Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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gif_Yellowball-LOL.gif ... using glennbeck as a credible News Source? Damn ... why not some of the other right-wing radio sources like Rush Limbaugh. Or, just use the devil, himself? You Retards have NO CREDIBLE sources to back up anything you post anymore. How in the hell do you live with yourselves? My GOD! Why can't you just admit Trump is a damn DOG of a President, and start encouraging the Republicans to return to more sensible conservatism ideas. Trump is a frikin' dictator in the making if he's given enough leash by the remaining "real" Republicans.
View attachment 3315978 ... using glennbeck as a credible News Source? Damn ... why not some of the other right-wing radio sources like Rush Limbaugh. Or, just use the devil, himself? You Retards have NO CREDIBLE sources to back up anything you post anymore. How in the hell do you live with yourselves? My GOD! Why can't you just admit Trump is a damn DOG of a President, and start encouraging the Republicans to return to more sensible conservatism ideas. Trump is a frikin' dictator in the making if he's given enough leash by the remaining "real" Republicans.

Even if he's 30 percent right biden is not a viable candidate, I'm surprised you aren't a beck fan
arguing with you people about anything is a complete and total exercise in futility
And therein lies your problem, blkdlaur .... arguing. The conservative party only believes in maintaining polarization of politics, then rigging the voting system so they maintain control. Why don't you do a bit of research on which party started polarization politics and WHY! I'll bet you'll find that it began, in earnest, with President Reagan. Go check it out IF you so dare to learn.
How much longer are we going to let this Jim Jones wannabe run loose...…..he should be in jail by now...….but then what the hell....most are just probably trumptards anyway....who else would believe anything this fucker says

Crazy people are poisoning themselves while trying to ******* ...
Apr 21, 2020 · The number of accidental poisonings related to cleaners and home chemicals has seen a dramatic spike in the first quarter of 2020. Year-over-year, the number of poisonings is up a …

Man dies after ingesting aquarium product containing ...
Mar 24, 2020 · A man reportedly died after ingesting a substance used to clean fish tanks that contains chloroquine.

‘Significant Increase’ in Calls to Illinois Poison Control ...
Apr 25, 2020 · Ezike joined hundreds of other health officials in asking people not to ingest household cleaning chemicals. “Injecting, ingesting, or snorting household cleaners is dangerous,” she said.

Illinois Poison Center warns against ingesting ...
2 days ago · “I would definitely advise against ingesting disinfectants or bleach,” said Carol DesLauriers, the Assistant Vice President at Illinois Poison Center. In 2019, IPC received about 15 exposure ..

Coronavirus: Arizona man dies, wife ill after taking ******* ...
Mar 24, 2020 · People have tested positive in 11 of Arizona's 15 counties, including 139 cases in Maricopa County, the state's most populous. For most people, …

Maryland has received 'hundreds of calls' about the ...
Apr 26, 2020 ·
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said Sunday that his state has received “hundreds of calls” from residents asking about the effectiveness of ingesting disinfectants to treat coronavirus

People in Maryland Flooded an Emergency Hotline to Ask If ...
Apr 24, 2020 · People in Maryland Flooded an Emergency Hotline to Ask If They Should Take Trump’s Advice on Disinfectants. ... ingestion or any other route. — Maryland

this is one crazy MF cult leader that belongs in handcuffs!
and just more about trump telling America false info...….trying to ******* more?....he said when it got hot this would all just go away....Calif having a heat wave and the virus still going...…..must have just been some trump plan to give people a false sense of security....while he killed more
You know ALL about RED !!!! 🇨🇳
sure do..go back on just about all my posts and you have put a trump ******* stain on all of them...…….but he has killed thousands and your petty little ******* stain is not going to cover it...…..but.it is pretty much all I see you post....but none of us have given you a lot of credit for knowing what is going on around you...….after all you are a trumptard…..so allowances are made
we are being destroyed from with in

Coronavirus live updates: U.S. reaches 'plateau,' nears 1 million cases; last patient leaves hospital in Wuhan

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. was closing in on 1 million Sunday, but new cases appear to have reached a plateau, one of the nation's top experts said.

“Unfortunately, it is a very high plateau," said Tom Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

U.S. Could Be Weeks From Meat Shortages With Shutdowns Spreading

Plant shutdowns are leaving the U.S. dangerously close to meat shortages as coronavirus outbreaks spread to suppliers across the nation and the Americas.

Governors say Trump needs to watch what he says

Michigan's and Maryland's governors said the president should watch what he says, especially about injecting disinfectants. People are listening to his direction.

President Donald Trump suggested at his Thursday briefing that disinfectants could work as a coronavirus treatment if taken internally, drawing immediate criticism from medical professionals and cleaning product manufacturers, like Lysol. A day later, Trump said he never meant his remarks to be taken seriously: “That was done in the form of a sarcastic question to the reporters.”

On Sunday, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, and Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican, said on ABC’s “This Week” that whether or not Trump was being serious, his suggestion had an impact.

Whitmer said she saw an increase in numbers of people calling poison control and issued yet another warning: “Please don’t do it. Just don’t do it.”

has he ever stopped?

White House aiming for Trump pivot from virus to economy

WASHINGTON (AP) — After two months of frantic response to the coronavirus, the White House is planning to shift President Donald Trump’s public focus to the burgeoning efforts aimed at easing the economic devastation caused by the pandemic.

Days after he publicly mused that scientists should explore the injection of toxic disinfectants as a potential virus cure, Trump has now rejected the utility of his daily task ******* briefings, where he has time and again clashed with scientific experts. Trump’s aides are aiming to move the president onto more familiar — and safer, they hope — ground: talking up the economy, in tighter controlled settings.

and some think he is NOT a Russian plant?

Trump, Putin Statement Stirs Concern Among Some

President Trump issued a symbolic joint statement Saturday with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a move that has stirred debate within the Trump administration and spawned concern among some lawmakers on Capitol Hill, according to people familiar with the document.

The unusual declaration is intended to commemorate the 75th anniversary of a meeting between American and Soviet troops at the Elbe River on April 25, 1945.

The broader intent is to underscore how the two nations can overcome their disagreements for a larger purpose, according to people familiar with its drafting.

“The ‘Spirit of the Elbe’ is an example of how our countries can put aside differences, build trust, and cooperate in pursuit of a greater cause,” it states.

But the move comes as the Pentagon and State department have complained about Russia’s behavior, and many officials remain deeply wary of Moscow’s intentions. A National Security Council spokesman declined to comment.

Earlier this month, the Pentagon complained that Russian fighter jets twice buzzed American Navy planes over the Mediterranean Sea, while defense officials have accused Russia-based news organizations of spreading disinformation about the coronavirus

In recent months, State Department officials have repeatedly complained that Russia was providing critical military support for Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad’s offensive in Idlib province.

“I am sure this was a Russian initiative,” said Angela Stent, a former U.S. intelligence analyst and author of “Putin’s World,” a book on the Russian leader. “Putin wants validation from the United States that today’s Russia like the Soviet Union is a great power.”

The statement prompted concern among some lawmakers.

“Everyone knows that Trump has a bizarre infatuation with Russia’s autocratic leader and that Trump constantly plays into Putin’s hands,” Rep. Eliot Engel (D, N.Y.), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, wrote in a tweet.

But some arms-control proponents welcomed the statement.

“It is appropriate for the two nations to mark this historic victory,” said Joe Cirincione, president of Ploughshares Fund, a pro-arms-control foundation. “Yes, it serves Putin’s interests, but it can also serve ours if it helps us ‘put aside differences’ to cooperate on key issues, most importantly the extension of the New START treaty.”

That treaty, which limits long-range nuclear arms, is due to expire in February.

Within the Trump administration, the statement has been a subject of some debate. Some officials worried it might undercut the stern U.S. messages toward Moscow, according to a person familiar with the internal deliberations.

Joint statements commemorating Elbe day by Russian and U.S. leaders have been rare. President Obama and then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev issued such a declaration in 2010. That took place as the Obama administration was trying to “reset” relations with a new Russian leader and came shortly after the two sides had signed the New START agreement.

The U.S. has had a complicated relationship with Russia. The Pentagon has cast Russia and China as its primary adversaries, and last year the U.S. withdrew from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty after accusing Moscow of deploying an illegal cruise missile. The Russians denied the allegation.

But at times the administration has also sought to cooperate with Moscow.
Mr. Trump has spoken with Mr. Putin several times in recent weeks as the U.S. sought to end the dispute between Russia and Saudi Arabia over oil production that has aggravated the oversupply in the oil market. They also discussed the coronavirus crisis and arms control.

Russian analysts say Mr. Putin recently has tried to boost his capital with Western leaders, and particularly Mr. Trump, by showing through the oil deal that Moscow can work with the global community in times of crisis.

Earlier this month, Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. said planned ceremonies between Russian and U.S. officials to commemorate the meeting at the Elbe had been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Mr. Putin also had invited Mr. Trump to come to Moscow for the May 9 celebration of the World War II victory, which would have been Mr. Trump’s first official visit to Russia as president. Mr. Trump eventually decided not to go and to send Robert O’Brien, his national security adviser. Russia later postponed the date of the celebration due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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