Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Even if he's 30 percent right biden is not a viable candidate, I'm surprised you aren't a beck fan

More Voters Think Trump Is Dumb, Weak and Unfit for Office ...
Only 40 percent of registered American voters surveyed thought that Trump is fit to be president, while 57 percent did not think he is, the national poll by Quinnipiac University found. That's a dip from …

Most Young Americans Think Trump Is Mentally Unfit To Be ...
Specifically, half of the young whites said Trump is mentally fit, compared with 31 percent of Hispanics and only 10 percent of blacks. The inaugural MTV/AP-NORC Youth Political Pulse survey asked …

Majority of voters think Trump is unfit to be president ...
Sep 27, 2017 · The vast majority of black voters -- 94 percent -- and 60 percent of Hispanic voters say that Mr. Trump is unfit. Within this realm, 62 percent of all those polled disapprove of the way the ...

Majority of Americans think Trump is unfit to serve as ...
M ost Americans believe President Trump is unfit to serve as president and think Trump is doing more to divide the country rather than unite it, according to a new poll released Wednesday. The poll from …
Majority of young people think Trump is racist, dishonest, and unfit for office
March 30, 2018 8:51 PM

A ******* new poll shows young Americans are not impressed by the tweeter-in-chief.
A majority of young Americans think Trump is racist, dishonest, and "mentally unfit" to serve as president, according to a ******* new poll of the youngest generation of voters and soon-to-be voters.

The poll, conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and MTV, found that Trump's approval rating among Americans aged 15 to 34 is an abysmal 33 percent — a full nine points lower than all adults combined.

When asked about specific character attributes, 60 percent of young people described Trump as "mentally unfit" for the office of the presidency, 62 percent called him "generally dishonest," and 63 percent said he "is a racist."

Young people are also unimpressed by Trump's use of social media. Asked what advice they would give Trump regarding his Twitter habit, 49 percent of respondents said they’d tell him to "delete your account."

Overall, more than 7 in 10 young Americans said Trump "doesn’t reflect my personal values."

"Trump doesn’t care about us," Nicole Martin, a 27 year-old African-American graduate student, told The Associated Press. "I’m not going to say he’s unfit like he has schizophrenia. I do kind of think he’s twisted in the head. He just comes off as disgusting to me."

The survey respondents, all of whom will be old enough to vote in the next presidential election, would make up the largest share of the electorate in 2018 and 2020 if they vote at the same rate as older Americans.

Traditionally, younger people have had lower voter turnout, especially in midterm elections. In 2014, only 20 percent of 18-29 year olds cast ballots.

However, the poll results suggest that young Americans are becoming more actively engaged in politics. Nearly half of respondents (47 percent) said they’re paying closer attention to politics since Trump’s election.

There are also signs that the activism sparked by the Parkland teens may be having an impact on young people more broadly. The poll found that young Americans are more focused on guns than any other issue, with 21 percent of respondents saying gun laws are their top concern.

Trump's poll numbers are historically low across most groups of Americans, but he fares the worst among the nation's youngest voters. And that intense discontent may be the very thing that motivates young people to get to the polls this fall.

New Poll: Only 36% of Americans Trust Trump's Rhetoric on ...
A large majority of Americans don't trust the President on Coronavirus, a new poll shows. Donald Trump's approval on the issue has declined slightly since …

Maybe if he had more briefings I'm sure he could convince some more of his ….intelligence?

CNN Poll: Majority of Americans now say the federal ...
Apr 08, 2020 · A majority of Americans -- 55% -- now say the federal government has done a poor job preventing the spread of coronavirus in the United States, up eight points in …

awww what can you expect from a pumpkin.....they are only good for a holiday and then go into the trash.....this one has over stayed his usefulness...if he ever had any.....a lot of people don't like "jack o lanterns"
show me where I am pro Chinese...…..I can show you a bunch where you are complying with the Russian bot *******....stiring hate and discontent...pushing lies and slander against the opponents….supporting someone the majority of the country is against...….
I can and have posted a lot on your doing Russian bot work!

what the hell does that have to do with me......damn you Russians get things so confused

This where you were brain washed
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