Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Liberals - sooooooo predictable - always resort to the name calling and racist labeling - if anyone says anything contrary to your beliefs - let the propaganda spew forth - tis totally ineffectual and greatly amusing : }
you reap what you sow!

talk your ******* about getting over it!

Rep. Joe Wilson Yells Out “You Lie!” During Obama Health Care Speech

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama

The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage

The Republican political strategy has been to obstruct efforts to help the economy for everyone but the wealthiest few, and then campaign on complaints that the economy isn’t helping anyone but the wealthiest few. It’s working.

In President Obama’s July 12 weekly address he said, “So far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked every serious idea to strengthen the middle class.” He could have said, “Since 2009.” Since the 2009 “stimulus,” Republicans have obstructed pretty much every effort to help the economy. In the Senate they have filibustered hundreds of bills, and since the “stimulus” they have managed to keep anything from passing that might help the economy.

In the House, Republicans have refused to allow votes on anything that seriously would help the economy, instead passing only tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, spending cuts on essential things like maintaining our infrastructure and scientific research, and cutting regulations that protect people and the environment from being harmed by corporations seeking profit.
Liberals - sooooooo predictable - always resort to the name calling and racist labeling - if anyone says anything contrary to your beliefs - let the propaganda spew forth - tis totally ineffectual and greatly amusing : }
and your statements just prove what I say...nothing intelligent to add to the conversation ...just ass air
and yes you will get 2bi and HH to like and agree with everything you say...they are just two more trump supporters...who lie and defend at all costs...they do post something...usually just BS or a fox news vid...but like you nothing of any relevance....

pretty much a poster boy for stupidity!
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Do you not realize - that you are completely indoctrinated into your belief system?
It wouldn’t matter what I or anyone else says or supports with your cherished “facts” you only see what you want to see or hear what you want to hear - much like the opposing side - all the propaganda you post is like shoveling shite at the tide - but please don’t stop - perfectly illustrates TDS and the Main Street media’s leftist bias - and - I thank you for that !
I am a Black male, but I am not an American as I dwell in Canada. If you are American and if you have positive news about Trump as a Black male feel free to speak up here.

you can see his past few posts....the guy is a blooming fucking idiot..... and you encourage that just because he is on your side....you can check his profile for a list of all his "intelligent" remarks…...on several of these political threads
substantially lowers your credibility rating
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Just because YOU don’t agree with him does that make him an idiot - maybe it does in the liberal way of looking at things - ya see that’s the trouble with you guys - if someone doesn’t agree with you - you name call and try to label them an idiot - it’s sad really :{
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Just because YOU don’t agree with him does that makes him an idiot - or maybe it does in the liberal way of looking at things - ya see that’s the trouble with you guys - if someone doesn’t agree with you you name call and try to label them an idiot - it’s sad really :{

there again that is YOUR interpretation of what was said......shows your lack of...a lot.....as for him.....he likes a civil intelligent conversation...so he said...and then invites you...…..guess he says one thing and wants another?
Just because YOU don’t agree with him does that makes him an idiot - or maybe it does in the liberal way of looking at things - ya see that’s the trouble with you guys - if someone doesn’t agree with you you name call and try to label them an idiot - it’s sad really :{

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims in the undrained swamp like a duck, guess what?
you can see his past few posts....the guy is a blooming fucking idiot..... and you encourage that just because he is on your side....you can check his profile for a list of all his "intelligent" remarks…...on several of these political threads
substantially lowers your credibility rating
I am not always on the threads like you are. I can legitimately say that the first time I saw his posting was yesterday so I just wanted to hear more about his perspective that's all.
I am not always on the threads like you are. I can legitimately say that the first time I saw his posting was yesterday so I just wanted to hear more about his perspective that's all.

An independent is not allowed a perspective in this thread don’t ya be knowing now : |
Rosenstein suggested he secretly record Trump, discussed 25th Amendment: New York Times

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein suggested last year he secretly record President Donald Trump in the White House, the New York Times reported, and also discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office. The Times' report said Rosenstein made these suggestions in the spring of 2017, when Trump's firing of then-FBI Director James Comey put the White House into turmoil.

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