Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Trump Avoided Trudeau More Than Once at UN, Official Says


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tried more than once to speak with President Donald Trump on the sidelines of UN meetings, a U.S. official says, but Trump avoided the Canadian leader because of a standoff in trade talks.
It was those attempted discussions that Trump was referring when he said he refused to meet Trudeau, the official said, rather than a request for a formal bilateral sit-down meeting, which the Canadians said they did not make. One such attempted encounter led to a brief handshake , with Trump remaining seated when approached by the prime minister.
The president added new pressure to trade talks Wednesday when he took aim at Trudeau and the Canadians, saying he won’t make the deal they’re seeking, that he doesn’t like Canada’s representative and that he might apply auto tariffs to the northern nation. Trudeau responded briefly on Thursday.
“The Americans are finding that the negotiations are tough because Canadians are tough negotiators, as we should be,” the prime minister told reporters in Ottawa. “A good and fair deal is still very possible. But we won’t sign a bad deal for Canada or for Canadians.”
Trudeau’s office didn’t respond to requests Wednesday and Thursday about whether the prime minister sought sideline discussions with the president. They only said they didn’t request a formal meeting.
‘Very Unhappy’
In a lengthy press conference Wednesday, Trump said he rejected meeting Trudeau because of trade talks. The countries are working to reach an deal on how to update the North American Free Trade Agreement , after the U.S. and Mexico reached their own deal last month.
“We’re very unhappy with the negotiations and the negotiating style of Canada,” Trump said. “Canada has treated us very badly. Canada has a long way to go.” He said both that there’s a “good chance still” that the U.S. and Canada will reach a deal, but also that “probably or possibly” they won’t.

I know who I believe! No! It's isn't a confirmed well known Liar!
Trudeau denies requesting meeting with Trump at UN

OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he didn’t request a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump while the two leaders were in New York this week for the United Nations General Assembly.
On Wednesday, Trump told reporters he rejected a request for a meeting with Trudeau to discuss negotiations to update the North American Free Trade Agreement because he was unhappy with Canada’s approach to the ongoing talks.
Referring to Trudeau, Trump said, “his tariffs are too high and he doesn’t seem to want to move. And I’ve told him, ’Forget about it.”’
But Trudeau disputed Trump’s statement on Thursday — insisting Canada did not request a meeting with the president this week.
“No, we didn’t ask for a meeting this time around,” Trudeau told reporters on his way to a cabinet meeting in Ottawa.
In his remarks Wednesday, Trump also said the Americans don’t like Canada’s trade representative “very much” — a comment that appeared to be directed at Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.
Trump then reiterated his threat to slap punitive tariffs on Canadian auto imports to the U.S., a tactic experts on both sides of the border have warned would devastate the industry.
“Frankly, we’re thinking about just taxing cars coming in from Canada,” Trump said. “That’s the motherlode, that’s the big one. We’re very unhappy with the negotiations and the negotiating style of Canada.”
Trudeau gave credit Thursday to the Canadian negotiating team, and suggested the American side shouldn’t be surprised by the tone of talks.
“The Americans are finding that the negotiations are tough because Canadians are tough negotiators, as we should be,” he said.
“A good and fair deal is still very possible — but we won’t sign a bad deal for Canadians.”
Top Catholic Magazine Rescinds Kavanaugh Endorsement

Citing credibility issues and the #MeToo movement, the influential Catholic Jesuit magazine Americahas rescinded its endorsement of its once-favorite Catholic *******, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. “There are many good reasons to support the nomination of a qualified judge who is committed to a textualist interpretation of the Constitution to the Supreme Court,” the magazine editors wrote after the hearings ended Thursday. But they went on to say they don’t want to be associated with a man whose sexual-assault allegations may never be completely put to rest. “His nomination has also become a referendum on how to address allegations of sexual assault,” the Jesuits wrote. “We continue to support the nomination of judges according to such principles—but Judge Kavanaugh is not the only such nominee available.”[/QUOTE]
nothing stops a republican in their quest to destroy the country....party over country
would be funny if the ABA did investigate and pulled his law license...long shot but they could......can't have a federal judge without a lic now can we
Watching the committee vote perfectly illustrates the divide in the country - it’s them vs us - no doubt now - you guys see things one way and we another - no chance either side is going to convince the other of ANYTHING - I’m just glad - for now - we have the numbers
Watching the committee vote perfectly illustrates the divide in the country - it’s them vs us - no doubt now - you guys see things one way and we another - no chance either side is going to convince the other of ANYTHING - I’m just glad - for now - we have the numbers
What I see is the beginning process of a complete dis-assembling of our democratic system and the installation of a fascist government. You might find that humorous, or even ridiculous, but usually when new evidence is presented in a case, a new vetting system is implemented to verify its validity. Democrats asked for one week to solidify the charges made against him; Republicans refused. Obviously it was NOT a time issue as Republicans pretended it to be.
Usually when a person applies for a high level job, a lie detector is used, particularly when there are evidence of a irregularity. The SCOTUS-to-be refused to take that lie detector test. And, usually when someone makes accusations, they are allowed to validate their story with evidence, in this case witnesses, Republicans again refused. To say that the Democrats would do the same thing if in power is rational. It wouldn't matter which party was in power if this type of process was allowed to continue. We, as voters, should be able to look past partisan politics and see that our entire government is at risk of major change ... one that I'm sure most would not like.
The President selected Judge Cavenaugh because of his belief that a sitting president was exempt from charges of the law. And he insisted that Cavenaugh be expeditiously processed rather than properly vetting the candidate. If you see this as a completion of due process, you're simply not paying attention. When Trump gets pulled before Congress for his crimes, and Trump reaches out to Cavenaugh to bail his ass OUT, you'll know you've been hoodwinked by a con-fascist of a man.
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ROFLMAO - The number one ch[ld trafficking ring and ch[ld porn industry makers, the Catholic church, is now concerned with "allegations". what a joke. LOL :bounce: I guess they would know a predator. :frantic:

And isn't wonderful that it's only Republicans who are sinless!
Now that's a joke!
And isn't wonderful that it's only Republicans who are sinless!
Now that's a joke!

Oh god no. I think they are all one the same side - their own, right there with the Democrats. - Neither side has our best interest in mind, you don't see this as nothing but a political game they play? But like you said - until you wake up. nothing will change.

But I do find it funny that the liberal left always tears down religion, calls them all Alt-Right fanatics. Wants laws to ******* them to deny their religion (unless your Muslim of course) in the name of "Equality" but when a article comes out and "the church" agrees with the left then suddenly - GOD HAS SPOKEN!. LOL Hypocrisy runs thick on the left for sure.

Oh god no. I think they are all one the same side - their own, right there with the Democrats. - Neither side has our best interest in mind, you don't see this as nothing but a political game they play? But like you said - until you wake up. nothing will change.

But I do find it funny that the liberal left always tears down religion, calls them all Alt-Right fanatics. Wants laws to ******* them to deny their religion (unless your Muslim of course) in the name of "Equality" but when a article comes out and "the church" agrees with the left then suddenly - GOD HAS SPOKEN!. LOL Hypocrisy runs thick on the left for sure.

oh fuck here we go again....and just who does the right follow all the time...the church...and claims to be so religious.....and hell the church anymore is just a branch of the republican party.....you are so twisted in your facts I'm not sure you can not walk a straight line!
and why is it every pres election the right courts the church?
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oh fuck here we go again....and just who does the right follow all the time...the church...and claims to be so religious.....and hell the church anymore is just a branch of the republican party.....you are so twisted in your facts I'm not sure you can not walk a straight line!
and why is it every pres election the right courts the church?

Exactly my point - Comprehend much?
But I do find it funny that the liberal left always tears down religion, calls them all Alt-Right fanatics. Wants laws to ******* them to deny their religion (unless your Muslim of course) in the name of "Equality" but when a article comes out and "the church" agrees with the left then suddenly - GOD HAS SPOKEN!. LOL Hypocrisy runs thick on the left for sure.

your comment....we don't tear down religion we just don't buy your version of it.....you want to protect the womb and yet let the baby starve...no education and etc////that's not tearing down religion....just your version of religion!
who put out anything about denying religion?...more just made up statements....I do think it's time the church lost their free-bee status

hypocrisy is deep in the republican party!
think the left has pretty much left religion alone...except to point out your double standard on it
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