Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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If anyone supports this absolute bullshit that is happening you are more disturbed than imaginable. Why is it that Bill Clinton can fuck women by abusing his power, his criminal wife can say disparaging thing about his accusers, Ted Kennedy can get away with killing a woman, Anthony Weiner was supported by that complete asshole Schumer, senile Feinstein waits to present the letter with the accusations until just before the appointment hearings, the latest woman to accuse Kavanugh went to 10 gang bang parties (she must have liked it) and never reported it, Gary Condit who was fucking his 23 year old intern ended up dead. Liberal Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein (friend of Hillary). I pray Kavanugh gets confirmed and fucks with every thing you liberals are afraid he'll do. I didn't feel that way until now. You liberals are filled with hate and it's absolutely disgusting. Come November I will put a check by every Republican even if I don't know who they are. If you liberals don't see this as a political ambush then hopefully you'll seek the free treatment for your sickness.
Ohhh now this explains everything....hell I thought it was Trump and the republicans spending.....

Powell: 'Our uniquely expensive healthcare' system will catch up with us

The Federal Reserve may primarily deal with monetary policy and financial regulation, but Fed Chair Jerome Powell called out the U.S. healthcare system that’s contributing to a ballooning federal budget deficit during the Fed meeting press conference on Wednesday.
“It’s no secret: It’s been true for a long time that with our uniquely expensive healthcare delivery system and the aging of our population, we’ve been on an unsustainable fiscal path for a long time,” Powell said while answering a question by Yahoo Finance’s Myles Udland. “And there’s no hiding from it.”
Federal spending on health care (mostly Medicare and Medicaid) has risen from 14.4% of all federal outlays in 1990 to about 31% in 2018 — one of the main reasons the national debt is $21.5 trillion and growing. And the amount of money Americans spend on health care is likely to rise by about 5.5% per year for the next several years, according to government projections on health spending through 2026.

Comments like Powell’s are not something people at the Fed take lightly, as the agency has traditionally been careful to avoid overstepping its bounds. In his answer, Powell prefaced his comments on healthcare by noting that the Fed will continue to take this approach and “stay in [its] lane.”
“We don’t have responsibility for fiscal policy. But in the longer run, fiscal policy will have a significant effect on the economy,” said Powell. “So for that reason, my predecessors have commented on fiscal policy, but have commented at a high level, rather than get involved in particular measures.”
Powell has expressed concerns about unsustainable deficits before. At a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, the Chair expressed concern over the shrinking tax-base/larger-entitlement situation that comes from an aging population.
At Wednesday’s press conference, the Chair doubled down on these words and made a gentle recommendation to deal with the problem.

If anyone supports this absolute bullshit that is happening you are more disturbed than imaginable

you're right we should not be supporting this bullshit kavenaugh should have the sense to withdraw....or carrot top should start looking for a replacement....this guy is a pervert to say the least......most women would want nothing to do with this man...but your standards are a lot lower...hell you support a pervert for pres!

Why is it that Bill Clinton can fuck women by abusing his power,
and just who did Bill Clinton fuck?....I understand the cigar did it!

his criminal wife can say disparaging thing about his accusers
criminal wife....your party has spent the last 2 years and how many before that investigating her and what did they come up with?
nothing....just more of your tongue wagging

Ted Kennedy can get away with killing a woman
did he get away with it?....don't think all the facts ever came out and there was 2 of them there!...yeah he used poor judgment in the reporting...but *******?...more of that loose tongue again

Anthony Weiner was supported by that complete asshole Schumer
don't think so..it was Schummer that told him to resign!

senile Feinstein waits to present the letter with the accusations until just before the appointment hearings,
she can't present something when the women is not sure she wants to testify or not....besides the right knew about it.....they already had 25 women lined up to defend the pervert although 2 of them have withdrawn that support!

the latest woman to accuse Kavanugh went to 10 gang bang parties (she must have liked it) and never reported it,
she was in college and attended parties with her friends......when she found out they were spiking the punch to get girls *******...she quit drinking the punch...she didn't know about the gang bangs upstairs until later, but she did witness some lewd behavior by your pervert!

Liberal Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein
and where are they now?.....lauer out of a job....Weinstein facing charges...what's your point?

I pray Kavanugh gets confirmed and fucks with every thing you liberals are afraid he'll do.

I'm thinking you can't pray enough for it to happen...but if it does you are ok with a pervert making decisions for the country...and what about roe vs wade?....guess you don't care there either?

Come November I will put a check by every Republican even if I don't know who they are.
please do I encourage everyone to vote......but think you might be supporting losers...like your self!

If you liberals don't see this as a political ambush then hopefully you'll seek the free treatment for your sickness.
what...like the treatment they gave Obama for 8 years?

there is an old saying you might want to remember

engage brain before running mouth!
you're right we should not be supporting this bullshit kavenaugh should have the sense to withdraw....or carrot top should start looking for a replacement....this guy is a pervert to say the least......most women would want nothing to do with this man...but your standards are a lot lower...hell you support a pervert for pres!

and just who did Bill Clinton fuck?....I understand the cigar did it!

criminal wife....your party has spent the last 2 years and how many before that investigating her and what did they come up with?
nothing....just more of your tongue wagging

did he get away with it?....don't think all the facts ever came out and there was 2 of them there!...yeah he used poor judgment in the reporting...but *******?...more of that loose tongue again

don't think so..it was Schummer that told him to resign!

she can't present something when the women is not sure she wants to testify or not....besides the right knew about it.....they already had 25 women lined up to defend the pervert although 2 of them have withdrawn that support!

she was in college and attended parties with her friends......when she found out they were spiking the punch to get girls *******...she quit drinking the punch...she didn't know about the gang bangs upstairs until later, but she did witness some lewd behavior by your pervert!

and where are they now?.....lauer out of a job....Weinstein facing charges...what's your point?

I'm thinking you can't pray enough for it to happen...but if it does you are ok with a pervert making decisions for the country...and what about roe vs wade?....guess you don't care there either?

please do I encourage everyone to vote......but think you might be supporting losers...like your self!

what...like the treatment they gave Obama for 8 years?

there is an old saying you might want to remember

engage brain before running mouth!
Oh! You must be special. I guess you got to his trial where he was found guilty? My bad you did go to the trial. CNN, MSNBC, and the liberal hacks held the trial and found him guilty. Kavanugh didn't have to even show up. What a country. You are a typical hate filled liberal. I really do feel sorry for you people. You hate democracy, you hate losing, you hate due process, you hate the constitution. SO sad!!
Oh! You must be special. I guess you got to his trial where he was found guilty? My bad you did go to the trial. CNN, MSNBC, and the liberal hacks held the trial and found him guilty. Kavanugh didn't have to even show up. What a country. You are a typical hate filled liberal. I really do feel sorry for you people. You hate democracy, you hate losing, you hate due process, you hate the constitution. SO sad!!

what the hell....how much did trump and team stifel on the information they were given to look at...….the right tried to push this through without giving any hearing or facts or etc......even mcconnell and graham said YESTERDAY that nothing was going to alter their support nor make them change their vote......talk about bullshit!

even Bush had the feds investigate for anita hill...although the right with their lack of morales still put their man in ...face it the right is a party of perverts willing to go against the country to get their way
what the hell....how much did trump and team stifel on the information they were given to look at...….the right tried to push this through without giving any hearing or facts or etc......even mcconnell and graham said YESTERDAY that nothing was going to alter their support nor make them change their vote......talk about bullshit!
Because they are smart enough to SEE through the "bullshit." You libs believe everything the idiots say. Don Lemon (complete idiot) Anderson Cooper (nothing to describe that asshole) Chuckie, Diane, Maxine, Barbara. What an all star cast that is. An idiot liberal says it then it must be true. I'm so glad I think on my own.

Because they are smart enough to SEE through the "bullshit." You libs believe everything the idiots say. Don Lemon (complete idiot) Anderson Cooper (nothing to describe that asshole) Chuckie, Diane, Maxine, Barbara. What an all star cast that is. An idiot liberal says it then it must be true. I'm so glad I think on my own.
I don't watch a lot of them...but for you to know you must have or do....a little doubt on your mind?

as for thinking on your own.....you will need some proof to back that up!
haven't shown that yet!

Are you too stupid to believe Kanvanaugh, who has been through extensive background investigations over the course of his career and NOT ONE, NOT ONE hint of him being accused of being a "serial *******" or doing anything he's being accused. Since he was appointed by Bush you's think he would have been a target then. The ignorance is just amazing!
who has been through extensive background investigations
most of those are hidden in the white house and had hoped they didn't come out....that is why they were in such a hurry to rush this through....until the first gal finaslly stepped up the right would have pulled another fast one.....you can't be that blind!

Since he was appointed by Bush you's think he would have been a target then.
they released none of that...another right wing secret...but some of it did come out that was compliments of the media....are you not paying attention to any of this or are you just right wing brainwashed?
I've told you before. I am not a right winger. Although the more your liberal US, constitution hating bully's keep going in the direction they are then I just might. I am an american citizen who believes in our democratic process, one who supports and respects the office of the president regardless of party. Just like I will accept if the democrats win the majority in November. I hope they won't but none the less I'll accept it. Because that's what people who support our process does. I know that sounds far fetched for your kind.
I've told you before. I am not a right winger. Although the more your liberal US, constitution hating bully's keep going in the direction they are then I just might. I am an american citizen who believes in our democratic process, one who supports and respects the office of the president regardless of party. Just like I will accept if the democrats win the majority in November. I hope they won't but none the less I'll accept it. Because that's what people who support our process does. I know that sounds far fetched for your kind.

Funny cause everything you said sounds completely reasonable to me - glad there are people like you that speak out against the never-ending flow of left wing propaganda!!!
I for one greatly appreciate it !!!
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