Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Oh the delicious irony...getting to use Ginsburg's own words against the Democrat Party Senator's trying to derail her replacement on the court....even better given Ginsburg couldn't be bothered to follow her own "rule"

you HAVE been mind fucked....yes there is irony there...Ginsberg fought for women's rights....health care......the needy and against big government

the first thing your gal is going to do is help get rid of health care...….then more of women's right with abortion....one fought for women....the other fights for trump....the rest of the irony would be Ginsberg did not want to be replaced by trump!
Mmmm election near and republicans trying to get off a sinking ship?

Sen. Sasse Slams Trump In Constituent Call: He's 'Flirted With White Supremacists'

Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska excoriated President Trump in a telephone town hall with constituents on Wednesday, saying the president badly mishandled the coronavirus pandemic, mistreats women, and cozies up to dictators.

"I'm not at all apologetic for having fought for my values against his in places where I think his are deficient, not just for a Republican but for an American," Sasse said...……………………..Bullshit...bullshit...bullshit

The way he kisses dictators' butts, I mean, the way he ignores that the Uighurs are in literal concentration camps in Xinjiang right now. He hasn't lifted a finger on behalf of the Hong-Kongers," Sasse said in audio obtained and published by the Washington Examiner.
James Wegmann, Sasse's communications director, tweeted that the call came from one of the senator's "regular telephone town halls with Nebraska voters" and underscored the importance of the Senate races.

As Trump’s Language Grows More Heated, Fears Rise of Political Violence

The arrest of more than a dozen right-wing extremists who are accused of targeting the governors of Michigan and Virginia is only the latest example of threats of violence, in some cases egged on by President Trump, that loom over the final weeks of a historically divisive race.

In rural Iowa, Laura Hubka, the Democratic chair of Howard County, recently took out a concealed-carry gun permit after signs for Democratic candidates in her region were vandalized with bullet holes and she was personally threatened, she said.

In central Wisconsin, Tom Stepanek’s wife sat him down last month at the kitchen table and warned him that the president might not accept a peaceful transfer of power if he lost in November. “Are you sure you want to be doing this?” she asked her husband, who is the chair of the Waushara County Democrats and had also been threatened. “You’re going to be a target here,” she told him.

In Pennsylvania, Elizabeth Burdick, a Trump supporter who owns a gun store with her husband in red-hued Mercer County, said, “Sales have been crazy.”

White supremacist pleads guilty in plot to blow up Colorado synagogue

DENVER (Reuters) - A self-described white supremacist pleaded guilty on Thursday to federal hate crime and explosive charges for a botched plot to blow up a historic Colorado synagogue last year, prosecutors said on Thursday

Richard Holzer, 28, who was arrested in November following an undercover FBI sting, admitted to planning to bomb the Temple Emanuel synagogue in Pueblo, Colorado, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said in a statement.

Holzer, who lived in Pueblo, pleaded guilty to one count of attempting to obstruct religious services by *******, and to one count of trying to destroy a building used in interstate commerce, according to a plea agreement filed in U.S. District Court in Denver.

The temple, built in 1900, is the second oldest synagogue in Colorado and is on the National Register of Historic Places.

you must have a problem with comprehension....I don't like either one
She does. Also its funny how anyone who dare to say anything against Russia's BS is xenophobic. Yet two of the biggest xenophobic countries on the planet are China and Russia.

Xenophobia Is Still On the Rise in Russia – Poll​

Andrei Lyubimov / Moskva News Agency
Anti-migrant attitudes have risen for a second consecutive year in Russia, according to a new independent survey’s results that experts link to the country’s economic woes.

The Levada Center’s findings come as research has shown a decade-high surge in migration to Russia in the early months of 2019. At the same time, real incomes continue to stagnate in the country after five years of Western sanctions and falling oil prices.

Seventy-two percent of respondents said Russia should limit migration, Levada said Wednesday, up from both 2018 and 2017.
“Poverty worries the population more than two to three years ago, so [anti-migrant] attitudes are aggravated through the search for scapegoats,” Levada sociologist Karina Pipiya was quoted as saying by the Vedomosti business daily.

The same percentage of respondents (72%) said they would like to limit labor migration in particular, and 64% said they felt that jobs typically held by migrants could be done by their relatives or other people they know.

“When people start to ‘think politically,’ threats appear in their heads and they become more xenophobic,” Alexander Verkhovsky, the head of the SOVA Center which tracks nationalism and xenophobia in Russia, told Vedomosti.
The survey said that half of respondents supported the “Russia for Russians” slogan, up from 19% last year and 10% in 2017.

Her hypocrisy is staggering. Then again!
Trump again upends stimulus strategy, complaining Mnuchin hasn’t ‘come home with the bacon’

President Trump called Thursday for even more stimulus spending than the $1.8 trillion proposed by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in his talks with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, injecting yet more chaos into the unruly negotiations as the election nears.

“I would take more. I would go higher,” Trump said in an interview on Fox Business Network, repeating his directive from earlier in the week to “Go big or go home

Trump said he’s communicated his views to Mnuchin.
“I’ve told him. So far he hasn’t come home with the bacon," the president said.

Trump’s latest comments illustrate the fluid and disorganized state of affairs in the stimulus talks at a time when the economic recovery appears to be stalling less than three weeks from the election.

Mnuchin and Pelosi (D-Cailf.) have negotiated for days even though Trump keeps changing what he is willing to offer, often in Twitter posts or media interviews. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), meanwhile, is distancing himself and Republican senators from the White House’s rapidly growing spending package and attempting to advance a smaller-scale, $500 billion plan next week.

I’m proposing what we think is appropriate,” McConnell told reporters in Kentucky Thursday when asked about Trump’s “Go big” insistence. “I’m putting on the floor what we think is appropriate to tackle this disease at this point.”
As for the higher numbers entertained by the administration, McConnell said: “That’s where the administration’s willing to go. My members think what we laid out, a half a trillion dollars, highly targeted, is the best way to go.”

Trump seemed unaware of or indifferent to the GOP objections to big new spending.
“The Republicans are very willing to do it,” Trump said, insisting that Pelosi is standing in the way and “she’s got a lot of mental problems.”

“Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want to give anything. She thinks it helps her with the election. … We’re not holding it up. She’s holding it up,” Trump said.

Trump added that Pelosi is “asking for all sorts of goodies - she wants to bail out badly run Democrat states and cities ... She wants money for things you could -- your pride couldn’t let it happen."
For her part Pelosi criticized the administration’s approach, saying they don’t recognize real needs, including state and local governments that have seen tax revenues plummet and face the prospect of mass layoffs, with hundreds of thousands of workers already losing their jobs.

This is about a pandemic in case you haven’t noticed. This is about a pandemic where we are trying to compensate the states for the money that they spent on the pandemic and the revenue that they lost,” Pelosi said Wednesday night on MSNBC. “That’s one thing that the president, they’ve all just ignored. The president said, ‘I’m not paying blue states,’ all that stuff. They haven’t taken this seriously.”

Amid the dissonant messages, Mnuchin appeared to be moving in Pelosi’s direction in their ongoing talks. He said Thursday that the administration was basically prepared to accept language Pelosi has insisted on to establish a national coronavirus testing strategy.
“When I speak to Pelosi today, I’m going to tell her that we’re not going to let the testing issue stand in the way. That we’ll fundamentally agree with their testing language, subject to minor issues," Mnuchin said on CNBC. "This issue is being overblown.”

It was not immediately clear, however, what if anything was being agreed to. Mnuchin and Pelosi had yet to speak, and a Pelosi spokesman said they had not yet heard specifics from the Treasury secretary on what he was agreeing to.
After a huge wave of layoffs in March and April, there has been a noticeable increase in the past few weeks as well following the expiration of a number of federal aid programs. The airline and travel industry has been particularly hard hit, while restaurants and other businesses continue to close around the country.

Congress passed roughly $3 trillion in emergency aid in March and April, but a number of those programs have run their course.
The White House and Democrats have agreed on several different measures to include in a new stimulus plan, including a desire to send another round of $1,200 stimulus checks, more small business aid, and help for the airline industry. They have also sought to extend emergency unemployment insurance, though there have been differences on how to structure such assistance. And a number of other issues remain unresolved, such as corporate liability protections Democrats oppose, money for cities and states, and baby care.

Defending his call for higher spending, Trump repeatedly asserted without evidence or explanation that China would pay for the nearly $2 trillion stimulus package. "I'd like to see more money -- because it comes back,” Trump said. “We're going to take it from China. I'll tell you right now: It's coming out of China."
The president has repeatedly made false claims about foreign nations paying for domestic spending projects, for instance claiming that Mexico would fund construction of a border wall along the southern U.S.

Well, he does have a track record.
And, wouldn't the equivalent be DON JR since this is Hunter and Hunter is not running for President or working in the White House?
See how simply you are duped? You're running around like this is Joe.
Ed the problem is the New York Post article which by the way has been censored completely on Twitter and Facebook ties Joe to Influence peddling facilitated by his ******* Hunter. It even mentions in the emails or texts that Hunter had to give his ******* half his salary. Don’t know what to think - however - if it’s true doesn’t look good for Uncle Joe.
Ed the problem is the New York Post article which by the way has been censored completely on Twitter and Facebook ties Joe to Influence peddling facilitated by his ******* Hunter. It even mentions in the emails or texts that Hunter had to give his ******* half his salary. Don’t know what to think - however - if it’s true doesn’t look good for Uncle Joe.

again.....even if it is true...doubt it...but lets say it is...….. you republicans need something to believe in.....but what is amazing is your double standards...….trump and family are now richer since he became president...how is that...his whole family has biz ties all over the world....and making even more since daddy became pres....I have posted this several times...but you right wingers are not interested in anything bad about trump n company....just something to justify your dislike for biden

Trump Family Has Gotten Much Richer Since President Moved ...

Jun 14, 2018 · U.S. Trump family Donald Trump Ivanka Trump Jared Kushner President Donald Trump's family appears to have grown richer since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump

Trump Continues To Use The Presidency To Enrich Himself ...

Sep 07, 2019 · Trump Continues To Use The Presidency To Enrich Himself And His Family For Donald Trump, the Presidency has been nothing but a get richer quick scam. ... a candidate for office, Donald Trump

Just thought I would throw this in to show just what trump IS doing for the country

American billionaire wealth has grown since Trump became ...

Since President Donald Trump took his seat in the Oval Office in 2017, America's billionaires have become 10.6% richer. That's according to the left-leaning Institute for Policy Studies'...5 (5).jpg
Oh the delicious irony...getting to use Ginsburg's own words against the Democrat Party Senator's trying to derail her replacement on the court....even better given Ginsburg couldn't be bothered to follow her own "rule"

Dems are gonna stack the courts. Because clearly the Republicans will the second they get the chance, they have no adherence to principle.
Ed the problem is the New York Post article which by the way has been censored completely on Twitter and Facebook ties Joe to Influence peddling facilitated by his ******* Hunter. It even mentions in the emails or texts that Hunter had to give his ******* half his salary. Don’t know what to think - however - if it’s true doesn’t look good for Uncle Joe.

The only source is a blind confused Trump supporter who changed his story 5 times in a single interview.

The story is getting demoted on social media because it's probably wholesale bullshit
again.....even if it is true...doubt it...but lets say it is...….. you republicans need something to believe in.....but what is amazing is your double standards...….trump and family are now richer since he became president...how is that...his whole family has biz ties all over the world....and making even more since daddy became pres....I have posted this several times...but you right wingers are not interested in anything bad about trump n company....just something to justify your dislike for biden

Trump Family Has Gotten Much Richer Since President Moved ...

Jun 14, 2018 · U.S. Trump family Donald Trump Ivanka Trump Jared Kushner President Donald Trump's family appears to have grown richer since he entered the White House. The wealth is coming in because Trump

Trump Continues To Use The Presidency To Enrich Himself ...

Sep 07, 2019 · Trump Continues To Use The Presidency To Enrich Himself And His Family For Donald Trump, the Presidency has been nothing but a get richer quick scam. ... a candidate for office, Donald Trump

Just thought I would throw this in to show just what trump IS doing for the country

American billionaire wealth has grown since Trump became ...

Since President Donald Trump took his seat in the Oval Office in 2017, America's billionaires have become 10.6% richer. That's according to the left-leaning Institute for Policy Studies'...View attachment 3667050

Deflection - not talking about President Trump.
All you radical Dems want to do is turn things on to President Trump.
We are talking about Joe Biden selling influence through his ******* Hunter.
Deflection - not talking about President Trump.
All you radical Dems want to do is turn things on to President Trump.
We are talking about Joe Biden selling influence through his ******* Hunter.

Ohhhh now I see......no problem with trump doing it and more...….but his opponent can have none of it....you don't see a double standard there?

double standard

a rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people
or groups.
"the prolonged consideration of the issue represented a double standard"

what ever you do....do not admit that your college degree came from Trump University1a.gif
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Ed the problem is the New York Post article which by the way has been censored completely on Twitter and Facebook ties Joe to Influence peddling facilitated by his ******* Hunter. It even mentions in the emails or texts that Hunter had to give his ******* half his salary. Don’t know what to think - however - if it’s true doesn’t look good for Uncle Joe.
As has been said. NY Post is not some run of the mill media outlet. But that isn't any way near the point. Biased ass Twitter and Facebook. There were so many unconfirmed reports about the Russia lies but they let it go. I'm telling you it's pathetic you libs don't see through this! This is our country not theirs! You guys want to give it to them!
about fucking time...…..

YouTube cracks down on QAnon, banning conspiracy content ...

YouTube, the video service of Google parent Alphabet Inc, said on Thursday it was banning content that targets an individual or a group using conspiracy theories such as QAnon or pizzagate that …

YouTube cracks down on QAnon content targeting individuals ...

11 hours ago · YouTube is cracking down on conspiracy theories pushed out by believers in the QAnon movement. The Google-owned video platform announced Thursday that it will be banning cospiracy theory content th…
8th man arrested in alleged plot to ******* Michigan governor

An eighth individual has been arrested and charged for his alleged role in the foiled attempt to ******* Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, authorities said Thursday.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced that Brian Higgins, 51, of Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, has been charged with material support of an act of terrorism, a felony that carries up to a 20-year sentence.

Trump administration blocks California wildfire relief

The Trump administration has rejected California's request for disaster relief funds aimed at cleaning up the damage from six recent fires across the state, including Los Angeles County’s Bobcat fire, San Bernardino County’s El Dorado fire, and the Creek fire, one of the largest that continues to burn in Fresno and Madera counties

republicans win at all cost...…..it is the republican standard....facts be damned...if they can't lie...they can't win

Republicans widen counterattack on Facebook and Twitter

The GOP fury at Facebook's and Twitter's handling of unproven allegations against Democratic hopeful Joe Biden morphed Thursday into a broad assault on the online industry's most-cherished legal protections — drawing even some once-skeptical Republicans to back President Donald Trump's crusade against Silicon Valley.

The two social networks refused to back down from their decisions Wednesday to limit the spread of a disputed New York Post story about the Biden family, a decision that drew praise from some past critics of the industry's handling of misinformation. Twitter even locked the account of Trump's reelection campaign for a few hours Thursday for posting a video related to the article.

Twitter Changes Course After Republicans Claim ‘Election Interference’

SAN FRANCISCO — President Trump called Facebook and Twitter “terrible” and “a monster” and said he would go after them. Senators Ted Cruz and Marsha Blackburn said they would subpoena the chief executives of the companies for their actions. And on Fox News, prominent conservative hosts blasted the social media platforms as “monopolies” and accused them of “censorship” and election interference.

On Thursday, simmering discontent among Republicans over the power that Facebook and Twitter wield over public discourse erupted into open acrimony. Republicans slammed the companies and baited them a day after the sites limited or blocked the distribution of an unsubstantiated New York Post article about Hunter Biden, the ******* of the Democratic presidential nominee, Joseph R. Biden Jr.

For a while, Twitter doubled down. It locked the personal account of Kayleigh McEnany, the White House press secretary, late Wednesday after she posted the article, and on Thursday it briefly blocked a link to a House Judiciary Committee webpage. The Trump campaign said Twitter had also locked its official account after it tried promoting the article. Twitter then prohibited the spread of a different New York Post article about the Bidens.
But late Thursday, under pressure, Twitter said it was changing the policy that it had used to block the New York Post article and would now allow similar content to be shared, along with a label to provide context about the source of the information. Twitter said it was concerned that the earlier policy was leading to unintended consequences.

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