Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Ole Uncle Joe has taken being a career do nothing politician to a new level! 180 years in the Senate? You guys can't believe he's competent. Sorry that was a stupid question. Most Libs hate this country so why not have a mentally ill dude run the show! And that bitch Harris is going to talk Biden into packing the court if they win. I can just hear her "c'mon Joe fuck em. Lets's do it." "I'll let you smell my hair." Done deal.

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Facebook and Twitter blocking the Post story about Biden. Webster just changed the definition of sexual preference to mean "offensive" after Barrett was told by the POS Senator Hirono sexual preference is an outdated and offensive term. Things that make you go Hmmmm!!

that Mmmm you hear is your brain trying to engage before your mouth shoots off.....just more of those Russians trying to start a fire where they have nothing
Not sure the highest level of clearance a contractor can get. Just a guess on my part.

You're not sure of a lot. But you're willing to give the benefit of the doubt to people convicted of fraud because you think they're on your team!

(dude was not a contractor, he's a half-blind Trump supporter and nobody has been able to verify an ounce of this story)
Hunter and Joe are both arrogant and stupid . I believe he would drop off his computer to get it fixed. Why shouldn’t he you idiots won’t believe ANYFUCKINGTHING wrong that they do - NO everything is our President’s fault - you Dems are sooooooo laughable.

According to the story some mysterious person dropped off several laptops, then never came back for them. They decided one was Hunter's because it had a Biden sticker on it, lol.

Also how many computer techs do you know that will read through your e-mails when you ask them to fix a computer?
Oh! So I guess Facebook and Twitter have blocked stories that aren't substantiated or anonymous all along? It's called LIBERAL CENSORSHIP!

President Trump told Americans on Tuesday not to believe what they see and hear in the news but to trust him instead. In his most Orwellian remarks to date, President Donald Trump on Tuesday exhorted Americans to disbelieve what they see and read from the media about his administration and instead turn to him for a true picture of reality.

Trump Tells American To Ignore Reality And Only Listen To Him

one more thing trump is trying to take from the American people

Donald Trump Thinks the Freedom of the Press Is ...

Oct 13, 2017 · His administration has also proposed to dramatically limit the right to protest near the White House and on the National Mall. And Trump has made it very clear that he doesn’t stand for the freedom of the press. As a presidential candidate, he told supporters he would “open up our libel laws” to sue journalists.

Donald Trump just issued his most serious threat yet to ...

May 28, 2020 · Matthew Rozsa May 27, 2020 10:59PM (UTC) There is no freedom more important than the right to free speech. So why aren't more conservatives speaking out now that President Donald Trump

Is Trump trying to get rid of freedom of speech? - Quora

Unlike the regimes in Russia or Turkey, Trump recognizes that freedom of the press is also one of the vaunted American freedoms, but he also knows that besmirching the media most capable of exposing the damage being done by his. Continue Reading. There are no signs that Trump is trying to get rid of the first freedom, the freedom of speech. What he is actively trying to do is to tarnish the reputations of …
Oh the delicious irony...getting to use Ginsburg's own words against the Democrat Party Senator's trying to derail her replacement on the court....even better given Ginsburg couldn't be bothered to follow her own "rule"

If this happened to President Trump you Dems would be eating it up and believing every nuance of the story.
Well, he does have a track record.
And, wouldn't the equivalent be DON JR since this is Hunter and Hunter is not running for President or working in the White House?
See how simply you are duped? You're running around like this is Joe.
Not sure the highest level of clearance a contractor can get. Just a guess on my part.
Access to computers and phones that could possibly contain correspondence from the Vice President of the United States while he was Vice President? Very high.
Not a guy with bad eyesight, who won't even say why he called the FBI.
So, anyone see this copy of the hard drive? How did this guy get Rudy Giuliani's phone number. Why would that be an important call?
I have to say. It is so obvious the difference in the speeches between these two parties on the committee. The Dems have nothing but a goal to instill fear. The Republican's provide facts, reasoning, and common sense.
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Project much bro?
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Project much bro?
Ah I was talking about the judicial committee not Trump. But the way the Dems conducted themselves during the hearings is definitely representative of the Dem norm!
Kind of like Obama's un masking....and a few other things...this Banana republic wanna be dicktator want to go to any extreme to put his opponents in jail....for any reason...and you buy into it...

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If you had to rinse your mouth with vinegar every time you are xenophobic towards Russia, you would look like a jar of pickles, so...

By the way you had political levers in every state to contain the virus and it is only the fault of Trump and his administration... I do not mind he is a moron, but people should not be taken for mittens
If you had to rinse your mouth with vinegar every time you are xenophobic towards Russia, you would look like a jar of pickles, so...

By the way you had political levers in every state to contain the virus and it is only the fault of Trump and his administration... I do not mind he is a moron, but people should not be taken for mittens
you must have a problem with comprehension....I don't like either one
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