Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The Voters Abandoning Donald Trump

According to previously unpublished findings, the blue-collar whites at the core of his coalition have lost faith over his first year in office.

A massive new source of public-opinion research offers fresh insights into the fault lines emerging in Donald Trump’s foundation of support.
Previously unpublished results from the nonpartisan online-polling firm SurveyMonkey show Trump losing ground over his tumultuous first year not only with the younger voters and white-collar whites who have always been skeptical of him, but also with the blue-collar whites central to his coalition.

Trump retains important pillars of support. Given that he started in such a strong position with those blue-collar whites, even after that decline he still holds a formidable level of loyalty among them—particularly men and those over 50 years old. What’s more, he has established a modest but durable beachhead among African American and Hispanic men, even while confronting overwhelming opposition from women in those demographic groups.

Together, the results crystallize the bet Trump is making for his own reelection in 2020, and for his party’s chances in November’s election: that he can mobilize enough support among older and blue-collar (as well as rural and evangelical) whites to offset the intense resistance he’s provoked from groups that are all growing in the electorate: Millennials, minorities, and college-educated whites—particularly the women among them.

These findings emerge from a cumulative analysis of 605,172 interviews SurveyMonkey conducted with Americans in 2017 about Trump’s job performance. At my request, Mark Blumenthal, SurveyMonkey’s head of election polling, calculated Trump’s average approval rating over the last year among groups of voters segmented simultaneously by their race, gender, education level, and age. That extra level of detail, not available in conventional polls because their samples are too small, offers a more precise picture of Trump’s coalition.
The SurveyMonkey results put Trump’s total approval rating for 2017 at 42 percent, with 56 percent disapproving. That’s slightly higher than, but within range of, other major public surveys.

n the 2016 election, exit polls found that Trump’s best group was whites without a four-year college degree; he carried 66 percent of them. But his approval among them in the 2017 SurveyMonkey average slipped to 56 percent. In 2016, whites with at least a four-year college degree gave Trump 48 percent of their votes. But in the 2017 average, just 40 percent approved of Trump’s performance, while a resounding 60 percent disapproved.
Layering in gender and age underscores voters’ retreat. Trump in 2016 narrowly won younger whites. But he now faces crushing disapproval ratings ranging from 62 percent to 76 percent among three big groups of white Millennials: women with and without a college degree, and men with a degree. Even among white Millennial men without a degree, his most natural supporters, Trump only scores a 49-49 split.

Trump’s support rapidly rises among blue-collar white men older than 35 and spikes past two-thirds for those above 50. But his position has deteriorated among white women without a college degree. Last year he carried 61 percent of them. But in the new SurveyMonkey average, they split evenly, with 49 percent approval and 49 percent disapproval. His approval rating among non-college-educated white women never rises above 54 percent in any age group, even those older than 50. From February through December, Trump’s approval rating fell more with middle-aged blue-collar white women than any other group.

Trump’s position has also eroded since 2016 among college-educated white women. In 2016, those white-collar voters preferred Hillary Clinton over Trump but gave her only 51 percent of their votes. Now, in the 2017 average, 66 percent of them disapproved of Trump and 58 percent strongly disapproved. In every age cohort, at least three-fifths of them disapproved.

Trump did better among college-educated white men, usually a reliably Republican group. But after those men gave him 53 percent of their 2016 votes, an equal number said they disapproved of his performance in the yearly average. Trump’s approval rating is net negative not only among college-educated white Millennial men, but also those ages 35 to 49; he only pokes his head above water—and just slightly—with those 50 and older.

College-educated whites, especially men, are the group many Republicans are most optimistic will return to the party if the economy and stock market continue to improve. But one GOP pollster, who asked not to be identified while discussing the party’s prospects, was dubious that Republicans could reverse these declines while Trump is still in a position to define them. “It’s not like voters are saying, ‘We are willing to overlook how … out of control he is because the economy is doing well,’” the pollster said.

Among African Americans and Hispanics, reactions to Trump depend more on gender than age or education. In every age group, and at every level of education, about twice as many African American men as women gave Trump positive marks. In all, 23 percent of black men approved of Trump’s performance versus 11 percent of black women. “The outlier here isn’t [black] men … it’s [black] women, where you have near-universal disapproval of Trump,” said Cornell Belcher, a Democratic pollster who studies African American voters. Still, black men are one of the few groups for which Trump’s 2017 average approval rating significantly exceeds his 2016 vote share.
Among Hispanics, men were also much more likely than women to express positive views about Trump. Among Hispanic men older than 50, Trump’s approval— strikingly—exceeded 40 percent. But at least three-fifths of Hispanic women in every age group (including both those with and without a college degree) disapproved. Trump’s 2017 approval rating slightly exceeded his 2016 vote share among Hispanic men, and was slightly below it among Hispanic women.

Many things could change between now and November’s election—much less 2020. But these detailed soundings show how the gales of resistance Trump has fueled are reshaping the electoral landscape. Whether by age, gender, race, or education, Trump is deepening almost every social and political division that existed before him—with unpredictable consequences for the parties and for the country itself.

Perception is yours as it is mine.
My opinion is mostly what I post and it’s obvious you don’t want to hear it - too bad!!!
You support your point of view with endless inane propaganda - which greatly amuses me - and I thank you ; }
I am a Black male, but I am not an American as I dwell in Canada. If you are American and if you have positive news about Trump as a Black male feel free to speak up here.
So I guess all reading this should disregard the fact that I said you are a wise man? And that you entertain other points of view???? Even when I try to compliment you, you turn that against yourself? :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
I'm just saying the guy never posts anything on any kinds of facts or nothing pertaining to anything....just his hate for the left and his love for trump...and it's usually some asinine comment....been going on for a while on several different threads...others have told him about the same thing...so think say what you want...facts are facts!
and I have little time for him or his silly comments/or more like jabs!
talk to him all you want... you don't get anything of value from a rock!
end of conversation
you just have to ignore him...…..he is just not the sharpest knife in the drawer
he NEVER posts anything on facts...or anything to support what he says
ALWAY just anti left and pro-trump comments
Anything that I cannot prove I will retract I have posted many things and anything fact related I reference it for others to verify it's validity, you should know that by now @subhub174014.
I'm just saying the guy never posts anything on any kinds of facts or nothing pertaining to anything....just his hate for the left and his love for trump...and it's usually some asinine comment....been going on for a while on several different threads...others have told him about the same thing...so think say what you want...facts are facts!
and I have little time for him or his silly comments/or more like jabs!
talk to him all you want... you don't get anything of value from a rock!
end of conversation
For your relentless professional on going anti-Trump news service you provide @subhub174014, I know nothing about you personally? For all I know you might be George Soros in disguise posting? But if not you are providing a priceless service for the Dems, so one might wonder if you were not already independantly wealthy to post the way that you do, is how they financially compensate you for your ongoing daily efforts? :unsure:

Have a great day @subhub174014 as I got to get other things done on my end. Peace!
I'm just saying the guy never posts anything on any kinds of facts or nothing pertaining to anything....just his hate for the left and his love for trump...and it's usually some asinine comment....been going on for a while on several different threads...others have told him about the same thing...so think say what you want...facts are facts!
and I have little time for him or his silly comments/or more like jabs!
talk to him all you want... you don't get anything of value from a rock!
end of conversation

Facts !!! You call the endless stream of left wing propaganda you post facts ??? What passes for facts from the left is simply HILARIOUS !!!
Ya want a fact - I’ll give ya one - Donald Trump is president !!!!
Used to be a time when citizens of this country supported the president not continually tried to pull him down because their candidate didn’t get elected - ta me you lefties look like a bunch of petulant children that didn’t get your way - GROW UP
For your relentless professional on going anti-Trump news service you provide @subhub174014, I know nothing about you personally? For all I know you might be George Soros in disguise posting? But if not you are providing a priceless service for the Dems, so one might wonder if you were not already independantly wealthy to post the way that you do, is how they financially compensate you for your ongoing daily efforts? :unsure:

Have a great day @subhub174014 as I got to get other things done on my end. Peace!

Not hardly! I started in the Army and got lucky and married a gal with a good job....I was sending money home to her thinking she needed it...she banked all of it..for 7 years...that helped a lot....started out as a union auto mechanic for a couple years and not liking that.....went to work for the airline....good money...but not really my cup of tea either...since we had some money I was able to gamble on a sales job....couldn't have worked out better...made more money than ever......took an early retirement..
but through both union jobs I was always heavily involved in politics..learned how important that was early!
and have been heavy into politics since!
For your relentless professional on going anti-Trump news service you provide @subhub174014, I know nothing about you personally? For all I know you might be George Soros in disguise posting? But if not you are providing a priceless service for the Dems, so one might wonder if you were not already independantly wealthy to post the way that you do, is how they financially compensate you for your ongoing daily efforts? :unsure:

Have a great day @subhub174014 as I got to get other things done on my end. Peace!
and out of all that you go and encourage blklump by liking his crazy posts!
Current Mac credibility ZERO (fixed that for ya ;) )
What you seem to not be grasping, or simply choosing to ignore, is that the election system we have in this country is increasingly being compromised. It really doesn't matter which party it is, just the fact that Republicans take no alarm or concern to the Russian election involvement, that one party is able or attempting to take the "people's choice" out of the election process, should be concerning. And what is your input .... "Current Mac credibility ZERO (fixed that for ya ;)"
It could just as well be the Democrats or any other party involved in our voter elections ... yet, you seem to wish to make it a personal thing and insult me rather than discuss that concerns of this country. Fascist? possibly ... and, that's fine .... come the end of 2020, I feel the Democrats will again have a trifecta in Washington. Will it make a difference? ... well, based on the results of Republican trifecta performance thus far ... it would be impossible to do worse.
As far as YOU are concerned, h-h ... you know the drill .....
pic_FuckOff-boy.jpg You're probably the ONLY ONE that wants anything to do with your sorry ass. Probably why your picture should be next to the word asexual.
What you seem to not be grasping, or simply choosing to ignore, is that the election system we have in this country is increasingly being compromised. It really doesn't matter which party it is, just the fact that Republicans take no alarm or concern to the Russian election involvement, that one party is able or attempting to take the "people's choice" out of the election process, should be concerning. And what is your input .... "Current Mac credibility ZERO (fixed that for ya ;)"
It could just as well be the Democrats or any other party involved in our voter elections ... yet, you seem to wish to make it a personal thing and insult me rather than discuss that concerns of this country. Fascist? possibly ... and, that's fine .... come the end of 2020, I feel the Democrats will again have a trifecta in Washington. Will it make a difference? ... well, based on the results of Republican trifecta performance thus far ... it would be impossible to do worse.
As far as YOU are concerned, h-h ... you know the drill .....
View attachment 2112307 You're probably the ONLY ONE that wants anything to do with your sorry ass. Probably why your picture should be next to the word asexual.
Hmmmm, let's see....Lots of words used, none of which address your hypocrisy regarding judicial appointments which was the sole topic of my post. Just deflect to Russia, Russia, Russia and make childish insults. Good to see you are the same ole Mac as always.
Not hardly! I started in the Army and got lucky and married a gal with a good job....I was sending money home to her thinking she needed it...she banked all of it..for 7 years...that helped a lot....started out as a union auto mechanic for a couple years and not liking that.....went to work for the airline....good money...but not really my cup of tea either...since we had some money I was able to gamble on a sales job....couldn't have worked out better...made more money than ever......took an early retirement..
but through both union jobs I was always heavily involved in politics..learned how important that was early!
and have been heavy into politics since!
You may sense I am being disingenuous, but please allow me to compliment that great achievement of yours. I only can hope for a portion of that kind of success at this point in my life. Excellent work! (No strings either @subhub174014).
wait a minute...isn't that discrimination?...….what about the ones that don't have anything positive to say about trump...I think there are more of those...
Well anyone who is a regular is very familliar with your perspective, I just wanted to see if he had anything to contribute as he was a new person on the thread, that's all.
Used to be a time when citizens of this country supported the president not continually tried to pull him down because their candidate didn’t get elected - ta me you lefties look like a bunch of petulant children that didn’t get your way - GROW UP

you talk facts and yet don't want to hear or see them...and never post any
I will give you one since you want to talk about respecting the office!
Obama was making a speech in front of congress the world was watching....and a member of your right wing crazies stood up and called him a liar!...so lets not talk about how respect works....they also colluded before he was even signed in to not pass anything he supported!...want me to go on? talk about respecting the office

and you want to talk about he is pres..move on......funny his strongest supporters are in the south....and what flag are they most proud of and wave...you got it the rebel flag! stars and bars!...where they should be waving a white one for surrender!

talk your ******* ….you know nothing about what you talk about just rash statements!
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