Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Like Pence didn't give some whoppers, like on co9vid-19, on pre-existing health care conditions, on health care, China tariffs effectiveness, bs ....
Not ONCE did Pence directly answer any question he was ASKED. Instead he changed topics to talk about what HE wanted to talk about then talked way, way past his allotted time. "Cut his mic, cut his mic, cut his mic .... "

Vice presidential debate: Highlights and fact-checks - The ...

20 hours ago · Vice President Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) appeared in their first and only debate of the 2020 election tonight at the University of Utah.

Fact-checking the 2020 vice presidential debate between ...

5 hours ago · Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic his Democratic challenger, California Sen. Kamala Harris, face off in Salt Lake City Wednesday night for the lone 2020 vice presidential debate

VP debate fact check: Pence echoes Trump falsehoods ...

5 hours ago · VP debate fact check: Pence echoes Trump’s falsehoods and Harris gets tangled in tax policy 4m Separated by plexiglass barriers, Mike Pence …

AP FACT CHECK: Pence echoes Trump misfires in VP debate ...

5 hours ago · AP FACT CHECK: Pence echoes Trump misfires in VP debate. ... Republican Mike Pence and Democrat Kamala Harris turned the only vice presidential debate of 2020 into a …
we had this happen here a couple years ago....trash man just happened to notice a lot of unopened mail in the trash outside a small neighborhood mail facility....dumpster full

N.J. Mail Carrier Arrested For Dumping Mail, Including Ballots

14 hours ago · A mail carrier in Hudson County, New Jersey, has been arrested and charged with mail obstruction after dumping over 1,000 pieces of mail including ballots in a …

New Jersey Mail Carrier Arrested For Throwing Election ...

1 day ago · A New Jersey postal worker was arrested Wednesday for discarding multiple pieces of mail, including election ballots, CBS reported. Over 1,800 pieces of mail were retrieved from dumpsters, 99 of which were ballots, according to CBS.
the trump virus just killing and hospitalizing them faster than we have hospitals to take care of them

Wisconsin opens field hospital outside Milwaukee to handle ...

11 hours ago · After hospitalizations for Covid-19 nearly tripled over the past month, straining Wisconsin’s healthcare system, Governor Tony Evers has announced the state will open a field hospital outside Milwaukee to handle the surge. Speaking alongside health officials on Wednesday, Evers announced the field

Wisconsin to Open Field Hospital as COVID-19 ...

13 hours ago · (Reuters) - Wisconsin will open a field hospital outside of Milwaukee to handle a surge in COVID-19 cases that have overwhelmed hospitals across the state, Governor Tony Evers said on

Wisconsin Supreme Court, on primary eve, blocks governor’s ...

Apr 06, 2020 · The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Monday afternoon shot down a last-minute election-eve push by the state’s governor to suspend in-person voting for the state's scheduled Tuesday primary due to …

Federal appeals court upholds GOP-enacted voting ...

Jun 30, 2020 · MADISON, Wis. — A federal appeals court panel upheld a host of Republican-authored voting restrictions in Wisconsin on Monday, handing conservatives a significant win …
how in the fuck did this happen?
must have been some of trump's buddies.....

Derek Chauvin Is Released On $1 Million Bail Bond : Live ...

14 hours ago · Derek Chauvin was released from jail Thursday after posting a $1 million bond. The former Minneapolis police officer faces charges of ******* and manslaughter in …

Derek Chauvin, ex-officer charged with ******* in George ...​

Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer charged in the killing of George Floyd, was released on a million dollar bond Wednesday. Chauvin, 44, is facing ******* and manslaughter charges ...
this guy determined to jail his enemies and get rid of anyone who does not do what he wants

Trump swipes at Barr, Pompeo, Wray in return to Russia investigation, Clinton emails

President Trump on Thursday swiped at two of his most loyal Cabinet members and his FBI director in a phone interview with Fox Business as he worked himself into a rage over the Russia investigation and the 2016 election.

Like Pence didn't give some whoppers, like on co9vid-19, on pre-existing health care conditions, on health care, China tariffs effectiveness, bs ....
Not ONCE did Pence directly answer any question he was ASKED. Instead he changed topics to talk about what HE wanted to talk about then talked way, way past his allotted time. "Cut his mic, cut his mic, cut his mic .... "
Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. The higher number reflects the particularly harsh 2017-2018 flu season. Most years, the US death toll from the flu is closer to 34,000 to 43,000. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.

Maybe not an inline rebuttal but this thought crossed my mind. Is 34,000-43,000 lives lost each year to the flu acceptable? Why haven't we been "******" to where masks during the flu season? Why not shut down the country during the flu season? I mean it's what helps keep us from getting Covid and saves lives right? Well except the the 28 year old doctor who died because she wore the same mask for a period of time.

I'm thinking deduct the deaths that were falsely attributed to Covid so the hospitals get government funding. You know the ones I'm talking about. People days or weeks from dying by cancer and other terminal diseases miraculously died from Covid. Yeah right! The 210,000 deaths is no way accurate IMO. Deduct the false reporting and Covid is not much worse than the typical flu.

Not ONCE did Pence directly answer any question he was ASKED

I don't agree. He like Harris did the same thing that occurs at every political debate. Deflect, don't answer the question, or just spew out a lie. This debate was no different. Harris is a phony and she showed it. Especially when she tried to change her dialect to gangsta mode when making a statement that was obviously directed to black viewers. PHONY with a capital "P." Although this debate was much better than Trump/Biden.
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Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. The higher number reflects the particularly harsh 2017-2018 flu season. Most years, the US death toll from the flu is closer to 34,000 to 43,000. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.

Maybe not an inline rebuttal but this thought crossed my mind. Is 34,000-43,000 lives lost each year to the flu acceptable? Why haven't we been "******" to where masks during the flu season? Why not shut down the country during the flu season? I mean it's what helps keep us from getting Covid right? Well except the the 28 year old doctor who died because she wore the same mask for a period of time.

I'm thinking deduct the deaths that were falsely attributed to Covid so the hospitals get government funding. You know the ones I'm talking about. People days or weeks from dying by cancer and other terminal diseases miraculously died from Covid. Yeah right! The 210,000 deaths is no way accurate IMO. Deduct the false reporting and Covid is not much worse than the typical flu.

I Not ONCE did Pence directly answer any question he was ASKED

I don't agree. He like Harris did the same thing that occurs at every political debate. Deflect, don't answer the question, or just spew out a lie. This debate was no different. Harris is a phony and she showed it. Especially when she tried to change her dialect to gangsta mode when making a statement that was obviously directed to black viewers. PHONY with a capital "P." Although this debate was much better than Trump/Biden.
Are you seriously this stupid?
Yes, you are. You are trying to debate science with Trumpisms. You're a baby playing with a loaded gun and angry Rattler.

There is a vaccine for the flu. You can get a flu shot at Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aide, any doctors office or shady clinic.
That's why it's not a pandemic. Between the flu shot, and natural immunity as well as different over the counter medications to suppress the symptoms to the death rate being a percentage of 0.1%, like
Covid has a higher rate of transmission from person to person. Zero immunity (in spite of the dumb ******* the president said), zero vaccines, no general management of symptoms from person to person. And, it a superfast. So it has a death rate of about 0.8
Eight times the flu- with no defense except lessening your chance of catching it (by wearing a face mask and socially distancing yourselves).

So racist, "gangsta" talk is 'black' talk?
Politically you're still being stupid. That vote is locked up. Trump will never get the black vote. But, that gangsta vote, it's already his.
Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. The higher number reflects the particularly harsh 2017-2018 flu season. Most years, the US death toll from the flu is closer to 34,000 to 43,000. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.
We are six months into Covid- not six years. 212,000 dead. Not over a 10 year spread. Six months in the United States alone. That's .5 years.
Are you seriously this stupid?
Yes, you are. You are trying to debate science with Trumpisms. You're a baby playing with a loaded gun and angry Rattler.

There is a vaccine for the flu. You can get a flu shot at Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aide, any doctors office or shady clinic.
That's why it's not a pandemic. Between the flu shot, and natural immunity as well as different over the counter medications to suppress the symptoms to the death rate being a percentage of 0.1%, like
Covid has a higher rate of transmission from person to person. Zero immunity (in spite of the dumb ******* the president said), zero vaccines, no general management of symptoms from person to person. And, it a superfast. So it has a death rate of about 0.8
Eight times the flu- with no defense except lessening your chance of catching it (by wearing a face mask and socially distancing yourselves).

So racist, "gangsta" talk is 'black' talk?
Politically you're still being stupid. That vote is locked up. Trump will never get the black vote. But, that gangsta vote, it's already his.
As usual you don't have the ability to understand that not everything someone says or writes is literal. You know WTF I'm talking about. Yeah she is white but this is a perfect example of a phony! Listen to the difference in her speak when she's talking to him opposed to her mom.

No *******...There's a flu vaccine? My point is even with a vaccine thousands of people die each year. Flu is contagious the last time I checked. So even with a vacine lets get rid of it by shutting down the economy and masks for everyone. Should help right?
As usual you don't have the ability to understand that not everything someone says or writes is literal. You know WTF I'm talking about. Yeah she is white but this is a perfect example of a phony! Listen to the difference in her speak when she's talking to him opposed to her mom.

No *******...There's a flu vaccine? My point is even with a vaccine thousands of people die each year. Flu is contagious the last time I checked. So even with a vacine lets get rid of it by shutting down the economy and masks for everyone. Should help right?
No, wrong. Wrong conclusion, because you still think science is like some folksy feel good saying. There is NO vaccine for Covid. We are still not sure how to identify in people without symptoms, and we still do not have a way to even manage the symptoms for the general population. Oh, the death rate is like ten times that of the flu.
And if you ever took a peek at other countries like Japan before Covid, people did wear masks. Here in the States, you're told if you're sick with a cold or flu, stay home from work or school.

Please leave the thinking to guys like me. If I need someone to assist a lost crop duster to land on the county road, you're my first call.
As usual you don't have the ability to understand that not everything someone says or writes is literal. You know WTF I'm talking about.
I don't have the ability to decipher your terrible grammar, as you criticize a highly educated woman on her speaking style.

You know George Bush is a Yale and Harvard graduate, who, for high school went to the WASPy Blue ******* school Andover, founded two years after the American Revolution. He and his family are the very definition of East Coast Blue Bloods who came over on the Mayflower. Yet, he talked like a fucking ranch hand from West Texas, and people like you at it up.
We are six months into Covid- not six years. 212,000 dead. Not over a 10 year spread. Six months in the United States alone. That's .5 years.
BTW the flu shots we get is not a vaccine. It's a crap shoot hoping they guess the right strain. A flu shot might prevent you from getting the current strain or might alleviate some of the virus but is no guarantee
I don't have the ability to decipher your terrible grammar, as you criticize a highly educated woman on her speaking style.

You know George Bush is a Yale and Harvard graduate, who, for high school went to the WASPy Blue ******* school Andover, founded two years after the American Revolution. He and his family are the very definition of East Coast Blue Bloods who came over on the Mayflower. Yet, he talked like a fucking ranch hand from West Texas, and people like you at it up.
I'll say it again. You know WTF I'm talking about. I don't deny her education or accomplishments no matter how she achieved them.

Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's pick to be the Democratic Party's vice-presidential nominee, is the ******* of an Indian immigrant mom and a Jamaican immigrant *******. Is she african american? Just curious. So when she goes to the I'm black mode is that acceptable to those of you in the african american community? Or is she a phony poser?
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