Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Always knew CNN was full of whack jobs....didn't realize they are whack-off jobs....

CNN Reports: Jeffery Tobin was the victim of the camera on/off switch. Nothing else to see here folks.
CNN Reports: (pick any conservative) A trump supporter exposed his penis during a Zoom call. We will have continued 24 hour coverage of this event!
CNN Reports: Jeffery Tobin was the victim of the camera on/off switch. Nothing else to see here folks.
CNN Reports: (pick any conservative) A trump supporter exposed his penis during a Zoom call. We will have continued 24 hour coverage of this event!
So is this a wake up call, how F@#@#d is a society where anyone masturbates during a conference call on or off the camera. This guy calls others too liberal.
I know you’ll never see it. She is no good. Way worse than Biden.She ia all about Kamala. She doesn’t give two fucks about people like yourself who needthe government to succeed
You just had to come back and say something. Let's go over our lives again.

Me, graduated from high school, in Chicago, but remained an excellent student and athlete.
You, dropped out of high school, got caught up with the wrong crowd (out west- lol).

Me, picked from several colleges to attend. Remained a top student and had academic scholarships. Decent athlete, saw a lot of sidelines. Got extra money for Army ROTC. Went to graduate school, after going to DC to intern for free, and had to clean tables and floors for $$, also worked for UPS, as well as various Temp Agencies to make money so I could earn the experience. All the time watching other well connected interns and children of wealth, do less but get more. It was my motivation to work harder and be better than them. I did.

You, worked various jobs, was going nowhere and turned to Uncle Sam(government) after getting your GED, and went to the military. Thanks. You didn't have to worry about groceries, apartments,health care, transportation, money or any basics. Do what you're told, until you're told to stop, and you will get along well. You did it. You then went to work for the ATC or train with them. All backed by the government. And now you live in retirement, with government backing your retirement and health care, so you can live quite comfortably under that blanket. Nanny Statist like a mofo.

I came back to the midwest and worked for a major banking and financial institution, and volunteered in politics. Then switched to a government agency, for two years, and went to grad school. From there, I quit and went to work on campaigns, then the DNC, then a lobbying public policy firm. After a while, a family and encouragement from clients, I and two colleagues struck out on our own, put everything on the line. 2 years of struggle and one partner being bought out by me, and things really took off. During the time I got another degree and several post graduate certifications. Many employees and even more during certain times of the year.

So who needs the government?
I know I've earned everything I have, and most of what my ex wife got in the divorce, and some of the tax dollars you're enjoying those Corona Lights on. Enjoy.
And save yourself the BS that I depend on the government. I earned it. Totally different then sitting at home waiting for the handouts!
That's exactly what you're doing though? Sitting at home waiting for it. Everybody who works earns it.
I went to public high school in South Carolina, then state college on scholarships since my parents couldn't / wouldn't help out, then got my PhD at an Ivy League school. I have a pretty lucrative career and have worked at companies making things most people in here have used.

I think there's a pattern here - people who used public institutions to better themselves and contribute to society tend to be more liberal and want to pay it forward to the next generation. People whose lives are mostly failures and who squeak by on government hand-outs are bitter about it and want someone to blame (and they vote Trump)
I went to public high school in South Carolina, then state college on scholarships since my parents couldn't / wouldn't help out, then got my PhD at an Ivy League school. I have a pretty lucrative career and have worked at companies making things most people in here have used.

I think there's a pattern here - people who used public institutions to better themselves and contribute to society tend to be more liberal and want to pay it forward to the next generation. People whose lives are mostly failures and who squeak by on government hand-outs are bitter about it and want someone to blame (and they vote Trump)
That is a fucking stretch dude!
they were probably just coming over to help trump....destroy American democratic cities.....at any rate just something else trump seems to care nothing about....like all these people dying just to get his attention....or the ones starving.....just for attention....he manages to ignore them all and let them fend for themselves while he is out with his retarded friends

U.S. fighter jets intercept Russian bombers near Alaska ...

16 hours ago · Russian military aircraft have been spotted near Alaska several times in the past few months. In September , two bombers and two Su-35 fighters came within 58 miles of Alaska

NORAD F-22s intercept Russian fighters, bombers near Alaska​

14 hours ago · An F-22 Raptor from the North American Aerospace Defense Command intercepts a Russian Tu-95 "Bear" bomber in international airspace near Alaska on Oct. 19. NORAD said F-22s intercepted two Tu-95s ...

New York Times: Tax records show Trump maintains Chinese ...

1 day ago · President Donald Trump's tax records show he has pursued expansive business projects in China for years and even maintains a Chinese bank account, …

Tax records show President Donald Trump maintains Chinese ...

8 hours ago · President Donald Trump's tax records show he has pursued expansive business projects in China for years and even maintains a Chinese bank account, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

Trump has a Chinese bank account and pursued China ...

2 hours ago · Trump has a Chinese bank account and pursued China projects, analysis of his tax record reveals. Trump did not include the Chinese bank account in his public financial disclosures
our little dicktator…..knows he can not win...is more than a little corrupt....and does not like to have anyone speak out against him....or else

Trump calls on Barr to appoint special prosecutor to ...

President Trump on Tuesday called on Attorney General William Barr to “appoint somebody” to launch an investigation into his Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, and his ******* Hunter before Election Day, now just two weeks away. “We’ve got to get the attorney general to act,” Trump said in a telephone interview with “Fox & Friends” when asked whether a special …

Trump remarks put pressure on Barr | TheHill

Trump has more recently urged Barr to prosecute Obama administration officials, including the former president, suggesting his legacy will be tarnished if he does not move forward with the case.

DeVos’s handling of stalled student debt relief claims ...

12 hours ago · The settlement stems from a lawsuit brought against DeVos and her agency in June 2019 by a group of borrowers seeking debt relief under a federal program known as …

Judge blasts DeVos’ sweeping denials of student loan ...

15 hours ago · Education. Judge blasts DeVos’ sweeping denials of student loan relief claims as ‘disturbingly Kafkaesque’ The judge ruled that DeVos had undermined the deal by …

just a normal campaign issue for the right​

Elliott Broidy Pleads Guilty in Foreign Lobbying Case ...

WASHINGTON — Elliott Broidy, a former top fund-raiser for President Trump, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to conspiring to violate foreign lobbying laws as part of a covert campaign to influence the …

GOP fundraiser Broidy pleads guilty to conspiracy charge ...

Elliott Broidy, a top Republican fundraiser involved in President Donald Trump's 2016 inaugural committee, pleaded guilty Tuesday to one count of conspiracy relating to a secret lobbying campaign
Plenty of Trump propaganda floating about.

Hard to find any reporting of ole Uncle Joe and Hunter selling out the USA.

But it’s THERE !!!!!
I know you’ll never see it. She is no good. Way worse than Biden.She ia all about Kamala. She doesn’t give two fucks about people like yourself who needthe government to succeed
Mmmmm you mean she might have a few of trumps tendencies in her?
except she doesn't hide her wealth...does not have all her biz dealings in other countries.
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