Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Mac complains that republicans in NC are trying to take away the governor's power to name judges.
They don't even want the governor to have the power to name state judges ... Republicans want to take that authority as well.

Mac calls for republicans to prevent the Trump administration from making supreme court judge appointments....hypocrisy at its finest.
Denying the current Trump appointment to the Supreme Court & removing Trump would be their first needed step towards re-establishing credibility.
Any President under federal investigation should be denied the right to name a Supreme Court Judge, as well

Current Republican Credibility ... ZERO!
Current Mac credibility ZERO (fixed that for ya ;) )
Mac complains that republicans in NC are trying to take away the governor's power to name judges.

Mac calls for republicans to prevent the Trump administration from making supreme court judge appointments....hypocrisy at its finest.

Current Mac credibility ZERO (fixed that for ya ;) )

Did you raise your hand?
permission to speak denied!

are you nuts....have you paid any attention to the politics in NC?
it's even worse than Kansas...and I thought you people were flat fucking nuts!
let alone allow Kobash on a ballot!
and that's just the start!....how's your state budget doing under reagonmics?
far more harm than good....and naturally those that support trump...like trump himself will put out whatever...and a lot of it fake news!
like the 2 black singers praising their support for trump....don't hear anymore about them do you?...they were paid well to show their support for the man
why is it that there is a rise in blacks and women in politics...all against trump?
Being paid? Not too sure about that. Indirectly maybe some of your Federal taxes are paying for the retirement of Dr. Alveda King as she was a former state representative for the 28th District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Such individuals would have a rock solid pension I would think? Moreover she is also a published author. So I would think she and another Black person on the panel who also was a published author of several books have their own ca$h and they were speaking of their own free will and did not have to be bribed by Trump's cash.
Being paid? Not too sure about that. Indirectly maybe some of your Federal taxes are paying for the retirement of Dr. Alveda King as she was a former state representative for the 28th District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Such individuals would have a rock solid pension I would think? Moreover she is also a published author. So I would think she and another Black person on the panel who also was a published author of several books have their own ca$h and they were speaking of their own free will and did not have to be bribed by Trump's cash.

not the two I'm referring to
although look at kayne West...another Trumpie...but not thought of to highly among blacks
and yes there are some ..well off blacks that support trump and are republicans...but they don't really represent the majority of blacks
Plus in a way I'm doing you a favor showing you a perspective that you don't regularly see in the media showing how professional Trump is as POTUS. If he is going to be a one-term president you will have to weaken his base among America's Christian community which is rock solid at present.

if you posted ******* on here for 2 days straight you could NOT show me any good trump is as a potus
I have been posting on here for???? and shown a lot of ways he is NOT
if you posted ******* on here for 2 days straight you could NOT show me any good trump is as a potus
I have been posting on here for???? and shown a lot of ways he is NOT
That you have but again I am doing you a favor to show you how strong his base is. That way you could travel there yourself or conscript a team of people to help convince them theerror of their ways. Even if you were able to pull that off in all parts of America, where no one would show up at a Trump rally, you forget the alleged influence of our comrade has in the Kremlin who could point to his other IT comrades to make Trump win again?
Did you raise your hand?
permission to speak denied!

are you nuts....have you paid any attention to the politics in NC?
it's even worse than Kansas...and I thought you people were flat fucking nuts!
let alone allow Kobash on a ballot!
and that's just the start!....how's your state budget doing under reagonmics?

The left CAN’T STAND hearing opposing points of view !!! Illustrated by the first 2 lines of this post. Too bad really !
not the two I'm referring to
although look at kayne West...another Trumpie...but not thought of to highly among blacks
and yes there are some ..well off blacks that support trump and are republicans...but they don't really represent the majority of blacks
Kanye West has his own money and he was successful long before he supported Trump too. He is is a rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur and fashion designer. He has loads of his own cash too, and he does not need 1 penny of Trump's cash.

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanye_West )
The left CAN’T STAND hearing opposing points of view !!! Illustrated by the first 2 lines of this post. Too bad really !
Not true, there @subhub174014 is a wise fellow keeping his mind newsworthy of everything that goes on but he does have his own slant on things. He does entertain other points of view but like an expert lawyer you REALLY have to prove your case otherwise @subhub174014 and @MacNfries as well as @bigblackbull76 for that matter will crucify you. I liken it also to a debating club. Try not get your feelings hurt and play fair and try not to hit below the belt. :bounce:
Not true, there @subhub174014 is a wise fellow keeping his mind newsworthy of everything that goes on but he does have his own slant on things. He does entertain other points of view but like an expert lawyer you REALLY have to prove your case otherwise @subhub174014 and @MacNfries as well as @bigblackbull76 for that matter will crucify you. I liken it also to a debating club. Try not get your feelings hurt and play fair and try not to hit below the belt. :bounce:

Just calls em as I see em.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion as far as I am concerned. It seems to me that the left has their view and to them it is the only one that matters and that they want to hear !!!
and yes there are even a few crazies......as with anything else

‘Blacks For Trump 2020’ Is Trump’s Latest Con

What does Trump really know about his vocal and suddenly media-friendly coterie of black boosters?


They had the best, closest and most visible spot in the crowd behind Trump at his much-touted recent pep rally in Melbourne, Florida. “They” being the handful of blacks that enthusiastically waved the “Blacks for Trump” signs behind him. The black Trump boosters didn’t stop there. They promoted and ballyhooed their website, primping Trump’s presumed re-election campaign in 2020, complete with a re-election website, Gods2.com.

Now, in case one thinks this is a recent Trump stunt or stunt by some black odd balls to get their 15 minutes in the bask of Trump’s presidential glow, it’s a little more involved. This bunch popped up at a Trump rally in Florida back in October a couple of weeks before his win. Their very conspicuous appearance on the political scene has prompted more than a few conspiratorial musings about whether and how much they’re being paid by Trump operatives. What does Trump know about them? This is coupled with some murky, even unsavory, facts about the one, identifiable cheerleader of the Trump cause in the group, Michael the Black Man.

He’s got a shadowy past that once garnered a lot of media attention when a few years back he emerged as head of a fringe black nationalist/religious cult in South Florida. He, and more than a dozen other members of the group, was charged with conspiracy to commit ******* (not convicted). Since then, he and other group members have been hauled into court several times on various charges, but nothing has stuck. He’s parlayed this notoriety into one of the biggest scams or beliefs, depending on how one wants to look at Blacks for Trump on the political stage.

This still doesn’t answer the dangling question: Just what does Trump really know about his vocal and suddenly media-grabbing coterie of black boosters? Trump certainly didn’t have any problem snatching one of their placards at the rally last October and waving it around. Whether he knows or cares about the shady history of the principal organizer is unknown. However, the group isn’t slithering under the public radar. Its website is chock full of racial rants, homespun bizarre conspiracy concoctions about war, religion and the secret global cabal that supposedly runs the planet.

This stuff should be more than even a Trump could stomach ― but that’s probably less important than the fact that they are out front, visible and imminently promotable as being proof that he’s got some blacks beyond the handful of ex-jocks and entertainers he’s met with who are willing to wave signs backing him.

This also kind of, sort of boosts the case that he makes that he’s got much more black support and votes than anybody ever believed he could possibly get. He actually did edge close to getting into double figures with black votes. His talk about blacks being used and spit out when they’re no longer needed for Democratic votes, about underserved black neighborhoods that are supposedly a mess with lousy public schools, about high crime and violence, and chronic joblessness and poverty, got some traction. His non-stop trash talk about Hillary Clinton played to the latent, and not so latent, loathing by some blacks towards the Clintons for allegedly being the architects of mass incarceration and the welfare gut.

Trump also can trot out a bunch of black apologists and spokespersons to toot his line that he genuinely wants to be an inclusive President and harbors no racial animus toward blacks. This ploy finds a soft spot with more than a few blacks, most notably black conservative evangelicals, who are always deeply susceptible to GOP conservative pitches on some issues, such as abortion.

Now there is no evidence as of yet that any money has changed hands between anyone, or any group, connected with Trump to get black placard wavers into the stands in well-positioned posts behind Trump at public appearances. The only thing that really counts for the moment is that by being there, they add an odd, curious, element to the usually overwhelming crowd of fevered, shouting, white Trump acolytes we see. This is exactly the kind of element that would appeal to a Trump who revels in doing everything humanly and politically possible to ensure that his presidency is the most bizarre, contentious and controversial in the annals of American politics. Blacks for Trump 2020 fits neatly into that mold.

not the two I'm referring to
although look at kayne West...another Trumpie...but not thought of to highly among blacks
and yes there are some ..well off blacks that support trump and are republicans...but they don't really represent the majority of blacks
True many Blacks are no where near well off as Kanye West, but he is an influencer that may indirectly/directly change things where other Blacks may become Republicans like those you know I have cited in the past. :D
Not true, there @subhub174014 is a wise fellow keeping his mind newsworthy of everything that goes on but he does have his own slant on things. He does entertain other points of view but like an expert lawyer you REALLY have to prove your case otherwise @subhub174014 and @MacNfries as well as @bigblackbull76 for that matter will crucify you. I liken it also to a debating club. Try not get your feelings hurt and play fair and try not to hit below the belt. :bounce:

you just have to ignore him...…..he is just not the sharpest knife in the drawer
he NEVER posts anything on facts...or anything to support what he says
ALWAY just anti left and pro-trump comments
you just have to ignore him...…..he is just not the sharpest knife in the drawer
he NEVER posts anything on facts...or anything to support what he says
ALWAY just anti left and pro-trump comments
Not true, there @subhub174014 is a wise fellow keeping his mind newsworthy of everything that goes on but he does have his own slant on things. He does entertain other points of view but like an expert lawyer you REALLY have to prove your case otherwise @subhub174014 and @MacNfries as well as @bigblackbull76 for that matter will crucify you. I liken it also to a debating club. Try not get your feelings hurt and play fair and try not to hit below the belt. :bounce:
So I guess all reading this should disregard the fact that I said you are a wise man? And that you entertain other points of view???? Even when I try to compliment you, you turn that against yourself? :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
you just have to ignore him...…..he is just not the sharpest knife in the drawer
he NEVER posts anything on facts...or anything to support what he says
ALWAY just anti left and pro-trump comments

Perception is yours as it is mine.
My opinion is mostly what I post and it’s obvious you don’t want to hear it - TOO BAD!!!
You support your point of view with endless inane propaganda - which greatly amuses me - and - I thank you ; }
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