Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The trend isn't obvious to you? Mac says there are plenty of moderate Dems to keep the likes of AOC in check but I don't believe it for a minute.
Yes the world will end the second they raise the minimum wage or subsidize some energy jobs.

The fear that right-wing propaganda has instilled in people is ridiculous.
Selling influence - altering Foreign Policy for personal gain - sounds kinda treasonous to me - but what do I know - I’m just an American citizen that would like to think our elected officials are looking out for US not their own personal gain - ya young whipper snapper ;}

Tell me more

Selling influence - altering Foreign Policy for personal gain - sounds kinda treasonous to me - but what do I know - I’m just an American citizen that would like to think our elected officials are looking out for US not their own personal gain - ya young whipper snapper ;}
That's bullshit or you would not be able to support Trump. EVERYTHING he does is for himself.
It's also bullshit as the unverified messages that have been released, all show Joe Biden being a loving *******.
I say release them wide spread. We need to swipe up that last few undecideds to really dunk this election.
Now at this point, relax, You will need to take a train east to Zurich, rent a car and drive to Stefanik Airport in Bratislava, then fly to Istanbul, check in the Four Seasons under the name Louise Bernard and wait for further instruction. Your cover is blown.
I am back in Paris, I stay here 🤣
I admit that Joe Biden is one of the most well vetted candidates for President ever. Yet at the very end of the campaign when he is running against Trump, this happens? Yes, OK. There is not an undecided person, or Democratic voter that will be voting for Trump based on these rumors.
Uncle Joe is morally deficient for loving and supporting his ******* that had an addiction? OK, run with that.
Calling a Harris a 'bitch' everytime you mention her name is a more apt description of you, and tells people what kind of person you are.
I rarely use that word. Only when it's beyond appropriate
That's bullshit or you would not be able to support Trump. EVERYTHING he does is for himself.
It's also bullshit as the unverified messages that have been released, all show Joe Biden being a loving *******.
I say release them wide spread. We need to swipe up that last few undecideds to really dunk this election.

Sooooo predictable - deflect back to President Trump.

It has been reported that parties to the emails and texts HAVE verified them.

Agreed on releasing them - GOOD luck getting the Lame Street Media to do that!!!!
Mix era's? how long is an era in Kursk? The last opponent murdered by Russia was only FIVE YEARS AGo...

As for the rest of your nonsense. Russia is NOT a democracy. Never was, or will be. So just stop the deflection tactics. They don't work and people don't believe a word you write in response.
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Uh, link to that news article?

Look it up yourself - New York Post has reported on the verifications.

The Dems and Lame Street Media blaming it on Russian disinformation which the DIN now has refuted. Guess they’re kinda experts on that after using the Steele Report which was Russian disinformation.

The only thing Lame Street Media wants to ask Joe now is what milk shake he got.
Biden is in his basement til the debate now - wonder why - doesn’t have ta worry about the media beating him up over corruption.

Came out today that there is paperwork signed by Hunter Biden when he left his computer off to be repaired. Whatta dummy - unbelievable - ya can’t make this shite up.

Tooooooo bad the media is totally in the tank for Biden or he’d be finished.

more of trump type lies and bullshit trying to peddle to save the devil

as for the media being for Biden....Biden talks about the countries needs and health care the pandemic....as for trump...just the school yard bully....vote for me because he is an asshole......it was funny in 2016 and suckers bought into...not this time...….but then why should trump talk anything....he has not filled his 2016 campaign pledges yet.....but fools like you do not care

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Biden is in his basement til the debate now - wonder why - doesn’t have ta worry about the media beating him up over corruption.

Came out today that there is paperwork signed by Hunter Biden when he left his computer off to be repaired. Whatta dummy - unbelievable - ya can’t make this shite up.

Tooooooo bad the media is totally in the tank for Biden or he’d be finished.
LOLOLOL.. The so called 'laptop repairman can't remember if he gave a copy of the hard drive to Trumps lawyer first or the FBI.

Repairman claims he gave it to trumps lawyers because he was scared he would be murdered... Seriously?

Can't remember if he tried to contact Biden when the laptop wasn't picked up.

Can't pick out Hunter Biden from photograghs. And doesn't have details on Biden...

Made copies of the hard drive and gave them to Trumps lawyers BEFORE he gave the FBI a call.....even while claiming he can't remember

The repair man is a fanatic TRUMP supporter.

And now the so called 'E-mails and evidence is suspect due to the fact that logo's and e-mail set doesn't match and are unlike REAL e-mails sent out.

The so called 'photogragh evidence' has signs of being digitaly altered and are suspect.....

Funny isn't it that trumps team had the so called 'evidence' since 2019 and only now bring it to the public eye, or so they claim. Yet. The Trump team had NOTHING on the Bidens right up to the middle of last week......
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Look it up yourself - New York Post has reported on the verifications.

The Dems and Lame Street Media blaming it on Russian disinformation which the DIN now has refuted. Guess they’re kinda experts on that after using the Steele Report which was Russian disinformation.

The only thing Lame Street Media wants to ask Joe now is what milk shake he got.
The deep state maneuvers...
Look it up yourself - New York Post has reported on the verifications.

The Dems and Lame Street Media blaming it on Russian disinformation which the DIN now has refuted. Guess they’re kinda experts on that after using the Steele Report which was Russian disinformation.

The only thing Lame Street Media wants to ask Joe now is what milk shake he got.
Hmm Funny how the story and the so called e-mails are being called into question due to possible digital alterations and the so called emails showing signs of being falsified.
Seriously people who go on about the deep state need to seek medical help..Seriously people!
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