Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Way more acceptable than Trump going to his "I love black people" sermon all the time. You Trumptards are sadly and hopelessly brain dead.
I’m sorry you feel that way. Well not really. It’s ironic I guess that us Trumptards feel the same about you brainwashed liberals.
I’m sorry you feel that way. Well not really. It’s ironic I guess that us Trumptards feel the same about you brainwashed liberals.
At least we don't have to lie to cover up a lie, that covers up another lie, that covered up another lie that was expressed as a FACT.

And to think, Trump & Pence are still trying to convince the middleclass that YES his administration WILL provide a great health care plan, as promised in his first campaign run in 2016, that it will provide for coverage for pre-existing conditions. That a middleclass tax cut is coming IF he is re-elected, even though he didn't fulfill the original promise he made weeks before the 2016 election. You know, the same guy that promised voters that Mexico would pay for a wall between the US & Mexico. Same president that promised to de-nuclearize N Korea & Iran. The same President that was not ONLY going to resolve deficit spending BUT pay off the national debt in 10 years EVEN THOUGH a President's term is 4 years X 2 terms. You know, the President that said the Covid-19 would blow over, back in February when he already knew it was airborne and a serious problem, and NOW promises to have top notch medical access & treatment to all future virus victim .... the SAME treatments he said HE GOT? ... and on, and on, and on, and on ... with the LIES that have polarized the citizens to hate each other, and you Trumptards just keep believing the SOB who has now poisoned & killed many people by ignoring CDC protocols?????

Just keep on BELIEVING Latina .... keep on believing! But I can tell you, you've got a better chance of a Santa Claus visit than Trump fulfilling one of his promises. Remember, this is the same turd dropping that swore Obama was not born in the USA. The same cum wad that had his administration, the day after his inauguration, swearing that there were MORE PEOPLE attending HIS inauguration than attended Obama's even AFTER being provided aerial photographs of the event.

Just keep believing Latina. Afterall, he's only cheated on 3 wives, had over 11,000 lawsuits, gone bankrupt 6 times, cheated hundreds if not thousands of private contractors out of their money for services rendered, gone behind closed doors with our Russian adversaries and shared highly classified materials with them, tried to suppress voting, etc.
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At least we don't have to lie to cover up a lie, that covers up another lie, that covered up another lie that was expressed as a FACT.

And to think, Trump & Pence are still trying to convince the middleclass that YES his administration WILL provide a great health care plan, as promised in his first campaign run in 2016, that it will provide for coverage for pre-existing conditions. That a middleclass tax cut is coming IF he is re-elected, even though he didn't fulfill the original promise he made weeks before the 2016 election. You know, the same guy that promised voters that Mexico would pay for a wall between the US & Mexico. Same president that promised to de-nuclearize N Korea & Iran. The same President that was not ONLY going to resolve deficit spending BUT pay off the national debt in 10 years EVEN THOUGH a President's term is 4 years X 2 terms. You know, the President that said the Covid-19 would blow over, back in February when he already knew it was airborne and a serious problem, and NOW promises to have top notch medical access & treatment to all future virus victim .... the SAME treatments he said HE GOT? ... and on, and on, and on, and on ... with the LIES and you Trumptards keep believing the SOB who has now poisoned many people by ignoring CDC protocols?????

Just keep on BELIEVING Latina .... keep on believing! But I can tell you, you've got a better chance of a Santa Claus visit than Trump fulfilling one of his promises. Remember, this is the same turd dropping that swore Obama was not born in the USA. The same cum wad that had his administration, the day after his inauguration, swearing that there were MORE PEOPLE attending HIS inauguration than attended Obama's even AFTER being provided aerial photographs of the event.

Just keep believing Latina. Afterall, he's only cheated on 3 wives, had over 11,000 lawsuits, gone bankrupt 6 times, cheated hundreds if not thousands of private contractors out of their money for services rendered, gone behind closed doors with our Russian adversaries and shared highly classified materials with them, tried to suppress voting, etc.
They (media) said the VP debate most likely didn't change voters mind. No matter how many times you bash Trump, no matter how many left wing articles King (Sub) of Cut and Paste post it doesn't matter. I have said it before and I will say it again, I would choose Trump over any candidate the Dems have/had to offer. They are way beyond worse than Trump!
White House, Congress continue pressing on economic relief package but Pelosi bristles over Trump approach

The White House sent mixed signals Thursday about the direction of renewed stimulus talks, resulting in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi confronting Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin over who speaks for the president.

The developments occurred two days after President Trump ordered Mnuchin to stop negotiating with Pelosi, only to announce Thursday that talks were back on. Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Democrats were still ready to deal.

According to Pelosi’s spokesman, Mnuchin and Pelosi spoke by phone Thursday afternoon to discuss prospects for a comprehensive economic relief bill when White House communications director Alyssa Farah told reporters at the White House that the administration does not support legislation of that kind.

“We’ve made very clear we want a skinny package" consisting of stimulus checks, an airline bailout and small-business relief, “but not part of a larger package,” Farah said in comments distributed in a White House pool report.
Farah’s comments appeared to contradict what Pelosi had just heard from Mnuchin — which was that Trump supported reaching a more comprehensive deal, Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said.

Bet trump is pissed the Feds in on foiling this

Trump newly criticizes Michigan Gov. Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown on day militia’s plot to ******* her was foiled

President Trump tweeted Thursday night about the “terrible job” that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is doing leading Michigan, the same day that a plot by a militia group to ******* the Democratic leader and attack the state capitol building was stopped and the alleged perpetrators arrested.

Trump, who also remarked on the governor’s lack of “thank you” for action by his Department of Justice and law enforcement, had not commented until evening on Thursday’s arrests of 13 individuals in a militia whose actions some Americans said amounted to domestic terrorism.

“Governor Whitmer of Michigan has done a terrible job. She locked down her state [for COVID-19 protections] for everyone, except her husband’s boating activities,” the president tweeted. “The Federal Government provided tremendous help to the Great People of Michigan. My Justice Department and Federal Law Enforcement announced today that they foiled a dangerous plot against the Governor of Michigan. Rather than say thank you, she calls me a White Supremacist—while Biden and Democrats refuse to condemn Antifa, Anarchists, Looters and Mobs that burn down Democrat run cities...”

He continued: “I do not tolerate ANY extreme violence. Defending ALL Americans, even those who oppose and attack me, is what I will always do as your President! Governor Whitmer—open up your state, open up your schools, and open up your churches!”

Earlier in the day, Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller condemned the governor, who had tied Trump’s race rhetoric to the plot in earlier televised remarks. Miller suggested Whitmer “wakes up everyday with such hatred in her heart” for Trump.

Video: Whitmer slams Trump's rhetoric after kidnapping plot (Reuters - US Video Online)

Whitmer told CNN Thursday night that she’s asked the White House and Republicans in her state to reduce the level of inflammatory rhetoric that she said helped spark the alleged plot.

Whitmer put major restrictions on personal movement throughout the state and on the economy to slow coronavirus cases, although many of those limits have been lifted. The Michigan Supreme Court last week said a 1945 law used as the foundation for many of the governor’s orders is unconstitutional. In April, protesters and militia gathered at the state capitol for a rally, gridlocking the streets to call for Whitmer to lift the stay-at-home order. Michigan has reported 147,000 COVID-19 cases and 7,194 deaths.

still pushing violence.....

Trump says Whitmer didn't say 'thank you' after thwarted kidnapped plot. She did thank law enforcement

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Thursday night slammed Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer for not saying 'thank you' after the federal government charged six people with conspiring to ******* her in an alleged domestic terrorist plot.

Seven additional people are also facing state charges pursuant to Michigan's anti-terrorism act in connection to the alleged plot.

Officials said the men arrested have ties to a far-right militia group, who were unhappy, in part, about Whitmer's COVID-19 restrictions, and called her a "tyrant."

Whitmer "has done a terrible job. She locked down her state for everyone, except her husband’s boating activities. The Federal Government provided tremendous help to the Great People of Michigan," Trump tweeted.

He continued, "My Justice Department and Federal Law Enforcement announced" they "foiled a dangerous plot" against Whitmer and "Rather than say thank you, she calls me a White Supremacist.

In remarks Thursday during a news conference, Whitmer did thank law enforcement and prosecutors for thwarting the plot and pursuing criminal charges "to bring these sick and depraved men to justice."

She criticized the president by saying he has not done enough to condemn hate groups "like these two Michigan militia groups" in the country and accused him of "stoking distrust," "fomenting anger" and emboldening groups who "spread fear and hatred and division."

Men charged in plot to ******* Gov. Whitmer spotted in photo at Capitol gun rally
Officials say the 13 men arrested this week in the kidnapping plot are all members or acquaintances of the Wolverine Watchmen militia group. In addition, all have been tied to a larger scheme — attempting to foment a civil war — according to investigators.

Members of the group had discussed storming the Capitol Building to ******* Whitmer and other would-be hostages, considered shooting up Whitmer’s home, discussed setting off a bomb to divert police away from the kidnapping, according to officials, who also said the men tested an explosive and begun training to achieve those ends.

a woman wearing a costume: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer speaks at a campaign stop for Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., at the Detroit Pistons practice facility in Detroit, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2020. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya) ORG XMIT: MIPS118

During the news conference, Whitmer who often clashes with Trump, resurfaced the president's comments during the first presidential debate when Trump told the Proud Boys group to "stand back and stand by."

"Hate groups heard the president's words not as a rebuke but as a rallying cry, as a call to action," Whitmer said.

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Michigan kidnapping plot, like so many other extremist crimes, foreshadowed on social media

In June, one of the suspects in the plot to ******* Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer took to the relative privacy of a Facebook group to make clear his brewing hatred. Adam Fox called Whitmer a “tyrant bitch,” according to an FBI affidavit, and declared, “I don’t know boys, we gotta do something… give me some ideas of what we can do. ”

Such online declarations, brimming with anger and potentially violent intent, have become staples of extremism-fueled crime news in recent years, from police killings to synagogue massacres to bombing plots. Before they become real, they percolate online, courtesy of a social media ecosystem that is ubiquitous, barely moderated and well suited to helping aggrieved people find each other.

Fox and other suspects in the plot to ******* Whitmer (D) left a trail on social media that, viewed with the hindsight of Thursday’s announcement of their arrests, looks both troubling and troublingly familiar — a line of rage that flows from online memes to real-world violence that at times has become deadly.

Citing 25th Amendment, Pelosi, Raskin move to create panel that could rule on president’s fitness for office

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (D-Md.) plan to introduce legislation Friday that would create a commission to “help ensure effective and uninterrupted leadership” in the presidency.

The panel would be called the Commission on Presidential Capacity to Discharge the Powers and Duties of Office, “the body and process called for in the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,” the offices of Pelosi and Raskin said in a statement announcing the move.

trump and his banana republic style of trying to rule a democracy

Trump Lashes Out at His Cabinet With Calls to Indict Political Rivals

WASHINGTON — President Trump berated his own cabinet officers on Thursday for not prosecuting or implicating his political enemies, lashing out even as he announced that he hoped to return to the campaign trail on Saturday just nine days after he tested positive for the coronavirus.

In his first extended public comments since learning he had the virus last week, Mr. Trump went on the offensive not only against his challenger, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., but the Democratic running mate, Senator Kamala Harris, whom he called “a monster” and a “communist.” He balked at participating in his debate next Thursday with Mr. Biden if held remotely as the organizers decided to do out of health concerns.

But Mr. Trump secured a statement from the White House physician clearing him to return to public activities on Saturday and then promptly said he would try to hold a campaign rally in Florida that day, two days earlier than the doctor had originally said was needed to determine whether he was truly out of danger. The president again dismissed the virus, saying, “when you catch it, you get better,” ignoring the more than 212,000 people in the United States who did not get better and died from it.

Thanks to Pence and his lack of answering questions.....every time Trump and company speak...Democratic donations increase

Biden campaign rakes in $12 million on Harris' debate day

Joe Biden's campaign hauled in more than $12 million on Wednesday around the vice presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence, marking another watershed cash day for the already flush Democratic presidential ticket.
afraid of the trump virus

Why Senior Citizens Are Flipping on Trump

He's a 74-year old man who lives in Florida, appeals constantly to the American past and literally promises to send everyone on Medicare a $200 ******* discount card. If there's one group of voters Donald Trump should, in theory, be able to count on, it's senior citizens. And he's trying: “To my favorite people in the world: The seniors!” Trump exclaimed in a video message he tweeted on Thursday.

Last time, it worked. In 2016, exit polls showed that 52 percent of voters ages 65 and older supported Trump. This year, polling suggests they’ve lurched heavily against him. A CNN poll this week showed Trump winning over just 39 percent of the same age group, compared to 60 percent who support Joe Biden — the latest in a series of polls showing seniors breaking in favor of Joe Biden.

What happened? Part of the reason is the coronavirus pandemic, a disruption that has left seniors uniquely vulnerable, and isolated and without any clear plan to bring them back safely into society.

But to Nora Super, the senior director of the Milken Institute’s Center for the Future of Aging, it goes well beyond that.

“Covid set us back, unfortunately, on some of the negative stereotypes about aging,” says Super. “We’ve seen the pervasive ageism in our society, and that has energized older people to say, ‘Hey, I’m not dead yet.’”

how can there be a deep state......trump controls everything that counts...….and by now he knows the country hates him....but nothing we can do
Its another 'more lies than factual Rarely True news media article'. Last time they fact checked RT's own fact checking, it was found to be 80% inaccurate or plainly false, 10% bigging up P.utin and the other 10% blinding the Russian population with flowery BS.
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Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. The higher number reflects the particularly harsh 2017-2018 flu season. Most years, the US death toll from the flu is closer to 34,000 to 43,000. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.

Maybe not an inline rebuttal but this thought crossed my mind. Is 34,000-43,000 lives lost each year to the flu acceptable? Why haven't we been "******" to where masks during the flu season? Why not shut down the country during the flu season? I mean it's what helps keep us from getting Covid and saves lives right? Well except the the 28 year old doctor who died because she wore the same mask for a period of time.

Not ONCE did Pence directly answer any question he was ASKED

I don't agree. He like Harris did the same thing that occurs at every political debate. Deflect, don't answer the question, or just spew out a lie. This debate was no different. Harris is a phony and she showed it. Especially when she tried to change her dialect to gangsta mode when making a statement that was obviously directed to black viewers. PHONY with a capital "P." Although this debate was much better than Trump/Biden.
Wow so much wrong with your assumptions.

First of all learn the difference between the Flu which is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses and SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19,which is a pathogenic virus. Because the occurrence of emerging viral pathogens is less common and less predictable than established pathogens. Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that are common among animals. In rare cases, they are what scientists call zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted from animals to humans

Go learn what and how influenza viruses work and how SAR's-covid 2 works as your constant droning on about the numbers shows you have failed to grasp the simplest idea of how both are different and why SAR's-Covid 2 is more deadly than the flu.

The young doctor died who kept using her PPE's for months. Or so the family claimed. Yet the hospital where she worked denied the claims stating that all medical staff can change PPE's daily. Different story than the one that is being pushed as NO evidence has been found to back the families statement up.
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