Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I'll say it again. You know WTF I'm talking about. I don't deny her education or accomplishments no matter how she achieved them.

Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's pick to be the Democratic Party's vice-presidential nominee, is the ******* of an Indian immigrant mom and a Jamaican immigrant *******. Is she african american? Just curious. So when she goes to the I'm black mode is that acceptable to those of you in the african american community? Or is she a phony poser?
Yes. She is African American. As is Obama. As am I.
She was born in Oakland, raised in the flatlands of Berkley (a black community), mom was a civil rights activists and took her children to rallies and demonstrations. Black neighborhood, back friends, treated black, black high school, black college, black sorority, black car, white husband. Black woman born in America = African American.
What's your problem?
You live in Florida (clearly around whites), there are African Americans who's parents are from Haiti, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Colombia, Brazil, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria etc. What's your problem with them? How should they speak so you are not offended?
Bet trump is pissed the Feds in on foiling this

Trump newly criticizes Michigan Gov. Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdown on day militia’s plot to ******* her was foiled

President Trump tweeted Thursday night about the “terrible job” that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is doing leading Michigan, the same day that a plot by a militia group to ******* the Democratic leader and attack the state capitol building was stopped and the alleged perpetrators arrested.

Trump, who also remarked on the governor’s lack of “thank you” for action by his Department of Justice and law enforcement, had not commented until evening on Thursday’s arrests of 13 individuals in a militia whose actions some Americans said amounted to domestic terrorism.

“Governor Whitmer of Michigan has done a terrible job. She locked down her state [for COVID-19 protections] for everyone, except her husband’s boating activities,” the president tweeted. “The Federal Government provided tremendous help to the Great People of Michigan. My Justice Department and Federal Law Enforcement announced today that they foiled a dangerous plot against the Governor of Michigan. Rather than say thank you, she calls me a White Supremacist—while Biden and Democrats refuse to condemn Antifa, Anarchists, Looters and Mobs that burn down Democrat run cities...”

He continued: “I do not tolerate ANY extreme violence. Defending ALL Americans, even those who oppose and attack me, is what I will always do as your President! Governor Whitmer—open up your state, open up your schools, and open up your churches!”

Earlier in the day, Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller condemned the governor, who had tied Trump’s race rhetoric to the plot in earlier televised remarks. Miller suggested Whitmer “wakes up everyday with such hatred in her heart” for Trump.

Video: Whitmer slams Trump's rhetoric after kidnapping plot (Reuters - US Video Online)

Whitmer told CNN Thursday night that she’s asked the White House and Republicans in her state to reduce the level of inflammatory rhetoric that she said helped spark the alleged plot.

Whitmer put major restrictions on personal movement throughout the state and on the economy to slow coronavirus cases, although many of those limits have been lifted. The Michigan Supreme Court last week said a 1945 law used as the foundation for many of the governor’s orders is unconstitutional. In April, protesters and militia gathered at the state capitol for a rally, gridlocking the streets to call for Whitmer to lift the stay-at-home order. Michigan has reported 147,000 COVID-19 cases and 7,194 deaths.

He's all class folks. all class.
I can't speak for others but NP. It just took a little longer to scroll through to a post other than your BS.! Does anyone really read this *******?
Do you really read at all?
I think you sip out of that mason jar, and look out at the ocean, and come up with your thought of the day.
Michigan kidnapping plot, like so many other extremist crimes, foreshadowed on social media
There is really good news in the story yesterday Sub.
We now know, the FBI and state governments are on top of these groups without informing Barr or Trump personally. Even then the states have their own sources and investigations going on.
Look for arrests across the country Nov 1-2. Proud Boys and Boogaloo Boys are not going to suppress through intimidation, and certainly not during the counting of the ballots.
The FBI is playing this very smart. They are also stopping the Russian influence. More to come.
They (media) said the VP debate most likely didn't change voters mind. No matter how many times you bash Trump, no matter how many left wing articles King (Sub) of Cut and Paste post it doesn't matter. I have said it before and I will say it again, I would choose Trump over any candidate the Dems have/had to offer. They are way beyond worse than Trump!
You speak like a fool. How can anyone be sure how good or bad anyone would be until they actually do the job. I can think of great democratic and republican presidents. Then the obvious some very poor ones of both party's as well. You choose by party not the quality or competence of the person, wake up you're the reason things are so F-#@ed up. People get elected who don't have the ability to do the job.
People are Voting Sadly for the first time Our votes getting counted has become in doubt. Barr has changed voting laws ? I remember when laws could only be changed by congress?The Vote.jpg

Facebook finds pro-Trump group helped make hundreds of accounts to spam comments with attacks on Biden​

Just curious as this is the sixth or seventh notice I've seen like this in recent months. The supporters of Trump seem to be using all the tactics Trump accuses his opponent of. But i haven't seen one such action where Trump was the victim of false information. Are they hiding catching those Biden supporters. They are attempting to verify all social networks because of those pesky Russians. Russians have been caught along with plenty of Americans doing the same thing.
Don't think i don't realize there are ones against Trump I'm sure there are plenty. Are they not being shut off because the content is not false, or fake news as these closed ones were found to be. They were not closed because of support of Trump only the correctness of information posted.
This one was especially interesting because they were a paid firm. Is this the type of jobs Trump bragged about creating.

Facebook finds pro-Trump group helped make hundreds of accounts to spam comments with attacks on Biden​

Just curious as this is the sixth or seventh notice I've seen like this in recent months. The supporters of Trump seem to be using all the tactics Trump accuses his opponent of. But i haven't seen one such action where Trump was the victim of false information. Are they hiding catching those Biden supporters. They are attempting to verify all social networks because of those pesky Russians. Russians have been caught along with plenty of Americans doing the same thing.
Don't think i don't realize there are ones against Trump I'm sure there are plenty. Are they not being shut off because the content is not false, or fake news as these closed ones were found to be. They were not closed because of support of Trump only the correctness of information posted.
This one was especially interesting because they were a paid firm. Is this the type of jobs Trump bragged about creating.
is it really those groups....or are they getting a little help from Russia...I saw where Russia is doing a lot of that also

US Income Inequality Statistics to Know in 2020

Aug 14, 2020 · The US wealth distribution 2020 statistics show that the minimum wage in the District of Columbia was $15 per hour. That’s double the federally mandated minimum. California and Washington came in second and third with rates of $14 and $13.5 per hour, respectively. 24. 8.3% of workers in America have more than one job.

A tale of 2 recessions’: As rich Americans get richer ...

Sep 07, 2020 · 09/07/2020 07:00 AM EDT. The path toward economic recovery in the U.S. has become sharply divided, with wealthier Americans earning and saving at …

and which one do you think trump is looking at when he says economy is strong?

Trends in U.S. income and wealth inequality | Pew Research ...

    • Household incomes are growing again after a lengthy period of stagnation. With periodic …
    • Upper-income households have seen more rapid growth in income in recent decades. The growth in …
    • Income growth has been most rapid for the top 5% of families. Even among higher-income families, …
    • The wealth of American families is currently no higher than its level two decades ago. Other than …

will not go very far for very long...…...how about just committing to better paying jobs with benefits so people are not ****** to buy from Wal Mart...making them AND the Chinese richer.....these fucking handout checks are gone in aweek...need something that lasts

JPMorgan Chase commits $30 billion to help shrink racial ...

JPMorgan Chase commits $30 billion to help shrink racial wealth gap. By Khristopher J. Brooks ... close the yawning wealth gap between people of color and Whites in the U.S. JPMorgan Chase said …

JPMorgan Chase commits $30 billion to tackle racial wealth gap

JPMorgan Chase pledged $30 billion to help ameliorate the racial wealth gap in the U.S. and "reduce systemic racism against Black and Latinx people," the firm announced in a statement Thursday.

sounds good and off to a good START
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Yes. She is African American. As is Obama. As am I.
She was born in Oakland, raised in the flatlands of Berkley (a black community), mom was a civil rights activists and took her children to rallies and demonstrations. Black neighborhood, back friends, treated black, black high school, black college, black sorority, black car, white husband. Black woman born in America = African American.
What's your problem?
You live in Florida (clearly around whites), there are African Americans who's parents are from Haiti, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Colombia, Brazil, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria etc. What's your problem with them? How should they speak so you are not offended?
Man you are a tough one to get through to. I can't believe I'm wasting my time explaining what I meant. But then being a brainwashed liberal victim I understand. It's not the way she should or shouldn't speak. Again you know WTF I'm talking about. She's a phony.
You speak like a fool. How can anyone be sure how good or bad anyone would be until they actually do the job. I can think of great democratic and republican presidents. Then the obvious some very poor ones of both party's as well. You choose by party not the quality or competence of the person, wake up you're the reason things are so F-#@ed up. People get elected who don't have the ability to do the job.
Have you lived in a bubble the past 47 years or how ever long you've been alive? Biden is a career politician who has done nothing.

You choose by party not the quality or competence of the person, wake up you're the reason things are so F-#@ed

See that's the problem with the brainwashed. You automatically assume since I am a Trump supporter I am a bigot, racist, misogynist and all the other left liberal labels you people use to describe us. I voted for Obama. The last time I checked he is a Democrat. That was the first and most likely the last time I will ever vote for such a fucked up party.

At least we don't have to lie to cover up a lie, that covers up another lie, that covered up another lie that was expressed as a FACT.

And to think, Trump & Pence are still trying to convince the middleclass that YES his administration WILL provide a great health care plan, as promised in his first campaign run in 2016, that it will provide for coverage for pre-existing conditions. That a middleclass tax cut is coming IF he is re-elected, even though he didn't fulfill the original promise he made weeks before the 2016 election. You know, the same guy that promised voters that Mexico would pay for a wall between the US & Mexico. Same president that promised to de-nuclearize N Korea & Iran. The same President that was not ONLY going to resolve deficit spending BUT pay off the national debt in 10 years EVEN THOUGH a President's term is 4 years X 2 terms. You know, the President that said the Covid-19 would blow over, back in February when he already knew it was airborne and a serious problem, and NOW promises to have top notch medical access & treatment to all future virus victim .... the SAME treatments he said HE GOT? ... and on, and on, and on, and on ... with the LIES that have polarized the citizens to hate each other, and you Trumptards just keep believing the SOB who has now poisoned & killed many people by ignoring CDC protocols?????

Just keep on BELIEVING Latina .... keep on believing! But I can tell you, you've got a better chance of a Santa Claus visit than Trump fulfilling one of his promises. Remember, this is the same turd dropping that swore Obama was not born in the USA. The same cum wad that had his administration, the day after his inauguration, swearing that there were MORE PEOPLE attending HIS inauguration than attended Obama's even AFTER being provided aerial photographs of the event.

Just keep believing Latina. Afterall, he's only cheated on 3 wives, had over 11,000 lawsuits, gone bankrupt 6 times, cheated hundreds if not thousands of private contractors out of their money for services rendered, gone behind closed doors with our Russian adversaries and shared highly classified materials with them, tried to suppress voting, etc.
I don't know how many times I have to say it. I don't give one fuck about that. All you and other liberals have is Trump bad, Biden good and no substance as to how "they' will make America better.
Ok well I guess you can say free health care, raise taxes on those rich people who made us victims, free education, free housing, increase minimum wages, improve the education system (LMFAO), open borders, sanctuary cities, more benefits for illegals and the same old liberal lies they have spewed at every election for decades!

It sounds exactly what most of that is...A fucking pipe dream. Tell them (the victims) what they want to hear and when we don't come through, as usual, we'll blame it on the Republicans or something else. After all victims who continue to allow themselves to be victimized will understand. In fact I'll bet Biden will make sure victimization will be covered in his health care plan!

You couldn't get a job - Covered under the victim clause
You couldn't get in to the university of your choice - Covered
Police pulled you over after robbing a bank - Covered
Didn't get your way - Covered
But then there's is the fine print **This policy does not cover actual victims ie. your business is looted and burned, Republican (since they are not part of the victim party etc.
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You should check out this "bill of rights" thing we have. The first two amendments spell out exactly why we don't do that.
On a lite note about the first two amendments I thought it was funny what Michael Che said about when they were drafting the bill of rights ..

"If number one is I believe I can say whatever the fuck I want then number two definitely has to be I probably need a gun too."
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