Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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what's wrong with my response in #19,393
Oh wait, you didn't read it did you ... too busy coming up with another smartass remark.
You didn't answer if they should make the deficit $6 trillion as YOUR party has passed in the House. Now why don't you answer post #19394....So what's YOUR recommendation....Pelosi and the Dumascraps want to add another $3 TRILLION to the deficit....what's your number?
You didn't answer if they should make the deficit $6 trillion as YOUR party has passed in the House. Now why don't you answer post #19394....So what's YOUR recommendation....Pelosi and the Dumascraps want to add another $3 TRILLION to the deficit....what's your number?
Oh I know why you didn't answer #19394....Oh wait, you didn't read it did you ... too busy coming up with another smartass remark.
About $2 trillion of that is directly from the CARES act. Of the 230 Democrat Party representatives in the House, only 3 voted against. Obviously that's Trumps fault...cus duh orange man baddd. Rachel Madcow dun told me sew.

Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Dumascraps have passed the HEROES act which will would add another $3 trillion to the deficit on top of the $3 trillion you're complaining about now. HEROES is held up in the Senate....so what's YOUR recommendation. Should the Senate and Trump go along with the Dumascraps and make the deficit $6+ trillion????

The Cares Act? You mean the one that helped us not suffer during the shutdown that the President fucked up?
Created in the House because the Senate and President had no solutions?
The same one that passed the Senate with changes that leaned most of the payments to major corporations thus pushing back the small businesses and individual payments?
The same one the President held up just to get his name on the checks, after complaining about the checks?
Now it's the Democrats alone fault? 🤣 🤣 🤣
You're Hopeless Hubby.
Oh I know why you didn't answer #19394....Oh wait, you didn't read it did you ... too busy coming up with another smartass remark.
The longer we go on without a national response to Coronavirus, the more it will cost us.
People dying should be motivation enough, but, the no confidence in the President's handling this, leads to people not wanting to gather in large groups or go to malls or movie theatres.
You can open everything 24 hours and business will still be down because we don't have confidence that the Administration is being truthful- they are not.
So the economy will lack any pep until Trump is gone.
Of course he could have gotten this done if he would have been honest and listened to experts in January, February or March.
How's that Senate race coming along over there? Y'all gonna throw us another interception? 🤣 🤣 🤣
oh but contre' my dear ... Liberals & moderates on the Left fight & feud as much as Conservatives & moderates on the Right. And, in fact, should the Democrats win the 'trifecta' in Washington for the next 2-4 years you'll probably read more of my objections to the far left's ridiculous desires to give everything to everyone. I'm very much a moderate in real life. I always try to work the more extreme views to the middle unless one side is just blatantly wrong, which conservatives have been for the past decade or so.
For me, being liberal or conservative is to be moderate... After that, there is democratic-socialism and anarchism at the left and eastern orthodoxy and monarchism at the right.
Russia, Russia, Russia...
Yes. 2016, 2018, 2020 - Russia Russia Russia
Ok, but who in Russia ? Where their are gone ? What are their names ? What type of machina did they used ?
It's starts at the top. However, may want to start with these names:

Viktor Borisovich Netyksho, Boris Alekseyevich Antonov, Dmitriy Sergeyevich Badin, Ivan Sergeyevich Yermakov, Aleksey Viktorovich Lukashev, Sergey Aleksandrovich Morgachev, Nikolay Yuryevich Kozachek, Pavel Vyacheslavovich Yershov, Artem Andreyevich Malyshev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich Osadchuk, Aleksey Aleksandrovich Potemkin, and Anatoliy Sergeyevich Kovalev.

All were indicted by the United States Department of Justice in 2018.
The indictment includes 11 criminal counts:
  • Count One alleges a criminal conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States through cyber operations by the GRU that involved the staged release of stolen documents for the purpose of interfering with the 2016 president election;
  • Counts Two through Nine charge aggravated identity theft for using identification belonging to eight victims to further their computer fraud scheme;
  • Count Ten alleges a conspiracy to launder money in which the defendants laundered the equivalent of more than $95,000 by transferring the money that they used to purchase servers and to fund other costs related to their hacking activities through cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin; and
  • Count Eleven charges conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States by attempting to hack into the computers of state boards of elections, secretaries of state, and US companies that supplied software and other technology related to the administration of elections.
All twelve defendants are members of the GRU, a Russian Federation intelligence agency within the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian military. These GRU officers, in their official capacities, engaged in a sustained effort to hack into the computer networks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the Democratic National Committee, and the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, and released that information on the internet under the names "DCLeaks" and "Guccifer 2.0" and through another entity.

Read more here:

China have all the resources to do this so, why Russia ?
It's Russia's history and goal to break up Western Democracies.
And, we have never seen one campaign or administration with so many ties to one particular country, that happens to be our adversary.
You did it!
I knew if we could get you to stop that lame ass rhyming bullshit and write my than two sentences you'd show us you really got nothing to offer but insults and whataboutisms. No substance.
It appears, You're fighting hard for that HotToBe title of dumbest ******* on here.

The President was impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress. Which he did by doing blanket privilege calls to stop from turning over evidence, and then ordering staff and anyone in the executive branch to not cooperate with Congress. An ordinary citizen would be in prison for the doing this to the prosecutor's office.

It's telling and a sad commentary that you actually believe that Joe Biden has committed crimes.
The American people are not blinded by devotion to Trump. They have had four years to see what he is about and what he can do. They don't like it. You can change things by doing the same thing.
Biden has not been President. He is being given a chance by many because he is NOT Trump.
Whatever, you try to spin or a say about Joe, people have seen him for over 40 years and generally like him, and he is not Trump.

It’s called EVIDENCE Ed and seems you’re the dumbest shite on here.

Furthermore the DEEP STATE - our FBI - had it while your lame assed party impeached our President over trying to get to the bottom of the Biden’s corruption - which whether you Dem idiots wanna see it or not OBVIOUSLY exists.

DENY DENY DENY - makes excuses all ya want. It’s documented now due to dipshite Hunter’s actions.

You Dems are beyond ridiculous - I’d feel bad for ya if ya weren’t so disgustingly blinded by your politics.
Good grief, Latina ... the Republican party's fuckups are laying right out in the open for everyone to see, man. Like a pile of frik'n old rusty, junked car.
To understand why we're where we are as a country, currently, you have to go back to 1981 and the BS Reagan spewed out on Trickle Down and on the Star Wars bull *******. Basically started the "deficits don't matter" philosophy of the Republicans. Easy to pull the graphs out and SEE who put the majority of the national debt and all the deficit spending on the books. Remember when the Nat'l Debt was $800 billion and was "something" of a concern.
So Reagan started the "trickle down" income/jobs promises that resulted in an accelerated separation of the "Haves" and "Have Nots" and the death of the middle class income workers who were so prone to buying a lot of "goods & services" that bolstered the GNP. Reagan initiated the strategy that killed that and funneled most the money to the top 1% ... hell, we've been talking about it for 2 decades now, Latina.
Its all laid OUT in the tracks of HISTORY, Latina ... just follow the tracks and see what pops up.
Once Republicans saw that they were losing ground to the Democrats in voter support/registration, they started using "tricks" to manipulate voting to stay in power ... Newt Gingrich was the power broker, along with a few long gone others, who initiated the polarization & vilification of the opposite party. No doubt Democrats fell in line with dirty play as well, but its been Republicans, the past two decades who have majored in "dirty tricks" to maintain a majority in Washington. Thing is, however, every time they get handed a good running economy from Democrats, they run it into the ditch and abandon it, blaming the Democrats for the catastrophe.,... see GW Bush AND Donald Trump. You simply can NOT hide their failures ... you can IGNORE their failures IF you are one of the ones who benefited from them, but their track records are written into history and can not be erased. Donald Trump's public sector failures will probably be the largest of all time, for quite some time.
So now, our country faces $3+ trillion deficit spending issues ... aren't you the least bit concerned with that? This is NOT the National Debt, its simply our spending over our incoming revenue. Compared to the GDP, this country has major issues ahead of it. Trump's done nothing ... hell a sixth grade civic student could do better than Trump, which is why I think that Trump has been purposely trying to bankrupt the US as the US bankrupted Russia back in the '80s with the arms race & star wars bs. Just too many arrows pointing in the SAME PLACE, Latina ... just way too many arrows. Trump's a LOSER of Albert Einstein magnitude.
  • Business Insider

    Biden and Harris have awful records. Trump is making it easy for me to vote for them anyway.​

    Anthony L. Fisher
    Sun, October 18, 2020, 7:53 AM EDT

    Joe Biden Kamala Harris masks DNC

    Joe Biden and Kamala Harris greet supporters outside the Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware, at the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, held virtually amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, on August 20, 2020. OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP via Getty Images
    • Joe Biden and Kamala Harris represent much of what I loathe in politicians, particularly the way they've wielded power in the world of criminal justice.
    • Biden is one of the key architects of the failed, immoral War on *******, and a supporter of almost every US military intervention of the past half-century.
    • Harris, as a district attorney and attorney general, cracked down on poor people and addicts, while turning a blind eye to police and prosecutorial corruption.
    • So why am I voting for these ethically compromised, power-hungry career politicians? It's simple: Donald Trump has been president for almost four years.
    • This is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed are those of the author.

    • Joe Biden and Kamala Harris represent, respectively, the go-along-to-get-along stasis of a lifelong politician and the frightening potential for abuse by a cop on a well-meaning crusade .Particularly when it comes to civil liberties and criminal justice reform — umbrella terms for the issues with which I'm most politically engaged — they have absolutely terrible records as overreaching "tough on crime" politicians. And yet I'm going to vote for the Democratic ticket anyway — resolutely, though not without some lamentation that it has come to this — because Donald Trump's presidency is that indefensible and destructive. Voting while holding one's nose feels terrible to vote for candidates you dislike or distrust, but we've all got our own political calculus.

    • Mine is centered on an unbending desire to see Trump's political career end in humiliating defeat. An ideal scenario would be voters rendering Trumpism toxic overnight by not only firing him from the presidency, but giving Democrats full control of Congress. Only when Trump proves himself a liability to the party he hijacked can the GOP be reborn as something resembling their supposed ideals, a free market-supporting center-right party that wouldn't pursue policies like an economically damaging trade war. Not because my political identity is particularly fascinating, but merely for the context of this column, I've taken to calling myself a "civil libertarian," mainly because civil liberties issues are what animate me most.
    • At various times I've voted for Libertarian, Republican, and Democratic presidential tickets. I'm atypical in the American electorate — a politically-active registered independent who rejects the duopoly and truly holds no allegiance to either liberal or conservative orthodoxy. Point being, I'm nobody's reliable Democratic voter .And I am not voting for Biden/Harris because I have any hope of them "uniting" the country or "returning us to normalcy." With some of the most prominent voices on the left twisting themselves into pretzels to justify rioting and looting, and the US' major right-leaning party openly embracing QAnon conspiracy theorists and bigots, I'm confident this country is politically and culturally broken, and will be for some time .
    • Biden and Harris have my vote despite their deplorable records in government. Those records are a primer on what they could do in the most powerful office in the world. I want them to be kept honest about those records .Biden made bad laws, Harris enforced laws badly.
    • Way back when there were 20-something Democratic presidential candidates, I zeroed-in on Biden and Harris as the two I'd least like to see at the top of the ticket. Biden presented himself as America's folksy, work-across-the-aisle, "get stuff done" lawmaker. And boy did he get stuff done. Over four decades as a senator from Delaware, Biden tried to outdo the Reagan-era Republicans in crafting ******* War legislation. He helped create the role of federal "******* czar." He was instrumental in drafting the mass incarceration-exacerbating 1994 Crime Bill. He bragged about introducing legislation that did "everything but hang people for jaywalking." Even in the 2000s he was the Senate's reliably out-of-touch Democratic narc, pushing to criminalize raves, arrest party promoters, and urging local municipalities to use the "crack-house legislation" he co-sponsored in 1986 to bust up parties Most Americans now favor the decriminalization of ******* and recognize the damage wrought by mandatory sentencing and mass incarceration. Biden has supported nearly every US military intervention of the past half century (though to his credit, he opposed President Obama's intervention in Libya, which proved disastrous).But Biden can't escape the fact that as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he enthusiastically whipped Democratic support for President George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq — unquestionably the US' worst foreign policy fiasco since the Vietnam War.
    • Harris' record isn't nearly as long as Biden's, but that doesn't mean she hasn't notched some dubious feats of her own. Awkwardly selling herself as both a no-nonsense prosecutor and as a woke, hip-hop loving, former pot smoker, Harris' political career cannot be divorced from her work as a self-described "top cop." Though Harris says as a district attorney and California's attorney general she was a "progressive prosecutor," Harris was, in fact, both tough-on-crime and soft-on-bad cops. As Reason's Elizabeth Nolan Brown put it: "Every attorney general fights for state power and police prerogatives. It's part of the job. But over and over again, Harris went beyond the call of duty, fighting for harsher sentences, larger bail requirements, longer prison terms, more prosecution of petty crimes, greater criminal justice involvement in low-income and minority communities, less due process for people in the system, less transparency, and less accountability for bad cops.
    • "As San Francisco's DA, Harris' office turned a blind eye for years to a corrupt police lab technician whose work resulted in hundreds of convictions. She aggressively cracked down on parents of truant *******. She pushed to bar addicts with prior convictions for selling ******* from ******* Courts, which allow non-violent ******* offenders to avoid jail time if they complete a ******* rehabilitation program. The progressive-leaning American Prospect wrote that as California attorney general, Harris "repeatedly and openly defied US Supreme Court orders to reduce overcrowding in California prisons," adding that "Harris and her legal team filed motions that were condemned by judges and legal experts as obstructionist, bad-faith, and nonsensical, at one point even suggesting that the Supreme Court lacked the jurisdiction to order a reduction in California's prison population."
    • Also as AG, Harris' office fought to keep an exonerated man in prison because his lawyers had missed a filing deadline, and only freed him from prison once compelled to do so by the courts. Harris' office tried to keep exonerated former prisoners from collecting financial compensation from the state that wrongfully stole years of their lives. Her office was also known to "slow roll" investigations into corrupt or abusive cops and prosecutors.
    • So why am I voting for these ethically compromised, power-hungry career politicians? It's simple: Donald Trump has been president for almost four years. Look around, this mess is Trump's legacy This isn't 2016 anymore, where we can play "wouldn't it be nice" imagination games about how a brash political outsider could shake up the system and rise to the occasion. Much of what was feared about a Trump presidency has come to bear.
    • On his watch, the GOP has decisively abandoned fiscal conservatism and sat idly while he personally dismantled the alliances that preserved the US-led post-World War II international order. He has normalized casual racism and baseless conspiracy theory-mongering. He has presided over the worst national coronavirus response in the developed world, resulting in the deaths of nearly 220,000 Americans. Politics aside, he's a terrible executive. Trump continues to fail our country by every meaningful metric As for his boasts of being a great criminal justice reformer, Trump deserves credit for championing prison reform by signing the First Step Act. However, Trump's Justice Department is chipping away at its effectiveness. He also reversed Obama administration policy and rebooted the federal government's program of giving excess military equipment to local police departments. Just this week he celebrated an extrajudicial police killing. And Trump's as pro-police union — the most immovable opponents of reform — as it gets.
    • That said, wanting Trump gone by any democratic means necessary doesn't mean the Democrats get a pass. Concerns about the Democratic Party taking a hard left turn on economic and social issues are ones I share. We desperately need to address climate change, but the Green New Deal isn't remotely workable in its current form. The growing left-wing trend of using racial essentialism to achieve "justice" is one I wholeheartedly reject. And I think it's positively nuts for liberals to be calling for billionaire tech bros to be the arbiters of truth online. With hope, I'll be throwing rhetorical rocks at a Biden administration come January 20 and for four years thereafter. (And yes, I was an idiot to declare Biden's candidacy dead after he wiped out in Iowa and New Hampshire.)Whatever objections I might have to a Biden administration's policies, I have faith that it would competently manage the machinery of government, rather than hollow it out and replace it with nothing, as Trump did .

    • I've never felt worse about voting for a presidential ticket, but I'm doing it this year, unapologetically and enthusiastically. My hands would probably be shaking as I shade in the ovals on the ballot, if pandemic-life hadn't robbed me of the ability to feel emotion. And yet I'm completely resolved in my decision to vote for the Democrats, simply because Trump and Trumpism must be repudiated by the greatest number of Americans as possible in the clearest of terms. For me in 2020, a third party protest vote just isn't as loud as a Democratic protest vote. The Republicans can thank Donald Trump for my 2020 Democratic vote.
Sorry I couldn't figure out how to remove the bullets. I think this article pretty much sums up how many people feel. Sounds like another 2016 "lesser of two evils" election. For me Trump is much less evil than the other choice. As I have said before, even with his horrible record if he was remotely the centrist of yester year I might and that's a small might have voted for him. Not to mention his senility. The true colors of the Democrats and left winged media reared their collective very ugly heads this past four years. They are a disgusting bunch!. But more important than that Harris is the last person I want to see take over when Joe has to resign for health reasons.

The problem with being a moderate, Latina, is that you fail to please even those in your own chosen party. A moderate is going to try to work with people of both parties, and is willing to sit and listen & negotiate legislation which isn't EXACTLY what his/her own party wish or want.
There were times when Biden disagreed with Obama on decisions Obama made, and Obama had the courtesy of meeting Biden in private to discuss those concerns. Its the way it should be, not the "my way or the highway" attitudes, like the polarized government we have now.
The LAST THING I want to see happen to to the Democratic party is for the extremist liberals come in and hold the party "hostage" as the Tea Party did to the moderate Republicans back in 2010. And I plan to be just as vocal with extremist Democrats.
Right now this country is in a Republican Death Spiral with Trump running it. If he stays in office, the national debt with be over $30 trillion, and our deficit spending well about our GNP capabilities to maintain it. We need CHANGE and the "sane" voters know that.

Do as I do and many of my friends do ... stay in-touch with your elected Congressmen, especially those going to Washington, DC. And if they respond to your letter or e-mail with a "form letter" or pre-written e-mail, you have to get MORE VOCAL letting them know you are in their district and you're watching what HE/SHE does while representing you.
It’s called EVIDENCE Ed and seems you’re the dumbest shite on here. DENY DENY DENY - makes excuses all ya want. It’s documented now due to dipshite Hunter’s actions

Then SHOW the evidence you refer to,word-Bonehead.jpg or STFU!

Its already known that the Biden e-mails have been messed with and that the author of the Biden coverup would NOT endorse the story he supposedly WROTE. And you have the likes of Rudy Giuliani being used by the Russians ... Trump was even given information regarding that. Straight from the State department & FBI ... want documentation or would you prefer just calling it FAKE NEWS?
Its been on TV and nightly news for the past two days, dummy.
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The problem with being a moderate, Latina, is that you fail to please even those in your own chosen party. A moderate is going to try to work with people of both parties, and is willing to sit and listen & negotiate legislation which isn't EXACTLY what his/her own party wish or want.
There were times when Biden disagreed with Obama on decisions Obama made, and Obama had the courtesy of meeting Biden in private to discuss those concerns. Its the way it should be, not the "my way or the highway" attitudes, like the polarized government we have now.
The LAST THING I want to see happen to to the Democratic party is for the extremist liberals come in and hold the party "hostage" as the Tea Party did to the moderate Republicans back in 2010. And I plan to be just as vocal with extremist Democrats.
Right now this country is in a Republican Death Spiral with Trump running it. If he stays in office, the national debt with be over $30 trillion, and our deficit spending well about our GNP capabilities to maintain it. We need CHANGE and the "sane" voters know that.

Do as I do and many of my friends do ... stay in-touch with your elected Congressmen, especially those going to Washington, DC. And if they respond to your letter or e-mail with a "form letter" or pre-written e-mail, you have to get MORE VOCAL letting them know you are in their district and you're watching what HE/SHE does while representing you.
Contrary to your opinion I consider myself to be a stable and sane person. I am so fearful the progressives are going to succeed getting their fucked up programs/policies through. You know damned well Biden is going to be the progressives puppet.
Contrary to your opinion I consider myself to be a stable and sane person. I am so fearful the progressives are going to succeed getting their fucked up programs/policies through. You know damned well Biden is going to be the progressives puppet.
No you don't know that ... you believe that, and that's because you've been listening to Fox News & Rush Limbaugh, etc.
I swear, I wish we could get you folks to understand the difference between FACTS and OPINION.
No one's gonna open up abortion rights to third trimester ... no one is gonna take away your guns ... no one's gonna RAISE your taxes ... no one's gonna ******* YOU to buy Obamacare ... good god, you folks are scared to death from the Right Wing fear tactics.
There are still plenty of moderate Democrats in office. We need to address the BIG PROBLEM right now ... TRUMP. He's GOT TO GO or we are in trouble.
It’s called EVIDENCE Ed and seems you’re the dumbest shite on here.
Evidence for what? More disinformation, or Hunter's bad decisions? Either way, there is no indication of Joe Biden being involved or doing anything helpful for Burisma - which is your whole argument.
There is nothing dumb about me, except the time I waste doing this. But come on, do you really think you could make that assessment?
Furthermore the DEEP STATE - our FBI - had it while your lame assed party impeached our President over trying to get to the bottom of the Biden’s corruption - which whether you Dem idiots wanna see it or not OBVIOUSLY exists.
There it is, Deep State crazy conspiracy.
We have proof, and the most intelligence corroboration in history identifying Russian interference.
Again, Trump's actions were his own doing in real time. We all saw him obstruct Congress, we are heard and saw him abuse power.
That's a long way from a bunch of rumors that pretty much have been planted by Russians, using Rudy Giuliani, in which the White House was warned before hand. They chose to move forward. As to be expected from a group that promotes QAnon bullshit.
The FBI has been doing it's job. Trump and associates can stop breaking the law, and they don't have anything to worry about.
The 'Deep State' is an excuse for professional employees who refuse to be politicized.
The FBI and the Department of Justice are all Trump at this point, yet they still work against him? Because he's so fucked up.
Joe Biden is not corrupt. Funny how you heard nothing about this in 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s or 2010s, just suddenly now. Yeah OK.
DENY DENY DENY - makes excuses all ya want. It’s documented now due to dipshite Hunter’s actions.
Once again, who's running for President? Joe Biden. Not Hunter.
The hypocrisy is astounding. The President's children are profiting off his office left and right. The President's children have been caught stealing, misusing a nonprofit, under indictment, multiple deals with China, working in the White House though being rejected for security clearance.
This is a terrible issue for you. Besides, no one voting for Biden gives a ******* about what his adult ******* did. We give a ******* about what Trump has done to this country. Not voting for Biden, gives Trump four more years. Nobody wants that.
You Dems are beyond ridiculous - I’d feel bad for ya if ya weren’t so disgustingly blinded by your politics.
No. Us Democrats are hip to the game. Our resolve to bounce out Trump is backed by Independents and Republicans. No bullshit that comes out now is going to stop that. None. Enjoy the deck on your Titanic.
Contrary to your opinion I consider myself to be a stable and sane person.
Why do you tempt me like this? It's too early.
I am so fearful the progressives are going to succeed getting their fucked up programs/policies through. You know damned well Biden is going to be the progressives puppet.
Based on what? What is this fear based on?
Query - why is Biden still HIDIN ????

Generally the guilty hide out methinks - not that the Main Street Media would ask him anyfuckinthing regarding his corruption.
Yeah and Twitter and Facebook aren’t obviously biased - Dems will believe anything their party tells them to - such sheep. Don’t wanna see the TRUTH.
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