facebook "Their platform relies on white supremacists & disinformation peddlers to be …

AOC to Mark Zuckerberg: “You Would Say White Supremacist ...
Oct 24, 2019 · The most telling moments of their exchange came when Ocasio-Cortez invoked Zuckerberg—and Facebook—palling around with white supremacists on separate occasions.
It is what the republicans wanted....they went to court to stop the Gov from implementing any stay at home orders...…...also refused mail in ballots had them stand in line to vote...….suspect there will be a lot more of this

Wisconsin reports record number of new coronavirus cases ...
15 hours ago · Wisconsin saw a record number of new coronavirus cases and deaths reported in a single day on Wednesday, two weeks after the state’s Supreme Court …

Wisconsin again sets record for new coronavirus cases ...
Apr 30, 2020 · Wisconsin again sets daily record with 334 new coronavirus cases Thursday. The state's last record for a daily increase was just under Wednesday's, with 331 cases on April 25.
funny...he opened the door....there are a lot of his "tweets" that need to be looked at
love to see him pull some kind of ******* thinking he is special....and they delete his account!

Twitter flags Trump tweet about George Floyd protests for ...
4 hours ago · Twitter flags Trump tweet about George Floyd protests for 'glorifying violence' "When the looting starts, the shooting starts," Trump tweeted. By. William Mansell. May 29, 2020, 7:49 AM.

Twitter tags Trump tweet on George Floyd reaction as ...
Twitter slapped a 'glorifying violence' label on a Trump tweet that threatened George Floyd protesters in Minneapolis with getting shot Isobel Asher Hamilton 2020-05-29T07:50:56Z
when trump made the statement that when the looting starts the shooting starts.....does that mean he is going to send in David Duke?
we all know we have laws against using the military against it's own citizens......and we all know trump is one racist MF and makes favorable statements on occasion favoring racist people so one would have to assume that is what he meant......or is he just trying to start a civil war which seems to be part of his game plan from day one
I have a couple of hesitations on bitcoin, however, crypto-currency is the future. However, GS his a direct interest in not seeing bitoin become common. They are pro Federal Reserve.

I would recommend you judge this from the perspective of this is a another version of Fiat Money or at the least just another medium of exchange. If you have not read the book The Creature from Jekyll Island I would recommend you do so. The Fed has already made moves in to Crypto and I believe are looking or have entered the issuance phase. And not to argue, but Crypto is not an asset from a finance perspective. At best it would be defined as a commodity and subject to the whim of a commodity market. What stands out to me is it is not tangible. It is based on the good faith and credit of the issuer. Just like Fed Reserve Note.
The killing of George Floyd is one on the most disgusting things I have ever seen. Having recently sat on a ******* trial jury and had the difference between First Degree ******* - Second Degree ******* - and Manslaughter clearly spelled out for me - that video is prima facia evidence of either 2nd Degree ******* or Manslaughter - charges should be brought ASAP and a jury should decide after getting all the facts. All of those police that were there are complicit. The rioting and looting doesn’t help but under the pressure of a pandemic and the horror of that public killing easily understood. The government needs to quell the situation - charge those responsible and investigate that police ******* from top to bottom.
It is what the republicans wanted....they went to court to stop the Gov from implementing any stay at home orders...…...also refused mail in ballots had them stand in line to vote...….suspect there will be a lot more of this
I think the other states are trying to compete with North Carolina as being the most corrupt, divisive Republican state. However, since we now have a Democrat governor, the Republican controlled General Assembly is now trying to take away power from the Governor's job.
They, too, are fighting to stop mail-in voting, and trying to open up the state way too early. Our covid-19 numbers are ALL going up, yet our ORANGE President is putting the squeeze on the Governor or he's going to move the convention out of Charlotte.
The majority of citizens are saying "don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave, asshole!"
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The killing of George Floyd is one on the most disgusting things I have ever seen. Having recently sat on a ******* trial jury and had the difference between First Degree ******* - Second Degree ******* - and Manslaughter clearly spelled out for me - that video is prima facia evidence of either 2nd Degree ******* or Manslaughter - charges should be brought ASAP and a jury should decide after getting all the facts. All of those police that were there are complicit. The rioting and looting doesn’t help but under the pressure of a pandemic and the horror of that public killing easily understood. The government needs to quell the situation - charge those responsible and investigate that police ******* from top to bottom.

Damn you republicans never care about someone's life...you start wars.....have executions....allow the spread of a virus....and to make that statement?.....just imagine how us Dems feel....we are against any kind of killing
I am on the same page with you blkdlaur. It is disgusting and I watched it in horror. Did you notice that the cop had his hand in his pocket like he was doing exactly the right thing. The rioting and looting certainly doesn't help in any shape or form because they are causing damage to innocent people's property.

yes torch their own neighborhood.....not real smart there
Yeah - the entire incident is a national disgrace - rioting and looting are counterproductive - if the local government had handled things better there and enforced the law reasonably - maybe could have been avoided - in any case those people need justice !!!!!

Mmmm if I say the gov could have handled things differently....you jump up n down about picking on your pres.....you are good for a bunch of mmmm's today

you are just a few steps away from being a democrat
Trump Announces Unpresidented Action Against China!
(And doesn't say a GD Word about the situation in Minneapolis!)

Damn you republicans never care about someone's life...you start wars.....have executions....allow the spread of a virus....and to make that statement?.....just imagine how us Dems feel....we are against any kind of killing

It’s what I think and how I feel sans any political posturing.
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