Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Don't try to turn this around - you know EXACTLY what I mean. I'm not entiled to anything nor have I ever felt I was. It is the Left that feels entitled and you know it. Nothing more than a typical argument tactic, twisting the words. I'm not asking for everything to be provided for me, you are. HUGE difference. Your buddy Mac post a twist to my words and you run with it like the good little sheep you are.
Go to a collage campus some time, go to a homeless shelter. Look around you, listen to the younger generation. Your a taker.

yes I know exactly what you mean as do the rest of us...and it is typical of the right!

no, you are not entitled to anything...but you take advantage of every bit of what is being offered don't you?
just like trump and his tax loopholes and Ryan and others....have no problem taking advantage but do all you can to deny others that same privialge

the feels entitled.....I take advantage of nothing!...I'm a "tweener" on all the tax breaks...but I do feel that there are those that are in need that others have taken advantage of and now begrudge others trying to get help

can you tell me just what advantage I am asking for....think not

Mac and I twist nothing....you just have a habit of putting your foot in your mouth and then try to squirm your way out!

Just read the last 10 pages of this thread and had to keep wiping the tears away from laughing so hard - if you read 10 pages in a row - the bickering becomes HILARIOUS!!!
The obvious conclusion I have drawn is that there are two very separate and distinct sides here and there is absofuckinlutely - NO CHANCE - that either side is gonna convince the other side of - anything - try as they may - a microcosm of the country - methinks :|
Just read the last 10 pages of this thread and had to keep wiping the tears away from laughing so hard - if you read 10 pages in a row - the bickering becomes HILARIOUS!!!
The obvious conclusion I have drawn is that there are two very separate and distinct sides here and there is absofuckinlutely - NO CHANCE - that either side is gonna convince the other side of - anything - try as they may - a microcosm of the country - methinks :|

that is probably the one and only true statement I recall you posting

although in defense of the left...……...the right is just on the wrong side of things
that is probably the one and only true statement I recall you posting

although in defense of the left...……...the right is just on the wrong side of things

Says you !!!!
Least I don’t flood the threads with totally inane and useless propaganda - perception is reality - yours is yours and mine is mine and “never the twain shall meet” - fur sure !!! ;}
I'm not crazy!

look again...there is no swastika on his arm...not sure what it is..but not a swastika

View attachment 2110758

Those are "horns" that most metalheads would be quick to recognize as looking something like this...\m/. Looks like poking fun at the Devil and Hitler maybe? And btw, that gif image is of a YouTuber from a channel called "Epic Rap Battles of History". It's freaking hilarious and somewhat educational with dark humor to boot.

My first foray into an off-topic thread! Wooo!

Ahem.... carry on.
I know I have critics of my conservative perspective, so I will allow guests on this (gasp) "religious" broadcast articulate their perspectives on Trump and Planned Parenthood and many will criticize the source too. By the way it isn't just myself a "male" against Planned Parenthood. On this broadcast there is a woman that regretted Planned Parenthood's involvement with her abortions, plus Dr Alveda King, who is an American activist, author, and former state representative for the 28th District in the Georgia House of Representatives, and niece of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr..


Watch and decide for yourselves.
I know I have critics of my conservative perspective, so I will allow guests on this (gasp) "religious" broadcast articulate their perspectives on Trump and Planned Parenthood and many will criticize the source too. By the way it isn't just myself a "male" against Planned Parenthood. On this broadcast there is a woman that regretted Planned Parenthood's involvement with her abortions, plus Dr Alveda King, who is an American activist, author, and former state representative for the 28th District in the Georgia House of Representatives, and niece of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr..


Watch and decide for yourselves.

you need to look into what all planned parent hood does for women in general
a lot in the way of health care for those that can not afford it!
the right is willing to allow people to ******* doctors to stop abortion...what is the logic in that?
willing to support a known pervert in the white house in hopes of ending abortion....and allow that pervert to support another known pervert for office in georgia
and now they are willing to support another pervert and put him in a permanent office just to do away with abortion
and yet the right so against abortion and will not do anything for the baby after he is born
1 in 5 children in this country go to bed hungry...no health care...lack of education on and on
you ******* a woman to have a baby she doesn't want...what kind of baby will she raise...will she even care enough about that baby to take care of it....baby abuse seems to be on the rise in this country....you read about some of the things that happen all the time....and even if that baby manages to survive....what did you raise? another criminal? another baby abuser?
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you need to look into what all planned parent hood does for women in general
a lot in the way of health care for those that can not afford it!
the right is willing to allow people to ******* doctors to stop abortion...what is the logic in that?
willing to support a known pervert in the white house in hopes of ending abortion....and allow that pervert to support another known pervert for office in georgia
and now they are willing to support another pervert and put him in a permanent office just to do away with abortion
and yet the right so against abortion and will not do anything for the baby after he is born
1 in 5 children in this country go to bed hungry...no health care...lack of education on and on
you ******* a woman to have a baby she doesn't want...what kind of baby will she raise...will she even care enough about that baby to take care of it....baby abuse seems to be on the rise in this country....you read about some of the things that happen all the time....and even if that baby manages to survive....what did you raise? another criminal? another baby abuser?
Hi there pal. Again both people involved were 2 women who vocally supported Trump, one of which had abortions through Planned Parenthood and regretted it if you watched it. And there were other Black people that spoke of the goodness Trump is doing for the Black Community in America. It's illustrates that Trump is not a buffoon and he is actually doing some good as POTUS, but seeing that you prefer your perspective have at it, you might just be surprised should he get re-elected in 2020. :D

Plus being a pervert I never said he was a perfect man. One could look historically at the flaws of many US presidents, yet they held their mandate. The only perfect man was Jesus and he was crucified. So who would be elected?
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Planned parenthood

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It's illustrates that Trump is not a buffoon and he is actually doing some good as POTUS,

far more harm than good....and naturally those that support trump...like trump himself will put out whatever...and a lot of it fake news!
like the 2 black singers praising their support for trump....don't hear anymore about them do you?...they were paid well to show their support for the man
why is it that there is a rise in blacks and women in politics...all against trump?
far more harm than good....and naturally those that support trump...like trump himself will put out whatever...and a lot of it fake news!
like the 2 black singers praising their support for trump....don't hear anymore about them do you?...they were paid well to show their support for the man
why is it that there is a rise in blacks and women in politics...all against trump?
Again in that program, if you watched it had Black females, and a Caucasian female that supported Trump. So that illustrates there are some American females that currently support Trump as well. For the record today's date is September 20th, 2018. The date of the airing of the interview was September 6th, 2018. I would think that would be a fairly current broadcast wouldn't you?
far more harm than good....and naturally those that support trump...like trump himself will put out whatever...and a lot of it fake news!
like the 2 black singers praising their support for trump....don't hear anymore about them do you?...they were paid well to show their support for the man
why is it that there is a rise in blacks and women in politics...all against trump?
Plus in a way I'm doing you a favor showing you a perspective that you don't regularly see in the media showing how professional Trump is as POTUS. If he is going to be a one-term president you will have to weaken his base among America's Christian community which is rock solid at present.
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