Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yes. 2016, 2018, 2020 - Russia Russia Russia

It's starts at the top. However, may want to start with these names:

Viktor Borisovich Netyksho, Boris Alekseyevich Antonov, Dmitriy Sergeyevich Badin, Ivan Sergeyevich Yermakov, Aleksey Viktorovich Lukashev, Sergey Aleksandrovich Morgachev, Nikolay Yuryevich Kozachek, Pavel Vyacheslavovich Yershov, Artem Andreyevich Malyshev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich Osadchuk, Aleksey Aleksandrovich Potemkin, and Anatoliy Sergeyevich Kovalev.

All were indicted by the United States Department of Justice in 2018.
The indictment includes 11 criminal counts:
  • Count One alleges a criminal conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States through cyber operations by the GRU that involved the staged release of stolen documents for the purpose of interfering with the 2016 president election;
  • Counts Two through Nine charge aggravated identity theft for using identification belonging to eight victims to further their computer fraud scheme;
  • Count Ten alleges a conspiracy to launder money in which the defendants laundered the equivalent of more than $95,000 by transferring the money that they used to purchase servers and to fund other costs related to their hacking activities through cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin; and
  • Count Eleven charges conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States by attempting to hack into the computers of state boards of elections, secretaries of state, and US companies that supplied software and other technology related to the administration of elections.
All twelve defendants are members of the GRU, a Russian Federation intelligence agency within the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian military. These GRU officers, in their official capacities, engaged in a sustained effort to hack into the computer networks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the Democratic National Committee, and the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, and released that information on the internet under the names "DCLeaks" and "Guccifer 2.0" and through another entity.

Read more here:

It's Russia's history and goal to break up Western Democracies.
And, we have never seen one campaign or administration with so many ties to one particular country, that happens to be our adversary.
Ok but our state intelligence agency say the same thing about USA... And they are very serious and trained !
Yes Russian Intelligence agencies are serious. So much so they ******* people in other countries for simply having a different opinion or political stance.
Yes Russian Intelligence agencies are serious. So much so they ******* people in other countries for simply having a different opinion or political stance.
You confuse eras. I could do the same with the United States, but, as a comrade of yours previously said, it would not be wise because it would be a mixture of several russian policies put in place at different times. Today we are a young democracy and we elect our leader. I imagine that our services then use methods and techniques practiced by your own services as well, the goal being of course that this is not known.
The trend isn't obvious to you? Mac says there are plenty of moderate Dems to keep the likes of AOC in check but I don't believe it for a minute.
You have a short memory. Her and her group tried to take over the House Agenda too and Nancy Pelosi parked her cute young ass in a corner. We didn't really hear from her again until Bernie was running.
Unless you watch Fox where they talked about her more than an ex boyfriend.
Yeah and Twitter and Facebook aren’t obviously biased - Dems will believe anything their party tells them to - such sheep. Don’t wanna see the TRUTH.
That's what I have been saying all along. I have fully admitted Trump has done some shady ******* and lies about stuff. But the libs have every fucking excuse in the book why they don't believe the history about Uncle Joe and that total phony bitch Harris. Just admit it. The media is horribly biased. Biden and Harris have lied, cheated, plagiarized, and the list goes on. Just admit it!
That's what I have been saying all along. I have fully admitted Trump has done some shady ******* and lies about stuff. But the libs have every fucking excuse in the book why they don't believe the history about Uncle Joe and that total phony bitch Harris. Just admit it. The media is horribly biased. Biden and Harris have lied, cheated, plagiarized, and the list goes on. Just admit it!
I've always held myself to the principal of never demeaning the moronic, consequently I won't comment further!
Just saying!
That's what I have been saying all along. I have fully admitted Trump has done some shady ******* and lies about stuff. But the libs have every fucking excuse in the book why they don't believe the history about Uncle Joe and that total phony bitch Harris. Just admit it. The media is horribly biased. Biden and Harris have lied, cheated, plagiarized, and the list goes on. Just admit it!
I admit that Joe Biden is one of the most well vetted candidates for President ever. Yet at the very end of the campaign when he is running against Trump, this happens? Yes, OK. There is not an undecided person, or Democratic voter that will be voting for Trump based on these rumors.
Uncle Joe is morally deficient for loving and supporting his ******* that had an addiction? OK, run with that.
Calling a Harris a 'bitch' everytime you mention her name is a more apt description of you, and tells people what kind of person you are.
Query - why is Biden still HIDIN ????

Generally the guilty hide out methinks - not that the Main Street Media would ask him anyfuckinthing regarding his corruption.
Must you start off with lies to push your agenda?
Joe has been campaigning everyday. He and Trump were in the North Carolina at the same time.
Trump, is getting double coverage because he continues to lie in the face of truth. It's called gas lighting and his supporters eat it up. They're also eating up Coronavirus too. Trump is a walking ******* show, and good for ratings. Unless Biden is also on, then he gets better ratings 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
This is where Joe has been hiding:
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That's what I have been saying all along. I have fully admitted Trump has done some shady ******* and lies about stuff. But the libs have every fucking excuse in the book why they don't believe the history about Uncle Joe and that total phony bitch Harris. Just admit it. The media is horribly biased. Biden and Harris have lied, cheated, plagiarized, and the list goes on. Just admit it!
There are lies and there are lies. Do us a favor since you obviously believe everything Trump spouts. Throw a nice big party invite hundreds of people you don't know like a Trump rallies. Wear no mask ,touch and breath deep. Lies that ******* people are just a little too much . Only today again with the covid is running down crap as the numbers are climbing higher and higher. Will it take the death of someone close to you to see the folly of the continued denial of a serious public health issue. He made it a political issue, it should never have been made one. So now he has to hold the line for a dam vote while people die every day. Too stupid to see members of every party, race and religion are disappearing at just over a thousand a day. I know of over twenty votes he won't be getting. People i knew Republicans that i worked with on committees and projects all dead now. People who survived for decades from the far worse flu by taking the dam shot every year. But there is no shot or pill for this killer to even compare the two is idiotic if not criminal. You make statements without substance, can you give us the names of those who were killed by a Biden or Harris lie. All politicians lie it's common knowledge. It's just that most intelligent people check what they claim and no one dies over it.
Yeah and Twitter and Facebook aren’t obviously biased - Dems will believe anything their party tells them to - such sheep. Don’t wanna see the TRUTH.
This should shut you up, if you have any dignity.
Fox News ALSO passed up on the Hunter Biden story!!!😳 I'll repeat:
Fox News ALSO passed up on the Hunter Biden story!!! 🤯
You confuse eras. I could do the same with the United States, but, as a comrade of yours previously said, it would not be wise because it would be a mixture of several russian policies put in place at different times. Today we are a young democracy and we elect our leader. I imagine that our services then use methods and techniques practiced by your own services as well, the goal being of course that this is not known.
Oh Lydia, Lydia, Lydia,
you cannot claim a new era when you elected the very symbol of the dark days of Soviet empire as the president of Russia, the former head of the KGB is the President of Russia. Babe, you're Back in the USSR!
Now come and keep your comrade warm;)
Ok but our state intelligence agency say the same thing about USA... And they are very serious and trained !
I got more for you, just happened today, while you're sleeping.
There were more charges against Russian GRU Officers today. They've been busy all over the world, including FRANCE. :oops: You may want to head for the airport asap.
  • The Justice Department Monday announced an indictment against six Russia GRU officers charged with engaging in a series of hacking and malware deployment operations to attack other countries' infrastructure, elections and other actions designed to further Russia's interests. The indictment specifically accuses the six alleged hackers of engaging in computer intrusions "intended to support Russian government efforts to undermine, retaliate against or otherwise destabilize" Ukraine, Georgia, elections in France, the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Games and international efforts to hold Russia accountable for its use of the nerve agent Novichok on foreign soil. According to the Justice Department, several members of the same military group were previously charged for their role in Russia's efforts to interfere in the 2016 election, though the allegations in Monday's indictment do not relate to U.S. election interference.U.S. officials at virtual press conference at DOJ described the hacking campaign as among "the most destructive and costly cyber-attacks in history," dealing with "some of the world's most destructive malware to date." Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers argued the allegations prove why the U.S. should ignore a recent offer extended by Russia calling for a cyber "reset" between the two countries. "This indictment lays bare Russia’s use of its cyber capabilities to destabilize and interfere with the domestic political and economic systems of other countries, thus providing a cold reminder of why its proposal is nothing more than dishonest rhetoric and cynical and cheap propaganda," Demers said.
I got more for you, just happened today, while you're sleeping.
There were more charges against Russian GRU Officers today. They've been busy all over the world, including FRANCE. :oops: You may want to head for the airport asap.
  • The Justice Department Monday announced an indictment against six Russia GRU officers charged with engaging in a series of hacking and malware deployment operations to attack other countries' infrastructure, elections and other actions designed to further Russia's interests. The indictment specifically accuses the six alleged hackers of engaging in computer intrusions "intended to support Russian government efforts to undermine, retaliate against or otherwise destabilize" Ukraine, Georgia, elections in France, the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Games and international efforts to hold Russia accountable for its use of the nerve agent Novichok on foreign soil. According to the Justice Department, several members of the same military group were previously charged for their role in Russia's efforts to interfere in the 2016 election, though the allegations in Monday's indictment do not relate to U.S. election interference.U.S. officials at virtual press conference at DOJ described the hacking campaign as among "the most destructive and costly cyber-attacks in history," dealing with "some of the world's most destructive malware to date." Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers argued the allegations prove why the U.S. should ignore a recent offer extended by Russia calling for a cyber "reset" between the two countries. "This indictment lays bare Russia’s use of its cyber capabilities to destabilize and interfere with the domestic political and economic systems of other countries, thus providing a cold reminder of why its proposal is nothing more than dishonest rhetoric and cynical and cheap propaganda," Demers said.
I know...

Etats-Unis : six agents militaires russes inculpés pour des cyberattaques mondiales https://www.francetvinfo.fr/interne...mondiales_4148279.html#xtor=CS2-765-[autres]-
I know...

Etats-Unis : six agents militaires russes inculpés pour des cyberattaques mondiales https://www.francetvinfo.fr/interne...mondiales_4148279.html#xtor=CS2-765-[autres]-
Now at this point, relax, You will need to take a train east to Zurich, rent a car and drive to Stefanik Airport in Bratislava, then fly to Istanbul, check in the Four Seasons under the name Louise Bernard and wait for further instruction. Your cover is blown.
Biden is in his basement til the debate now - wonder why - doesn’t have ta worry about the media beating him up over corruption.

Came out today that there is paperwork signed by Hunter Biden when he left his computer off to be repaired. Whatta dummy - unbelievable - ya can’t make this shite up.

Tooooooo bad the media is totally in the tank for Biden or he’d be finished.
Biden is in his basement til the debate now - wonder why - doesn’t have ta worry about the media beating him up over corruption.

Came out today that there is paperwork signed by Hunter Biden when he left his computer off to be repaired. Whatta dummy - unbelievable - ya can’t make this shite up.

Tooooooo bad the media is totally in the tank for Biden or he’d be finished.
Hey old man, are you suffering through a spell right now?
What's is the charge or allegation against Biden that these emails prove?
And I guess Fox is part of the lame stream media now since they also passed up on the story.
Selling influence - altering Foreign Policy for personal gain - sounds kinda treasonous to me - but what do I know - I’m just an American citizen that would like to think our elected officials are looking out for US not their own personal gain - ya young whipper snapper ;}
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