Don't try to turn this around - you know EXACTLY what I mean. I'm not entiled to anything nor have I ever felt I was. It is the Left that feels entitled and you know it. Nothing more than a typical argument tactic, twisting the words. I'm not asking for everything to be provided for me, you are. HUGE difference. Your buddy Mac post a twist to my words and you run with it like the good little sheep you are.
Go to a collage campus some time, go to a homeless shelter. Look around you, listen to the younger generation. Your a taker.
yes I know exactly what you mean as do the rest of us...and it is typical of the right!
no, you are not entitled to anything...but you take advantage of every bit of what is being offered don't you?
just like trump and his tax loopholes and Ryan and others....have no problem taking advantage but do all you can to deny others that same privialge
the feels entitled.....I take advantage of nothing!...I'm a "tweener" on all the tax breaks...but I do feel that there are those that are in need that others have taken advantage of and now begrudge others trying to get help
can you tell me just what advantage I am asking for....think not
Mac and I twist just have a habit of putting your foot in your mouth and then try to squirm your way out!