Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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What do you think about that ?

just more of that trump/Russia trying to control events and the news

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Ed is right up there with Sub. He gone! Dems always right Republicans always wrong. No common sense!
Good grief, Latina ... the Republican party's fuckups are laying right out in the open for everyone to see, man. Like a pile of frik'n old rusty, junked car.
To understand why we're where we are as a country, currently, you have to go back to 1981 and the BS Reagan spewed out on Trickle Down and on the Star Wars bull *******. Basically started the "deficits don't matter" philosophy of the Republicans. Easy to pull the graphs out and SEE who put the majority of the national debt and all the deficit spending on the books. Remember when the Nat'l Debt was $800 billion and was "something" of a concern.
So Reagan started the "trickle down" income/jobs promises that resulted in an accelerated separation of the "Haves" and "Have Nots" and the death of the middle class income workers who were so prone to buying a lot of "goods & services" that bolstered the GNP. Reagan initiated the strategy that killed that and funneled most the money to the top 1% ... hell, we've been talking about it for 2 decades now, Latina.
Its all laid OUT in the tracks of HISTORY, Latina ... just follow the tracks and see what pops up.
Once Republicans saw that they were losing ground to the Democrats in voter support/registration, they started using "tricks" to manipulate voting to stay in power ... Newt Gingrich was the power broker, along with a few long gone others, who initiated the polarization & vilification of the opposite party. No doubt Democrats fell in line with dirty play as well, but its been Republicans, the past two decades who have majored in "dirty tricks" to maintain a majority in Washington. Thing is, however, every time they get handed a good running economy from Democrats, they run it into the ditch and abandon it, blaming the Democrats for the catastrophe.,... see GW Bush AND Donald Trump. You simply can NOT hide their failures ... you can IGNORE their failures IF you are one of the ones who benefited from them, but their track records are written into history and can not be erased. Donald Trump's public sector failures will probably be the largest of all time, for quite some time.
So now, our country faces $3+ trillion deficit spending issues ... aren't you the least bit concerned with that? This is NOT the National Debt, its simply our spending over our incoming revenue. Compared to the GDP, this country has major issues ahead of it. Trump's done nothing ... hell a sixth grade civic student could do better than Trump, which is why I think that Trump has been purposely trying to bankrupt the US as the US bankrupted Russia back in the '80s with the arms race & star wars bs. Just too many arrows pointing in the SAME PLACE, Latina ... just way too many arrows. Trump's a LOSER of Albert Einstein magnitude.
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So now, our country faces $3+ trillion deficit spending issues
About $2 trillion of that is directly from the CARES act. Of the 230 Democrat Party representatives in the House, only 3 voted against. Obviously that's Trumps fault...cus duh orange man baddd. Rachel Madcow dun told me sew.

Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Dumascraps have passed the HEROES act which will would add another $3 trillion to the deficit on top of the $3 trillion you're complaining about now. HEROES is held up in the Senate....so what's YOUR recommendation. Should the Senate and Trump go along with the Dumascraps and make the deficit $6+ trillion????

No doubt Democrats fell in line with dirty play as well.
First time I see a questioning of democrats ! I constantly get the impression from reading you that the Democrats never question themselves when it comes to elections.
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Are comparing the conclusion of 19 American National Security and Intelligence Agencies to the a rumor by one guy pushed by a political agent of the President who's been discredited several times?
Speaks volumes. Like a traitor. Sell out your country for a political win. Party first!
Russia interfered successfully with the last Presidential election, and are doing it again. These are the words of Trumps hand picked national security leaders.
Just ask for proof, and you'll get. However at this point, if you're still mimicking the president's words on Russia, then you're already gone.

Ed you and the Dems in general are just so fulla horseshite any response to you guys is just simply an exercise in futility. Seems they have the goods on the Bidens now - you’ll just make excuses and deny - basically you guys impeached our President for the Bidens crimes - Dems don’t care - but maybe just maybe Americans do - we’ll see soon nuff.
But they punched him ! That is fact...
even facts can be twisted or altered to suit your purpose and the trump Russia team is very good at that......if true....that is only one side of things...and just so happens to be the side you want people to here....like going to a boxing match and saying this one guy threw a punch...implying the other did nothing...….your source is just another way p.utin can pump false news in to support trump
Ed you and the Dems in general are just so fulla horseshite any response to you guys is just simply an exercise in futility. Seems they have the goods on the Bidens now - you’ll just make excuses and deny - basically you guys impeached our President for the Bidens crimes - Dems don’t care - but maybe just maybe Americans do - we’ll see soon nuff.
You did it!
I knew if we could get you to stop that lame ass rhyming bullshit and write my than two sentences you'd show us you really got nothing to offer but insults and whataboutisms. No substance.
It appears, You're fighting hard for that HotToBe title of dumbest ******* on here.

The President was impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress. Which he did by doing blanket privilege calls to stop from turning over evidence, and then ordering staff and anyone in the executive branch to not cooperate with Congress. An ordinary citizen would be in prison for the doing this to the prosecutor's office.

It's telling and a sad commentary that you actually believe that Joe Biden has committed crimes.
The American people are not blinded by devotion to Trump. They have had four years to see what he is about and what he can do. They don't like it. You can change things by doing the same thing.
Biden has not been President. He is being given a chance by many because he is NOT Trump.
Whatever, you try to spin or a say about Joe, people have seen him for over 40 years and generally like him, and he is not Trump.
First time I see a questioning of democrats ! I constantly get the impression from reading you that the Democrats never question themselves when it comes to elections.
oh but contre' my dear ... Liberals & moderates on the Left fight & feud as much as Conservatives & moderates on the Right. And, in fact, should the Democrats win the 'trifecta' in Washington for the next 2-4 years you'll probably read more of my objections to the far left's ridiculous desires to give everything to everyone. I'm very much a moderate in real life. I always try to work the more extreme views to the middle unless one side is just blatantly wrong, which conservatives have been for the past decade or so.
Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Dumascraps have passed the HEROES act which will would add another $3 trillion to the deficit on top of the $3 trillion you're complaining about now. HEROES is held up in the Senate....so what's YOUR recommendation. Should the Senate and Trump go along with the Dumascraps and make the deficit $6+ trillion????
... and I'm not specifically meaning to pick on the $3 trillion deficit spending except to draw attention to the fact that when Republicans run things, the deficit spending goes UP and the Nat'l Debt goes UP.
Had Republicans and their Russian puppet Orange Man treated the coronavirus as a nat'l emergency to begin with ... knowing what the ORANGE MAN said he already knew of the virus in February ... the nation wouldn't be in the critical health state of emergency its in NOW ... now would it? And to THINK President BOZO said he withheld that information so as to NOT frighten the people. LOL Just one more event proving the incompetency of the current administration and their Clown Of Horrors President.

It seems this is all the Republicans are good for ... create havoc, huge national debts, then hand the problems over to Democrats to fix ... and then point the finger at how much THEY are spending to fix the frik'n problems.
Just do me a favor, H-H .... don't fucking talk to me, today. I'm really annoyed about a few things and don't need your sniper posts to annoy me more.
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... and I'm not specifically meaning to pick on the $3 trillion deficit spending except to draw attention to the fact that when Republicans run things, the deficit spending goes UP and the Nat'l Debt goes UP.
Had Republicans and their Russian puppet Orange Man had treated the coronavirus as a nat'l emergency to begin with ... knowing what the ORANGE MAN said he already knew of the virus in February ... the nation wouldn't be in the critical health state of emergency its in NOW ... now would it? And to THINK President BOZO said he withheld that information so as to NOT frighten the people. LOL Just one more event proving the incompetency of the current administration and their Clown Of Horrors President.
Nice attempt at avoiding the question. Now why don't you answer: "so what's YOUR recommendation. Should the Senate and Trump go along with the Dumascraps and make the deficit $6+ trillion????"
Nice attempt at avoiding the question. Now why don't you answer: "so what's YOUR recommendation. Should the Senate and Trump go along with the Dumascraps and make the deficit $6+ trillion????"
The Senate & Trump should sit down and negotiate with Pelosi as to the agreeable amount. Trump's already wanting to give a hell of a lot more. Of course HE doesn't give a ******* about the government ... he's proven that over the past 4 incompetent years as President.
The Senate & Trump should sit down and negotiate with Pelosi as to the agreeable amount. Trump's already wanting to give a hell of a lot more. Of course HE doesn't give a ******* about the government ... he's proven that over the past 4 incompetent years as President.
So what's YOUR recommendation....Pelosi and the Dumascraps want to add another $3 TRILLION to the deficit....what's your number?
About $2 trillion of that is directly from the CARES act. Of the 230 Democrat Party representatives in the House, only 3 voted against. Obviously that's Trumps fault...cus duh orange man baddd. Rachel Madcow dun told me sew.

Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Dumascraps have passed the HEROES act which will would add another $3 trillion to the deficit on top of the $3 trillion you're complaining about now. HEROES is held up in the Senate....so what's YOUR recommendation. Should the Senate and Trump go along with the Dumascraps and make the deficit $6+ trillion????

obviously and as usual the facts were posted here several days ago....but always seem to go over your head....you bring such a little man

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Oct 06, 2020 · Instead, Trump is wedded to his $150 billion tax cut for the wealthiest people in America from the CARES Act, while he refuses to give real help to poor children, the unemployed and America’s ...

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Pelosi took aim at Trump for claiming to want a “bigger stimulus package” than Democrats while pushing for less funding, asserting that he actually wants “more money at his discretion to grant or withhold” as opposed to provisions to “honor our workers, crush the virus and put money in the pockets of workers.”
Ed you and the Dems in general are just so fulla horseshite any response to you guys is just simply an exercise in futility. Seems they have the goods on the Bidens now - you’ll just make excuses and deny - basically you guys impeached our President for the Bidens crimes - Dems don’t care - but maybe just maybe Americans do - we’ll see soon nuff.
H-H, I have no time to go back and forth with your annoying ass right now. There is no number that Trump will agree with Pelosi on because his purpose is to make Democrats appear as the Darth Vader of his "fantasy stories" and hopefully lift him up in the polls.
At this point I can't see Trump winning anything but a jail cell and he's already hinted at leaving the country if he loses.
If Republicans want to gain back some respect, they can remove Trump from office just as soon as he loses the election and let Pence ride it out. But, they won't do THAT because they haven't put another Republican SCOTUS in office.
Now, please leave me alone.
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Nice attempt at avoiding the question. Now why don't you answer: "so what's YOUR recommendation. Should the Senate and Trump go along with the Dumascraps and make the deficit $6+ trillion????"

since when has the right ever cared about the deficit?.....they NEVER have,,,,,,,,and now that the country is hurting due to the rights inability to handle the job...just like always...…...the dems will have to help bail out the country....similar to what Obama had to do after Bush....and what Biden will have to do after trump....you track record on the deficit is....you ALWAYS add to it...….and the right has yet to ever care about the workers

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