Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Those were their opinions, and they amounted to what? Everyone's entitled to their own opinions ... its the FACTS that they aren't entitled to fabricate. Did they hold up any Republican SCOTUS nominees, refusing to interview or process a Republican nominee for consideration? I don't recall that they did.
That was their "opinions" when Schumer was a senior member and Biden was the Chairman of the Judiciary committee respectively. Democrats controlled the committee in both cases. Did they hold up any SCOTUS appointments by either Bush....no, because no vacancies happened at the time. They both made it clear they would have held up any such nomination in the last year or 18 months of either Bush's term. But suddenly when the shoe was on the other foot, the Democraps believe it was unthinkable that Republican's would hold up one of their party nominees with less than a year left in Obummer's term.

The hypocrisy should be stunning....but sadly it has become the norm.
If anyone supports this absolute bullshit that is happening you are more disturbed than imaginable. Why is it that Bill Clinton can fuck women by abusing his power, his criminal wife can say disparaging thing about his accusers, Ted Kennedy can get away with killing a woman, Anthony Weiner was supported by that complete asshole Schumer, senile Feinstein waits to present the letter with the accusations until just before the appointment hearings, the latest woman to accuse Kavanugh went to 10 gang bang parties (she must have liked it) and never reported it, Gary Condit who was fucking his 23 year old intern ended up dead. Liberal Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein (friend of Hillary). I pray Kavanugh gets confirmed and fucks with every thing you liberals are afraid he'll do. I didn't feel that way until now. You liberals are filled with hate and it's absolutely disgusting. Come November I will put a check by every Republican even if I don't know who they are. If you liberals don't see this as a political ambush then hopefully you'll seek the free treatment for your sickness.
Well said and hatefilled and hypocritical is a good way to label them. Notice how they have done their best to cover up the Keith Ellison allegations. They did their best to try and put a lid on the ACORN scandal, saint Obama's prize organization.
The idea that the woman with the Betty Crocker hairstyle who sat on the info for so long is a supporter of women is a joke.
Sexual assault and abuse of women is nothing more than a political tool for liberals. And it drives me nuts so many women fall for it.
Same with racism, All the misery caused by it but if an enemy of liberals declares they don't like chocolate liberals will say it's an indication of a deep rooted racial hatred and there followers buy into it. What is really frustrating is that people who have suffered the most allow these morons to trivialize and exploit their experiences and support them.
Are you too stupid to believe Kanvanaugh, who has been through extensive background investigations over the course of his career and NOT ONE, NOT ONE hint of him being accused of being a "serial *******" or doing anything he's being accused. Since he was appointed by Bush you's think he would have been a target then. The ignorance is just amazing!

Brett Kavanaugh Questioned By Senate About Fourth Sexual Misconduct Allegation
Doha Madani,HuffPost


Just like with your man trump the chump.....when someone finally has the guts to step up and make a stand against people like you....others will follow....this one a little more recent...
with a staffers ******* while working with Ken Star on Clintons misconduct

although also on that....while the right trying to put Clinton in a bad light.....Gingrich at the same time was having an affair...as was ken Star himself....funny how those right wing morale's work!
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wow....all the crazies out tonight.....first they put a pervert in the white house...and still defend him....even when the whole world is laughing at him even to his face now...…..then they want a pervert in every office...and defend them....one thing about the right....they like that low road....while preaching to others what's right and wrong in the country......they just like the alligators I guess

most of the country can see there is a problem with the right...most of the world can see it also....just what is it about the right that makes them so dense they can't see it and put party over country!
Brett Kavanaugh's Poll Numbers Are Firmly In The Red
Ariel Edwards-Levy,HuffPost

With Brett Kavanaugh set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, the Supreme Court nominee’s numbers are underwater, according to a new round of polling.

Surveys out this week from YouGov for HuffPost and for The Economist, from Morning Consult for Politico, and from Marist for PBS NewsHour and NPR all find public opposition to Kavanaugh’s nomination outstripping support for it by between 3 to 6 points, joining previouspolls that also found him earning negative ratings.

For a Supreme Court nominee, that’s deeply unusual ― as NBC noted last week, it’s the first time dating back to 2005 that a judge hasn’t been favored for confirmation to the high court. Determining exactly how much of that unpopularity is owed to the sexualassault allegations against Kavanaugh remains somewhat tricky. Certainly, they haven’t helped him.

But Kavanaugh was already less popular than other recent nominees, including President Donald Trump’s previous pick, Neil Gorsuch. And even absent any sort of scandal, Supreme Court nominees tend to see their numbers drop throughout the confirmation process. Added to that, public opinion polls naturally fluctuate from week to week, making it hard to distinguish sampling variation from a small-but-real shift in opinion.

Initial HuffPost/YouGov polling found virtually no change in Kavanaugh’s numbers after he was publicly accused of sexual assault; Gallup, which was conducting a poll while the story broke, also concluded that “opposition to Kavanaugh was already increasing before the allegations were publicized, and the allegations appeared to have had no immediately negative effect on public opinion.”
But taken together, the latest set of polls paint a clearly negative and likely somewhat worsening picture:

there again the right wingers around here can't see what the rest of the country does.....why is that?
must be their ability to swallow a con job...and refuse to admit they swallowed a turd!
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I guess Iran summed up Trump best yesterday....not only was his speech a joke......his ability to give it showed a lack of education...not the exact words but close enough

hell just watch an Obama speech compared to a trump speech...….one educated the other a snake oils sales man
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ACORN Accusations

McCain makes exaggerated claims of 'voter fraud.' Obama soft-pedals his connections.


The McCain-Palin campaign accuses ACORN, a community activist group that operates nationwide, of perpetrating "massive voter fraud." It says Obama has “long and deep” ties to the group. We find both claims to be exaggerated. But we also find Obama has understated the extent of his work with the group.

  • Neither ACORN nor its employees have been found guilty of, or even charged with, casting fraudulent votes. What a McCain-Palin Web ad calls "voter fraud" is actually voter registration fraud. Several ACORN canvassers have been found guilty of faking registration forms and others are being investigated. But the evidence that has surfaced so far shows they faked forms to get paid for work they didn’t do, not to stuff ballot boxes.
  • Obama’s path has intersected with ACORN on several occasions – more often than he allowed in the final debate.
  • Analysis

    We’ve received scores of e-mails asking us about Obama’s connection to the community activist group Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now, or ACORN. A McCain-Palin ad released on the Web accuses Obama of having ties to the organization, which it says engages in "intimidation tactics," "massive voter fraud" and "pressuring banks to issue risky loans."
  • https://www.factcheck.org/2008/10/acorn-accusations/

just more of the right making accusation to their followers....who just want to believe.....the right just like with Clinton did investigate and quietly went mum on it....but those whacky right wingers want to keep it alive and well
I already covered this once.....but the right ….just looking or something...anything to make an issue of

Few Democratic voters in Minnesota believe that Rep. Keith Ellison abused his ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan while the two were dating, according to a poll released Wednesday.

The Minnesota Star Tribune and Minnesota Public Radio News polled 800 likely voters between Sept. 10 and 12 on the Minnesota attorney general race. In response to a question on whether each voter believed the allegations leveled at Ellison are true, 5 percent of Democrats responded “yes,” 30 percent responded “no” and 65 percent were unsure.

More than eight times the amount of Republicans, 42 percent, believed Monahan’s allegations. Fifteen percent of Republicans said the allegations are false and 43 percent are not sure.

Monahan, an environmental organizer with the Sierra Club, has accused the Minnesota Democrat of emotionally and physically abusing her when the two were dating sometime after Ellison divorced in 2012 until Ellison and Monahan split in 2016.

if there was anything to it...….she says she has a vid of him dragging her off the bed.....but has yet to produce even for the police!
again...the right believes what they want to believe
funny they sure don't want to mention this one at all
but hey...with the right's morale's and all I'm sure he will get the speaker job

Powerful House Republican Implicated in College Sex-Abuse Scandal

The horrific scandal involving Larry Nassar, the Michigan State University and U.S. Gymnastics team physician who was convicted of criminal sexual assault against athletes under his care, and was credibly accused of literally hundreds of acts of abuse, has made the risks of sexual misconduct by medical personnel at colleges a huge topic, especially in the Midwest. Those who knew or had reason to know of his misdeeds over the years have been held accountable: Exposure of his crimes led to the resignations of the president and board of USA Gymnastics, and the president of Michigan State, along with $500 million to settle lawsuits against MSU filed by 332 Nassar victims.

that makes the new allegations being made that prominent conservative U.S. representative Jim Jordan turned a blind eye to sexual abuse of athletes by a team doctor during his long tenure as an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University especially explosive right now. NBC has the story:
Funny cause everything you said sounds completely reasonable to me

why is that not a surprise....crazy people never see the problems they have...it's always some one else with the issues
the crazy house...prisons...all full of people who don't have a problem

wonder how many republicans are serving time right now for sex issues or fraud....there have been plenty of both here lately
hell right here the republican chair nailed on sex charges...and a leading republican here caught luring boys into hotel rooms...this year!

although with you two I think you are just off your medications
even more of the rights hypocrisy…..
they spent what 2 years investigating Hillary....and many on the right...after taking after their lying leader.....believe she is crooked Hillary......and yet out of all those investigations...who did they find breaking the law?

Gowdy...the chair of the investigation was forging her emails!
don't hear a lot about that do you?...or is it you don't want to bring it up?
you're right we should not be supporting this bullshit kavenaugh should have the sense to withdraw....or carrot top should start looking for a replacement....this guy is a pervert to say the least......most women would want nothing to do with this man...but your standards are a lot lower...hell you support a pervert for pres!

and just who did Bill Clinton fuck?....I understand the cigar did it!

criminal wife....your party has spent the last 2 years and how many before that investigating her and what did they come up with?
nothing....just more of your tongue wagging

did he get away with it?....don't think all the facts ever came out and there was 2 of them there!...yeah he used poor judgment in the reporting...but *******?...more of that loose tongue again

don't think so..it was Schummer that told him to resign!

she can't present something when the women is not sure she wants to testify or not....besides the right knew about it.....they already had 25 women lined up to defend the pervert although 2 of them have withdrawn that support!

she was in college and attended parties with her friends......when she found out they were spiking the punch to get girls *******...she quit drinking the punch...she didn't know about the gang bangs upstairs until later, but she did witness some lewd behavior by your pervert!

and where are they now?.....lauer out of a job....Weinstein facing charges...what's your point?

I'm thinking you can't pray enough for it to happen...but if it does you are ok with a pervert making decisions for the country...and what about roe vs wade?....guess you don't care there either?

please do I encourage everyone to vote......but think you might be supporting losers...like your self!

what...like the treatment they gave Obama for 8 years?

there is an old saying you might want to remember

engage brain before running mouth!

subhub174014, I couldn't respond to those "alternative facts" any better than you've stated, nor would I have had tried! The nonsense that these people see as facts must come from an "alternative universe." Then again, having witnessed that wing-nut who coined the term "alternative fact(s)", why would I respond?
Isn't it amazing that it's always those that have an unlimited inventory of "alternative facts", (et al, "bullshit") that never seem to get the simplest of their statements to coincide with the truth, thus, "alternative facts!"
Thanks again for your response! And of course, I've added another "alternate fact finder" to my list of those whose posts I'll never read or waste my time responding to!
AP FACT CHECK: Trump partly right on Canada's dairy tariffs
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has a point when he lambastes Canada for protecting its dairy farmers with hefty tariffs. But the United States is hardly innocent when it comes to farm protectionism. And the very real difficulties that U.S. dairy farmers face can’t all be blamed on America’s neighbour to the north. And in fact, despite Canada’s tariff, the U.S. runs a surplus in dairy trade with its northern neighbour. A look at Trump’s complaints and the complicated reality behind them:
TRUMP: “Canada charges the U.S. a 270% tariff on Dairy Products! They didn’t tell you that, did they? Not fair to our farmers!” — Trump tweet on June 8.

THE FACTS: The president is basically right about the tariffs. And the United States has some legitimate gripes about Canadian farm policy. But the whole situation is far more complicated. Canada has long run an elaborate “supply management” program that effectively shields its farmers from competition. Canada allows a small amount of dairy and poultry imports into the country duty-free or at very low tariffs. Anything above the cutoff is hammered: Consider 245 per cent tariffs on cheese. And 298 per cent on butter. The World Trade Organization says Canadian dairy tariffs average nearly 249 per cent, compared with the United States’ 17 per cent. Dairy is a highly sensitive political issue in Canada. French-speaking Quebec is dairy country. Shielding farmers from competition is one way to placate the province’s separatist movement. Canada has also angered American farmers by flooding export markets with cheap skim-milk powder.

Still, Canadian trade policies have had only a “tiny impact” on America’s struggling dairy farmers, says Daniel Sumner, an agricultural economist at the University of California, Davis. Despite Canadian barriers, in fact, the United States last year ran a $474 million trade surplus in dairy with Canada: It exported $636 million in dairy products to Canada and imported $162 million, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

And dairy is barely a blip — 0.1 per cent — in U.S.-Canada trade, which amounted to $680 billion last year. As a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement, “99 per cent of the trade between Canada and the U.S. is tariff-free,” said Bruce Heyman, former U.S. ambassador to Canada. Overall, the U.S. ran a nearly $3 billion surplus in goods and services trade with Canada last year.

U.S. dairy farmers are ailing nonetheless. The price of milk is down nearly 10 per cent from a year ago and 38 per cent from four years ago. But the main cause of the depressed prices is more elementary than Canada’s labyrinth tariff schedule: Too much milk. “We’re just too damn good at what we do,” said Gordon Speirs, who runs a 2,100-cow dairy farm in Brillion, Wisconsin. Improved genetics and farm management techniques mean that cows produce far more milk than they used to. Adding to the glut, the European Union three years ago ended quotas that had limited milk production in Europe as a way to keep prices artificially high. Freed of restraints, European dairy farmers increased production, putting downward pressure on milk prices.

What’s more, Canada is hardly alone in protecting its farmers. Even wealthy nations with low overall duties, including the United States, maintain pockets of trade protection. “It’s called politics,” said Laura Baughman, president of The Trade Partnership, a pro-free trade research firm.

For example, the United States charges a 350 per cent tariff on tobacco products and up to 164 per cent on peanut imports. It also maintains strict limits on sugar imports that effectively raise the price of overseas sugar by nearly 57 per cent, according to the U.S. International Trade Commission. Food manufacturing companies argue that, as a result, many candy-making jobs have been sent overseas, where sugar is cheaper. U.S. sugar producers wield political clout from years of being prolific campaign donors to both political parties. When the Bush administration negotiated a free trade agreement with Australia in 2004, sugar was the only U.S. industry to obtain a complete exemption from the pact’s tariff reductions.

One irony: One of Trump’s first acts as president was to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Under the TPP, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper had agreed to phase out its dairy supply management program over 10 years, says Christopher Sands of the Center for Canadian Studies at Johns Hopkins University.
When the United States pulled out, the 11 remaining TPP countries decided to go ahead with the pact. But they retracted some of the painful concessions they’d made at America’s behest — including Canada’s vow to dismantle barriers to dairy imports.
The wave or rather tsunami of left wing propaganda continues to flow - as if - you guys think it will change someone’s mind - it won’t - just so you know - no more than anything we say or post will change yours !!!
Just sayin
I have noticed facts seem to bother you guys....just goes against that right wing ass pounding you have been getting for years

Ahhhhh Mr. Facts - would that your facts were facts instead of incessant left wing media babble - one of your facts was stating it was Keith Ellison’s spouse making the complaints - when - in FACT - twas his girlfriend that twas getting the shite beat out of her - with medical records to prove it !!!
Your facts are whatever you want them to be twisted to try to prove your point of view - comes off like whining to me now :|
Ahhhhh Mr. Facts - would that your facts were facts instead of incessant left wing media babble - one of your facts was stating it was Keith Ellison’s spouse making the complaints - when - in FACT - twas his girlfriend that twas getting the shite beat out of her - with medical records to prove it !!!
Your facts are whatever you want them to be twisted to try to prove your point of view - comes off like whining to me now :|
your opinion is supposed to be taken as facts....and when we post facts it's left wing media bable

come to the conclusion you have the IQ of a rock and not going to waste any more time with your one liners of stupidity!politics1.jpg
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