Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Better be careful - looks like ole Uncle Joe is owned by China - Ukraine - and most of the countries ending in stan.
do want to know how many trump owes money to....or the countries he has hotels and etc in? it goes on and on....eric trump has already admitted they have unlimited funds from Russia...……..he let trurkey ******* the kurds...our allies...because he has biz there......he said nothing to the Saudi's about killing that journalist and is giving them nuke secrets because he has a hotel and cuckner has a lot of biz there....and then China....trump owes a bunch of money...was turned down on several licenses before he became pres...and all of a sudden he got after being pres....everything he sells is made in china...unlike what he tells the country...buy American...yet he doesn't....and that doesn't even cover Ivanka....surely your head is not that far up your ass that don't know any or all or even part of that...…..more of your double standard....fuck biden for doing anything....doesn't matter if it is true or not....but it is ok for you fuckheaded leader to do it

some news your selective reading may have missed....but then I'm sure it doesn't matter to you as you have shown several times now you could care less about facts

Trump’s Lawyer Working With Russian Agent to Smear Biden

Over the last year and a half, Giuliani has taken on a similar role that Manafort played. He has been strong-arming the reformist elements in Ukraine (which are a threat to Moscow) while using his...

DHS held up intelligence about Russia plot to smear Joe ...

The Department of Homeland Security in July held up publishing an intelligence bulletin warning of a Russian scheme to spread misinformation concerning “allegations about the poor mental health” of...

GOP senator implicated in Rudy Giuliani plot to smear ...

GOP senator implicated in Rudy Giuliani plot to smear Biden with help from Russian spy The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned one of Rudy Giuliani’s contacts in Ukraine for allegedly trying to...

Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani Worked With an “Active Russian ...

A Ukrainian parliamentarian who has supplied Rudy Giuliani with information intended to smear Joe Biden has been “an active Russian agent for over a decade,” according to the US Treasury Department.

US investigates if recently found emails are tied to Russian disinformation effort targeting Biden​

US authorities are investigating whether recently published emails that purport to detail the business dealings of Joe Biden’s ******* in Ukraine and China are connected to an ongoing Russian disinformation effort targeting the former vice president’s campaign, a US official and a congressional source briefed on the matter said.

The conservative-leaning New York Post claimed in a series of articles this week that it obtained “smoking-gun” emails about Hunter Biden and his dealings in Ukraine. CNN has not determined the authenticity of the emails.

President Donald Trump and his allies have used this topic to smear the Bidens over the past year and seized on the recent articles to attack Biden in the final weeks of the presidential election. The specific new allegations touch on the same topics as the Kremlin’s ongoing disinformation campaign against the Bidens, which the US intelligence community said this summer was intended to weaken Biden’s candidacy against Trump.

The FBI is leading the investigation, the official and congressional source said. NBC was first to report the inquiry.

‘That’s Rudy’: Trump Reportedly Shrugged At Giuliani’s ...

Intelligence officials warned President Donald Trump last year that Russia was using his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani in an influence operation, but the president largely dismissed the warnings,...

Ed is right up there with Sub. He gone! Dems always right Republicans always wrong. No common sense!
"Common Sense" is believing the bullshit now?
It doesn't seem seem very 'common' or makes much 'sense'.
Seems to be a term that is used when logic or proof is absent.
That matters none!!!But then again you align yourself with a party who wants to strip us of our rights. It's called freedom of speech. Then block all the anti Trump stories. And of course Twitter is back pedaling now because they know they are wrong!
The New York Post, the only paper to publish this, is owned by the family of Trump's senior White House advisor, who also happens to be Trump's ******* in-law.
The reporter, on the by-line, has NEVER published anything before. Previous job? Assistant to Sean Hannity. Join the NYPost this year.
The tactic is yet again believed to be a Russian cold war tactic of planting misinformation. According to Trump's government officials.
Nothing in the story has been corroborated, even the basic fact on who brought in the computer. No witnesses, no identification, no matching statements.
The repair shop owner, is not a government contractor, so a laptop with information on the VP of the US should not have been there.
No proof of a computer existing- just an invoice. No proof of the emails originating from that computer- or even existing. No proof of anything.
The shop owner has changed his story a few times. Decided to call, or all people, Rudy Giuliani. Why is that strange? Because instead of calling a national news outlet like Fox or CNN, or news paper like the Times, Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Baltimore Sun, Los Angeles TImes, Chicago Tribune, or Politico, Brietbart, or Time, Newsweek, Huffington Post. Just straight to the paper owned by Jared Kushner?
Rudy Giuliani has been targeted by Russians as a sucker who would pass on bs information. Trump's Administration warned him that he was. And true to Trumptards all over, Rudy dismissed it because he really wanted to believe.

Is this your 'common sense'?
Maybe that’s all true - sure could be - however when it came to President Trump and Russia - they censored NOTHING !!!!
Are you comparing the conclusion of 19 American National Security and Intelligence Agencies to the rumor by one guy pushed by a political agent of the President who's been discredited several times?
Speaks volumes. Like a traitor. Sell out your country for a political win. Party first!
Russia interfered successfully with the last Presidential election, and are doing it again. These are the words of Trumps hand picked national security leaders.
Just ask for proof, and you'll get it. However at this point, if you're still mimicking the president's words on Russia, then you're already gone.
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Russia, Russia, Russia...

Ok, but who in Russia ? Where their are gone ? What are their names ? What type of machina did they used ?

China have all the resources to do this so, why Russia ?
Russia, Russia, Russia...

Ok, but who in Russia ? Where their are gone ? What are their names ? What type of machina did they used ?

China have all the resources to do this so, why Russia ?

Russia and the Threat to Liberal Democracy - The Atlantic

Dec 09, 2016 · The first dramatic salvo came in the summer of 2008, when Russia intervened militarily to back separatist forces in the enclaves of Abkhazia and South Ossetia seeking to …

Russian documents reveal desire to sow racial discord ...

May 20, 2019 · World Russian documents reveal desire to sow racial discord — and violence — in the U.S. The revelations come as U.S. intelligence agencies have warned of …

Putin signs Runet law to cut Russia's internet off from ...

May 02, 2019 · Putin signs Runet law to cut Russia's internet off from rest of world. Russia's sovereign internet bill has been signed into law, giving authorities an easier way to block content.

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