Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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well the Hitler wanna be...may just pull it off get the whole thing stopped and buried......with the help of the republicans

What happens after Rod Rosenstein? Meet controversial Trump-appointee Noel Francisco expected to oversee Russia probe
Chris Riotta,The Independent

Rod Rosenstein kicked off the week with an unexpected trip to the White House, as his job and the fate of the Russia probe remains in question.
There are reports that Mr Rosenstein has thought about resigning as he "expects t be fired" after an explosive New York Times report alleged he discussed wearing a wire to secretly record Donald Trump and recruiting Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment.
Mr Rosenstein called the report "inaccurate".

His removal would likely make way for Noel Francisco, a conservative appointee of Mr Trump who has advocated for broad executive powers, to oversee the federal investigation into Russia’s impact in the 2016 presidential election.

The solicitor general was confirmed during a 50-47 party-line vote in September of last year, boasting a conservative track-record that includes working in the Justice Department under George W. Bush and serving as a clerk to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

Mr Francisco, tasked with the role of defending the administration’s agenda to the Supreme Court, has fought for broad executive powers under Mr Trump. In one case from June of this year, he defended the president’s ability to fire executive branch officials.

His tenure in conservative politics includes a slew of positions serving Republican interests. In 2000, he worked on Mr Bush’s legal team during the Florida recount, in which the former president won a machine recount after a gruelling 36-day probe.

He also served as a partner at the firm that represented Bob McDonnell, the Virginia governor who successfully had his corruption conviction dropped in 2016 after the Supreme Court vacated his previous convictions.

In 2007, the solicitor general defended Mr Bush’s firing of nine US attorneys while also criticising the use of special counsels to investigate issues impacting "public integrity".

"I don’t think it would be appropriate for the Department of Justice to appoint" a special counsel, he testified at the time. "My own personal belief is that when you hand these issues off to the career prosecutors in the public integrity sections in the US attorneys’ offices in the Department of Justice, those attorneys are generally better able to assess whether a case should be pursued."

The latest New York Times detailing Mr Rosenstein’s alleged comments in May 2017, as well as an anonymous opinion piece by a senior official in the administration, have played to some of the president’s concerns about a secret "Deep State" trying to undermine him from within the government.

The unnamed administration official, whom Mr Trump has called for a federal investigation to unmask, wrote that there was a group of officials working to safeguard the country from the president’s most dangerous impulses. Mr Trump’s behaviour had prompted “whispers” in the Cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, a move that was backed away from due to concerns it would "precipitate a constitutional crisis," the writer said.

In Mr Rosenstein’s case, the deputy attorney general has said that the Times report was inaccurate and based on "biased" anonymous sources "advancing their own personal agenda."

“Based on my personal dealings with the president, there is no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment,” he said.

The Justice Department also released a statement from a person who said Mr Rosenstein’s recording comment was meant sarcastically.

If Mr Rosenstein were to resign instead of being fired, it would allow the White House to use the Vacancies Reform Act to fill his role. The federal provision allows the president to circumvent the existing agency line of succession in most instances. But experts doubt it can be applied when the president creates the vacancy, by firing the officeholder.

As of Sunday, Mr Trump said he had not decided what to do about his deputy attorney general. The president angrily asked confidants, both inside and outside the White House, how to respond. He received mixed messages. Some urged him to fire Mr Rosenstein. Others suggested restraint while seeing if the report was incorrect or if it was planted by some adversary.

Congressional Republicans, Democrats and some presidential aides have warned for months that Mr Trump should not fire Mr Rosenstein, saying such a move could lead to impeachment proceedings if the Democrats retake the House in the upcoming midterms.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whose private memos document comments made by Mr Rosenstein, said Monday he was concerned that a Rosenstein departure would put the investigation at risk.

There is nothing more important to the integrity of law enforcement and the rule of law than protecting the investigation of special counsel Mueller," Mr McCabe said in a statement. "I sacrificed personally and professionally to help put the investigation on a proper course and subsequently made every effort to protect it."

Mr Rosenstein appointed Mr Mueller in May of last year after Jeff Sessions, who ordinarily would have overseen the investigation, recused himself because of his close involvement in the Trump campaign.

During his nomination process to the Justice Department, Mr Francisco suggested he would serve as an "independent" legal counsel under Mr Trump.

"If confirmed, I will provide the President, the White House, and any other entity that I am called upon to advise with candid and independent legal advice," he said.

According to his arguments in several cases under Mr Trump, the solicitor general appears to believe a president has the express right to dismiss any official with powers granted by the executive branch. That could prove a damning stance for someone set to become the nation’s acting deputy attorney general, as Mr Trump reportedly continues to mull over whether he will fire the Special Counsel.

"The president’s constitutional responsibility to faithfully execute the laws requires adequate authority to remove subordinate officers," Mr Francisco told the Supreme Court in February. "The framers understood the close connection between the president’s ability to discharge his responsibilities as head of the executive branch and his control over its personnel. … The president’s ability to execute the law is thus inextricably linked to his authority to hold his subordinates accountable for their conduct."
Things are getting sadder and sadder and people aren't waking up to the realization that the United States is quickly becoming a Banana Republic!
I am N-O-T trying to be an alarmist - - - but for the sake of your country please look around, see what's going on, hear about it on radio and TV, read about current events on line and in print and, if you only believe in 50% of all of it, it should scare the heck out of you!

Unlike what your President stated in a speech on July 24th., Quote:
"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening," Trump said. "Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news."

My God! Please American's "Wake Up!" And Wake Up before it's too late!
The clock is ticking!

Yeah believe all the anonymous sourced news stories by the New York Times and other left leaning news outlets - gimme a break!!!

:frantic: Liberals :frantic:
Yeah believe all the anonymous sourced news stories by the New York Times and other left leaning news outlets - gimme a break!!!

:frantic: Liberals :frantic:
Can't comprehend English, eh, blkdlaur?
So what's your Native Tongue? I promise, I'll arrange to have my post translated so you might
then have a 2% chance of comprehending at least a small portion of what I wrote!

Oh! It's not a comprehension problem? You're totally blind and stone deaf! Too bad!
I must plead ignorance to those problems! I know of no cure for them!

Just for the record, here's a copy and paste of what I had written!
Show me where I made any reference to any specific news media, or type of media.
Please take specific note of my "50%" remark!
MAYBE you would have had better understood if I had used the term "1/2", i.e. 50% = 1/2!

P.S. Here's the repost portion I aforementioned:
"you may find it necessary to give it to a five (5) year old to translate and explain to you".

"..... but for the sake of your country please look around, see what's going on, hear about it on radio and TV, read about current events on line and in print and, if you only believe in 50% of all of it, it should scare the heck out of you!"

Have no fear blkdlaur, I'll not respond to anything you may post, now or in the future! I enjoy corresponding only with people of average or above intelligence! All others I treat with respect, honour and tears! (as well as financially whenas and whereas appropriate)
Can't comprehend English, eh, blkdlaur?
So what's your Native Tongue? I promise, I'll arrange to have my post translated so you might
then have a 2% chance of comprehending at least a small portion of what I wrote!

Oh! It's not a comprehension problem? You're totally blind and stone deaf! Too bad!
I must plead ignorance to those problems! I know of no cure for them!

Just for the record, here's a copy and paste of what I had written!
Show me where I made any reference to any specific news media, or type of media.
Please take specific note of my "50%" remark!
MAYBE you would have had better understood if I had used the term "1/2", i.e. 50% = 1/2!

P.S. Here's the repost portion I aforementioned:
"you may find it necessary to give it to a five (5) year old to translate and explain to you".

"..... but for the sake of your country please look around, see what's going on, hear about it on radio and TV, read about current events on line and in print and, if you only believe in 50% of all of it, it should scare the heck out of you!"

Have no fear blkdlaur, I'll not respond to anything you may post, now or in the future! I enjoy corresponding only with people of average or above intelligence! All others I treat with respect, honour and tears! (as well as financially whenas and whereas appropriate)

Same ole same ole - ALWAYS resort to name calling and insults - sooooooooo sad - really is - and - no - you’ll only respond to people that are like minded and believe in the same bullshite that you do - but that’s ok - tis simply the way of it - bye bye
Don’t delude yourself - refreshing change from nonstop left wing propaganda - why don’t you treat yourself to some uplifting news - if not - your loss
Touching on many levels - thank you

Yeah, I like the response the animals in the van got. Ironic how people will bend over backwards to help dogs and cats, but do nothing but bitch when ch[ldren are supposedly "stuffed in cages" lol. Didn't see any liberals running down to the local ICE facility to offer them A/C and good homes.
Yeah, I like the response the animals in the van got. Ironic how people will bend over backwards to help dogs and cats, but do nothing but bitch when ch[ldren are supposedly "stuffed in cages" lol. Didn't see any liberals running down to the local ICE facility to offer them A/C and good homes.
The children or the dogs & cats? :confused:
I take it everyone saw Trump's UN speech....and the whole world laugh when he started in on how great he was....are we the laughing stock of the world or what?!

but what hell blklump still likes him

oh and I for got 2bi...he worships the guy
the republicans claim a smear campaign and back him to the hilt
and yet
What's irritating is that Republicans don't want to follow their OWN process ... allow the FBI to do a thorough background check, allow the accusers to bring forth witnesses and to subpoena Kavenaugh's roommate. Thing is, the accusers are willing to take a polygraph ... but, not Kavenaugh. Thing is, I can't blame Kavenaugh; if I was in his shoes, accused of the same things, in front of my family, I would lie & deny as well. But, THIS is what Republicans should expect when they try to push another one of Trump's THUGS onto the American citizens through approval instead of following their own background process. A president shouldn't be able to appoint anyone to anything while under investigation, period!
No, they want to RUSH this through the process on a "he said-she said" basis and put the man in the SCOTUS ... typical ReThuglicans. They never fact check anything; that's why we're blessed with the likes of Trump now. For seven years they believed Obama was not a natural born citizen ... even to this day some still deny his citizenship. Trump, however, got the mileage off THAT LIE and is on to bigger and better LIES.
Folks this is FACISM at its BEST ... this is our country under attack. Country OVER Party ...
What's irritating is that Republicans don't want to follow their OWN process ... allow the FBI to do a thorough background check, allow the accusers to bring forth witnesses and to subpoena Kavenaugh's roommate. Thing is, the accusers are willing to take a polygraph ... but, not Kavenaugh. Thing is, I can't blame Kavenaugh; if I was in his shoes, accused of the same things, in front of my family, I would lie & deny as well. But, THIS is what Republicans should expect when they try to push another one of Trump's THUGS onto the American citizens through approval instead of following their own background process. A president shouldn't be able to appoint anyone to anything while under investigation, period!
No, they want to RUSH this through the process on a "he said-she said" basis and put the man in the SCOTUS ... typical ReThuglicans. They never fact check anything; that's why we're blessed with the likes of Trump now. For seven years they believed Obama was not a natural born citizen ... even to this day some still deny his citizenship. Trump, however, got the mileage off THAT LIE and is on to bigger and better LIES.
Folks this is FACISM at its BEST ... this is our country under attack. Country OVER Party ...
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Yes - of course - guilty by accusation - the new Democrat mantra - no presumption of innocence - the timing of all this is soooooooo obvious - with no substantiation - Democratic operative lawyers involved with the alleged victim - the whole thing stinks to high heaven - but you lefties will howl when and if he gets appointed - not really because of this horseshit but just because Kavanaugh is a conservative.
Yes - of course - guilty by accusation - the new Democrat mantra - no presumption of innocence
How can you say that, blkdlaur? That's simply not so. Read what I wrote ... thorough background check, allow witnesses to testify, subpoena Kavenaugh's roommate ... that's the Republican process UNTIL its one of their own, then they deny all that process to hurry his approval through congress. If you recall, Republicans denied Obama's SCOTUS for over 10 months ... they wouldn't even meet with him. What's the RUSH NOW? Trump will still be President after the mid-terms; he'll still have his opportunity to choose his SCOTUS. Could it be because Trump needs a SCOTUS who proclaims that a sitting President can not be charged with a crime? Quit LYING to YOURSELF ... you know the reason.
A president shouldn't be able to appoint anyone to anything while under investigation, period!
You're hypocrisy on this was already demonstrated in post 1748, but since you continue with this, lets go all in on it....we should immediately remove Ginsburg and Bryer from the US Supreme Court since they were placed there under the cloud of the Clinton Whitewater investigation. All of their votes over the last 25 years should be vacated.

Republicans denied Obama's SCOTUS for over 10 months ...
Following the Democrat's Biden & Schumer rule....but as usual with you hypocrisy reigns.

Both Biden and Schumer argued that Bush 41 and Bush 43 shouldn't have any supreme court nominees considered in the last year of their respective terms. Schumer took it even further. He stated 18 months before the end of Bush 43's term that he shouldn't get any more supreme court nominations approved.


I take it everyone saw Trump's UN speech....and the whole world laugh when he started in on how great he was....are we the laughing stock of the world or what?!

but what hell blklump still likes him

oh and I for got 2bi...he worships the guy
And sooooo saaaaadddddd!
But then again how can you feel sad for people who don't know their own ass from holes in the wall?
What's irritating is that Republicans don't want to follow their OWN process ... allow the FBI to do a thorough background check, allow the accusers to bring forth witnesses and to subpoena Kavenaugh's roommate. Thing is, the accusers are willing to take a polygraph ... but, not Kavenaugh. Thing is, I can't blame Kavenaugh; if I was in his shoes, accused of the same things, in front of my family, I would lie & deny as well. But, THIS is what Republicans should expect when they try to push another one of Trump's THUGS onto the American citizens through approval instead of following their own background process. A president shouldn't be able to appoint anyone to anything while under investigation, period!
No, they want to RUSH this through the process on a "he said-she said" basis and put the man in the SCOTUS ... typical ReThuglicans. They never fact check anything; that's why we're blessed with the likes of Trump now. For seven years they believed Obama was not a natural born citizen ... even to this day some still deny his citizenship. Trump, however, got the mileage off THAT LIE and is on to bigger and better LIES.
Folks this is FACISM at its BEST ... this is our country under attack. Country OVER Party ...
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The GOP's rationale is as it has always been, ie, if you can't accept responsibility for your own ineptitudes, or those inepititudes cause you to consistently screw up, blame someone else!
the world was not laughing at trump!

they were laughing at us for having people so stupid and gullible to support his crooked lying ass!

The real reason United Nations laughed at Trump, according to Stephen Colbert
KARMA ALLEN,Good Morning America

President Donald Trump seemed surprised when the United Nations General Assembly audience laughed during his speech on Tuesday, but Stephen Colbert says he knows exactly why it happened.
“Once he made it to the U.N., he jumped right into his favorite talking point: himself,” Colbert, host of “The Late Show,” said Tuesday. “And after explaining to the countries of the world that America would leave them alone, he started picking on them.”
Colbert went on to play a video few clips of Trump’s speech, showing the president as he criticized the leaders of Iran, China and Germany, while complimenting North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.


“He's working the room like an insult comic,” Colbert said. “I can't believe the only guy he praised was Kim Jong Un. Putin is going to be jealous!
“Don't worry Mr. President. They're not laughing at you. They're laughing with each other at you,” he added.
(MORE: Trump 'didn't expect' to get laughed at while speaking at the UN)
The General Assembly audience broke out in laughter near the beginning of Trump's speech as the president touted his accomplishments while appearing to slam past presidents.
"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished almost more than any other administration in the history of our country. So true," Trump said, sparking audible laughter throughout the crowd.
"Didn't expect that reaction, but that's OK," he responded.

"We will never surrender America's sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable global bureaucracy. America is governed by Americans. We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism," he added later.
Colbert called it "the laugh heard around the world" and compared Trump to a wedding guest who hates weddings.

So Trump appeared before the United Nations to reject the premise of nations uniting," Colbert joked.
"Congratulations to Mike and Diane on their wedding," he said in his best Trump impersonation. "We believe the institution of marriage is a sham. We reject the ideology of monogamy. Diane, when Mike gets fat, call me."
Both Biden and Schumer argued that Bush 41 and Bush 43 shouldn't have any supreme court nominees considered in the last year of their respective terms.
Those were their opinions, and they amounted to what? Everyone's entitled to their own opinions ... its the FACTS that they aren't entitled to fabricate. Did they hold up any Republican SCOTUS nominees, refusing to interview or process a Republican nominee for consideration? I don't recall that they did.
At any rate, Republicans refuse to allow investigation into the latest charges of Kavenaugh ... made by 2 separate individuals. They refuse to listen to witnesses of these individuals. They refuse to subpoena Kavenaugh's roommate.
Why should anyone trust anything Trump has anything to do with ... what's the count on his documented lies since taking office ... 4,100 or something like that? Why the RUSH to push Kavenaugh into the SCOTUS ... Trump will still be president after the elections.
I think you know why!
Oh and ...
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