Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Unfortunately you can.
Yeah, there really aren't any qualifications at all listed in the constitution for a Supreme Court Justice. A significant number of justices never even attended law school although that hasn't been the case with anyone since FDR appointed Byrnes just before WWII. They've all studied/apprenticed in the legal profession though.

Obummer appointed one of the most unqualified Supreme Court Justices in history. Elena Kagan had never served as a judge and hadn't even been the attorney of record in any court ever...not even small claims court. But she was a liberal lackey and was "qualified"....aka she could fog a mirror, so off to the Supreme Court she went. It's quite illustrative how she was handled vs now. Several Republican's voted to approve her despite her horrendous lack of qualifications because they gave deference to Obummer since he was the president and it was his choice. They could have pulled the same sort of con job the Democraps currently are but they demonstrated far more professionalism than we see from today's Democrap party of NO.
Yeah, there really aren't any qualifications at all listed in the constitution for a Supreme Court Justice. A significant number of justices never even attended law school although that hasn't been the case with anyone since FDR appointed Byrnes just before WWII. They've all studied/apprenticed in the legal profession though.

Obummer appointed one of the most unqualified Supreme Court Justices in history. Elena Kagan had never served as a judge and hadn't even been the attorney of record in any court ever...not even small claims court. But she was a liberal lackey and was "qualified"....aka she could fog a mirror, so off to the Supreme Court she went. It's quite illustrative how she was handled vs now. Several Republican's voted to approve her despite her horrendous lack of qualifications because they gave deference to Obummer since he was the president and it was his choice. They could have pulled the same sort of con job the Democraps currently are but they demonstrated far more professionalism than we see from today's Democrap party of NO.

HH that is even to stupid to respond to! you hit an all time low there
Yeah, there really aren't any qualifications at all listed in the constitution for a Supreme Court Justice. A significant number of justices never even attended law school although that hasn't been the case with anyone since FDR appointed Byrnes just before WWII. They've all studied/apprenticed in the legal profession though.

Obummer appointed one of the most unqualified Supreme Court Justices in history. Elena Kagan had never served as a judge and hadn't even been the attorney of record in any court ever...not even small claims court. But she was a liberal lackey and was "qualified"....aka she could fog a mirror, so off to the Supreme Court she went. It's quite illustrative how she was handled vs now. Several Republican's voted to approve her despite her horrendous lack of qualifications because they gave deference to Obummer since he was the president and it was his choice. They could have pulled the same sort of con job the Democraps currently are but they demonstrated far more professionalism than we see from today's Democrap party of NO.
Go fuck yourself.
Democrats in 1991 when an FBI report didn't back up their slandering of Clarence Thomas: “The next person that refers to an FBI report as being worth anything obviously doesn’t understand anything,” according to Joe Biden, then Chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

Democrats in 2018 when they're running out of delay tactics to block Kavanaugh: "We have to have an FBI report..."


MMMM...another yummy dose of democrap hypocrisy.
Democrats in 1991 when an FBI report didn't back up their slandering of Clarence Thomas: “The next person that refers to an FBI report as being worth anything obviously doesn’t understand anything,” according to Joe Biden, then Chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

Democrats in 2018 when they're running out of delay tactics to block Kavanaugh: "We have to have an FBI report..."


MMMM...another yummy dose of democrap hypocrisy.
the right pulled a fast one then just as they are trying to now
57% of 150 isn't saying much...hell 4 or 5 of them here

Daily Digit: Majority of Trump supporters don’t believe Democrats can win back the House
Nicholas Ascanio,Yahoo

Fifty-seven percent of Trump supporters believe it’s unlikely Democrats will win back the House, according to a new poll. These voters have been listening to Trump predict a “red wave” and don’t believe polls showing a possible blue tsunami. While Democrats haven’t won a majority in the House since 2008, their turnout in 2018 primaries has been much higher than Republicans. And according to FiveThirtyEight, Democrats have an 80 percent chance of regaining control of the House. Perhaps a “blue wave” could be coming, after all.

and the sick prick is still getting away with *******!

The Clarence Thomas Exception

Anita Hill’s accusations against the Supreme Court nominee launched the first #MeToo moment 26 years ago, but the justice has faced little renewed scrutiny amid the current reconsideration of sexual harassment.

Before Alex Kozinski, before Harvey Weinstein, before Bill Clinton, there was Clarence Thomas.
The 1991 hearings for Thomas’s confirmation to the Supreme Court became the first major moment of national attention on sexual harassment in the workplace, after allegations of past harassment lodged by Anita Hill, a former colleague, were leaked to the press. Thomas was ultimately confirmed, narrowly, but it’s difficult to imagine his nomination surviving the same accusations today. As allegations of harassment and abuse bring down powerful men in media, entertainment, and politics, Thomas has also been curiously immune to fresh scrutiny, despite the multiple, detailed accusations against him.

Thomas has always denied any misconduct and has remained silent recently, though that’s hardly unusual for him. His case is part of a peculiar pattern in which men publicly accused of misconduct before the Weinstein allegations seem inoculated against the current backlash. Thomas, unlike some of the men ****** from their positions, also enjoys lifetime tenure. But the abrupt resignation Monday of Kozinski, a prominent judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals who was accused of harassment, shows that lifetime appointments do not render their holders invincible.

Meanwhile, Thomas’s story keeps intersecting in peculiar ways with the current news cycle. Joe Biden, who led the Senate Judiciary Committee when Thomas was confirmed and seems interested in a third attempt at the presidency in 2020, has been harshly criticized for his handling of the case and has apologized publicly to Hill. Hill herself has been named the head of a post-Weinstein Hollywood anti-harassment push. Ginni Thomas, the justice’s wife, this month bestowed an award for “defense of liberty” on James O’Keefe, the conservative provocateur whose organization was recently caught trying to hoax The Washington Post with fake sexual-harassment allegations.

Hill’s accusations emerged during confirmation hearings for Thomas, who was nominated by President George H.W. Bush, and who seemed to be headed for easy confirmation as the second black justice in Supreme Court history. The Senate Judiciary Committee had completed its work when reports of Hill’s allegations against Thomas emerged. Hill, like Thomas, was an African American graduate of Yale Law School. She first worked for Thomas, eight years her senior, at the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights and then at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

She said Thomas had repeatedly asked her out, but she turned him down. He discussed sexual topics, she said, including “acts that he had seen in pornographic films involving such matters as women having sex with animals and films showing group sex or ******* scenes. He talked about pornographic materials depicting individuals with large penises or large breasts involved in various sex acts.” She said he’d discussed his own “sexual prowess” and, in the most enduring and bizarre image from the hearings, had once walked up to his desk and then asked her, “Who put pubic hair on my Coke?”

The allegations were awful—Ted Koppel called them “grotesquely riveting”—but they were also challenging for anyone watching or listening, as many Americans did. (Long before the golden age of cable news, many outlets carried the hearings live.) For viewers at home, it looked like a typical he-said, she-said sexual-harassment case, in which it was nearly impossible to determine who was in the right. Believing Hill required believing that a federal judge on the verge of Supreme Court confirmation would perjure himself; believing Thomas required believing that Hill would have fabricated vivid allegations out of whole cloth.

This appearance of irresolvable conflict was neither wholly accurate nor accidental. Four friends of Hill’s testified that she had told them about the harassment at the time, lending more credibility to the claims. Three other women were willing to testify about being harassed by Thomas, too. But Biden chose not to allow one of them, Angela Wright, to testify publicly, instead releasing a transcript of a phone interview with her. Strange Justice, a 1994 book by reporters Jill Abramson and Jane Mayer, concluded the Judiciary Committee had failed to follow up leads on allegations against Thomas and had conducted only a cursory investigation. Whether such testimony would have been adequate to convict Thomas in a court of law is unclear, but perhaps also beside the point. It was as strong or stronger than the evidence that has toppled several members of Congress, including Senator Al Franken.

read more
Just like then and the same thing now...….only a partial investigation...all of the witness were not allowed to speak...and now only a week to check out the current complaints....does that mean just Ford...or ford and the other 2.....there have been a lot of others come forward since!

what is really odd....one of the republican female senators on the committee knew him in college and knew he was a ******* and a partier....has mentioned it after the hearing but said nothing during the hearing...why?
I think you very well know who DrillHer is referring to, nongolfer. Without saying you're simply trying to entice an argument, maybe it would help if you pulled your head out of where it obviously is currently located and see what's going on around you. We're actually witnessing one of the biggest occurrences in the history of the United States ... a President making an attempt at installing a dictatorship, and a otherwise adversarial country attempting to help him do it. Other than the War Between The States, I can't think of any event much bigger. At this point in Trump's presidency, if you can't see that, then you're in a major state of denial OR you're extremely naïve. BBC4 makes a good point as well ... the extreme of democracy is fascism ... think about it.
You are a complete fool. Trump has brought the US back to her prime. All Trump haters are simply upset because they're sore losers and didn't get their trophy for failing to win a rigged election. It is as simple as that, but hey, maybe it would help if you were to scream into the sky some more.
You are a complete fool. Trump has brought the US back to her prime. All Trump haters are simply upset because they're sore losers and didn't get their trophy for failing to win a rigged election. It is as simple as that, but hey, maybe it would help if you were to scream into the sky some more.

And - - - post a few more hundred thousand looney liberal memes !!!! ; }
Trump has brought the US back to her prime

might want to check the facts on that...….workers are making less than ever.....more jobs going overseas than ever before....the only ones that are really doing great is big biz....and they are not sharing!

All Trump haters are simply upset because they're sore losers and didn't get their trophy for failing to win a rigged election
It was a rigged election..... Russia put him in office...not sore losers...just don't like a traitor!
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