Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Well, that's the main point as far as I'm concerned. It's only common sense that if you challenge anything enough times, eventually you get what you want. But at who's expense? Why is a rightfully convicted criminal allowed to continue challenging his conviction UNTIL he finally is proven innocent and released ... when witnesses & evidence is no longer available to properly convict them?
No new evidence or witnesses are brought in to challenge Roe vs Wade ... its just an on-going challenge until those doing the challenging get what they want, then everything regresses back to "day one" of the original challenge and the whole process starts over.
Conservatives initially brought some logic to the abortion challenge ... the fact that a baby's life was being extinguished, and they spared no graphics to that abortion. As liberal as I think I am, I, myself, could not make sense of killing a baby in the womb once it was at the point of growth that it could live outside the womb. So, that basically gave a woman a couple early months to decide whether to extend the life inside her or to terminate it. The "kicking & screaming" fetus thing was and still is BS ... it might happen on an individual basis somewhere, but its not part of the system's "legal process" ... thus, what we have are a bunch of frik'n lawyers (all men) who get involved to create a BS situation that could be simple. And if these old, fat ass men, who insist on terminating Roe vs Wade, would consider the rights of the baby AFTER it enters the world as much as while it occupies the womb, that process would be much simplified again. This has been my argument all along with the conservative challenges to ending a woman's right to choose. So, you ******* a woman to bring a pregnancy to "full term" then toss 'em to the streets to struggle & become a real burden to society, and an automatic reload to the criminals we eventually remove from the streets at the expense of others.
I agree with my wife ... men do NOT belong in this decision making process whatsoever.
I, and my wife, Pam, totally agree with your wife and comments!
My philosophy on this subject matter is simple:
Why do not ask federal agencies to do something about armed militias, like send the army ?
Because we're not Russia, I've been there more than once and have friends who i converse with weekly by e-mail. Here we can protest or question peaceably without fear of armed troops in our streets. You claim i notice to be Russian so i assume you're used to troops controlling not only violence but disagreement or opposing a candidate who's in power. My friends there tell me it's still not safe or smart to say some things to others you don't really know.
These nut job groups have always been around ignored and tolerated. This is the first time a president has openly defended even their violent deeds . My fear is they will push until troops are in our streets. Then it will become policy and we will be just like Russia. The person in power can use them for any reason, even to control the supposedly free election. That has been complained about over the last Russian vote. Troops at poles watching, people fearing they were taking names. Intimidation something you should be familiar with unless your so young you came after all that being a daily thing in all of the Soviet Union. My friends tell me it's better now than before the wall came down but one still has to watch their words.
I did it today but if it becomes war like in Chechnya, how can you prevent terrorists from taking power?

We tend to prefer peaceful solutions. That's why the Feds didn't storm the Federal buildings Cliven Bundy occupied, and why the national guard didn't storm the CHAZ in Seattle.

There have been cases where the Feds were too over-zealous and it resulted in deaths (like Waco, Texas with the Branch Davidians), but just gathering to exercise free speech is generally protected, and those situations are not looked on favorably.

If people are being shot or held hostage, definitely the police and/or national guard will intervene as necessary. But we're not P_utin's Russia and we're not going to gas people or ******* them for assembly.
Oddly enough, giving people tools to exercise free speech unimpeded makes it less likely they feel that they have to resort to violence or terrorist attacks to make their point.
Because we're not Russia, I've been there more than once and have friends who i converse with weekly by e-mail. Here we can protest or question peaceably without fear of armed troops in our streets. You claim i notice to be Russian so i assume you're used to troops controlling not only violence but disagreement or opposing a candidate who's in power. My friends there tell me it's still not safe or smart to say some things to others you don't really know.
These nut job groups have always been around ignored and tolerated. This is the first time a president has openly defended even their violent deeds . My fear is they will push until troops are in our streets. Then it will become policy and we will be just like Russia. The person in power can use them for any reason, even to control the supposedly free election. That has been complained about over the last Russian vote. Troops at poles watching, people fearing they were taking names. Intimidation something you should be familiar with unless your so young you came after all that being a daily thing in all of the Soviet Union. My friends tell me it's better now than before the wall came down but one still has to watch their words.
I never demonstrated in Russia and I did not really know the soviet union, I was referring to armed groups like the terrorists against whom Russia waged all-out war. I was wondering how armed groups do not pose a threat to US security...
looks like the virus just got little stevie….probably one of the biggest pieces of ******* in the white house.....he is the one prepping the pres on immigration for one thing!...…...couldn't happen to a nicer guy
the part most people are forgetting...….the lack of virus care...no stimulus….200.000 plus deaths...even though trump gave it to us...….but it was all made possible by your local republicunts….had he been impeached like he should have been.....someone else could have maybe stopped the trump virus.....signed a stimulus to help the country......nowhere near the deaths trump has given us.....and they continue to turn their heads on all this

may the virus put as many of them on a ventilator as possible
Has anyone given THIS any thought, since Trump is such a "snake in the grass" ....

If you're the #1 man in charge of the country, and your "congress" doesn't make any efforts to require you to stay within the laws/guidance of the constitution, you can make a ton of MONEY just creating volatility to the markets "at will" and investing on the results you cause.
And, of course, if you're Trump, to get that help from congress, you key those special people into knowing WHEN you're going to create that volatility.
Has anyone given THIS any thought, since Trump is such a "snake in the grass" ....

If you're the #1 man in charge of the country, and your "congress" doesn't make any efforts to require you to stay within the laws/guidance of the constitution, you can make a ton of MONEY just creating volatility to the markets "at will" and investing on the results you cause.
And, of course, if you're Trump, to get that help from congress, you key those special people into knowing WHEN you're going to create that volatility.
just more reason he HAS to stay in office
I never demonstrated in Russia and I did not really know the soviet union, I was referring to armed groups like the terrorists against whom Russia waged all-out war. I was wondering how armed groups do not pose a threat to US security...
Ex girlfriend has gone to two protests, and was arrested in St Petersburg and Moscow- both times with her mom. Her mom's idea and sudden passion. This was in August. I think the Russian people, who are of age and lived long under the Soviet Union are more feisty and thirsty than I think I/we give them credit for. I won't even go into the protests over Belarus.
Since Lydia has been on here, I have paid more attention, and have had more conversations with Russians on Russian news. I have not changed, but have become more solid in my position against MrPutin as President. However, the people of Russia seem to recognize this, I just don't think they really believe they can change things.
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