Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You're hypocrisy on this was already demonstrated in post 1748, but since you continue with this, lets go all in on it....we should immediately remove Ginsburg and Bryer from the US Supreme Court since they were placed there under the cloud of the Clinton Whitewater investigation. All of their votes over the last 25 years should be vacated.

Following the Democrat's Biden & Schumer rule....but as usual with you hypocrisy reigns.

Both Biden and Schumer argued that Bush 41 and Bush 43 shouldn't have any supreme court nominees considered in the last year of their respective terms. Schumer took it even further. He stated 18 months before the end of Bush 43's term that he shouldn't get any more supreme court nominations approved.



Ok …...how would that apply to someone under impeachment proceedings....does that mean if impeached or he leaves office before his term is done....can we remove anyone he has appointed?
Democrats have leads in Rust Belt states that Trump won: Reuters poll
By Chris Kahn,Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - An Indiana U.S. Senator seen as one of the chamber's most vulnerable Democrats has a slight edge while four of his Rust Belt Democratic colleagues have solid leads in states President Donald Trump won in 2016, a Reuters poll found.
A Reuters/Ipsos/UVA Center for Politics Poll released on Wednesday found that a majority of likely voters in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan and Indiana disapprove of the Republican president and more than one-third were "very motivated" to back someone who would oppose his policies.
The poll found that Senator Joe Donnelly of Indiana has a 3 percentage point lead among likely voters over Republican businessman Mike Braun. Braun, a former state representative, has positioned himself as a Trump-like candidate who would bring an outsider's perspective to politics in Vice President Mike Pence's home state.
Democrats are aiming to win two more Senate seats in the Nov. 6 congressional election to take a majority in that chamber and serve as a check on Trump's agenda. They can ill afford to lose any of the five seats covered by the poll.

Trump won the five states after pitching himself as a business-savvy pragmatist who would improve the lives of working class Americans. Two years later, more than half of likely voters in those states think the country is now on the "wrong track," the poll found.
"There are lots of places in this region where economic opportunity has been stifled," said Kyle Kondik, a political analyst at the Center for Politics.

Kondik said the Rust Belt frequently shifts its support between parties, in some cases because voters who are frustrated with the lack of economic progress come to the ballot box intent on checking the party in power.

This year Democrats have the added advantage of being able to attack an unpopular president as well as Republicans' deficit-increasing tax plan and their failed effort to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, he said.
To see poll results: https://tmsnrt.rs/2piev5l

The state polls were conducted online, in English, from Sept. 12 to Sept. 21. They surveyed between 1,074 and 1,181 likely voters in each of five states and weighted the responses according to the latest government population estimates.
The polls each have a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of about 3 percentage points, meaning the results could vary in either direction by that much.

The results measured how voters felt at the time of the survey. Those feelings may change: In 2016, one in eight Americans said they made their presidential pick in the week before Election Day, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.
The wave of support for Democrats may unseat Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, a Republican former presidential candidate who became popular in conservative circles for taking on unions.
Walker trailed Democratic state schools superintendent Tony Evers by 7 percentage points.
In the Ohio governor's race, Republican Mike DeWine fared better. DeWine, the state's attorney general, held a 1 point edge over Democrat Richard Cordray, who is also seeking to succeed Governor John Kasich, a Trump critic.
Elsewhere, the poll found Democratic candidates on solid footing.

In Pennsylvania, U.S. Senator Bob Casey Jr., a Democrat, led Republican congressman Lou Barletta by 16 points, and in the governor's race incumbent Democrat Tom Wolf was ahead of Republican Scott Wagner by 17 points.
In Michigan, U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, a Democrat, led Republican challenger John James by 20 points, while Democrat Gretchen Whitmer was ahead of Republican Bill Schuette by 13 points in the governor's race.
In Ohio, incumbent U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown led Republican Jim Renacci by 11 points.

McConnell will have to dole out a lot of that Russian real Estate money to try and save some of these,,,he managed to do it last time...but don't think he can do it this time.....way to much hate for trump....well except for a few retards on here
Indiana being tough because they probably found out 2bi's biz is 3fold...as for Kansas the only thing to do is "flush" the entire state
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Those were their opinions, and they amounted to what? Everyone's entitled to their own opinions ... its the FACTS that they aren't entitled to fabricate. Did they hold up any Republican SCOTUS nominees, refusing to interview or process a Republican nominee for consideration? I don't recall that they did.
At any rate, Republicans refuse to allow investigation into the latest charges of Kavenaugh ... made by 2 separate individuals. They refuse to listen to witnesses of these individuals. They refuse to subpoena Kavenaugh's roommate.
Why should anyone trust anything Trump has anything to do with ... what's the count on his documented lies since taking office ... 4,100 or something like that? Why the RUSH to push Kavenaugh into the SCOTUS ... Trump will still be president after the elections.
I think you know why!
Oh and ...
...................View attachment 2121395

And I just saw on the TV News that there's another lady who has provided a Signed Declaration concerning the antics of Mr. Kavenaugh. Those reported antics are not very complimentary to him especially in light of the "choir boy" image he has attempted to sell and portray himself to be!
Niki haley says the UN laughing at Trump was a sign of respect....she has to be the only one on the planet that sees it that way

Hadn't you noticed the new set of Rose Coloured Glasses she's been wearing lately!
BTW, her glasses came with a Satisfaction Guarantee to convert any Truth to an Alternate Fact!
well I guess us Dems really have to watch out now
saw on the DDOS thread....stiffbbc ...well I took it anyway....was implying there are trump and p u t I n haters on the political thread.....did that mean one of us is responsible for the site going down the other day...….just like a trumpie….
Well was going to post a video, a Woman raped by Clinton smokes Kavanahs accusers and compares their "evidence" (or lack of) to what she had back then. - but YouTube took it down - imagine that.

Got re posted!
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