Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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and one more little note....the right back at their c.hild thing again...same as they did with Clinton in 2016...and now still has a man serving time because he bought the story and went in armed....another one they are blocking and the right complaining about

guess the right figures if they can convince some that the dems are involved in porn....someone will shoot or?????

don't know if any of you remember the one with Clinton...….but supposedly they were holding k.ids in the basement of this pizza joint...so some fool who bought the lie went in with a gun...help the people at gun point and demanded to be taken to the basement......the place didn't have one...police got him and probably still serving time!
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ok...I lied....one more...liked this one

Democrats hint at consequences as GOP moves to confirm Amy Coney Barrett

WASHINGTON — Republicans are confident a vote confirming Amy Coney Barrett to the the Supreme Court is only days away, but Democrats are looking farther ahead and warning that this swift process on the eve of an election won't be quickly forgotten.

Even as senators shared lighthearted and jovial moments with colleagues in the confirmation hearings, some Democrats warned there could be consequences.

"The rule of 'because we can,' which is the rule that is being applied today, is one that leads away from a lot of the traditions and commitments and values that the Senate has long embodied," Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., said.

"Don't think that when you have established the rule of 'because we can' that should the shoe be on the other foot that you will have any credibility to come to us and say, yeah, I know you can do that but you shouldn't because of X, Y, Z," he said. "Your credibility to make that argument in the future will die in this room and on that Senate floor if you continue to proceed in this way."

Whitehouse's warning comes ahead of an election in which polls say Democrats are favored to win the presidency and potentially full control of Congress.

She does. Also its funny how anyone who dare to say anything against Russia's BS is xenophobic. Yet two of the biggest xenophobic countries on the planet are China and Russia.

Xenophobia Is Still On the Rise in Russia – Poll​

Andrei Lyubimov / Moskva News Agency
Anti-migrant attitudes have risen for a second consecutive year in Russia, according to a new independent survey’s results that experts link to the country’s economic woes.

The Levada Center’s findings come as research has shown a decade-high surge in migration to Russia in the early months of 2019. At the same time, real incomes continue to stagnate in the country after five years of Western sanctions and falling oil prices.

Seventy-two percent of respondents said Russia should limit migration, Levada said Wednesday, up from both 2018 and 2017.
“Poverty worries the population more than two to three years ago, so [anti-migrant] attitudes are aggravated through the search for scapegoats,” Levada sociologist Karina Pipiya was quoted as saying by the Vedomosti business daily.

The same percentage of respondents (72%) said they would like to limit labor migration in particular, and 64% said they felt that jobs typically held by migrants could be done by their relatives or other people they know.

“When people start to ‘think politically,’ threats appear in their heads and they become more xenophobic,” Alexander Verkhovsky, the head of the SOVA Center which tracks nationalism and xenophobia in Russia, told Vedomosti.
The survey said that half of respondents supported the “Russia for Russians” slogan, up from 19% last year and 10% in 2017.

Her hypocrisy is staggering. Then again!
You do not trust when I tell you that I am less conservative than most russian people when you say that the people does not support Poutin, but it is true.

Strangers are welcome if they respect laws and laws must respect strangers.
You do not trust when I tell you that I am less conservative than most russian people when you say that the people does not support Poutin, but it is true.

Strangers are welcome if they respect laws and laws must respect strangers.
let me guessd anything bad said about the gov or p.utin…..gets you a poisened breakfast...….isn't that the Russian tradition

you are never going to convince most here that there is anything good about P.utin….he is even killing and mistreating his own people to stay in power....kind of like the one we have here
Yet more Russian propaganda and xenophobia over the UK's SAR's-Covid-2 vaccines.

Bizarre Russian Disinformation Campaign Claims UK Covid Vaccine Will Turn You Into A Monkey​

Sara C NelsonSenior Editor, HuffPost UK
HuffPost UKFri, 16 October 2020, 11:03 am CEST

A Russian fake news campaign aiming to undermine the Oxford University Covid-19 vaccine is claiming that it could turn people into monkeys.

The bizarre reports and images were uncovered by a special investigation by The Times and claim patients can develop ape-like characteristics because the British-made vaccine uses a chimpanzee virus as a vector.

One state TV channel even ran images of a suit-clad prime minister Boris Johnson with the hirsute features of a chimp. A Whitehall source told the newspaper the propaganda was “reckless and contemptible” and could damage people’s health.

Russian propaganda claims the British-made vaccine can turn you into a monkey  (Photo: . )

Russian propaganda claims the British-made vaccine can turn you into a monkey (Photo: . )

The campaign is aimed at influencing nations to purchase the Russian frozen vaccine (Gam-Covid-Vac – known as Sputnik V), which has been trialled in the Burdenko Hospital in Moscow, involving both civilian and military volunteers.
Foreign secretary Dominic Raab has said any attempt to spread lies about coronavirus and a vaccine is “utterly deplorable”.
Raab told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “It’s a shabby piece of disinformation but it is very serious because it is an attempt to disrupt the attempts to find a safe vaccine.

“We know that Russia has a track record of using disinformation as a foreign policy tool [...] but actually any attempt to spread lies about Covid-19, and the vaccine in particular, when we’re trying to come together as an international community to resolve a global pandemic is utterly deplorable.”


How Close Are We To Getting A Coronavirus Vaccine?

It comes as the head of MI5 admitted British spies were racing to defend coronavirus vaccine work against hostile powers seeking to steal or sabotage research data in the race for the global first of providing a jab that could provide immunity.

Oxford University’s vaccine candidate, which has been licensed to AstraZeneca, is in late stage trials, while a vaccine candidate being developed by Imperial College London is in early stage clinical trials.

“Clearly, the global prize of having a first useable vaccine against this deadly virus is a large one, so we would expect that a range of other parties around the globe would be quite interested in that research,” MI5 director general Ken McCallum told reporters.

McCallum, who was named the new boss of the security service in March when the United Kingdom was under national lockdown, said there were a range of threats against the vaccine development work.

“I guess there are two bits we are on the lookout for: attempts either to steal unique intellectual property that’s been generated in that research, or potentially to fiddle with the data,” he said.

“And then the second risk we’ve got to be alive to is the possibility that the research is still high integrity and sound, but that somebody tries to sow doubt about its integrity.”

Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) said in July that hackers backed by the Russian state were trying to steal Covid-19 vaccine and treatment research from academic and pharmaceutical institutions around the world.

More than 150 potential vaccines are being developed and tested globally to stop the Covid-19 pandemic, with 42 in human trials, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Russian Hackers Targeted UK Coronavirus Vaccine Research, Says Government​

Foreign secretary Dominic Raab accuses Russian intelligence agencies of "completely unacceptable" actions.​

By Ned Simons
Hackers linked to the Russian intelligence services tried to access UK coronavirus vaccine research, the British government has said.

Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, said the actions of the Russian spy agencies was “completely unacceptable”.
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) revealed on Thursday the group know as APT29 had targeted UK, US and Canadian vaccine research and development organisations.

It said the hackers “almost certainly operate as part of Russian Intelligence Services”.
NCSC director of operations, Paul Chichester, said: “We condemn these despicable attacks against those doing vital work to combat the coronavirus pandemic.

“Working with our allies, the NCSC is committed to protecting our most critical assets and our top priority at this time is to protect the health sector.

“We would urge organisations to familiarise themselves with the advice we have published to help defend their networks.”
Raab added: “It is completely unacceptable that the Russian Intelligence Services are targeting those working to combat the coronavirus pandemic.

“While others pursue their selfish interests with reckless behaviour, the UK and its allies are getting on with the hard work of finding a vaccine and protecting global health.

“The UK will continue to counter those conducting such cyber attacks, and work with our allies to hold perpetrators to account.”

Russian Hackers Targeted UK Coronavirus Vaccine Research, Says

The NCSC said the group’s campaign of “malicious activity” was aimed predominantly at government, diplomatic, think-tank, healthcare and energy targets in an attempt to steal valuable intellectual property.

It has previously warned that APT (standing for advanced persistent threat) groups have been targeting organisations involved in both national and international Covid-19 research.

APT29 is said to use a variety of tools and techniques, including spear-phishing and custom malware known as “WellMess” and “WellMail”.
The announcement came shortly after the British government revealed it believed “Russian agents” tried to influence the 2019 general election by promoting a leaked paper on the UK-US trade negotiations.

The Commons Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) also announced today it will next week publish its report into Russian interference in the election

Russian Hackers Targeted UK Coronavirus Vaccine Research, Says Government​

Foreign secretary Dominic Raab accuses Russian intelligence agencies of "completely unacceptable" actions.​

By Ned Simons
Hackers linked to the Russian intelligence services tried to access UK coronavirus vaccine research, the British government has said.

Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, said the actions of the Russian spy agencies was “completely unacceptable”.
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) revealed on Thursday the group know as APT29 had targeted UK, US and Canadian vaccine research and development organisations.

It said the hackers “almost certainly operate as part of Russian Intelligence Services”.
NCSC director of operations, Paul Chichester, said: “We condemn these despicable attacks against those doing vital work to combat the coronavirus pandemic.

“Working with our allies, the NCSC is committed to protecting our most critical assets and our top priority at this time is to protect the health sector.

“We would urge organisations to familiarise themselves with the advice we have published to help defend their networks.”
Raab added: “It is completely unacceptable that the Russian Intelligence Services are targeting those working to combat the coronavirus pandemic.

“While others pursue their selfish interests with reckless behaviour, the UK and its allies are getting on with the hard work of finding a vaccine and protecting global health.

“The UK will continue to counter those conducting such cyber attacks, and work with our allies to hold perpetrators to account.”

Russian Hackers Targeted UK Coronavirus Vaccine Research, Says

The NCSC said the group’s campaign of “malicious activity” was aimed predominantly at government, diplomatic, think-tank, healthcare and energy targets in an attempt to steal valuable intellectual property.

It has previously warned that APT (standing for advanced persistent threat) groups have been targeting organisations involved in both national and international Covid-19 research.

APT29 is said to use a variety of tools and techniques, including spear-phishing and custom malware known as “WellMess” and “WellMail”.
The announcement came shortly after the British government revealed it believed “Russian agents” tried to influence the 2019 general election by promoting a leaked paper on the UK-US trade negotiations.

The Commons Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) also announced today it will next week publish its report into Russian interference in the election

Just more proof....not one good thing comes out of Russia.....they want nothing more than to create hate and confusion in the world.....kind of like what we have in the WhiteHouse
Ohhhh now I see......no problem with trump doing it and more...….but his opponent can have none of it....you don't see a double standard there?

double standard

a rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people
or groups.
"the prolonged consideration of the issue represented a double standard"

what ever you do....do not admit that your college degree came from Trump UniversityView attachment 3667226

Nope - see Dem deflection - nevermind -you guys can NEVER stay on topic - we know EVERYFUCKINTHING is President Trump’s fault.
Yet more Russian propaganda and xenophobia over the UK's SAR's-Covid-2 vaccines.

Bizarre Russian Disinformation Campaign Claims UK Covid Vaccine Will Turn You Into A Monkey​

Sara C NelsonSenior Editor, HuffPost UK
HuffPost UKFri, 16 October 2020, 11:03 am CEST

A Russian fake news campaign aiming to undermine the Oxford University Covid-19 vaccine is claiming that it could turn people into monkeys.

The bizarre reports and images were uncovered by a special investigation by The Times and claim patients can develop ape-like characteristics because the British-made vaccine uses a chimpanzee virus as a vector.

One state TV channel even ran images of a suit-clad prime minister Boris Johnson with the hirsute features of a chimp. A Whitehall source told the newspaper the propaganda was “reckless and contemptible” and could damage people’s health.

Russian propaganda claims the British-made vaccine can turn you into a monkey  (Photo: . )

Russian propaganda claims the British-made vaccine can turn you into a monkey (Photo: . )

The campaign is aimed at influencing nations to purchase the Russian frozen vaccine (Gam-Covid-Vac – known as Sputnik V), which has been trialled in the Burdenko Hospital in Moscow, involving both civilian and military volunteers.
Foreign secretary Dominic Raab has said any attempt to spread lies about coronavirus and a vaccine is “utterly deplorable”.
Raab told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “It’s a shabby piece of disinformation but it is very serious because it is an attempt to disrupt the attempts to find a safe vaccine.

“We know that Russia has a track record of using disinformation as a foreign policy tool [...] but actually any attempt to spread lies about Covid-19, and the vaccine in particular, when we’re trying to come together as an international community to resolve a global pandemic is utterly deplorable.”


How Close Are We To Getting A Coronavirus Vaccine?

It comes as the head of MI5 admitted British spies were racing to defend coronavirus vaccine work against hostile powers seeking to steal or sabotage research data in the race for the global first of providing a jab that could provide immunity.

Oxford University’s vaccine candidate, which has been licensed to AstraZeneca, is in late stage trials, while a vaccine candidate being developed by Imperial College London is in early stage clinical trials.

“Clearly, the global prize of having a first useable vaccine against this deadly virus is a large one, so we would expect that a range of other parties around the globe would be quite interested in that research,” MI5 director general Ken McCallum told reporters.

McCallum, who was named the new boss of the security service in March when the United Kingdom was under national lockdown, said there were a range of threats against the vaccine development work.

“I guess there are two bits we are on the lookout for: attempts either to steal unique intellectual property that’s been generated in that research, or potentially to fiddle with the data,” he said.

“And then the second risk we’ve got to be alive to is the possibility that the research is still high integrity and sound, but that somebody tries to sow doubt about its integrity.”

Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) said in July that hackers backed by the Russian state were trying to steal Covid-19 vaccine and treatment research from academic and pharmaceutical institutions around the world.

More than 150 potential vaccines are being developed and tested globally to stop the Covid-19 pandemic, with 42 in human trials, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Ed the problem is the New York Post article which by the way has been censored completely on Twitter and Facebook ties Joe to Influence peddling facilitated by his ******* Hunter. It even mentions in the emails or texts that Hunter had to give his ******* half his salary. Don’t know what to think - however - if it’s true doesn’t look good for Uncle Joe.
No one has seen these emails or even the computer itself. Except a copy of the emails given to the NY Post.
Not the Times with one of the best investigative journalism departments in the world.
Gave it to the newspaper partially owned by his ******* in-law, because they would print it without support or no one on the record.
And people like you would promote it across social media. By the time they get to the bottom of it, it's too late.
A lie is halfway around the world, before the truth can walk out the door.
But, social media stopped this bullshit. Like you said, it could be damaging to the election, and without proof, it does not get support.
That's called being responsible. Now go kicking bs about the 'media' being unfair to poor old Donald.
As has been said. NY Post is not some run of the mill media outlet. But that isn't any way near the point. Biased ass Twitter and Facebook. There were so many unconfirmed reports about the Russia lies but they let it go. I'm telling you it's pathetic you libs don't see through this! This is our country not theirs! You guys want to give it to them!
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
The Kushner family owns the media company that published the NY Post, Observer Media.
Which Jared owned when he was 26, then put it in a family trust a few years later and his brother in-law runs it now.

How crazy would you be going if Biden or Obama or Hillary had a family member that owned a newspaper that only published favorable headlines about them? Then, they get an exclusive story on Trump and run it. Only the paper owned within the family published it. No proof, no collaboration, no witness interviews.
Ed the problem is the New York Post article which by the way has been censored completely on Twitter and Facebook ties Joe to Influence peddling facilitated by his ******* Hunter. It even mentions in the emails or texts that Hunter had to give his ******* half his salary. Don’t know what to think - however - if it’s true doesn’t look good for Uncle Joe.
Ed is right up there with Sub. He gone! Dems always right Republicans always wrong. No common sense!
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
The Kushner family owns the media company that published the NY Post, Observer Media.
Which Jared owned when he was 26, then put it in a family trust a few years later and his brother in-law runs it now.

How crazy would you be going if Biden or Obama or Hillary had a family member that owned a newspaper that only published favorable headlines about them? Then, they get an exclusive story on Trump and run it. Only the paper owned within the family published it. No proof, no collaboration, no witness interviews.
That matters none!!!But then again you align yourself with a party who wants to strip us of our rights. It's called freedom of speech. Then block all the anti Trump stories. And of course Twitter is back pedaling now because they know they are wrong!
No one has seen these emails or even the computer itself. Except a copy of the emails given to the NY Post.
Not the Times with one of the best investigative journalism departments in the world.
Gave it to the newspaper partially owned by his ******* in-law, because they would print it without support or no one on the record.
And people like you would promote it across social media. By the time they get to the bottom of it, it's too late.
A lie is halfway around the world, before the truth can walk out the door.
But, social media stopped this bullshit. Like you said, it could be damaging to the election, and without proof, it does not get support.
That's called being responsible. Now go kicking bs about the 'media' being unfair to poor old Donald.

Maybe that’s all true - sure could be - however when it came to President Trump and Russia - they censored NOTHING !!!!
Maybe that’s all true - sure could be - however when it came to President Trump and Russia - they censored NOTHING !!!!
How could they ... President Q-ZERO met privately with VPutin several times as well as other Russians, with no other US members or interpreters present. No way to censor what doesn't exist, unless the Russians wish to turn over their notes, now is there? Oh, and we KNOW Trump shared highly classified US information because he admitted he did under "Presidential Privilege". Its all "documented" ... now, what YOU GOT?
and under the WTF topic...…

Black man serving life sentence for stealing hedge ...

7 hours ago · (CNN)A parole board in Louisiana granted parole for a Black man Thursday after the state Supreme Court initially denied the man's appeal. Fair Wayne Bryant, 63, was sentenced in …

Man who spent 23 years in prison for stealing hedge ...

8 hours ago · "Mr. Bryant's sentence is an example of the flaws in Louisiana's criminal legal system, but the Parole Committee's decision to grant him early release …
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