Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I spent my adult life (25 years) in the Army serving and fighting for our democracy.
Now retired I have to "careful" about where I go ( HUGE SPIKE in the alt right white supremacy movement...just ask the MI Governor) and even if I am pulled over by SOME of our "peace" officers.

BOTH GROUPS feel it's ok to threaten and ******* people they do not like. It's now acceptable??

Bullshit! We will not stand by and allow white supremacists to ******* us! It's people like many of you who do not want to:

1. SEE the truth
2. ACCEPT the truth

We are the world leader at condemning terrorism but accept it when it's homegrown? Why is that?

Is it because these terrorists aren't killing white people...yet?

Terrorism and terrorists ARE unacceptable in America 🇺🇸.

Go spread you hate some where else.

Go Biden AND Harris
Aww ole Uncle Joe. At least he admits he is "dumb, has done dumb things, and will continue to do dumb things."

He's a man. We all have. For instance, look at how you fucked your life up. Barely 60, and 3 times married, yet here you are alone in your tidy shack by the sea, still hanging on to the last one that got away. You're one rejection from pulling a Hemingway.
Joe on the other hand, is an accomplished and historical person, who has rallied through personal tragedy to become a pretty great American.
And, to use your words, you know wtf he meant. How old is that video? Most of us voting were not even in middle school yet.
I spent my adult life (25 years) in the Army serving and fighting for our democracy.
Now retired I have to "careful" about where I go ( HUGE SPIKE in the alt right white supremacy movement...just ask the MI Governor) and even if I am pulled over by SOME of our "peace" officers.

BOTH GROUPS feel it's ok to threaten and ******* people they do not like. It's now acceptable??

Bullshit! We will not stand by and allow white supremacists to ******* us! It's people like many of you who do not want to:

1. SEE the truth
2. ACCEPT the truth

We are the world leader at condemning terrorism but accept it when it's homegrown? Why is that?

Is it because these terrorists aren't killing white people...yet?

Terrorism and terrorists ARE unacceptable in America 🇺🇸.

Go spread you hate some where else.

Go Biden AND Harris
Bullshit! We will not stand by and allow white supremacists to ******* us! It's people like many of you who do not want to:

I'm going to guess you get your news from the likes of CNN. Just like many blacks don't support BLM, many whites don't support white supremist groups. But your media will have you believe every white Trump supporter want to as you say "******* us." It's such a shame! Assholes come in every shape, size, religion, and race.

Now retired I have to "careful" about where I go

My ex mom-in-law recently moved to Portland, OR. She was there for just a couple of months before she (hopefully temporary) moved in with family members because it was too dangerous.

1. SEE the truth
2. ACCEPT the truth

You describe what your liberal party and supporters, especially recently, has failed to do!
Liberalology at its finest. Gavin is practicing so if he gets elected as President in 2024 he can do to our beautiful country what he and his idiotic liberals have done to the beautiful state of California.

I look at Republican states (at least they are until Nov 3rd) and wonder why they are at the bottom of the country in education, economics and business development. Fortune 500 companies tend to lean heavily toward Blue States or Democratic ran big cities.
Even in the Red States, the only places where you have some economic opportunity and development are in the blue cities. I'll take California any day of the week over Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee, etc. outside of some of the great Blue cities there like Charleston.

You'd better open your eyes and look at what Trump has done to America. Riots, fires, racial violence, vigilante groups, domestic terrorists, Depression Era type unemployment and a raging pandemic he refuses to get under control. Beautiful.
I don't know how many times I have to say it. I don't give one fuck about that. All you and other liberals have is Trump bad, Biden good and no substance as to how "they' will make America better.
We have Trump's RECORD to judge him on. You don't get more substantive than that. His words are empty.

Ok well I guess you can say free health care, raise taxes on those rich people who made us victims, free education, free housing, increase minimum wages, improve the education system (LMFAO), open borders, sanctuary cities, more benefits for illegals and the same old liberal lies they have spewed at every election for decades!
Who do you mean by "us"? Say what you mean. Don't be a pussy.
What "more" benefits are we advocating for? What do you mean by illegal? Someone seeking asylum, is not illegal.
Who advocates for 'open borders'?
When you have to resort to lying, that means the truth is not on your side.

It sounds exactly what most of that is...A fucking pipe dream. Tell them (the victims) what they want to hear and when we don't come through, as usual, we'll blame it on the Republicans or something else. After all victims who continue to allow themselves to be victimized will understand. In fact I'll bet Biden will make sure victimization will be covered in his health care plan!
Who are the 'victims'?

You couldn't get a job - Covered under the victim clause
You couldn't get in to the university of your choice - Covered
Police pulled you over after robbing a bank - Covered
Didn't get your way - Covered
But then there's is the fine print **This policy does not cover actual victims ie. your business is looted and burned, Republican (since they are not part of the victim party etc.
I think I'm starting to see your point. You have to tell us, who are the victims.
All of the above written by someone who has been dependent on government his entire adult life. You're a special one.
I'm starting to believe you must be a miserable person. If it makes you feel better about yourself by "guessing" what my lifestyle is then more power to you brother! I'm all about making people feel better about themselves what ever it takes.

Always an excuse for the fuck ups like Biden and Harris. The video was old, that was a long time ago, he doesn't say the N word anymore, he's changed, she fucked a married man but OK because Willies wife knew, she had her friend make 16,000 votes disappear when she ran against Dan Cooley because she was losing but hey no biggie and blah, blah, blah! Fucking hypocrites!
I look at Republican states (at least they are until Nov 3rd) and wonder why they are at the bottom of the country in education, economics and business development. Fortune 500 companies tend to lean heavily toward Blue States or Democratic ran big cities.
Even in the Red States, the only places where you have some economic opportunity and development are in the blue cities. I'll take California any day of the week over Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee, etc. outside of some of the great Blue cities there like Charleston.

You'd better open your eyes and look at what Trump has done to America. Riots, fires, racial violence, vigilante groups, domestic terrorists, Depression Era type unemployment and a raging pandemic he refuses to get under control. Beautiful.
There you go again...DEFLECT. California is the poster baby of a liberal run state. Run into the ground comes to mind!
We have Trump's RECORD to judge him on. You don't get more substantive than that. His words are empty.

Who do you mean by "us"? Say what you mean. Don't be a pussy.
What "more" benefits are we advocating for? What do you mean by illegal? Someone seeking asylum, is not illegal.
Who advocates for 'open borders'?
When you have to resort to lying, that means the truth is not on your side.

Who are the 'victims'?

I think I'm starting to see your point. You have to tell us, who are the victims.
All of the above written by someone who has been dependent on government his entire adult life. You're a special one.
Victims - aka Liberal

  • resentful of people who seem happy and successful
  • hopeless about their circumstances never changing
  • frustrated and angry with a world that seems against them
  • placing blame elsewhere
  • making excuses
  • not taking responsibility
  • Other people or circumstances are to blame.
This second video is perfect example of what kind of people are swayed by Russian influence, except you were already baked in on Trumps team. This has been flagged and banned from Twitter as being posted from Russian origin. It's not only clipped and pasted out of context, words are added he never said, as well as entire sentences dubbed over- terribly. 8 likes on Youtube and 1 dislike. 😂😂😂
And not that it matters, but they guy speaking "Joe", is not a light skinned black man. He's white.
But, you saw this, thought it was a great source, and is an example of the kind of ******* you seek out. I'm' happy to be on the other side of your brilliance.
There you go again...DEFLECT. California is the poster baby of a liberal run state. Run into the ground comes to mind!
I LOVE California. Apparently 40,000,000 other people agree with me. More than 12% of all Americans, live in California, not MIssissippi.
Victims - aka Liberal

  • resentful of people who seem happy and successful
White Supremacists?
  • hopeless about their circumstances never changing
  • frustrated and angry with a world that seems against them
Poor angry White men?
  • placing blame elsewhere
Any of the above three.
  • making excuses
President Trump?
  • not taking responsibility
President Trump?
  • Other people or circumstances are to blame.
"Alex, I'll take President Trump or any white supremacist for the win"...s
I LOVE California. Apparently 40,000,000 other people agree with me. More than 12% of all Americans, live in California, not MIssissippi.
Of course they do. Free ******* for everyone except those who have to work to provide it. I love California too. It's a beautiful state. I Lived there most of my life. It's the liberals who have made it one of the ugliest places to live and do business!
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I LOVE California. Apparently 40,000,000 other people agree with me. More than 12% of all Americans, live in California, not MIssissippi.
I have a serious question. Why are you so angry? What happened in your life to make you that way? I really am curious. I know for me God forbid Biden pulls it off I'll still be the same old content, chill, accepting person I have always been and will always be. Life goes on!
I'm starting to believe you must be a miserable person. If it makes you feel better about yourself by "guessing" what my lifestyle is then more power to you brother! I'm all about making people feel better about themselves what ever it takes.
You told us dummy. I'm not guessing. I left the part out about your high school career, daughters mom, ex's problems, life on the west coast for you. I'm just breaking your balls, not trying to push you over the edge. I want you around to continue to see how wrong you are, even your political choices are fucked up.

And, as far as I go, I am actually a pretty happy and easy going person. I like cheap beer, expensive wine and American Whiskey- but Scotch Whisky over Irish Whisky. I've been blessed with somewhat good looks, brains, finally successful business and great respectful children. Cursed from top to bottom by the women though, although I'm doing pretty good now. Winter activities, beach vacations, not beach living. Hemingway over Orwell. Bush I over Bush II. Liberalism over American Conservatism. California over Florida. Woods over Norman. And finally, Memphis BBQ over that North Carolina stuff (sorry @MacNfries ). See? We should hang out, in California.
Always an excuse for the fuck ups like Biden and Harris. The video was old, that was a long time ago, he doesn't say the N word anymore, he's changed, she fucked a married man but OK because Willies wife knew, she had her friend make 16,000 votes disappear when she ran against Dan Cooley because she was losing but hey no biggie and blah, blah, blah! Fucking hypocrites!
He never said it. No need to change. However, the whole country has changed for the better in 50 years.
He voted the right way for nearly 50 years. Good enough.
Willie Brown was separated for 11 years from his wife, when he and Kamala started dating for several years, publicly. Not behind closed doors.
Cooley is still crying about ghost votes. Don't fall for it. She's been elected several times including three times statewide in the biggest state in the Union in tough primaries and and general elections, and has come out on top.
She's earned her support from the people of California to the positions she holds. Just ike or even better than men have because of not only the scrutiny, but the scurrilous rumors she's had to come through as well.
What is it with you and women politicians? Why do you hate so much? Why are you so angry with people? Why do you hate half of America?
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I have a serious question. Why are you so angry? What happened in your life to make you that way? I really am curious. I know for me God forbid Biden pulls it off I'll still be the same old content, chill, accepting person I have always been and will always be. Life goes on!
Projection bro, you're projecting. Google it, and namaste yourself.
You can afford to be chill no matter the outcome of the election.
I see Trump's America. People who look like me, would be damn fools to be chill about extending this presidency. People who give a damn about the American values, would insane to think they could be chill with more of this.
Being angry, and being fired up are two different things.
You are the one who lashes out a liberals and minorities, though you like fucking them, and them fucking your woman, when you have one. You follow and give support to a white supremacist.
You told us dummy. I'm not guessing. I left the part out about your high school career, daughters mom, ex's problems, life on the west coast for you. I'm just breaking your balls, not trying to push you over the edge. I want you around to continue to see how wrong you are, even your political choices are fucked up.

And, as far as I go, I am actually a pretty happy and easy going person. I like cheap beer, expensive wine and American Whiskey- but Scotch Whisky over Irish Whisky. I've been blessed with somewhat good looks, brains, finally successful business and great respectful children. Cursed from top to bottom by the women though. Winter activities, beach vacations, not beach living. Hemingway over Orwell. Bush I over Bush II. Liberalism over American Conservatism. California over Florida. Woods over Norman. And finally, Memphis BBQ over that North Carolina stuff (sorry @MacNfries ). See? We should hang out, in California.

He never said it. No need to change. However, the whole country has changed for the better in 50 years.
He voted the right way for nearly 50 years. Good enough.
Willie Brown was separated for 11 years from his wife, when he and Kamala started dating for several years, publicly. Not behind closed doors.
Cooley is still crying about ghost votes. Don't fall for it. She's been elected several times including three times statewide in the biggest state in the Union in tough primaries and and general elections, and has come out on top.
She's earned her support from the people of California to the positions she holds. Just ike or even better than men have because of not only the scrutiny, but the scurrilous rumors she's had to come through as well.
What is it with you and women politicians? Why do you hate so much? Why are you so angry with people? Why do you hate half of America?
I You told us dummy. I'm not guessing. I left the part out about your high school career, daughters mom, ex's problems, life on the west coast for you. I'm just breaking your balls, not trying to push you over the edge. I want you around to continue to see how wrong you are, even your political choices are fucked up.

You'll never push me over the edge. Knowing what's in my heart and mind Trumps (pun not intended) anything what others think about me. I am an imperfect human being like the rest of us. (please don't ask for an us definition). If my political choice turns out to be "fucked up" then so be it. It is what it is. And believe me I won't go anywhere if Trump loses. Because it's going to be the biggest ******* show in history. If I am wrong I will without hesitation admit it.

What is it with you and women politicians? - I have zero problem with women politicians. IMO Harris is a phony and she has done many of the same things politicians do. If Condoleezza Rice was running I'd vote for her in a second over Trump. Same for Candace ( I know she's not a politician). Hillary was/is a disgrace to your party. I don't understand why if a person has a view of a specific person then the liberal mind seems to think that encompasses everyone. Harris is an accomplished intelligent politician but she is as sleezy as the rest.

Why do you hate so much? - Again you don't know me. I am the furthest from a hater. My wife and I would correct our ******* whenever they said the word. Unless I'm talking about the weather or some other mundane topic that word rarely comes out of my mouth. I don't have room for hate!

Why are you so angry with people? - I am not angry at anyone except the haters and those who think they have the right to destroy peoples lives and livelihoods. I'm angry at the hypocrisy of the left.

Why do you hate half of America? That hate word again. Not me!!
Projection bro, you're projecting. Google it, and namaste yourself.
You can afford to be chill no matter the outcome of the election.
I see Trump's America. People who look like me, would be damn fools to be chill about extending this presidency. People who give a damn about the American values, would insane to think they could be chill with more of this.
Being angry, and being fired up are two different things.
You are the one who lashes out a liberals and minorities, though you like fucking them, and them fucking your woman, when you have one. You follow and give support to a white supremacist.
So are you saying that if Trump wins people who look like you will not have an opportunity to succeed in life? People who look like you are depending on a candidate to get out of the rut they're in? I'm sorry dude I'm going to have to say that doesn't say much about people who "look like you"
Projection bro, you're projecting. Google it, and namaste yourself.
You can afford to be chill no matter the outcome of the election.
I see Trump's America. People who look like me, would be damn fools to be chill about extending this presidency. People who give a damn about the American values, would insane to think they could be chill with more of this.
Being angry, and being fired up are two different things.
You are the one who lashes out a liberals and minorities, though you like fucking them, and them fucking your woman, when you have one. You follow and give support to a white supremacist.
You and every other person in this country can make it regardless who is in office. That's what I mean about being chill about the election. And for you to continually disparage my service to this country because I was a successful government employee is just another contradiction. You give me ******* about being paid by the government but yet you want these two clowns in office to do what? I'm goin to guess so the government can "pay" the poor people too damned lazy to get it on their own.
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