Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Donald Trump Goes After Kavanaugh Accuser, Asks Why She Didn't Call Cops After Alleged Assault
Andy Campbell,HuffPost

Good question. Sorry, but after 35 years ... if it wasn't important then, it's not important now. Accusations need to be backed up by proof or face consequences. People shouldn't be allowed to destroy a career by a simple accusation. It's all he-said-she-said bullshit.
Good question. Sorry, but after 35 years ... if it wasn't important then, it's not important now. Accusations need to be backed up by proof or face consequences. People shouldn't be allowed to destroy a career by a simple accusation. It's all he-said-she-said bullshit.

And just how many Trump accusers didn't step forward?...for whatever reason!
even the playboy model had no intention of coming forward until trump made a buy out option that pissed her off!
what are some 35 women trump has harassed over the years and for whatever reason most never came forward

as for he said she said...….she went to a counselor on it sometime after....but the right wants no witness...just her and him.....if they wanted to get to the truth they could...bush had the feds investigate for anita hill...but trump and comp say no?
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And just how many Trump accusers didn't step forward?...for whatever reason!
even the playboy model had no intention of coming forward until trump made a buy out option that pissed her off!
what are some 35 women trump has harassed over the years and for whatever reason most never came forward

as for he said she said...….she went to a counselor on it sometime after....but the right wants no witness...just her and him.....if they wanted to get to the truth they could...bush had the feds investigate for anita hill...but trump and comp say no?

although the right seems pretty sure he will be confirmed...even McConnell telling a bunch of conservatives to day it would happen
although the right seems pretty sure he will be confirmed...even McConnell telling a bunch of conservatives to day it would happen

And although those right wing nuts don't, and won't believe it, McConnell's comment as you've quoted is a slap in the face to each and every woman capable of breathing! To suggest that anything Ms. Ford might have to say at any Senate hearing has now been preempted and acknowledged as meaningless and an unnecessary exercise in futility!
It's incredible just how low politics in the U.S. has gone! Worse still that there are so many U.S. voters who simply refuse to see things as they are but rather through rose coloured glasses!
And although those right wing nuts don't, and won't believe it, McConnell's comment as you've quoted is a slap in the face to each and every woman capable of breathing! To suggest that anything Ms. Ford might have to say at any Senate hearing has now been preempted and acknowledged as meaningless and an unnecessary exercise in futility!
It's incredible just how low politics in the U.S. has gone! Worse still that there are so many U.S. voters who simply refuse to see things as they are but rather through rose coloured glasses!

Makes you wonder....they need every vote......and there are 2 women republican senators not happy..especially with trumps remarks....and yet they are sure he will get in?...….something not right here
Good question. Sorry, but after 35 years ... if it wasn't important then, it's not important now. Accusations need to be backed up by proof or face consequences. People shouldn't be allowed to destroy a career by a simple accusation. It's all he-said-she-said bullshit.

Why sexual assault often goes unreported
vid also

President Trump has commented before on sexual assault accusations against his Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, but he spoke out again early Friday morning on Twitter.

“I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents,” he wrote. “I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time, and place!”

The Dr. Ford he’s referencing is Christine Blasey Ford, a research psychologist and professor who said in a recent Washington Post article that Kavanaugh and another man allegedly pulled her into a bedroom at a party in the 1980s. She alleges that Kavanaugh pinned her down on the bed, groped her, and tried to take off her clothes, as well as cover her mouth when she tried to scream, before she managed to escape. Ford told the Post that she didn’t tell anyone about the alleged assault in detail until it came up in a couples therapy session with her husband in 2012.

?...….something not right here
Is it EVER RIGHT with anything Trump is involved in? He's use to gaming the system. He certainly doesn't play by the "its not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game" ... its "win at all cost" with him. He'll do what he has to do for Trump to come out on top. Its always been that way; always. That's why he's due, in his life, for a big, big dose of KARMA.
Is it EVER RIGHT with anything Trump is involved in? He's use to gaming the system. He certainly doesn't play by the "its not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game" ... its "win at all cost" with him. He'll do what he has to do for Trump to come out on top. Its always been that way; always. That's why he's due, in his life, for a big, big dose of KARMA.

very true......winning is everything with him....and he is positive he has this in the bag...but the senators from Main and Alaska....???Main has already spoken out on the pres and she is not happy....she is taking a lot of heat also, think I read she has had over 300 coat hangers sent to her in the mail!
she doesn't want Roe vs Wade overturned...and yet several photo ops with her and kav show she is all smiles???????very confusing!
and then you have Flake and Corker saying they don't like this either.....Mmmmmm????
Well here's something all those right leaning wing nuts should go crazy about!
I can't imagine they would though, after all it's only a multi-billion dollar government bail out of mostly Republican farmers who supported Trump and his ill advised trade negotiations. The United States has, and continues to isolate itself from its friends (or should that be phrased "ex-friends) each and every day with it's Trumpian Actions and Policies! Where the hell are those Republicans who screamed all during the Obama years about "His leading from behind!" They yelled it every second of every day an opportunity would lend itself, even if at times it was to an audience of "one"! The Republicans can't find money to ensure every citizen has access to medical care because that's "socialism!", however to find money to support a policy gone amuck and financial negatively affect their farming base, "NO PROBLEM!" .... you just press this button on this key board here .... simple, eh!
Such hypocrites!


Bailout checks begin arriving for farmers, as Trump’s trade war escalates
Wheat harvest is in full swing near Paterson, Wash. Some wheat producers have submitted applications for money from the government under a bailout program authorized by the Trump administration. (Paul T. Erickson/Tri-City Herald/AP)
September 21 at 2:29 PM
The federal government has given $25.8 million to farmers this month under a program designed to help them weather President Trump’s international trade battle, a spokesman for the Agriculture Department said Friday.
The money represents some of the first payments of what the Trump administration said will eventually be a $12 billion bailout, which aims to help farmers cope with retaliatory tariffs foreign countries have imposed on their products. Those retaliatory tariffs have dimmed demand for U.S. products overseas and resulted in a domestic supply glut that has deflated some prices at home.
From Sept. 4 through Thursday, the USDA received 39,447 applications for aid. The department has approved 7,851 applications so far, the USDA official said.
The administration has planned an initial $4.7 billion in payments for producers of commodities such as corn, cotton, dairy products, pork, sorghum, soybeans and wheat.
The program will give aid to farmers based on a formula that accounts for the “severity of the trade disruption” — essentially, an estimate of how much money the trade war is costing them — as well as the volume of their production, the USDA said in announcing the program.
Farmers can apply for the assistance only after their harvests are complete, so the money has likely gone primarily to producers of wheat, dairy and livestock, a USDA spokesman said in an email. The USDA said it could not disclose which farmers have received assistance under the program.
“Because of privacy concerns, we will not release the identity of individual recipients,” a spokesman said in an email.
(you can read the entire article on this link)
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Well here's something all those right leaning wing nuts should go crazy about!
I can't imagine they would though, after all it's only a multi-billion dollar government bail out of mostly Republican farmers who supported Trump and his ill advised trade negotiations. The United States has, and continues to isolate itself from both its friends (or should that be phrased "ex-friends) each and every day with it's Trumpian Actions and Policies! Where the hell are those Republicans who screamed all during the Obama years about "His leading from behind!" They yelled it every second of every day an opportunity would lend itself, even if at times it was to an audience of "one"! The Republicans can't find money to ensure every citizen has access to medical care because that's "socialism!", however to find money to support a policy gone amuck and financial negatively affect their farming base, "NO PROBLEM!" .... you just press this button on this key board here .... simple, eh!
Such hypocrites!


Bailout checks begin arriving for farmers, as Trump’s trade war escalates
Wheat harvest is in full swing near Paterson, Wash. Some wheat producers have submitted applications for money from the government under a bailout program authorized by the Trump administration. (Paul T. Erickson/Tri-City Herald/AP)
September 21 at 2:29 PM
The federal government has given $25.8 million to farmers this month under a program designed to help them weather President Trump’s international trade battle, a spokesman for the Agriculture Department said Friday.
The money represents some of the first payments of what the Trump administration said will eventually be a $12 billion bailout, which aims to help farmers cope with retaliatory tariffs foreign countries have imposed on their products. Those retaliatory tariffs have dimmed demand for U.S. products overseas and resulted in a domestic supply glut that has deflated some prices at home.
From Sept. 4 through Thursday, the USDA received 39,447 applications for aid. The department has approved 7,851 applications so far, the USDA official said.
The administration has planned an initial $4.7 billion in payments for producers of commodities such as corn, cotton, dairy products, pork, sorghum, soybeans and wheat.
The program will give aid to farmers based on a formula that accounts for the “severity of the trade disruption” — essentially, an estimate of how much money the trade war is costing them — as well as the volume of their production, the USDA said in announcing the program.
Farmers can apply for the assistance only after their harvests are complete, so the money has likely gone primarily to producers of wheat, dairy and livestock, a USDA spokesman said in an email. The USDA said it could not disclose which farmers have received assistance under the program.
“Because of privacy concerns, we will not release the identity of individual recipients,” a spokesman said in an email.
(you can read the entire article on this link)

I think before his trade deal ever gets done we are going to be in deep *******.....china starting to get pissed...even more since we announced more on china after they bought those Russian mig's….china starts refusing to buy from us..... Mmmmmm

and these bailouts?....how much more can they take from the needy.....Bush and Reagan already milked everything from social security so nothing there to rob....won't tax the corps....something got to give.....and these fiscal conservatives just keep spending
I think before his trade deal ever gets done we are going to be in deep *******.....china starting to get pissed...even more since we announced more on china after they bought those Russian mig's….china starts refusing to buy from us..... Mmmmmm

and these bailouts?....how much more can they take from the needy.....Bush and Reagan already milked everything from social security so nothing there to rob....won't tax the corps....something got to give.....and these fiscal conservatives just keep spending

If you "think" that the Chineese are pissed of with Trump, try talking to your Northern neighbours (who in fact has a virtual balance of trade with the U.S. and is the largest of trading partners), try talking to any of your NATO partners, better still, try talking to any country, Trumps policies and actions are isolating the entire world from the U.S. Those failing to recognize this are doomed by their inaction and the inevitable! It'll take many generations to undo the damage Trump (in collusion with the Republican Party) has already inflicted on the once great nation, the Unites States of America!
Wake up, America! Wake up! Please! I now beg you to Wake Up! Time is now of the essence!
If you "think" that the Chineese are pissed of with Trump, try talking to your Northern neighbours (who in fact has a virtual balance of trade with the U.S. and is the largest of trading partners), try talking to any of your NATO partners, better still, try talking to any country, Trumps policies and actions are isolating the entire world from the U.S. Those failing to recognize this are doomed by their inaction and the inevitable! It'll take many generations to undo the damage Trump (in collusion with the Republican Party) has already inflicted on the once great nation, the Unites States of America!
Wake up, America! Wake up! Please! I now beg you to Wake Up! Time is now of the essence!

yes I know he has most of the world pissed at him/us....we sell a lot of food and etc to china....they can and will put a hurt on things...and I don't know why he is still fucking with Canada...….think the Canadian PM hurt his feelings and you know how vindictive this baby is...he did settle with Mexico

I read where Wal-Mart and several others are expecting major price hikes soon...…...you know who is paying for his...????
just read that 3 dems from red states will side with trump on kavenaugh….that's why he and McConnell are so cocky!
even losing the 2 republican women...they have 3 dems in their pockets
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