Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I am a lump and dumb as a rock - because you say so - and - I don’t buy into your endless wave of left wing propaganda - ok - I can see how from your tainted point of view that must look to be so.
post some more about how people are leaving the dems

do any kind of search you want I come up with the same answer from several different sources

what's funny is...he is really going to need Russia to meddle in this to make it....BUT now the problem is he did NOTHING to stop the meddling...and now China getting involved...and they don't like his arrogant lying ass....question will be the people may not have any say......come down to the two hackers
Man Who Pushed To Ask Bill Clinton Sexually Explicit Questions Bemoans Dirty Politics
Amanda Terkel,HuffPost 1 hour

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh came out swinging on Thursday, telling the Senate Judiciary Committee that his confirmation process had become a “national disgrace” and bemoaning the partisan politics around it.
“The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process, but you have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy,” he said angrily in his opening remarks. “Since my nomination in July, there has been a frenzy on the left to come up with something, anything to block my confirmation.”
The dirty politics Kavanaugh is alleging should be no surprise to him, since he spent part of his career in that world.
Kavanaugh cut his teeth in Washington working for what Democrats consider to be the most brazen and partisan crusade in modern politics: Ken Starr’s investigations into President Bill Clinton in the 1990s. He spent more than three years working for the independent counsel, who was looking into various scandals surrounding Clinton and his wife, Hillary.


funny neither kavenaugh nor anyone on the right wanted any part of an FBI inverstigation...got down right testy over it
welllllll looks like he may not be out of trouble just yet...…...looks like the ABA didn't buy his tears and bullshit and want to investigate...

American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh Confirmation Vote Until FBI Investigates
Nick Visser,HuffPost 4 hours ago

The American Bar Association late Thursday called on the Senate Judiciary Committee to delay a confirmation vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh until an FBI investigation can be completed into several claims of sexual misconduct.
“We make this request because of the ABA’s respect for the rule of law and due process under law,” reads the letter, a copy of which was obtained by HuffPost. “The basic principles that underscore the Senate’s constitutional duty of advice and consent on federal judicial nominees require nothing less than a careful examination of the accusations and facts by the FBI.”
The move is extraordinary in that the ABA gave Kavanaugh a unanimous “well-qualified” rating for the Supreme Court nomination, and the federal judge has boasted that he was “thoroughly vetted” by the lawyers’ group.
The letter, signed by ABA President Robert Carlson, came just hours after Kavanaugh testified before the judiciary panel in light of recent allegations that he sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford at a gathering when they were both teenagers in the 1980s. Blasey, who also spoke on Thursday, claimed that a young Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed, attempted to take off her clothes and put his hand over her mouth to the point that she thought he was “accidentally going to *******” her.
Kavanaugh has vehemently denied the allegation, telling lawmakers on Thursday that the claim, alongside those of two other women, were “a calculated and orchestrated political hit fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election.”
Republican members of the judiciary commitee said they still planned to move forward with a vote on Kavanaugh’s confirmation Friday morning. After the tally, the nomination will move to a procedural vote in the full Senate on Saturday, although it’s unclear if the judge has the 50 votes needed to open debate on his confirmation on the chamber floor.
The ABA signaled in its letter that the nomination process was being rushed through without an appropriate investigation, effectively siding with Democrats who have called for the Justice Department to look into Blasey’s claims.
“Each appointment to our nation’s Highest Court (as with all others) is simply too important to rush to a vote,” the letter, shown above, says. “Deciding to proceed without conducting additional investigation would not only have a lasting impact on the Senate’s reputation, but it will also negatively affect the great trust necessary for the American people to have in the Supreme Court.”
It concludes: “It must remain an institution that will reliably follow the law and not politics.”
Trump Avoided Trudeau More Than Once at UN, Official Says


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tried more than once to speak with President Donald Trump on the sidelines of UN meetings, a U.S. official says, but Trump avoided the Canadian leader because of a standoff in trade talks.
It was those attempted discussions that Trump was referring when he said he refused to meet Trudeau, the official said, rather than a request for a formal bilateral sit-down meeting, which the Canadians said they did not make. One such attempted encounter led to a brief handshake , with Trump remaining seated when approached by the prime minister.
The president added new pressure to trade talks Wednesday when he took aim at Trudeau and the Canadians, saying he won’t make the deal they’re seeking, that he doesn’t like Canada’s representative and that he might apply auto tariffs to the northern nation. Trudeau responded briefly on Thursday.
“The Americans are finding that the negotiations are tough because Canadians are tough negotiators, as we should be,” the prime minister told reporters in Ottawa. “A good and fair deal is still very possible. But we won’t sign a bad deal for Canada or for Canadians.”
Trudeau’s office didn’t respond to requests Wednesday and Thursday about whether the prime minister sought sideline discussions with the president. They only said they didn’t request a formal meeting.
‘Very Unhappy’
In a lengthy press conference Wednesday, Trump said he rejected meeting Trudeau because of trade talks. The countries are working to reach an deal on how to update the North American Free Trade Agreement , after the U.S. and Mexico reached their own deal last month.
“We’re very unhappy with the negotiations and the negotiating style of Canada,” Trump said. “Canada has treated us very badly. Canada has a long way to go.” He said both that there’s a “good chance still” that the U.S. and Canada will reach a deal, but also that “probably or possibly” they won’t.
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