Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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still stirring the ******* and working to corrupt our election to favor trump and just plain steal information

US charges Russian hackers over 3 of world's biggest ...

15 hours ago · US charges Russian hackers over 3 of world's biggest cyberattacks. The indictment against six Russian military officers digs into hacks that, …

U.S. charges Russian intelligence officers in high-profile ...

15 hours ago · The United States on Monday unsealed criminal charges against six Russian intelligence officers in connection with some of the world’s most damaging cyberattacks

U.S. Charges Russian Intelligence Officers in Major ...

14 hours ago · transcript. Prosecutors Charge Russian Intelligence Officers in Cyberattacks The Justice Department announced on Monday indictments of six Russian military intelligence officers in …

U.S. charges Russian hackers with sweeping campaign of ...

15 hours ago · U.S. charges Russian hackers with sweeping campaign of cyberattacks The six Russian men face seven charges, including aggravated identity …
nothing more than a higher priced Wal Mart...…..but at least doing something for their workers.....more should/could follow suit!....It's good for the employees and good for the local economy

Target offers $200 bonus to frontline workers as pandemic ...

14 hours ago · The bonus is the fourth incentive the retailer has offered its frontline workers this year who are unable to work at home during the pandemic. In April, Target gave bonuses

Target to offer another round bonuses to frontline employees

14 hours ago · Target to offer another round bonuses to frontline employees Bonuses will be handed out to all eligible hourly employees in stores and distribution centers, as well as seasonal hires

Target plans fourth round of bonuses for frontline workers ...

Target said the latest round of payments marks the fourth time in 2020 that the company is giving bonuses to frontline workers or team leaders. In April, Target announced bonuses ranging from $250 ...
wtf is this?...….and I liked him too!...…..

50 Cent says ‘vote for Trump’ in light of Biden's tax plan ...

It appears 50 Cent knows who he's voting for. The 45-year-old hip-hop mogul -- born Curtis James Jackson III -- took to Instagram on Monday to offer his support for President Trump after seeing …

50 Cent endorses Trump for president over Biden's tax plan

50 Cent filed for bankruptcy in 2015, but explained to the Guardian about how that was a business decision — and that he made $150 million shortly after. He sees a parallel with President Trump ...
you would think that this would reflect things at the polls....they vote in a Democratic Gov....but he has a republican congress that blocks everything he does....he put in restrictions to try to help slow the virus....but the right took it to court and got it removed allowing people to do whatever......republican judge sided with the right...…...with the virus running rampant in Wisc NOW the judge changes his mind

Judge puts Wisconsin capacity limit order back into effect ...

17 hours ago · The capacity limits order was issued Oct. 6 by Andrea Palm, secretary of the state Department of Health Services, in the face of surging coronavirus cases in Wisconsin. A judge blocked the order

Judge Puts Wisconsin Capacity Limit Order From Gov. Evers ...

16 hours ago · A Wisconsin judge on Monday reimposed an order from Gov. Tony Evers’ administration limiting the number of people who can gather in bars, restaurants and other indoor places to 25% of capacity.

Wisconsin judge reimposes order limiting indoor venues to ...

12 hours ago · The capacity limits order was issued Oct. 6 by Andrea Palm, secretary of the state Department of Health Services, in the face of surging coronavirus cases in Wisconsin. A judge blocked the order ...
Another FBI director finds himself in a political vise

It wasn’t supposed to be this way for Chris Wray.

The Trump-appointed FBI director was confirmed to his post on a promise to steer clear of the go-it-alone gambits that earned his predecessor, James Comey, the wrath of Democrats and Republicans alike. Where Comey took politically explosive steps without consulting superiors and offered personal opinions about Hillary Clinton that proved damaging to her campaign, Wray would hug his bosses close and keep silent about anyone not facing criminal charges.

It’s never been my practice to speak publicly as a prosecutor or as a department official about uncharged individuals,” Wray said during his July 2017 confirmation hearing. “I think those policies are important. I think they’re in place for a reason and I would expect to comply with them.”

Yet just days from the 2020 election, Wray finds himself in an eerily familiar position: under withering pressure from Donald Trump and his allies to publicly disclose information that could damage Trump’s political rival — this time, Joe Biden.

Trump’s inner circle was already furious at Wray for echoing the intelligence community's finding that Russia is acting to damage Biden’s candidacy, as well as his description of antifa as “an ideology” rather than an organized entity. Now, they’re ratcheting up calls for Trump to fire his handpicked director. Trump has knocked Wray repeatedly in recent days for these comments, as well as for suggesting voter fraud is not a “widespread” issue. The president’s *******, Donald Trump Jr., has suggested his dad might “break up” the upper ranks of the FBI in a second term.

To Democrats, who largely say Wray has run the FBI with integrity, the last-ditch pressure campaign is a moment for the director to make a choice. “Do you want to be Elliot Richardson and Archibald Cox and be forever celebrated?” wondered Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.), referring to the Watergate-era figures who defied Richard Nixon. “Or do you want to be another one of Donald Trump’s thugs?”

Other congressional and law enforcement sources noted that Trump might lack the leverage to bend Wray — who, like past FBI directors, was appointed to serve a 10-year term, a setup designed to insulate the bureau from politics — to his will. A public offensive against Biden by the FBI would doom Wray’s chances of remaining atop the bureau in a potential Biden administration. Wray, they say, would have no incentive to burn the rulebook in order to score a point for Trump, particularly when he enjoys relatively bipartisan support in the Capitol

The latest push from Trump and his allies is for Wray to reveal whether the FBI is in possession of a laptop or hard drive that once belonged to Biden’s ******* Hunter. The hard drive was allegedly dropped off at a Wilmington, Del. repair shop in April 2019 — days before Joe Biden entered the presidential race — abandoned and eventually turned over by one of the shop’s repair workers to Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani. The repairman has said he shared the drive with the FBI as early as December 2019.

several problems with this.....if Biden was making all the money the right claims...why would he drop off his laptop for repair...….also if there was something on it that could be damaging to him....why would he just leave it...…...and if there was something damging on it the feds would have charged him by now.....trump just wants to put out his version of events
Pelosi cites some progress in stimulus talks, though major issues remain unresolved

House Democrats and the Trump administration remained far apart Monday in economic relief negotiations, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said there were signs of progress in the ongoing talks.

“We have finally in the last 24 hours...come to a place where they are willing to address the crisis, the coronavirus, to crush the virus,” Pelosi said Monday evening in an appearance on MSNBC. She said the Trump administration had agreed to language the Democrats demanded relating to addressing racial disparities in the virus’s impact.

Mmmm bet that was a bitch....since trump denies the virus is any problem

She said she had tried to create an environment for all the negotiators on Tuesday to “exchange all our differences of opinion...and numbers and paper so we can see, let’s make a judgment. We may not like this, we may not like that, but let’s see on balance if we can go forward.”

Her chief interlocutor from the Trump administration is Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who is traveling in the Middle East. He and Pelosi spoke for roughly and hour on Monday and are expected to talk again.

President Trump seemed to downplay chances for an outcome, telling reporters that “Nancy Pelosi, at this moment, does not want to do anything that’s going to affect the election. And I think it will affect the election negatively for her. So we’ll see what happens.”

Pelosi and Mnuchin have spent more than a week trying to negotiate a bill that would spend between $1.8 trillion and $2.2 trillion to help both the economic and health responses to the coronavirus. The two “continued to narrow their differences” on Monday and “the speaker continues to hope that, by the end of the day Tuesday, we will have clarity on whether we will be able to pass a bill before the election,” Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said on Twitter.

Trump Attacks Fauci Over Coronavirus

WASHINGTON — President Trump attacked Dr. Anthony S. Fauci as “a disaster” on Monday and said, despite signs that the nation was headed toward another coronavirus peak, that people were “tired” of hearing about the virus from “these idiots” in the government.

The broadside, during a conference call with campaign staff just two weeks before Election Day, was hardly the closing message Trump advisers were looking for. It threatened to focus the electorate squarely on the president’s coronavirus response and pitted him against Dr. Fauci, who as the nation’s top infectious disease expert is a career government scientist the public likes and trusts far more than Mr. Trump.

not good...…..

Republicans See a Silver Lining in Voter Registrations

With President Trump trailing in public polls in nearly every major battleground state, Republicans are pointing to what they see as more promising data: Updated voter registration tallies show that Republicans have narrowed the gap with Democrats in three critical states.

As the presidential campaign heads into its final weeks, Republicans hope that gains in voter registration in the three states — Florida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania — and heavy turnout by those new party members might just be enough to propel Mr. Trump to a second term.

“The tremendous voter registration gain by the Republicans is the secret weapon that will make the difference for the Republicans in 2020,” said Dee Stewart, a Republican political consultant in North Carolina.

Overall, Democrats retain a lead in total registrations in those three states and hold a significant advantage in early turnout. Democrats also have picked up voters in Arizona, a state Mr. Trump won by 91,000 votes in 2016 but where Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic presidential nominee, now leads in the polls. In New Hampshire, another battleground where public polls also show Mr. Biden in the lead, Democrats have overtaken Republicans in the registered voter count for the first time since 2010, now leading 332,000 to 310,000.

a group of people sitting at a table: Election workers in Largo, Fla., opening mail-in ballots this month.
© Eve Edelheit for The New York Times Election workers in Largo, Fla., opening mail-in ballots this month.
Voter registration numbers alone are not predictive about the outcome of races: Democrats had a surge in voter registrations in 2018, and went on to win the House of Representatives but lost some races in key states where they had an overall registration edge. Democrats also led Republicans in voter registration in several key states in 2016 that they ended up losing. Party registrations are driven in some states by local and congressional races as much as the presidential race, too.

The Trump-Biden contest this fall may be driven less by incremental changes in registration than by who turns out to vote, and how much they want the president to have a second term or not. And the difference of a point or two in voter registration only makes a difference in a close race.

Analyzing voter registration — and how it might affect the outcome of the looming election — is also complicated by the fact that a number of states permit same-day voter registration. In addition, at least six battleground states — Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Texas and Wisconsin — do not break down voter registration by party, though Democrats point to some perceived gains there.

In Georgia, for example, of the 800,000 voters who have registered since 2018, 49 percent are people of color, according to the organization Fair Fight, which was founded by Stacey Abrams, a Democrat who narrowly lost the race for governor in the state in 2018.

“Those are Democratic-leaning voters,” Ms. Abrams said during an appearance last week with Jill Biden, Mr. Biden’s wife, in suburban Atlanta, where early-voting turnout is setting records.

In their optimism regarding the registration data, Republicans point first to Florida, the largest battleground state, which has 29 electoral votes.

Polls show Mr. Biden narrowly leading in the state, which Mr. Trump won by 113,000 votes in 2016, but Republicans say the increase in registered voters there has the potential to give the president an edge.

In data released last week by the Florida secretary of state’s office, Republicans had narrowed the registration chasm with Democrats to 134,000 out of 14.4 million voters — fewer than 1 percent. In 2016, when Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, lost the state to Mr. Trump, Democrats held a 330,000-voter advantage.

Mac Stevenson, a Republican political consultant in Florida, said the increase in registration could be viewed only as a positive sign for Republicans.

“I think it augurs that there’s going to be increased Republican turnout, but you have to balance that against the fact that everyone’s turning out more,” Mr. Stevenson said, pointing out that Democrats have historically lagged in turnout.

Aubrey Jewett, a professor of political science at the University of Central Florida, said the registration numbers in Florida reflected a significant effort by Republicans.

“They have made it clear that, despite the pandemic, they were going to still knock on doors and register voters,” he said.

At the same time, Dr. Jewett said, Democratic voter registration was probably handicapped by a protracted court battle over whether felons would have to pay outstanding fines to restore their voting rights.

“I think Democrats were somewhat hopeful that there were going to be more felons that regained voting rights and actually registered,” he said. “That ended up not being a huge boost.”

In Pennsylvania, a state Mr. Trump won by less than a percentage point in 2016, Republicans also cite gains stemming from their get-out-the-vote efforts. Republicans went door to door and set up booths at gun shows and supermarkets despite the coronavirus crisis.

“We were plowing the fields and they weren’t out there,” said Christopher Nicholas, a longtime Republican political consultant in Pennsylvania. “The Democratic groups didn’t get back on the street until Labor Day. They were more skittish about it.”

Mr. Nicholas notes that, despite the registration numbers, population trends in the state benefit Democrats, adding that a growing number of people are registering to vote without declaring a party affiliation.

Recent figures from Pennsylvania elections officials show that Republicans have added 174,000 voters since 2016, while Democrats lost 31,000.

Democrats said they were focused on mobilizing existing voters rather than registering new ones, but they also pointed to data from TargetSmart, a Democratic polling firm, suggesting that newly registered voters in Pennsylvania were more likely to vote Democrat than Republican.

Brendan Welch, a spokesman for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, said that Republicans’ gains could be traced to voters who were previously registered as Democrats but who had voted Republican for years, and cited Republican registration increases in counties that Mr. Trump carried in 2016.

“These are mostly the kind of folks who have been registered Democrats since the days of Jimmy Carter vs. Gerald Ford, but who have been voting Republican since the days of George Bush vs. Al Gore,” Mr. Welch said.

A similar dynamic may be at work in North Carolina, where Republicans have narrowed the gap in registrations. Records show Democrats lost 136,000 voters since 2016 while Republicans gained 100,000, though Democrats still lead in overall registrations by 400,000, with 2.6 million Democrats and 2.2 million Republicans.

The Democrats’ overall loss in the state stems from a 2019 purge of inactive voters that disproportionately affected Democrats, said J. Michael Bitzer, a professor of political science at Catawba College in North Carolina. Some 235,000 Democrats and 146,000 Republicans were removed from the rolls.

Since 2016, Dr. Bitzer said, Democrats have shown gains by another metric — the number of newly registered voters in the state.

“The national narrative of simply taking the net numbers of registered Democrats and Republicans in this state belies the fact that among new registered voters, Democrats have, in total, held their own against Republicans,” he said.

Even so, in a state that Mr. Trump won by about 173,000 votes in 2016, every vote is important. And Tim Wigginton, a spokesman for the North Carolina Republican Party, said the voter registration numbers were an overall plus for his party, particularly when combined with unaffiliated voters and registered Democrats who vote Republican in presidential races.

“I think it’s definitely a positive sign for Republicans,” he said.

Continue Reading

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Always knew CNN was full of whack jobs....didn't realize they are whack-off jobs....

Always knew CNN was full of whack jobs....didn't realize they are whack-off jobs....

more of that right wing double standard....although no law against self abuse...………...hell nothing wrong with it....you tend to meet a higher class of people

Dennis Hastert, Ex-House Speaker Who Admitted Sex Abuse ...

Jul 19, 2017 · J. Dennis Hastert, the former speaker of the House of Representatives, was released from a federal prison on Monday and moved to a Chicago halfway house where he will serve the rest of …

Convicted ******* and Former GOP Speaker Dennis Hastert ...

Jul 18, 2017 · July 18, 2017 by Michael Fitzgerald 37 Convicted ******* and former Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert has been released from federal prison in Minnesota. According to …

found this one also while looking around

Larry Householder, Ohio House Speaker, arrested in $60 ...

Jul 22, 2020 · July 22, 2020 / 8:53 AM / CBS/AP The powerful Republican speaker of the Ohio House and four associates were arrested Tuesday in a $60 million federal bribery case connected to a …
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Another FBI director finds himself in a political vise

It wasn’t supposed to be this way for Chris Wray.

The Trump-appointed FBI director was confirmed to his post on a promise to steer clear of the go-it-alone gambits that earned his predecessor, James Comey, the wrath of Democrats and Republicans alike. Where Comey took politically explosive steps without consulting superiors and offered personal opinions about Hillary Clinton that proved damaging to her campaign, Wray would hug his bosses close and keep silent about anyone not facing criminal charges.

It’s never been my practice to speak publicly as a prosecutor or as a department official about uncharged individuals,” Wray said during his July 2017 confirmation hearing. “I think those policies are important. I think they’re in place for a reason and I would expect to comply with them.”

Yet just days from the 2020 election, Wray finds himself in an eerily familiar position: under withering pressure from Donald Trump and his allies to publicly disclose information that could damage Trump’s political rival — this time, Joe Biden.

Trump’s inner circle was already furious at Wray for echoing the intelligence community's finding that Russia is acting to damage Biden’s candidacy, as well as his description of antifa as “an ideology” rather than an organized entity. Now, they’re ratcheting up calls for Trump to fire his handpicked director. Trump has knocked Wray repeatedly in recent days for these comments, as well as for suggesting voter fraud is not a “widespread” issue. The president’s *******, Donald Trump Jr., has suggested his dad might “break up” the upper ranks of the FBI in a second term.

To Democrats, who largely say Wray has run the FBI with integrity, the last-ditch pressure campaign is a moment for the director to make a choice. “Do you want to be Elliot Richardson and Archibald Cox and be forever celebrated?” wondered Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.), referring to the Watergate-era figures who defied Richard Nixon. “Or do you want to be another one of Donald Trump’s thugs?”

Other congressional and law enforcement sources noted that Trump might lack the leverage to bend Wray — who, like past FBI directors, was appointed to serve a 10-year term, a setup designed to insulate the bureau from politics — to his will. A public offensive against Biden by the FBI would doom Wray’s chances of remaining atop the bureau in a potential Biden administration. Wray, they say, would have no incentive to burn the rulebook in order to score a point for Trump, particularly when he enjoys relatively bipartisan support in the Capitol

The latest push from Trump and his allies is for Wray to reveal whether the FBI is in possession of a laptop or hard drive that once belonged to Biden’s ******* Hunter. The hard drive was allegedly dropped off at a Wilmington, Del. repair shop in April 2019 — days before Joe Biden entered the presidential race — abandoned and eventually turned over by one of the shop’s repair workers to Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani. The repairman has said he shared the drive with the FBI as early as December 2019.

several problems with this.....if Biden was making all the money the right claims...why would he drop off his laptop for repair...….also if there was something on it that could be damaging to him....why would he just leave it...…...and if there was something damging on it the feds would have charged him by now.....trump just wants to put out his version of events

Because it was broken.
Because he was arrogant and stupid and prolly high as a New York rat.
Yeah they’d charge him - just like they charged Hillary - it’s called the DEEP STATE lousy with Dem sympathizers - hell in your article you stated that if Wray acted on this it would cost him his job if Biden wins. Self interest in Washington ALWAYS rules the day.
more of that right wing double standard....although Toobin broke no laws

Dennis Hastert, Ex-House Speaker Who Admitted Sex Abuse ...

Jul 19, 2017 · J. Dennis Hastert, the former speaker of the House of Representatives, was released from a federal prison on Monday and moved to a Chicago halfway house where he will serve the rest of …

Convicted ******* and Former GOP Speaker Dennis Hastert ...

Jul 18, 2017 · July 18, 2017 by Michael Fitzgerald 37 Convicted ******* and former Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert has been released from federal prison in Minnesota. According to …

found this one also while looking around

Larry Householder, Ohio House Speaker, arrested in $60 ...

Jul 22, 2020 · July 22, 2020 / 8:53 AM / CBS/AP The powerful Republican speaker of the Ohio House and four associates were arrested Tuesday in a $60 million federal bribery case connected to a

Yeah no big deal most Dems play with themselves most the time :}
Yeah no big deal most Dems play with themselves most the time :}

you might want to check the facts on that before making that statement......there are a lot more republicunts in jail for sex charges than there are dems.…...hell just last summer here they got a congressman attempting to meet a c.hild he had contacted on line......and the head of the republican party here arrested in a sting....but there are a lot more that is just this state!
Because it was broken.
Because he was arrogant and stupid and prolly high as a New York rat.
Yeah they’d charge him - just like they charged Hillary - it’s called the DEEP STATE lousy with Dem sympathizers - hell in your article you stated that if Wray acted on this it would cost him his job if Biden wins. Self interest in Washington ALWAYS rules the day.

so you say.....and this one...…..trump wants the info so he can twist it and put it out the way he wants it to read....this one doing the job he is supposed to and trump again wanting only put out what he wants out.....determined to jail his enemies like any dicktator……..if the feds thought he broke the law they would have arrested him...trump just wants to sway public opinion……..face it you are backing a killer that the public wants rid of!
so you say.....and this one...…..trump wants the info so he can twist it and put it out the way he wants it to read....this one doing the job he is supposed to and trump again wanting only put out what he wants out.....determined to jail his enemies like any dicktator……..if the feds thought he broke the law they would have arrested him...trump just wants to sway public opinion……..face it you are backing a killer that the public wants rid of!
face it you are backing a killer that the public wants rid of!

Which public? It seems there's a lot of public who would disagree with that statement!
face it you are backing a killer that the public wants rid of!

Which public? It seems there's a lot of public who would disagree with that statement!
dickheads popularity has not changed much since being in office....around 30%...….and in case you can not figure that out it is a minority.....so most would agree with that statement.....also if he was so hot and doing all that good....why is it all of a sudden there are some republicans distancing themselves from the fucking loser

Republicans increasingly seek distance from Trump | TheHill

Oct 16, 2020 · “It’s a little late for them to be distancing themselves from Trump. Many Republican members needed to be distancing themselves over the past …

Republicans running way from Trump can sink with him - Los ...

Oct 13, 2020 · To the editor: Now some Republican senators are distancing themselves from Trump. They’re like rats fleeing a sinking ship. They’re like rats fleeing a sinking ship. Advertisement

Fox News poll sees Trump's popularity drop to new low as ...

Jun 19, 2020 · Donald Trump ’s popularity has dropped to another low, as Fox News ’ latest poll shows 12 percentage points between the US president and Democratic candidate Joe …
Always knew CNN was full of whack jobs....didn't realize they are whack-off jobs....

ever hear the old saying people who live in glass houses?......well for you being in the ******* house...throwing ******* is nothing new for you......….and ….just thought I would throw this in....

Sex harassment suit against Fox News includes a ******* ...​

Jul 21, 2020 · Fox News is once again confronting allegations of sexual misconduct by its senior news staff. A former Fox News employee and a guest allege in a federal lawsuit that they were subjected to a...

A bunch of Fox News anchors have just been accused of ******* ...​

Jul 21, 2020 · Two former Fox News employees have just filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York accusing former Fox News chief national correspondent Ed Henry of ******* one.

Fox News, Ed Henry, Sean Hannity & Tucker Carlson Sued In ...

“It is widely documented in the public record that Fox News has not only cultivated and fostered sexual harassment and misconduct, but has consistently accepted and rewarded it,” says a sex...

Nine months of sex harassment scandals take down two Fox ...

Apr 20, 2017 · In just nine months, Fox News has lost its founder and its biggest star to sexual harassment scandals. It began on July 6, 2016, when Gretchen Carlson dropped a bombshell that CEO
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